Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 1406

Chapter 821 Return to 0

“Tsk! Shut up!”

The head of the giant snake finally couldn’t bear it anymore, what’s the use of just beating?

It also belongs to one of the giants of m87, and the loud noise finally calmed the noisy scene.

He also deliberately imitated the language of the creator’s civilization, using a sound wave generator to shut up, using Chinese.

It seems that this is the only way to be more powerful and more majestic.

Chongwai mentality is shared by many civilizations. When you encounter a civilization that is too much higher than yourself, everything about that civilization seems to be unconsciously attractive.

In this universe, there is nothing higher than the existence of the Creator’s civilization.

Gee, shut up!

Anyone knows this sentence, but the aura in it is not like it. It has a mere appearance and does not have Lan Mu’s supernatural will.

However, even if it is mere appearance, it is enough to attract various civilizations to imitate. In diplomatic events, if you don’t find a chance to pop up such a Chinese sentence, the diplomats of all civilizations will feel uncomfortable.

This has almost become one of the diplomatic rhetoric of the entire universe.

“This is the crisis of all civilizations, and we must solve this! Not here to find out whose fault it is.”

Seeing that everyone was no longer arguing, the head of the giant snake continued to say that because they couldn’t speak Chinese, they started to use their own communication organs again.

A representative of the spherical civilization said: “This is your mistake. We must communicate with the creator civilization and ask the creator civilization to forgive everyone, and only you will bear this sin!”

Everyone is a mature civilization, and the verbal criticism just now is not really mindless noise.

Instead, everyone agrees to set a layman, unify the tone, and let the anger of the creator find the target, not to vent to the whole river system.

The head of the giant snake knows what everyone thinks, and of course he has to work hard to survive.

So he said: “What we should consider now is how to establish communication with the Creator’s civilization!”

Regarding the issue of communication, there are almost no obstacles in the m87 nebula. The difficulty conditions of the whole river system broadcast here are too low, and all amino organisms have a unique communication system. In addition, they are huge and wander around. Interstellar, there is no question of the chain of suspicion of the early civilizations of the galaxy.

But now, to communicate with a super god-level carbon-based creature has become the biggest problem.

“In the beginning, you could communicate. You didn’t seize the opportunity. Now that it has become a black domain, how can you communicate? All communications will disappear when you enter it!”

“Yes, we have mobilized our power to search everywhere for carbon-based creatures, but we haven’t found any traces of carbon-based organisms in the vicinity for hundreds of light years. Maybe the creator civilization has already left…”

“If they have left… then we are all over!”

At this point, everyone is very pessimistic.

In their imagination, the situation is roughly like this.

The three members of the Creator’s civilization happened to have an infighting here, so two of them started a super-high energy battle.

According to the giant snake, a carbon-based creature was killed at that time, and the infighting was over, but the giant snakes attacked an existence that had not been shot.

The existence that didn’t make a move would make the whole Nebula unlucky once it made a move.

Moreover, according to the existing findings, if the black domain is not recovered and closed, the entire universe will be unlucky. It is a super-terror weapon that eliminates the total amount of matter in the universe and makes time and space disappear.

This is the root of the entire universe!

“It’s too cruel! It’s worthy of a super **** civilization, and it will return to the zero universe as soon as it shoots…”

“Stupid strip civilization! The one who returned to zero was probably the strongest of the three. He did not interfere in the battle of the other two carbon-based creatures, but was watching the battle, indicating that he was the transcendent of the Creator’s civilization. class.”

“This kind of existence, the pattern is too high, so this return to zero is probably just a regular attack for him, or in their culture, destroying a civilization, even the entire river system. A choice as it should be.”

Today, the things of the Creator’s civilization are the biggest things.

Everyone is not low in science and technology, and immediately began to frantically construct the possible social structure of the Creator’s civilization and guess the logical model of carbon-based organisms.

Among them, the flat civilization is the authority. They have kept many carbon-based organisms in captivity. Soon, they imitated and established the cosmic social model of carbon-based organisms.

Experts of flat civilization said: “The birth of carbon-based organisms must depend on the planet, which makes their civilization must be in the early stage of the development of the planet. Then the early war between carbon-based organisms and different civilizations is likely to directly destroy the environment. As a means.”

“For example, if a carbon-based civilization is still in a planet, then destroying the planet is equivalent to exterminating them. If it is out of the planet but still in the star system, then directly destroying the star system is also equivalent to exterminating them. In other words, when the technology reaches a certain level, the carbon-based civilization will directly destroy the entire river system for war! As long as they can escape from the river system, but the enemy cannot… Then this is the best means of war.”

Speaking of this, all amino civilizations are dumbfounded.

Carbon-based creatures are too cruel. The greater the range of the enemy’s activities, the greater the range of destruction.

It’s no wonder that after being attacked, the zero returner did not immediately kill the attacker, but regarded this as a declaration of war, leaving a black domain that destroys time and space.

The technological strength of the creator civilization is undoubtedly the strongest in the universe, so if they are carbon-based creatures, according to the carbon-based biological war psychology simulated by the flat civilization…

“Because I attacked him… so he is going to destroy the universe?” The giant snake leader said dumbfounded, which is simply unimaginable.

“There is nothing impossible. With their technical strength, their war theory is beyond our imagination…” Flat Civilization said.

The civilizations are even more desperate, and the gap between them and the creator civilization is indeed unimaginable.

People were attacked, not because of super-high-energy weapon bombing, not because of a confrontation between powerful weapons, but just throwing a hole to zero if they didn’t agree with each other.

communicate with? People can return to the zero universe at every turn, and they also exchanged a ghost!

This is the ignorance caused by the gap between civilizations, a kind of indifference that makes amino creatures feel extremely cold.

“There is still a chance! We can’t do nothing!”

“We must do all we can to transmit information to every inch of the entire river system, and even broadcast to the entire universe!”

“It’s useless. Our cosmic broadcast cannot be transmitted to other river systems. This is an insurmountable scale.”

“No! That’s better than doing nothing! With the ability of the Creator’s civilization, it should be acceptable. Maybe they know everything we do in our own river system.”

Soon, the amino creatures were madly sending all kinds of communications, allowing it to flood the entire nebula, continuously increasing the wave strength to increase recognition, and also packaged the different languages ​​of all civilizations of the council to facilitate the translation of the creator’s civilization.

The rhetoric is low-pitched and humble to the extreme. Those who only ask for zero can hear their apologies, and those who only ask for zero can repay their plea.

I just want to quickly close the zero hole and kill them, where is such a high-end weapon?

Because the broadcast intensity was too great, all the higher civilizations worked hard together, resulting in many lower civilizations also receiving it, and even many silicon-based primitive civilizations that did not step into space can receive apology statements echoing everywhere in the nebula. Statement of surrender…

These statements were quickly received by Lan Mu.

At this time, Lan Mu returned from the bottom of the abyss with the fastest speed, and then rushed from the abyss to m87.

He also discovered the Nebula Council, which had already arrived near the battlefield, so when it appeared in Yuanxu, it was the closest biological gathering place Best’s magic mind must have been lodged there. Inside an alien creature over there.

“Did the chain of suspicion break out? It turned out to have so many reveries for me, but it’s good for me…”

I saw him moving towards the council at the speed of light.

Lan Mu was not afraid that Best ran away, or would never be able to escape.

Because he knew that whether it was Joshua’s memory that made him hate him, or the greed of the demon nature, Best drove him to fight.

It was Lan Mu, not Best, who had been avoiding the battle. That guy was anxious to fight Lan Mu with all his strength.

Therefore, Best must still be there, waiting for him, Lan Mu.

Of course, this is also due to the misleading of Joshua’s memory. In the dark Joshua’s heart, Lan Mu has always been a scourge to mankind and the existence of the earth, so Best will not threaten Lan Mu with the earth.

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