Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 152

Chapter 148 Big monster

Lan Mu did not go to Bai Ze, and did not return directly to Shadow Island just in case.

He had a potential of about 500 meters deep into the sea, and after swimming all the way north, he didn’t know how many kilometers, and finally stopped weakly.

“Successful once!”

“I got ten pieces of best metal!”

Although Lan Mu was injured, he was very happy.

originally thought how strong the super mobile team would be, but after this battle, he learned the fatal weakness of the opponent.

It is said that every member of the Ultra Mobile Team has Best Metal. In this way, they are equivalent to always having a handle in front of Lan Mu.

To meet the Super Mobile Suit in the future, Lan Mu had a thought that the metal plate that originally protected his chest might turn into a long sword to pierce his chest.


Lan Muhu ate the sea and drank, rose slightly, and stopped at about 100 meters.

“There is no chasing soldiers…hehe, even if there is, it will never be possible to find me in the sea.”

Lan Mu closed his eyes and floated in the sea to rest.

The oak tree was swallowed by him, and the life ball automatically absorbed energy. After calculating the time, it was about four days.

Lan Mu decided to wait until the energy replenished before saying anything else.

All night of high-intensity fighting, coupled with a huge tsunami, he was very tired. The laziness of cold-blooded animals came up, and they didn’t even bother to move.

Sun rises and sunsets, four days are fleeting.

At noon this day, he was 100 meters below the sea, where he could barely get a little sun.

Six large whaling ships came to the nearby waters unknowingly and happened to be chasing a blue whale.

The whaling ship was obviously flying the flag of Japan and the country. There were more than fifty crew members on the six ships. They shouted excitedly, and continued to accelerate the pursuit of a large float. Under the float, a whaling javelin was inserted into a blue whale. At the upper end of the tail, it won’t be long before the whale-traveling boat will be able to kill it.

The whaling industry has existed since ancient times, and with the improvement of technology, the annual catch and kill volume is increasing.

The whaling industry declined at the end of the 19th century due to the discovery of oil and excessive killing. In the 20th century, people discovered new uses for whale products, so the whaling industry was revitalized, but the whale population was in danger of extinction.

Trace back. The commercial whaling in Rihe has a history of more than 400 years, and it is currently the world’s largest whaling and whaling country. In 1986, the international “Convention against Whaling” came into effect, and the member countries of the Whaling Commission announced that they would abandon commercial whaling, including Japan and Japan. However, since 1987, Japan and Japan began to circumvent international conventions under the banner of “scientific research”. The large-scale whaling has restarted.

Although there are green environmental protection and peace organizations that are protesting and preventing the whaling of Nihwa in various ways, the whaling of Nihwa has never stopped.

“Catch up!”

Not far in front of the whaling fleet was a blue whale that was wounded and fleeing, one person ordered.

“Pull up!”

“Puff! Puff!”

Two more shots, a fast-flying javelin inserted into the body of the blue whale.

After being chased for a long time, this blue whale is exhausted and can’t swim anymore at this moment.

The fleet surrounded it, hoisted the blue whale with a machine, and dragged it into a large workboat.

“Papa Papa…”

They laughed and applauded, and encouraged each other to collaborate in a team. This is an excellent whaling operation.

A refining furnace was installed on the whaling ship. It enables whalers to extract precious whale blubber into oil at sea, and store the whale oil in barrels without having to drag the captured whales back to shore for processing. With such processing capabilities, whaling ships usually have the ability to stay at sea for a long time.

The fleet stayed in the waters and quickly and swiftly began to process the blue whales.

Sano Shinki is the captain of this fleet and an official of the Mitsui Marine Group. This whaling operation was carried out in the name of scientific research.

They originally planned to go to the Antarctic region for whaling, but when passing by the nearby waters, they found a huge tsunami in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Many types of whales appear nearby, and they are naturally unwilling to stay close and seek further distance. Directly ignoring the ban, whaling began here.

He was watching his men deal with whale oil, and suddenly one person ran up to report to him in a panic.

“Director Sano, the underwater sonar found an unknown creature underneath. The body… huge…”

Sano Shinki replied: “Whale?”

“No…much bigger than a blue whale, looks like a sea snake?”

Sonar detectors can roughly see the contours of the creatures on the bottom of the sea. As long as the distance is not too far, and there is little interference, it can basically distinguish the target species, not to mention the target still seems to be still in the sea.

“Sea snake? Don’t worry about it… Wait! What did you say? Bigger than a blue whale?”

Sano Shinki finally paid attention. You know that the blue whale is the largest animal in the world. What sea snake is bigger than the blue whale?

“Really! Minister, come and see!”

They came to the underwater sonar reactor, and it was obvious that they saw a snake-shaped silhouette with half of their body entwined. Even so, it was much larger than the blue whale!

“How long is this?” Sano Shinki said blankly.

his man swallowed his saliva and said, “Preliminary estimate…90 meters long!”


Sano Shinki jumped up excitedly, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, stretched upwards slowly, and finally burst into laughter.

“Such a big sea snake was found in the shallow sea area, this…this is already a sea monster, right?”

“Occasionally, strange sea monster corpses are found all over the world, but so far we have never really found a sea monster. I didn’t expect one to be so close to us! Hahaha!”

“Can you be sure if it is alive or dead?”

his subordinate replied: “I don’t know, it has been static for a long time.”


Sano Shinki ran out of the cabin and shouted at the crew members who were working hard.

“Stop it all! Stop it!”

The crew was unclear, so they all looked at him.

“Start! Two hundred and forty meters away, there is a big sea monster!”

“As long as we can capture it, our group will attract the attention of the world!”

“The group’s research institute will definitely go crazy with our discovery!”

The crew looked at each other, and the whaling was done well. Why did they suddenly catch another sea monster?

Although they go to sea in the name of scientific research, are they really doing scientific research?

This group of people are Japanese and veteran fishermen and sailors. They hunt whaling and dolphins all year round. They have never encountered a big monster for so many years.

“Minister, are you joking? How can there be sea monsters? Could it be a big whale?”

“Maybe it’s squid or something…”

The crew laughed and didn’t care what the sea monster said.

However, Shinki Sano roared: “Just now, the sonar detected a behemoth ninety meters long, one hundred meters below the surface of the sea. This is simply at your fingertips!”

“Now! Now! Go and catch that sea monster!”

“As long as we get it, the international environmental protection organization will no longer stop us from hunting whaling in the name of scientific research…”

“The discovery of the sea monster is our greatest scientific contribution!”

Seeing that the minister’s face was serious, everyone seemed to be true.

“Is there a sea monster?”

“Si Kuo Yi Na! Ninety meters!”

“Are we going to catch monsters?”

Sano Shinki has always been very prestigious in the company. At first he thought he was joking, but when he heard that he was so serious, he immediately believed.

Soon, six ships rushed to the target in a rush.

“Minister, it’s a hundred meters directly below.”

“Good! Use a powerful whaling gun!”

With an order, two javelins were shot directly into the sea. However, after about forty meters, they were powerless and could not shoot the sea monster at all.

“The resistance of the sea is so great that the whaling artillery can’t hit that deep place.”

No matter where Shinki Sano was willing to give up like this, he immediately sent people to send more explosives and a box of special shells.

“Add more explosives to the whaling gun, stand by!”

“You guys, bring the steel net into the water, catch it, we will drag it.”

“You bring these concussion bombs, UU reading It is a fishing weapon developed by our group this year. It emits strong infrasound waves on the seabed and destroys the internal organs, blood vessels and brain cells of marine organisms…”

“Attention! You must first make sure that the other party is dead or alive. If it is just a corpse, just use the steel net to fish it out! Don’t destroy the corpse!”

Sano Shinki instructed, so the ten crew members changed into diving suits and brought equipment and weapons, namely one end of the steel mesh and the shock bomb.

“Hey!” They shouted and jumped backwards, submerged in the water.

Ten crew members continued to dive, and a searchlight above their heads shone on the world under the sea.

As the depth of water increases, fifty meters…70 meters…90 meters…

They finally saw the true face of the sea monster.

A huge snake-shaped creature with a length of ninety meters, with black scales distinct.

sturdy body, like a hill in front of them, a fear in the deep sea enveloped them.

“this is…”

They saw a snake head that was bigger than a bus, and its tall patterned unicorn, its huge snake eyes resembled a large icy hole on the dark seabed.

“Uh uh uh…”

The crew was stunned, his body stiffened, and his heartbeat couldn’t help speeding up.

When they actually saw the sea monsters, they were already overwhelmed by fear.

“Dragon?” (To be continued.)

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