Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 40 - Vague 1

Lin Sheng looked calm, walked to the window, and stood side by side with Xia Yin.

“How do you feel this time?”

The more bland he looked, the more turbulent he became.

People who have lived for two lives have been so desperate that they have been forced to run out of ideas.



He can really fight alone, and there are no problems with four or five people.

But what if there are more than a dozen? How about twenty? Or hundreds of people?

It’s not bad to be able to escape, let alone defeat these people. Not to mention people still have guns.

And he has relatives.

With the power of the white card gang, such a big gang that entangled the entire city, once he started, his relatives and families would be completely affected.

By then, even if he can fight alone, what use is it?

Xia Yin pursed her lips and stared at Lin Sheng.

She didn’t understand what Lin Sheng wanted to say.

She has always admired this Teacher Lin, but this trip is no longer a matter of personal force.

“Teacher, this time has passed … The White Card Gang has promised not to bother us. Let him go over this matter, so far.”

Xia Yin’s voice was a touch of maturity. Perhaps this incident also made her really understand what it is most worth relying on at a critical moment.

Lin Sheng felt this change.

After this accident, all three of his students may have matured.

But what he wanted to see was not this.

“Yes, this time things are settled. By Russell’s grandfather, we are temporarily safe.

But …… next time? If we run into trouble that can’t be solved, should we still go to Russell’s grandfather? “

Lin Sheng calmly said, but there was an inexplicable breath in his tone.

“This is just an accident, and I don’t often encounter it, teacher.” Xia Yin shook her head.

“I just want to try it and rely on our own strength to settle the trouble. Instead of only finding your elders in the future.” Lin Sheng said lightly.

“Our own?” Xia Yin frowned.

“Yes. It doesn’t look at the family or the background, it’s just our own ability.” Lin Sheng nodded.

Xia Yin froze for a while.

This sentence, like the magic sound, kept oscillating back and forth in her brain.

She suddenly remembered that she had grown up, and almost every time she encountered trouble, she relied on the influence of her family to solve it.

Rarely is it solved by one’s own ability.

This has almost become a habit.

It’s not just her, maybe Russell and Madilan, who are in their circle, are used to it.

They rarely think about breaking out of fame by themselves.

Not that you do n’t want to, but it ’s too difficult. No matter what they do, they have the brand on their backs. Many times unconsciously borrow the strength of the home.

“What does the teacher want to do?” Xia Yin said for a while, then slowly.

“First win the competition, then use the fame to open the training class. I am good at combat swordsmanship. Russell can teach melee combat. Madilan is good at management. You are responsible for the procurement channel.”

Lin Sheng arranged according to the strengths of several people.

Xia Yin opened her mouth. She did have a wide network of contacts. She started a business with her family early on. It was really simple to take charge of purchasing.

What she didn’t expect was that Lin Sheng actually gave specific arrangements so quickly.

“But in the city of Huaisha, it is unlikely that there are too many people willing to spend money on training. We are very difficult to handle.” She is not a young boy with a few words and promised to join immediately.

She is very sensible and realistic, and once she talks about business, she will never fool around.

Lin Sheng smiled.

“We only charge a small amount of tuition and teach everyone how to protect themselves. These tuition fees are also used to spend on themselves and improve their diet. This is not the way to make money.”

“Then our profit …” Xia Yin froze.

“For the time being, it is enough to be self-sufficient.” Lin Sheng laughed. “Although Celine is stable, the law and order are not very good.

Moreover, the port city has a large flow of people. As long as the tuition fees are not too high, there are still many people willing to learn. “

“How do we propagate it?” Xia Yin asked again. She seemed to understand something.

“There is no need for publicity, we don’t need to expand too fast. At the beginning, it is OK to have a smaller number.” Lin Sheng didn’t plan to eat a fat man.

He is now taking the college entrance examination immediately, and he has no time to teach too many people. Not to mention trying to meditate on gray marks every day.

After getting the Grey Seal Sanctuary, he meditated several times, but he didn’t see any effect.

Xia Yin was a little unclear about what Lin Sheng thought.

But if it’s small in the beginning, it’s fine.

“I have a wait-and-see attitude. If the teacher wants to do it, the clubhouse can provide a free venue.” She thought about it and responded.

In her opinion, Lin Sheng was obviously affected by the incident of the white card gang.

But power cannot be developed by training a few students.

The trainees are not gangs. They have families and parents. They are young. Who wants to die with you?

Failing to convince Xia Yin, Lin Sheng didn’t mind, he asked Xia Yin to relay the phone to the other two. Shi Shiran sat down in the lounge and drank tea and waited.

Soon, Russell and Madilan hurried as he expected.

The couple rushed to the second floor a few times.

“Teacher, I see this as a matter! Let’s do it together!” Russell shouted first.

“I have long wanted to start my own business! The clubhouse grounds are free to use! I can teach fighting and shooting myself!”

He looked excited, apparently hit by the excitement of Lin Sheng’s proposal.

Madilan was very pragmatic, carefully discussing the details with Xia Yin.

Lin Sheng was sitting in a chair, drinking tea calmly.

Russell’s response was as expected. The core of this proposal is Russell.

He is the largest shareholder of the club, and as long as he agrees, many chores can be easily resolved.

As for the other two, it is best to agree, and it doesn’t matter if they don’t agree.

What surprised him was that after half an hour, Xia Yin and Madilan both agreed to start a training class together.

“Mr. Lin, since we are running classes together, the system must be clearly divided. How to divide shares and shares?” Xia Yin said seriously.

“Also, although the main purpose is not to make profits, at least we can’t lose money ourselves, and these aspects have to be carefully considered,” Madilan agreed.

“Look at the power in these aspects.” Lin Sheng simply said.

“That’s fine.” Xia Yin nodded. “If we run a class, the real core is Teacher Lin’s actual combat ability. As long as this competition can make a name, it will be easy to start later.”

Several people quickly began to draw up arrangements, first to register company trademarks, etc., and then determine the conditions for recruiting students, how to recruit, how much tuition, and teach course arrangements.

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