Nine Rounds Of Reincarnation In Online Games

Chapter 3582

Chapter 3576: Going forward

The main purpose of this action is to prevent players from the Japanese server alliance from taming [Bloodthirsty Lion]. Obviously, this goal has been achieved. This matter has come to an end. In June, Feixue, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, they began to fight the remaining gang resident. The idea of ​​—— the Chinese service party alliance occupied 4 gang sites this time, and 4 of them were not occupied.

Although it is only a Level 3 gang station, as Zhiyue said, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. Moreover, the system rewards that can be obtained by adding up to 4 gang stations are also very good, which can more or less make up for the consumption of this siege. .

The most important thing is that in June Feixue, in their hearts, since the people of the Japanese subjugation alliance cannot continue to tame the [Bloodthirsty Lion], they will no longer deploy heavy defenses here, which means that Ye Luo and the others want to fight It will be easier to occupy the remaining 4 gang sites.

I thought Firework Yi Leng would readily agree, but didn’t want her to ponder for a moment and then say: “It depends on the situation. If the defensive force of the enemy alliance stayed here is not strong, it would not be a big deal to occupy these gangs. ”

“But if their defensive strength is still strong, forget it. After all, the rewards for just a Level 3 gang resident are too small, and it’s not worthwhile to waste too much time here.” Yi Leng Yan Yan added.

“Yes, according to the previous look, it will take two or three hours to occupy a gang resident. This time is too long. With so much time to hunt high-ranking bosses, the harvest is greater than that of occupying the gang resident. Even for so long, we You can also complete the [Degenerate Beast] in the nightmare mode, and the reward will be more abundant than occupying the gang’s resident.” Samadhi said, after a short meal, her tone changed: “Of course, if the defensive strength here is very weak, it will be different. Now, as the fireworks said, we can easily occupy this place.”

“Oh, this is true.” June Feixue nodded, thinking of something, her tone changed: “What’s more, as Sister Feng said, it is completely possible for the people of the US server to build it into a level 4 or even a level 5 gang resident. Occupying this place, the reward is much richer than the level 3 gang resident, and our strength is even stronger, especially after Uncle Ye Luo’s level 360, wanting to occupy this place is just a handy thing.”

“No, the players of the US server should not continue to build these gang sites.” Samadhi said, although it is a guess, but her tone is quite sure: “Because there will be no more [Bloodthirsty Lion] here. Therefore, there is no need for them to build a gang resident here anymore. After all, it takes a long time to build a gang resident to level 4 or even 5. ”

That’s right, it’s easy to upgrade the gang resident to level 3, and it only takes a few days, but it will take a long time to build it into a gang resident of level 4 or even 5, at least half of it is needed. What’s more, there are 4 gang sites here, and it takes too much time and energy to calculate.

At this time, the Japanese server alliance was originally at a disadvantage. It is a little exaggerated to say that it may be defeated at any time and then suppressed. At this time, all they have to do is to improve their strength. Where can they have any energy to build a gang resident? After all, build a gang. Residency is the slowest way to improve strength.

“Oh, that’s true.” June Feixue also thought of this, and then she shook her head: “Forget it, anyway, if we have a chance to take this place easily, we will continue to improve our strength if we don’t have a chance. At this time, it is only a step away from Uncle Ye Luo’s level 360. Hey, the most important thing for us at this time is to let Uncle Ye Luo level up. Tsk tsk, once it reaches level 360, the problem is easy.”

Hearing that, everyone nodded and was about to leave, but they were summoned by the Bacchus Dukang. It was not that there was any task to convey to them, but that they wanted to unify the consumption of both sides in this battle. After all, Knowing these have some basis for estimating how many killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll] are still in the hands of the Japanese server alliance.

Soon the consumption and casualties of the two sides were counted, and after seeing the results, the players of the Chinese server alliance were a bit solemn, because this time the consumption and casualties of the Chinese server alliance were still far greater than the Japanese server alliance.

Yes, although they were mentally prepared for a long time, after seeing the final statistical results, everyone still found that the consumption and casualties were larger than expected-the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassin items consumed by the Chinese server alliance are The enemy’s alliance is more than twice, but fortunately there are slightly fewer casualties, only 10% more than the opponent’s appearance, which is still acceptable.

“Before we attacked the city with all our strength, we had consumed and harassed the gang and even the enemy alliance. How come our consumption was still more than twice that of the enemy alliance?!” Po Lang Chengfeng looked incredible: “This consumes too much, right.”

“No way. After all, the enemy alliance has the advantages of number and gang location, plus they can use a large number of [Eight Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders], so their overall strength is far stronger than ours, so we want to make up for this. I can only use a large number of killer features such as the [Group Blessing Scroll].” Samadhi explained, and after a short pause, she continued: “If it weren’t for the previous consumption of the gang’s resident, I’m afraid our consumption would be even greater. .”

Hearing that, breaking the waves and riding the wind silently, after a long time, she continued: “I also recognize that the consumption is greater. Why do we have more casualties than the local alliance? Obviously we can clean up the battlefield at the end of the battle, which means we can resurrect a lot. Killed players, why do we have 10% more casualties than the enemy alliance?”

“As I said before, the enemy alliance has many advantages. Under these advantages, it is inevitable that we will have casualties.” Sitting on Qin Xin explained: “What’s more, we were charging at full force at the time, which means we will expose our weaknesses. It’s not surprising that there are so many casualties.”

“Fortunately, it is us, not the other party, who cleans the battlefield in the end, otherwise our casualties will increase by 30%, and the casualties of the enemy alliance will be reduced by about 20%, so the casualties between our two sides will be even greater.” Shang Qin Xin added.

Seeing that breaking the waves and riding the wind is still a little unacceptable, Ye Luo said solemnly: “It doesn’t make much sense to entangle these things at this point.”

“I’m not entangled with these, but worried that after such a large consumption and casualties, I am afraid that the time for the end of the national war will be delayed for some time.” Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, thinking of what his face was full of indignation: “Shou The upgrade of city equipment will delay the end of the national war. This time we have such a large consumption and casualties that will further delay the time. Depending on the situation, the national war cannot be resolved within a month.”

“We have also analyzed before. The longer the delay, the greater the advantage for us. Don’t forget that we can keep refining [Dragon Soul Pill] and get more [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander], and so on. After the national war, we will have a greater advantage in other gangs.” Samadhi comforted, and saw that the expression of the wave and the wind eased slightly, she laughed: “Although this time, the time when the national war ends will be Delay for some time, but the time for Ye Luo to reach Rank 360 and Rank 9 will not be delayed much. Once he reaches Rank 360, Rank 9 we will start to attack the gang resident of the enemy alliance. At that time, we will be able to continue. Occupy the gang of the enemy alliance.”

“Yes, that’s right.” Black and White Chess said, her pretty face was full of expectation when she said this: “And because of this action, the other gangs and even the server have consumed a lot of money, and they want to occupy the enemy alliance. It’s more difficult to make up for the gang station of the enemy alliance. At that time, only we can always occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance, and through these we can get a lot of system rewards. There is no problem to make up for the consumption this time. At least in this matter, we It has an advantage over the gangs such as the Eastern Family.”

“That’s really true.” Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, and then she looked at everyone: “So this time, even if one of our alliances has greater consumption and casualties, it is a good thing for us, at least it is right. After the end of the national war, our civil war with other gangs is very beneficial.”

“Generally speaking.” Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then her tone changed: “Of course, the end of the national war is inevitable, and the longer the time, the more chances of accidents will occur, perhaps suddenly. There will be things like refreshing the [Bloodthirsty Lion], and these will still have a lot of impact on the situation.”

“However, for the moment, our alliance has the absolute upper hand, and the advantage of our ethereal pavilion will be great, so we don’t have to but the freshmen, just step by step to improve the strength.” Fireworks Yi Leng added.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all agreed, and even thought that the gangs such as the Eastern Family and the Yeyu Family should be worried that their mood would become better after that.

The situation is just as Ye Luo and the others thought. Ye Yu Fei Fei and the Eastern Stars thought that with this action they could occupy and refresh the place where the [Bloodthirsty Lion] was refreshed, and then they could tame the mount. In their hearts, even the ethereal pavilion could do it. Always tame [Bloodthirsty Lion] But overall it is good for them. After all, the number of cavalry in Misty Pavilion is limited, and their gangs have more cavalry than Misty Pavilion-which means everyone There are enough [Bloodthirsty Lions] Houyeyu family and other gangs will have an advantage over the Misty Pavilion on top mounts.

But after learning that the place where the [Bloodthirsty Lion] was refreshed was destroyed, their plan was shattered, and even if it weren’t for their people to see the detonation from the US server player, they might think it’s a misty pavilion. Of people did this deliberately.

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