Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 117: The Cultivation World

Dyne stood in the center of what appeared to be a large universe.

There were stars and constellations around them, and Dyne could see several planets orbiting and even meteors passing by.

The appearance of the hologram that detailed a large universe made Dyne recall a very nostalgic scene in Final Fantasy VII.

“This is Eternity. At the Center of Eternity is the land of gods. The rulers of this world. This was also Strafe’s former home, and that is where our master, The Weaver, was killed.”

The vision magnified the large white and bright collection of stars that grew larger.

“Where is my world?”

“Beyond the edge of this universe or in the place that we call the End of Eternity lies a great impassable barrier that we dare not pass through. You are located in a planet on the Edge of Eternity which would be roughly a thousand lightyears from the End of Eternity.”

“You call it the world of Basileus Basileon?”

“Basileus Basileon refers to the title of the Sovereign that controls your world. I’ve gone through your memories, and I can tell you that the Universe of Eternity has more habitable planets. In fact, it is too numerous even to try to count. Some gods would even create planets. In fact, some who have accomplished their severing could already create planets on their own!”

“Oh. Is this planet a created planet? Is there a god watching over this place?”

“I don’t know. You see, in the cultivation world, even planets that are too far away from stars and cannot receive the basic Light can still grow life! This is the cultivation world! Anything is possible! In fact, there are only around seven to ten percent of planets in this universe that are uninhabited! And they grow fewer and fewer as decades pass.”


“What I can tell you is that at the Edge of Eternity, it has the weakest gods. In fact, most of them aren’t real gods but only Saints or those who have performed a severing. I won’t be surprised that the god on your planet died ages ago!”

“But why?”

“It's just too far from the Center of Eternity! The closer you are to the center, the more powerful the cultivators are. The cultivators grow more knowledgeable as you move towards the center while those further have a more primate knowledge and capacity for cultivation.”

“Alright. I get the gist. I noticed it. I am sort of like Claude. I am someone with a more advanced cultivation knowledge trapped in a primitive world. Bravo to Strafe.”

“Yes. But do you know why I sent my incarnations all over the many galaxies?”

“Is it because of some grand evil scheme to conquer the whole Universe?”

“That’s exactly it! You see, we live in the Era of Balance. That is what we cultivators call the time. But before this were darker times. The Era of Springing Life, The Era of Discord, The Era of War, and so on. In those times, cultivators and killed each other. And that was a problem.”

“Yeah. Killing each other is problematic.”

“That’s not what I mean."

"So... killing is not problematic?" Dyne was confused.

Calamitus smiled.

"Look at Eternity. I am using it to emit the actual soul fluctuations needed.” The Slime God pointed.

“Tell me what you sense.”

Dyne frowned and moved around the large room. He moved from the Edge of Eternity and on to the Fringe of Eternity, the Middle to the Inner and finally to the Core.”

“Hmmm… Odd… There seem to be rings around the areas of Eternity. It’s like there’s a succession. This ring has strong life energy. The ring next to it has high death energy…” Dyne frowned.

“Very perceptive. You are correct! That is indeed true! Do you understand why?”

“Hm… Going by what this Era is, it should be balanced.”

“Correct. The Era of Balance placed an end to wars. But not the wars of Mortal Cultivators or the gods. I am referring to the wars against the strongest Gods. The gods of Light and Dark.”

“Sooooo… You guys?”

“Correct. A war between the gods on our level will practically spiral into a battle between several galaxies. The death toll would be a number that cannot be expressed with a hundred zero digits. And the main cause of possible wars is, of course, disruption of power.”

“Disruption? You mean… if Light and Death becomes unbalanced?” Dyne asked.

“Correct. Eternity now has a balanced ratio. Death and Life twirl equally. It isn’t perfectly equal, but it is balanced to the point that a battle between the strongest gods would lead to severe losses that neither party would wish to fight.”

“So the Weaver, Strafe’s, and your Master controlled this balance?”

“Yes. Death and Life around Eternity stood at a balance. And with her death, this balance is tilting.”

“You mean Death is winning? Right now, all over Eternity, more people are dying because of the Dark faction?”

“Death is winning but not because of the reasons you said. This is important for you to realize. Those who betrayed our Master belonged to both factions, Light, and Death. Although most of our enemies are of the Death alignment, the truth is, the betrayal has nothing to do with the alignments! There are many of those in the Death alignment that do not want war!”

“Then what happened exactly? Why was your Master betrayed?”

“Some in the Light wanted the position of the Weaver and the power of the Imaginarium Bond. Some in the Light want Darkness gone for good. Some want to be the bosses in town. The same case for those in the Darkness. Some are good, some are bad.”

“But aren’t the Light alignment aligned to morally good deeds?”

“We are gods. We transcend our alignments. Although there is a leaning to an alignment, it's not final. Some of the strongest and most righteous warriors and cultivators belong to the Dark, and the most heinous men who created unspeakable terrors are from the Light.”

“Erm… What exactly is this Life and Death Balance for anyway?”

“It was meant to limit the power of one element and ensure that the cultivators of Life or Death will not bully each other since there are no weaker parties.” Strafe explained.

“But I don’t get it. Why are some in the Light, who may grow stronger because the Light, would want a world where Death energy would grow stronger? Wouldn’t that cause an imbalance and weaken them?”

“That is exactly the plan. It’s geared only to create imbalance and war!”

“But why? What is the goal?” This time it was Strafe who asked.

“I only have a guess. But it’s the only logical answer. Those who betrayed Master and tried to kill you, my dear colleague in the Elements is that they want to harness Death energy. Those of the Life who betrayed us want to monopolize the Life source. Meaning all Light sources. That way, if Death or Dark increases, the few cultivators can still fight."

"I see. This scenario plays out well for both parties. If the Light is concentrated, it will make a Life Cultivator that we cannot even imagine. The Dark will also grow rapidly. They grow stronger, making them the most powerful cultivators Eternity has seen."

"Exactly. They want to control a vast power that has never been seen before.”

“What for? Why not simply monopolize the Light? Why is there the need to grow dark or death?” Dyne asked.

“Death is easier to increase than life. Life is easy to concentrate on. A great war like the one they are allowing can create death energy, and once death happens around, regardless of our stance, the Light will unify once more as it did in the previous era.” Strafe explained.

“But what is the goal? Why would those gods want to kill your Master? Was it really the Imaginarium Bond they were after?”

“It is one important tool that they could use, but that’s not the real goal. The real goal is the place you’ve been to. Or rather, it is the Sovereign of the place you’ve been to!”

“What? You mean this plan is to attack Basileus Basileon?!”

“Exactly. That is the plan. Naturally, there are many who oppose this plan. And so, those in favor of this plan to gather energy are naturally causing wars all over the place. Our forces are trying to stop the wars and create support channels to many of the main planets, but we can only do so much to the planets on the Edge of Eternity! Have there been attempts to cause death on your planets? I could see through Calamitus Slime that some dark magic is affecting that planet!”

“It’s some Time and Space magic mixed with darkness. The goal of the enemies is to cause the core of the planet to go out of control and move out of orbit.”

“For what? Cultivators can still live through such environments. Only mortals will die, and their effect on Eternity is too small!”

“They plan to collide the planet with another. That’s the plan they have for small planets which have no gods. And this should be happening all over Eternity.” Strafe explained.

The Slime God’s expression changed.

“Damn it! They must have prepared this for a long time! Such plans will naturally be out of our sight! We have been monitoring the Core and middle areas and seeing the Fate of mortals and cultivators! The regions you are at are too far from our location! We haven’t noticed that!”

“How so?” Dyne asked.

“Wouldn’t you see that the planet has a fate leading to death?”

“Fate is not that simple, Dyne. Unless we gods are close to the planet, we cannot see its Fate. The method that our enemies are using is something that will enshroud our view. You see, we can see the Fate of mortals. But when other gods intervene, we will only see fate change rapidly. In the case of these planets, we would only see that it would be doomed to die when it’s too late! Besides, not every planet has this! The enemy only chooses a small number. Small enough to evade our eyes.”

“Correct. The only reason you fell into a planet with such circumstance is because of Sovereign Basileus Basileon!”

“So you’re telling me all of this to stop such events if possible?”

“Yes. Start with returning Strafe back! If he can rise, then the Fates of many planets will not come to pass. But your primary task, Dyne. Is to grow stronger! Play the games and play them well! Be a powerful cultivator!” The Slime God declared.

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