Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 151

Chapter 147 Escape the Lost Island

Best Metal is CANC’s best containment prop.

Mind control, indestructible, and safe and harmless.

This is simply one of the best containment objects given to mankind by the heavens. It is also the containment object obtained by CANC in the early days. It is with it that it has developed and grown step by step, **** to contain more anomalous things.

However, its control threshold is extremely high, and those who can use it are unique in existence.

For Adams and other human beings, Best Metal’s maximum control distance is 15 meters.

The average Ultra Mobile Suit is only five to eight meters long.

This is already very powerful, and the effective range of firearms used by many police officers is only less than ten meters.

However, facing the sun frog, the blazing flame range reaches tens of meters, and the high temperature barbecues a creature that is 100 meters.

Best Metal is not that useful anymore, Adams desperately tried to trap the sun frog, but ultimately ended in failure.

Unless there is a person in this world who uses Best Metal to reach the level of hundreds of meters.

Lan Mu happens to be…

“My soul is far stronger than humans, and this Best Metal is the most suitable weapon for me!”

“Things they can’t do…I can!”

Seeing Lan Mu’s heart move, Best Metal turned into a pot-like cover and flew directly to the sun frog.

The flying speed is not very fast, but it is also enough to make it difficult for the sun frog to avoid it.

“That is our best metal!”

The people who watched the battle with instruments in the building exclaimed that the super mobile suits looked complicated and could only watch the dragon use their treasure to contain the sun frog.

“It is absolutely wise! It has already thought of using Best Metal.”

“Look! Best Metal has been out of the body two hundred meters!”

“Still flying! This kind of manipulation distance is enough to contain the sun frog!”

The sun frog swims unconsciously, the flames are raging, but it ignores the fast approaching ‘pot lid’.

Best Metal screamed to cover it, quickly deformed, and directly wrapped the sun frog to form a sphere.

Although there are still flames, the high heat escapes, and the sea water boils and vaporizes after evaporation.

But Lan Mu smiled. He easily captured the sun frog.

“It really succeeded! Isn’t this the containment ball!”

“A containment ball of forty kilograms of best metal…too extravagant!”

The super mobile suits were delighted and depressed. The use of Best Metal by a containment object to solve the crisis does not seem to be worth their joy.

Lan Muyou passed by, although he was in the water, he still felt the astonishing heat from the containment ball.

The last best metal used by Adams floated beside Lan Mu. Counting this, Lan Mu has nine pieces of Best Metal.

“What about this thing now?”

“Should I leave a copy of Best Metal here?”

“Well, let’s get the alien energy first!”

Lan Mu allowed the sea to flood the island, and he meandered towards the center of the island.

With Best Metal, he doesn’t need to wait for the next time. Just take the oak tree away!

On the road, his mental power found another piece of Best Metal. After recalling it, when the Sun Frog vaporized the helicopter, it seemed that a super mobile suit was sacrificed, leaving such a piece.

“Ten yuan! Fifty kilograms in total!”

“Huh? Since it is indestructible, it means the density is so great! Why is it so light?”

Lan Mu was puzzled, but in the end it could only be attributed to the peculiarities of the contents.

Anyway, every container in the world is unscientific, even if Best Metal is so perfect and harmless, it still exists unscientific after all.

The center of the island. Barren land.

About one kilometer away from the barren mountain, Lan Mu immediately stopped.

He didn’t dare to approach, and the contents were arrogant. If it were killed by a spike, it would be too wrong.

“Just try my control limit!”

Thinking like this, Lan Mu stripped nine pieces of Best Metal from the containment ball.

He made it very carefully, always keeping a piece of the sun frog wrapped around it.

Relying on his super high mental power, he manipulated them more delicately than Adams, and sealed the sun frog perfectly, so that no heat could leak out.

“This should be absolute isolation, right?”

After finishing the sun frog thoroughly. The remaining Best was metalized into a huge pickaxe, and Yukong flew towards the oak tree.

After a short while, the pickaxe crossed a distance of one kilometer and hit the barren mountain.

Many gravel splashes. Lan Mu breathed a sigh of relief, which showed that although the barren mountain was a containment object, it was not indestructible.

“Clang clang clang!”

Lan Mu controlled a pickaxe and hit the stone, trying to dig out the oak tree by its roots.

Chaotic rocks splashed and crackled.

After digging for about 20 minutes, Lan Mu found that the oak tree was extremely deep-rooted, and quickly split the pickaxe. Turned into many small chisels and small shovels.

After another ping pong, the barren hills were dug incompletely, and a lot of rocks were scattered on the ground.

As long as there are no creatures within one kilometer, this mountain is just like an ordinary mountain, letting Lan Mu destroy it.


“Dr. Kenner, that dragon is destroying the Eye of Obliteration!”

“Shall we stop it?”

“It seems to be taking away that tree! Why?”

The people trapped in the building communicated through instruments.

We know that barren mountains can destroy them, but in such an anomalous zone, isolation is equivalent to natural containment. Coupled with the characteristics of the obliterating eye, it has a miraculous effect to obliterate some abnormal creatures, so they always keep it here.

As for the oak tree, as the only creature in the barren zone, they had thought that the magic of Eden Water came from that tree, but this conjecture is still under study and has not been confirmed.

A tree that they didn’t know if it was useful, but attracted a dragon to get it with great pains.

They have realized that the dragon seems to have suddenly entered the Lost Island because of this tree.

The water dragon drank the Eden River and wanted to take the oak tree away. Think about it and know that the unknown energy in the Eden River comes from that tree.

“That energy is very useful for Jiaolong, right?”

“There are still some weapon systems that can be used… harass it and delay it, right?”

Everyone is busy, they can’t do nothing. Although the dragon helped them solve the sun frog, the containment object is the containment object and must be controlled!

“When will the headquarter support arrive?”

“Probably… a few minutes left?”


“It’s done!”

An entire oak tree was uprooted by Lan Mu, and Best was metalized into two big hands, holding the oak tree and returning to Lan Mu’s side.

“Boom boom boom!”

It’s a missile again, this time it’s not just bombing him. Also bombed oak trees.

“Is it annoying!”

Lan Mu would rather be injured by the bomb, and he also controlled Best Metal to protect the oak tree intact.

He was angry that the group of people attacked him at this time, but the original position was opposite, and there was nothing to say. He is now on the oak tree.

Best Metal is protected, and the missile is helpless, but the powerful explosive impact keeps the Best Metal from flying back.

Lan Mu exquisitely controlled the Best Metal to intercept in advance, and his mental power cooperated with the power of thought. This is no disadvantage!

approached with the oak tree. The reaction of the life ball became more obvious.

When he bit the oak tree, the life ball spins frantically, absorbing alien energy.

“What a huge amount!”

Lan Mu was overjoyed, but at this moment, a red object flew up from the sky, flying through the sky at a very fast speed.

“what is that?”

Lan Mu just noticed that he instinctively felt the huge crisis, and he didn’t care much about it, so he immediately blocked it with Best Metal.

At the moment, the red substance hit the best metal. Create a horrible impetus.

Best Metal was recoiled by the impact, brushing Lan Mu’s body, taking away a large piece of flesh and blood, black scales, and hitting the ground with a loud noise.


The dust rose up, and Best Metal smashed a huge hole in the ground, tumbling constantly, and fell hundreds of meters away.


Lan Mu was injured only after being affected, and only then did he see what hurt him.

A solid iron bullet.

This is an iron bullet that is launched at a super high speed, and its powerful potential is the source of its power.

“Is it support? What a big plane!”

Lan Mu saw a huge fighter jet hurriedly flying in the distance. With a roar in the sky, it looks bigger than any passenger plane in the world.

“There is no time to absorb the energy slowly, let’s withdraw first!”


Lan Mu hurriedly swallowed the entire oak tree, his body is huge. It doesn’t even feel uncomfortable to swallow.

“come back!”

Best Metal as you wish, whizzing and flying back.

Lan Mu rushed towards the sea before the enemy arrived.

Half of the island was submerged by sea water, and he got into it and escaped quickly.

As long as he floods the dragon into the sea, this vast Pacific Ocean is his perfect hiding place.

“Huh, since there is support. I will give this frog back to you!”

Lan Mu was injured and exercised vigorously in the sea again, with fire in his heart, and his mind controlled the containment ball to fly high in the sky.

“Cut, you have a kind of containment by yourself!”

The sun frog was thrown out, and Best was metalized into a fusiform, which was submerged in the sea and was taken back by Lan Mu.

The blazing firelight reappeared, and large groups of white gas rose, and the sea water was boiled in the blink of an eye.

Lan Mu swam quickly and escaped from the Lost Island.


The sun frog on the Lost Island was thrown into the air and was falling.

Most of the seawater washed ashore was evaporated, and a small part returned to the sea at low tide.

However, the sun frog did not last long. As soon as it saw the sky again, the huge plane decisively launched a strange ground bomb.

The bomb exploded under the sun frog, spraying a gas vertically, rushing the sun frog into the sky.

Then the plane stopped precisely below it, as if it had calculated its falling position, and opened a best metal hemisphere on it.

The sun frog falls in and closes, everything is accurate.

Although the alloy material of this aircraft has top heat and pressure resistance, it still cannot withstand the abnormal high temperature of the sun frog.

I saw that the plane flew to the deserted area when the outer wall was only damaged by a few percent.

A projectile, the containment ball and the sun frog fell into the front of the barren mountain.

A pair of dark and hollow eyes appeared on the mountain out of thin air, and Best Metal was dead, and there were no signs of life inside.

“β-955 has been destroyed and the containment ball recovered.”

The plane took back the Best Metal and rose directly to the sky, seeming to be leaving. Before leaving, it sent a message to the containment base that had been exposed to the sea The dragon-shaped containment item had escaped, the information has been included, number β-968. ”

“The rescue ship arrived within 40 minutes and ordered the E3 ultra-mobile team to return to the headquarters after the lost island is rebuilt.”

After sending this message, the plane instantly cut through the sky, broke through the clouds and disappeared into view.

“They just left?” asked a researcher who didn’t seem to know the origin of the plane.

Dr. Kenner said slowly: “This is one of the forces defending the Great Deep Sea Prison, Storm Fortress. Compared with the Lost Island, the Great Deep Sea Prison is hundreds of times more important. They must never leave their posts without permission. Four hours.”

The containment base fell into calm, and the crisis had been resolved, but the members of the Ultra Mobile Team were ashamed.

The entire Lost Island has been shattered, and the giant beasts have become extinct.

Restoration and reconstruction work will be carried out for a long time in the future.

These are not difficult. With the human and material resources of the organization, the reconstruction work will take less than a month.

But losing a lot of Best Metal is a great sin for a super mobile team.

returned to the headquarters, waiting for them will be the trial.

[p.s: Recommend a book, “Great God Concentration Camp”, very funny, it is a rare comic book of conscience, I am chasing it, this book is about to make people laugh to death. Absolutely recommended by conscience! 】(To be continued.)

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