Nine Rounds Of Reincarnation In Online Games

Chapter 3581

Chapter 3575: Unexpected

The players of the Chinese server alliance have long known that this action will definitely cause greater casualties and consumption, but they can only do so, not only because if the Japanese server alliance is able to tame enough [Bloodthirsty Lion] It is possible that the situation between the two parties will be reversed and it will be difficult to suppress the enemy alliance. In addition, after occupying the place where the [Bloodthirsty Lion] is refreshed, the Chinese subordinate alliance will be able to occupy here and then tame the mount.

Many gangs and servers that do not have top mounts are looking forward to this, after all, in their hearts this can make up for the lack of top mounts.

But they don’t want to refresh the place where the [Bloodthirsty Lion] detonates and cannot tame the mount. This undoubtedly disappoints them, including the people in the Misty Pavilion such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. Although they have the [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander], they are breaking the waves and riding the wind. They naturally hope that the more top mounts they can tamed, the better, and it is precisely because of this that Feixue in June mentioned that the place to refresh the [Bloodthirsty Lion] may be repaired.

If this is the case, then the Japanese server alliance is likely to find ways to seize this place. This also means that the Chinese server alliance can use the occupied gang sites to make some articles-use these to cause casualties and damage to the Japanese server alliance as much as possible. Consumption, of course, it would be better to tame [Bloodthirsty Lion].

Think about it, right now, Yeluo and the others have already occupied 4 gang sites, and it doesn’t take much time to capture the other 4 gangs at this time. At that time, the positions of the two sides can be reversed. I believe that the Japanese server alliance will take over. The consumption and casualties here will be greater than this time for the Chinese server alliance, and even they will never be able to attack.

Of course, this was only what everyone expected, but Ye Luo was very sure that the people of the enemy alliance would not continue to tame [Bloodthirsty Lion].

“Why can they be repaired and they won’t continue to tame [Bloodthirsty Lion]?” June Feixue asked in confusion.

“It’s very simple. We have already occupied 4 of the 8 gang sites here. It is only a matter of time before our current strength wants to occupy the other 4 sites. That is to say, we can occupy all the gang sites here.” Samadhi Poetry explained on behalf of them. Seeing June Feixue and their stunned expressions, she touched her head lightly: “It seems that you also understand. That’s right, when the time comes, the people of the enemy alliance want to tame [Bloodthirsty. Lion] We’re going to attack the gang resident here. With their strength, I’m afraid that there will be no chance. After all, our strength is stronger than them, and if we have the advantage of the gang resident, they won’t have any chance at all.”

“Well, this is true.” June Feixue nodded: “Our strength is stronger than that of the enemy alliance. This can be seen by the fact that the enemy alliance has so many advantages that we still occupy half of the gang station. In the future, the situation will reverse in the future. We have the advantage of the gang resident and the eight-winged fallen angel NPC. Hey, they really have no chance to capture here, even if they can mobilize more players than us.”

“But what if we can tame [Bloodthirsty Lion]?” Zhiyue asked back, after a short pause, she continued: “And once this is repaired, it means we can always tame [Bloodthirsty Lion], so our The advantage will get bigger and bigger, and they will have no chance to fight us. For this alone, they will attack here at all costs.”

“Attacking here will cause great casualties and consumption of the enemy alliance, and even after this battle, we have the strength to forcibly occupy their level 5 gang resident and even destroy their imperial city. You feel that they will fight hard. Is such a dangerous attack here?” Samadhi asked, seeing Zhiyue silently, she continued: “As for our tame [Bloodthirsty Lion], it will continue to increase our advantage, which is not unacceptable for the enemy alliance. After all, we originally had an advantage over them on top mounts, even now.”

“In this case, it doesn’t matter if our advantage continues to expand. Anyway, for them, continuing to do this is just being suppressed by us, but the delay is longer than directly attacking here.” Samadhi Shi added.

“Yes, Tokyo Mythology is so smart and they naturally know which choice to make.” Midnight Shu nodded, and then his tone changed: “What’s more, it is difficult to conquer here even if they attack the city with all their strength at present, since So, even if they are helpless, they can only accept it. It’s better than trying hard to further cause their alliance to collapse soon.”

“Of course, if I didn’t guess wrong, since they destroyed the place where the [Bloodthirsty Lion] was refreshed, it means that it is difficult to repair here, otherwise they will fight for even greater losses before us.” Midnight Book Added.

“Oh, it’s very possible.” June Feixue nodded, and then she looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: “Then our action this time did not gain any benefits? It consumes so much but there is almost no gain, we It’s too bad.”

“Isn’t it occupied two gang sites, it can be regarded as making up for the loss a little.” Po Lang Chengfeng smiled, and she continued after a short pause: “Moreover, even if we know that refreshing the place where [Bloodthirsty Lion] will be destroyed, we will only If you can do this, you can’t keep people from the enemy alliance tame the top mounts.”

“That’s true.” June Feixue nodded, and everyone else agreed, but they were still a little disappointed because they couldn’t tame [Bloodthirsty Lion].

“In fact, it seems that everyone can’t continue to tame [Bloodthirsty Lion] here is good news for us.” Ye Luo said, seeing the puzzled look of the waves and the wind and others, he continued: “Because we are misty pavilion. Already have [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander], and as long as you collect materials to refine [Dragon Soul Pill], you can always get such a mount. All the cavalry in our Misty Pavilion will be made into [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] Cavalry It’s just a matter of time, so we don’t need to tame [Bloodthirsty Lion].”

“But if you can tame [Bloodthirsty Lion], then other gangs can also tame mounts, naturally including the Ouyang Family, Dongfang Family and other gangs, and their cavalry is far more than us. If their cavalry becomes [Additional] Blood Mad Lion], then we will not only have no advantage against them in the future, but will have even greater disadvantages, which is extremely detrimental to us.” Ye Luo added.

“That’s right.” Sitting on Qin Xin took the stubborn words: “Even if we join us in Yixiaolou and we deliberately recruit knights and other professions, our Misty Pavilion has only 2 million cavalry, and the Eastern Family, Yeyu Family and other gangs We have more cavalry than us. If their mounts become [Bloodthirsty Lion], their superiority on top mounts will far exceed ours, and it will be more difficult for us to suppress them in the future.”

“Now that’s good, everyone can’t tame [Bloodthirsty Lion], and we can refine [Dragon Soul Pill] and then obtain [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander], so our advantage on top mounts will increase. The bigger is, after the national war is over, we will have a greater advantage against the Eastern Family and other gangs, and it will be easier to suppress or even defeat them.” Sitting on Qin Xin added.

After listening to Ye Luo and their explanations, Po Lang Chengfeng and others finally understood. For a while, the disappointment in their hearts was wiped out, and they even began to rejoice that the people from the alliance will refresh the place of [Bloodthirsty Lion] to detonate. NS.

“That’s right, that’s right, the people in the Yeyu family and other gangs should be more disappointed than us at this time.” Breaking the waves and riding the wind again and again, when she said these, a thick smile appeared on her pretty face: “If not At that time, they also sent someone to lock us in to teleport and personally saw the detonation of the place where the [Bloodthirsty Lion] was refreshed. They were afraid that they had mistakenly thought that we had destroyed it.”

“At this time, Dongfang Star, Ye Yu Fei Fei and their faces are really ugly.” Othello said while looking at Dongfang Star and others, then she turned to look at the fireworks and it was easy to get cold: “Of course, this is worse than the previous fireworks. It is not unreasonable to threaten them by name and surname. After all, everyone knows that they are talking about them.”

“That’s right, that’s right, I’m relieved when I mention this, and I finally slapped them once.” Po Lang said in a hurry, “I was in a good mood at the time.”

“The firework is to vent your anger, otherwise she doesn’t need to say that. After all, it doesn’t make much sense to say those words at that time. On the contrary, it will cause misunderstanding by people in the game department.” Samadhi poetry said, a little bit. Pause: “Especially in the future we should not follow collective actions anymore, so there is no need to say that. These are all to vent your anger to Sister Feng.”

“That’s true if you think about it, fireworks, you have your heart.” The waves and the wind were very grateful, preventing the fireworks from being cold, and she continued: “But even if they frustrate them and cause misunderstandings, it’s okay, anyway. Xiao Shi said that in the future, we will hardly have any chance to join forces with the large forces, not to mention our strength in the future will be so strong that we don’t have to worry about being put on shoes.”

“Well, that’s true.” Yue Feixue said, her solemn expression eased as she said this.

“Sister Fireworks, this action can be regarded as over, what are we going to do next?” Zhiyue suddenly asked curiously, while she said she looked at the surrounding gang sites: “Should we go smoothly? Occupy the remaining 4 gang sites, hey, no accident can no longer tame [Bloodthirsty Lion] After the enemy alliance people will no longer focus on defense, we continue to use elite small pairs of consumption is very easy It can be occupied. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. Occupying 4 gang sites can also get very good system rewards, so it can be regarded as a slight compensation for this time.”

“Yes, that’s right.” Po Lang said in a hurry, and after her, June Feixue and others also agreed.

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