Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 1405

Chapter 820 Amino bio panic

Lan Mu watched as hundreds of pieces of Best Metal scattered, and was finally sucked into the Yuanxu together with himself.

These best metals will collapse into information and fall to the bottom step by step. If nothing happens, they will be deleted by zero.

Although he already knew that this was the carrier of the backup dimensional information, it didn’t matter, because there was always a timeline where Best Metal was not destroyed.

Combine the mysterious space he went to and the current situation.

He generally understood the meaning of Best Metal.

Approximately, starting from a certain moment, there is Best Metal in every dimension, and there is a mysterious space to receive it.

Take any dimension as an example, the first dimension that terminates, the information will all be recorded as a point, and it will be backed up on the infinite best metal.

And if the dimension where the mysterious space is also ended, what should we do?

In the same way, all the information is still a point, backed up on a best metal, appearing in all other dimensional mysterious spaces.

Until the end of the dimension, it was backed up again. Even if this backup contains all the previous dimension information plus all information such as Best Metal and Mystery Space, it is the same, any piece of Best Metal can withstand it.

This is an infinite overlap, endless layers.

In the dimension of Lan Mu, he saw with his own eyes that there were already tens of thousands of first-destroyed dimensions backed up in a mysterious space.

And each of the Best Metals corresponds to a final dimensional backup. The backup information contains the mysterious space of a certain dimension plus all the Best Metals.

In the contained Best Metal, there is another whole dimension of all the information. There must be countless best metal in there, just take a piece, and also record another dimension backup information…

To put it bluntly.

The ink dots are recorded on paper, and the entire paper is represented by ink dots, and then recorded on another sheet of paper, and this is represented by a more complex dot, which is recorded again on a piece of paper…

Regardless of the indestructibility of Best Metal, it has unlimited endurance. But if the dimension ends, the best metal created by the dimension information will also end.

However, because other dimensions still exist, the Best Metal inside still has unlimited carrying capacity and can bear the information of an entire dimension.

This is the meaning of the existence of Best Metal, and every dimension needs the most ‘hard’ substance to record the information of other disappeared dimensions.

They are tombstones.

“Is this automatic? Or is there someone doing this kind of thing.”

When Lan Mu saw the King of Kaleidoscope, he suspected it was him.

But later, I didn’t feel like it. Best didn’t seem to have that powerful ability to back up an entire dimension of information.

According to Lan Mu’s knowledge, those who have this ability will only be the substitutes.

“Best, his body has the characteristics of being immortal and I am immortal, and it also has the ability to copy information from creatures. This is already very tricky, but it can still abandon the body and exist in the hearts of others with demon nature…”

“It must not be able to board at will, it must have escaped to the heart of a nearby creature!”

The appearance of Yuanxu greatly shocked the civilization in the m87 nebula.

Unlike the Milky Way, the broadcast communication is extremely relaxed, and the chain of suspicion is suppressed to the minimum here.

As soon as the full-band broadcast of the strip civilization was broadcast, all the five hundred civilizations of the Nebula Council sent investigators to observe the situation of the galaxy where Lan Mu was located in the nearby galaxy.

There is no doubt that the galaxy is gone, and now there is darkness there.

That’s it, it’s just that Lan Mu opened the corner of Yuanxu. If it were the super-large waterfall across the universe that he had seen when he looked up in hell, a small m87 would have been swallowed in an instant.

However, just this corner, which is only 30 million kilometers long, has drained all the matter of a galaxy, including time and space itself. After all, time and space are also matter.

Everything around is rushing towards Yuanxu, because the nearby time and space have disappeared, so the time and space in the distance will be replenished here.

And everything that came over disappeared again. If this continues, the entire m87 nebula will be swallowed, and the black hole will not be able to win this pull, and even the black hole itself will not be able to protect it.

If anyone overlooks the entire nebula, they will find that the black hole is no longer the center of the nebula, but the center becomes the Yuanxu. The entire nebula quickly changed shape, shrinking at the speed of light, and sinking toward the Yuanxu.

“This is basically the situation. No detection method can return useful information. There is no space and time… All the detectors and light waves are gone forever.”

“The speed of light swallows everything in the black realm…is there a low-dimensional space-time?”

“It’s not a low-dimensional space-time! Because space-time itself still exists, light can propagate, and its escape speed is the speed of light. Light will bring out some information. At least we won’t be observing nothing like we are now!”

“Furthermore, the low-dimensional space-time is spreading, but this black domain has caused the entire universe to fall to it.”

“What else can it be? Even time and space are gone!”

m87 All the higher civilizations are very confused. They listened to the words of the strip civilization and came to observe, only to find such a mess.

The nebula they depend on for survival will completely disappear in the near future.

This time may take tens of thousands of years, but the location of the black domain is too close to the white hole of m87, only a hundred light-years away. Once the white hole that is in a state of eruption is also swallowed, many civilizations will usher in extinction. .

m87 is not like the Milky Way, all civilizations in the Milky Way rely on its own stars, at most one galaxy and one galaxy as a settlement. But there is a white hole that is constantly erupting, so that amino creatures can replenish resources anytime and anywhere in space, and can live comfortably in this special space.

Ninety percent of the lives of the entire river system depend on that white hole, and most of the technology and evolution are based on this fact. Once the white hole is gone, it is more terrifying than the earth without the sun, and their science and technology tree will be overthrown almost completely, directly regressing to the once weak era.

They realize at this moment that they are more dependent on special environments than carbon-based organisms.

Although the environment required by carbon-based organisms is harsh, once they are developed, one can be replaced if there is no star, and another can be made if there is no star.

But amino organisms are helpless, their technology can create a black hole, but it is impossible to create a white hole.

The core white hole of m87, the resources and energy ejected every second are equivalent to the sum of the energy consumed by a civilization from its birth to the present. It is impossible for them to create such natural miracles.

Faced with the emergence of Yuanxu, many members of the Nebulas Council urgently approached.

“Strip civilization! This is your territory. What happened? You must disclose the facts to the civilizations of the whole river system!” The civilizations questioned the giant snakes.

“We don’t know what happened, but we can be sure that the carbon-based creature did it! It created this black domain!” The giant snakes personally observed Lan Mu smashing this terrifying thing with a stick.

Civilizations know that the carbon-based creatures in the mouths of giant snakes are the existence of the civilization of the creator that they said before.

When they heard the rhetoric of the giant snakes, they sneered and dismissed it.

The legendary civilization of the creator is incredible, and it changes the universe like a hand, how can it be a carbon-based organism? And still appearing here? It must have been deliberately imitating the Creator to speak, and deceived the giant snakes.

This is the general idea of ​​the m87 advanced civilization, because this kind of thing is equivalent to telling Europeans that God is a black man in the 18th century.

But now, if even this kind of existence that swallows time and space is made by carbon-based organisms, then it is really possible that it is the creator’s civilization.

The Yuanxu is really too terrifying, even time and space have disappeared, which means that theoretically, it can swallow the entire universe and make the universe completely disappear.

The total amount of matter in the universe is constant but now it is getting less and less. What serious consequences this will cause is simply unpredictable.

God is really a black man.

At this point in the matter, the giant snakes did not dare to conceal anything, and described the entire process of the matter one to five to ten.

“Damn! What did you do? You attacked the Creator civilization!”

“The internal fighting between the creator civilizations can also be blended with your strip civilizations! You have caused a disaster for our nebula.”

Suddenly, countless verbal criticisms struck, and the striped civilization became the sinner among amino creatures.

The giant snakes did not refute, but they were dissatisfied in their hearts, because many of the civilizations present discriminated against carbon-based organisms even more than them, but now they are all afterwards.

But what can be done? Now that the end is right in front of us, this pot has to be carried…

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