Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 39 - Harvest 3

“This is the gray print?”

Lin Sheng was a little hesitant and didn’t expect surprise to come so easily.

I just don’t know if this thing works.

He quickly flipped through the book and meditated.

The person labeled Anselia recorded that the gray seal would not take long.

Doesn’t it look good now?

Lin Sheng quickly memorized the thoughts, and then turned back to the page where the gray seal was located.

There is a line of small and delicate text under the gray print.

‘Grey Seal: Shelter.

Note: The gray mark of meditation requires extremely high spiritual requirements. Once the first meditation fails, it will lead to serious consequences. ’

“Shelter? Is this gray-printed name?” Lin Sheng was moved.

After reading this book for a long time, he probably knew that each gray seal has different effects.

Different gray seals are inherited by temples in different regions.

Because of this, the Templars in different regions also have different styles of fighting styles due to different traditions.

The gray seal in front of his eyes was the gray seal of the black feather city temple called the sanctuary.

“Try it before you say it, it’s a big deal.” Lin Sheng said nothing, staring decisively at the gray mark.

This time the white card affair greatly stimulated him.

Although there were no further troubles in the follow-up, the white card gang also spurred and sent a message to Russell’s house, saying that it was just a misunderstanding.

But Lin Sheng’s heart was under a fire.

The white card gang is obviously given to Russell’s family, otherwise this desperate gang will never give up.

He needs to be stronger!

For the first time after possessing the ability to dream, he was so pressing for power.

Keep gazing, don’t blink. Only after more than twenty seconds, the first grayprint recording is completed.

Lin Sheng opened his eyes wide and stared at the grey seal motionlessly.

Time passed by.

His eyes were sore. The surface of the eyeball felt a slight tingling and wanted to blink.

But he held back.

Soon, twenty-five seconds of his meditation arrived.

Fearing that he had a problem with his counting, he counted five seconds more to prevent time.

After closing my eyes and resting for a full minute, Lin Sheng opened his eyes again.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that the previous gray seal seemed to take root in his mind, and he could easily recall it whenever he wanted.

Not just simple memories, but even every detail of them is extremely realistic.

“Success once!” Lin Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Recorded in the book, this phenomenon is regarded as the first successful performance of gray printing.

What just puzzled him was that the book records that generally only people with extremely strong wills will succeed once.

Most of them need at least ten or more times to be recorded completely.

He knows his own situation, and although he has some self-control, if he wants to say that his willpower is extremely strong, then he laughs.

“Can it be related to so many memory fragments I absorbed?” Lin Sheng suddenly thought of a question.

Quickly remember the Grey Seal Sanctuary, Lin Sheng closed the book and closed his eyes. The gray seal was really magical in his mind.

As long as his thoughts moved slightly, he immediately appeared in front of him like a photo.

“Great!” He admired.

The church didn’t seem to be in danger anyway, he just kept testing it here.

And that book is very heavy, and there is still a lot of content that he hasn’t read, and he is not in a hurry.

Lin Sheng stood in front of the prayer table and read the other contents.

It is a pity that in addition to the little information in the gray print, the rest are all praises to God.

And the church believes in that the deity, the master of light, is Hill.

I didn’t know how long it was until Lin Sheng felt that his consciousness started to blur. He just realized that it was time to dream.

Closing the book, he went down, first went out and quickly closed the iron fence of the outside yard, then closed the church door. This gives him an extra sense of security.

Finally, sit down and rest on the neat rows of benches.

Consciousness was completely obscured.



A tumbling turn over, Lin Sheng jumped down from the bed.

As soon as he woke up, he was full of expectations.

This time rushing into the city with the idea of ​​dying, I never expected to make a breakthrough.

The gray seal, this magical temple practice system, was really easily obtained by him.

If it wasn’t for time, he had planned to search the church again.

Maybe you can find something good, such as equipment.

At the desk, Lin Sheng calmed down, closed his eyes, and began to recall the gray printed symbols.

To his surprise, the grey-printed rune, which was known to be very difficult and required high spiritual willpower, came to his mind clearly and instantly.

The meditation of the temple is very simple.

It is clear that after the gray-printed runes emerge in the brain, focus on and stare at the rune lines.

Attention then began to move, following the rune all the way to the end.

As long as the movement has been completed once, even a cycle of meditation is successful.

Lin Sheng said nothing and immediately tried.

To his surprise, the rune came to mind was simple. However, focusing and moving along the lines of gaze are not that difficult.

He tried three times in a row before he succeeded.

And after the success, there is nothing special. After completing one cycle, Lin Sheng did not believe in evil and continued to meditate twice more successfully.

Then I felt that my mind was exhausting, and I was upset, and went to bed and went to sleep.

This time, however, he didn’t enter the dream again, only to dawn.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Sheng, carrying his sword alone, left the house early and drove to the clubhouse.

The previous incident made him secretly have another plan.

This time through Russell’s grandfather, the crisis passed, but what about next time? Can’t you always rely on others?

He knows his own affairs, and he who has the ability to dream will embark on an extraordinary road sooner or later. Rather than wait for trouble to come to your door, prepare in advance.

The vehicle drove across the platforms, Lin Sheng turned around once, and soon arrived at the Steelscale Clubhouse.

Get out of the car, he walked quickly into the door.

The girl at the front desk politely nodded and smiled at him.

“Mr. Lin, good morning, came here so early today?”

“Well, some can’t sleep, just come and see. Are they here?” Lin Sheng asked casually.

During these times, he was familiar with the others in the club, and he talked a lot at random.

“Ms. Xia Yin is here, others have not arrived yet. They are here only occasionally when you are away.” The girl at the front desk whispered back.

Lin Sheng nodded. Hurry up the second floor.

Along a practice room, he quickly walked to the only room where the door was opened and turned right into it.

Xia Yin is holding a mobile phone and standing by the window to make a call.

Seeing Lin Sheng enter the door, she looked surprised, slightly surprised, and quickly confessed a few words before hanging up the phone.

“Teacher, why didn’t you come here today?” She wondered.

“Think of one thing, but you have to ask for your consent.” Lin Sheng calmly said.

“what’s up?”

“I plan to open a defensive technology club and hold training courses on self-defense counterattacks.” Lin Sheng calmly said.

“Defense?” Xia Yin blinked,

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