Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 116: The Shocked God

“This this… This… Impossible! Such a heart! Strafe! Did you use the Imaginarium Bond to create that?” The Slime God asked.

“No. He did that on his own. Slime God, you claim that I need high-quality herbs, an alchemist, and a powerful Soul Cultivator. If Dyne had done Soul Steal, then he should have a running knowledge of Mortal Alchemy. But his capability as a Soul Cultivator will shock you. He has made a Mortal Heart that will already surpass that of those who have a Severing.”

“Paragon Elemental Spirit Seed! And a Brimstone Heart! Impossible! There has never been such a powerful Spirit Seed!”

“Believe it. That Elemental Spirit Seed can contain 666% more energy than a Standard Elemental Spirit Seed.”

“Six hundred sixty-six? What power! He- How? He doesn’t even have a Force Foundation or a Mind Palace Core! How did he create an Elemental Spirit Seed? What was the core that created that energy?”

“Two Sprites gave Fire and Earth, and I gave him a healthy dose of pure Light energy. We don’t have time. Slime God. What medicines do we need?”

“He already knows of it! He mentioned it earlier! If he has such pure Brimstone, then it's easy to prolong your life! The Soul Reviling Pill is a concentration of dark poison that rampages and attacks the Soul. But with Brimstone, the effects can be limited. You see, that poison is supposed to attack the soul. But since there is a Soul poison in you, then it's possible to direct it towards the Soul. This will cause the Soul Poison to be under constant attack, which will weaken its effects on you.”

“Dyne! Are you confident in making it?” Strafe asked.

“Sort of. I still need to increase my knowledge of alchemy. What Calamitus Slime has is a lot of theoretical knowledge. The book gave me a basic idea of what to do. But I have a feeling that it would be easier to tame the darkness. If I awaken Jedo, then it should be possible.”

“The place began to collapse all the more. The vision around them was growing dimmer.

“Slime God of the Dark. Let’s meet again soon. I am alive! I will try to contact you as soon as I can!”

“I understand. Farewell, Strafe of the Light! May our paths meet once more! It's a pity that my artifact is losing the location.” The Slime God sighed.

The pair waited as the vision around them grew dimmer and dimmer as if the place was becoming a dream world.

And suddenly, it stabilized.

The Slime God and Strafe, and Dyne, and the area around them grew perfectly clear.

“Better! Sorry! There was some static in the way of our uh… call. So I fixed it.” Dyne smiled.

“What the fragment?!” The Slime God and Strafe cursed.

“Oh. So that’s where Strafe got his weird expression.”

“Ho-How?!” Slime God turned to Strafe.

“… It’s his Element! He has Brimstone! The long-distance and the corruption of trying to use your time-space powers to link your soul to Calamitus Slime’s Soul Legacy Artifact became clearer! Without the obstacles, it made your link clearer and stabilized the call!”

The Slime God was silent and began to feel his link.

“What the fragment is this human?! He’s… he’s too amazing!”

“No, it’s not. I have Brimstone. You activated Soul Search, which made me see into this Soul of Calamitus Slime, which is sort of your soul, and you used that as a medium to get me to you in this strange space. I can feel that is a different dimension. I simply used the Brimstone in my Soul to strengthen the link. You are time and space trying to connect two points. I am Brimstone that eradicates time and space. So erm… It’s like I made the reception of the signal better.”

“Reception? Signal?”

“Its terminologies used in the world created by Basileus Basileon. But what he’s saying is that he made it easier for you to find him.”

“Yeah. So it wasn’t a big deal. No need to fret.” Dyne added.

“No need to fret?! You monster! That ability alone is something impossible for Soul Gathering mortals to achieve! Only Soul Master’s could do it!”

“But I only could do it because you started the link.”

“That’s not the point! How can you even use your powers to be in synch with what I did! It’s inconceivable!”

“Well, Duh. I ate that small portion of your Soul, remember? I got a vague idea of what your Soul is, so I use Brimstone to sort of clear out the noises that were getting in the way of our call."

“Slime God. Soul Search him again. Dyne, don’t resist. The easiest way to do this is to make him see everything you’ve seen.”

“Hey! That’s right! Great idea, Strafe! A cheap person like you does have some great ideas from time to time!” Dyne laughed.

“Audacious! That is Strafe Vasilous of the Light! He is the strongest being in this world! He’s wisdom is a hundred times greater than-“

“Slime God. Don’t embarrass me further. Just Soul Search him!” Strafe spoke with a commanding tone.

The Slime God was stunned at Strafe’s actions.

“Alright… Let me see then.”

“Dyne. This will help you understand what Soul Searching is. See what you can learn from this experience. The first time I Soul Searched you, you weren’t a Soul Cultivator. Now, allow this experience to shape your knowledge in Soul Cultivation. Soul Search is a powerful attack that Soul Cultivators use against their weaker enemies. But Slime God won’t be attacking you, and you don’t need to resist it. This will practically allow you to see the process.”

“Alrighty.” Dyne nodded.

“I will begin!” The Slime God muttered and suddenly gazed into Dyne’s eyes.

Soul power covered Dyne and the Slime God, and both fell into some trance.

Strafe was watching in the sides, waiting.

The expression of the Slime God grew amazed when he saw Dyne's memories.

“The memories of Earth should intrigue the Slime God as it did with me. It should make him have an idea as to what I did.” Strafe muttered.

“This should make it easier for us to continue our talks as he would have an idea as to what worlds Dyne has. But I wonder… He should see it anytime soon…” Strafe waited and glanced at the Slime God’s expression.

The Slime God was suddenly so stunned.

“I knew it.” Strafe laughed.

The Slime God’s expression turned from a stunned look to a slightly frustrated one, and then a hateful and envious look appeared, and the Slime God was slapping his legs as he was seated.

It was then that Strafe noticed that Dyne had a peculiar expression.

Dyne kept frowning and almost had an embarrassed expression.

“What is he thinking?” Strafe wondered.

“What?!” It was then that the Slime God exclaimed in a loud voice.

The link between the two disappeared.

Dyne had an ugly expression.

“Damn it! Drats! Curses! Ugh!”

Strafe was confused at Dyne’s sudden words and turned towards the Slime God.

The Slime God kept his eyes wide open and his mouth ajar.

“What shocked you the most? His potential, his ability, his theories that break our knowledge, his obsession?” Strafe laughed as he asked.

“By the Sovereign… That is possible?!” The Slime God was shocked at what he saw.

“What’s possible? Is it his Eye of Destiny? Is it how he escaped the Fate that governs Legaia, a Fate made by me? Is it his natural understanding of the Elemental Laws?” Strafe asked as if amused. He loved the feeling of schadenfreude as he could see his own reactions the first time Dyne did these things.

“Slime hentai…” The Slime God muttered.

“So it's that shocked you! No wonder. Slime hen- WHAT?!” Strafe shouted in anger as he realized what was making the Slime God amazed.

Dyne was blushing to the extremes.

“Dyne, what did you show him?”

“I wasn’t showing him anything! I was trying to hide it! He was looking at my memories at Earth, and I was able to hide it, but I lost focus. The more I tried to stop thinking about it, the more I thought about it, and well… it all spilled out.”

The Slime God had entered into a state of trance. But a very disgusting look surfaced, and even drool began to drip down his mouth.


Five days' worth of Strafe’s life was sent out to make a terrifying slap on the face of the Slime God.

“Be more serious, your Majesty!”

“Wha-What? Why did you disturb my Insight?! I was… erm… looking at his life, and as a Time-Space and Dark elemental master, I’ve gotten insight from his… erm… knowledge about Brimstone!”

“You were making lewd smiles, you overgrown, fat bastard! I don’t have the respect to call you your Majesty anymore, Your Perverseness! ” Strafe shouted.

“So-Sorry. It’s just… Earth is amazing.”

“Can we get back to the real discussion!” Strafe begged.

“Erm- Right… Sorry. His potential shocked me. By the looks of it, the hateful Soul poison in your body was also so shocked and so jealous that it even hurt itself.”

“Yes. I’ve felt it too. I was hoping that Dyne would anger and make that Soul too jealous that it would kill itself. But that’s just wishful thinking.”

“The good news is that you found yourself an amazing student. I can only imagine the world you’ve given him. And it seems that those worlds have created marvelous and powerful creatures that the Cultivation World has never seen. The Serus… The revamped Mind cultivation in Brigandine, the Severing in Breath of Fire… With Dyne’s potential, he will even grow stronger!”

“And that’s not all… Is it?” Strafe smiled.

“Indeed. I cannot fathom the might of Sovereign Basileus Basileon! We toy with the Fate of mortals, but He! He toys with the Fate of gods! Star Ocean 2? I have a feeling that more of these PSOne games will emerge in his journeys.”

“Now that you’ve seen his memories and potential, let's talk about how to save me.”

“I’m not worried about you anymore. Seeing how things have played out, it seems that more coincidences will happen. Strafe, Dyne… You have to find the other Elements.”

“The other Elements?”

“Without that Goddess, only her disciples remain. The Goddess has four Disciples. Strafe of the Light, Slime God of the Dark, Minerva of the Wind, and Gaiadeen of the Earth. After the Weaver’s death, our enemies immediately killed Minerva and Gaiadeen. But I believe that they are still out there. I can’t help you from where I am at. The forces and enemies that lie between us are too many! But this is also your chance! Without a doubt, you have seen the Fate of the planets where you are from.”

“Yes. What is going on?”

“It’s their plan! The conflict and battles in the planets closer to the Core of Eternity grow worse and worse.”

“What’s Eternity?”

“Alright… Since we finally have time… Strafe. Let me fill you in and tell Dyne about this Cultivation World.” The Slime God held his hand, and an amazing image appeared around them.

“Dyne… This is Eternity. What you call the Cultivation World.”

Let me just clarify that NGCW is still an ongoing story. So even the chapters in my Patreon are not 'all' of it but will be updated every week with a 2-4 chapter rate. This story will probably go over a thousand chapters at the rate i'm writing and as more and more games are being introduced, it might even go more than 2k since I'm already 200 chapters in and Legaia isn't even half-finished. 

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