Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 59: Elemental Affinity

“Right. In Legend of Legaia, the elements used are Light, Fire, Lightning, Water, Earth, Wind, and Darkness. Evil, if we add Juggernaut's Element. So seven Elements and Evil. But in my world, there are twelve elements. Vahn is Fire. Noa is Wind and Gala is Lightning. But as for you, you have Brimstone.”

“You mean like Lava? That’s an Element?”

“Yes. But this is a very rare Elemental affinity. Only about a hundred people are born with that constitution in my world. Of the many galaxies I’ve traveled to in my world, you are only the third one that I’ve met to have it!”

“What exactly is Brimstone?”

“To explain it properly, I’d have to talk about the elemental chart. Imagine a pie chart. Or so that thing is called in your world. Imagine it being divided into twelve equal parts. Brimstone is in between two elements. Earth and Holy.”

“Holy? Is it not Fire? What exactly is Holy?”

“I used the term Holy because that’s what it's called in most games you have. It is the element of Life Energy. It is basically light—the first element to breach the dark. In Holy, there is life, there is movement, and therefore, heat. In Legaia, this is perfectly shown in the Seru monster, Aluru.”

“Ok. So you mix Holy with Earth, and you get Brimstone?”

“Yes. In the elemental pie chart, Brimstone is between Holy, which is Light or Purity to the extreme, and Earth, which is Neutrality. Earth is neither Life energy nor death energy. It is neutral. Brimstone is the point where Holy and Neutral meet to form both. It is pure, but it is also neutral.”

“I don’t get it.”

“We’ll discuss that when we get to my world. For now, just think of it that your element is both Earth and Holy. This explains your resistance to Fire. Because Fire is within your Elemental family, so you can better resist and master spells within this family, of course, compared to Vahn, your mastery over Fire won’t be that great.”

“Then what elements other than fire belong to my elemental family thing?”

“In this pie chart of elements, the first two elements to the right and left of your element become part of your Elemental family. Of course, the one closest to your element gives you greater ease in learning and mastering. As Brimstone, this means you have great control in wielding Holy and Earth elements. And at the same time, you have an above-average proficiency in using Fire and Metal. These elements belong to your family. So any elemental attack within these elements is generally easier for you to master, and you may even easily develop resistance for these elements.” Strafe explained.

“Grim is a Gimard, which is a fire elemental Seru. But if you got a Nighto or a Puera, which is a Dark element, then it would have been harder for you to do what you did and turn them into a weapon. These Elements are not only out of your affinity, but it even belongs to the antagonist elements making it hard for your soul to interact with them as it would be incompatible.”

Dyne’s expression changed. Elemental incompatibility could ruin his plans!

“Wait. What elements am I incompatible with?”

“Those would be the elements directly inverse to the positions of Brimstone and your four Elemental families. And these are; Wind, Dark, Water, Entropy, and Time.” Strafe answered.

Although Time and Entropy were unexpected Elements, Dyne didn’t ask but had a very sour expression.

“What’s wrong?”

“So I can’t get Dark, Wind, and Water in this world?”

“You are most incompatible is Time-Space alignment. After that, you are greatly incompatible with Dark and Wind. And then slightly incompatible with Water and Entropy. These are the opposite of your family elements. Fire, Holy, Brimstone, Earth, and Metal. There’s also the issue with Light and Dark sources. You see, of the Elements, your element is very close to Holy.”

“Wait. So the Elements are divided into both Light and Dark?”

“We can talk about when we get to my world. No use-”

“No. It’s erm- important that I understand the basics now. What if, let’s say I go for Water. What if I try to get Mule?”

“The Ra-Seru of Water, Mule? Is that what you’re worried about? I get it. Horn is the Ra-Seru of Light. Palma, the Ra-Seru of Earth. These Ra-Seru are later acquired in the game. So you were afraid of not being able to wield their power? You still can. But just like Vahn, who cannot make a decent water attack, you would also be unable to bring out the full extent of the Ra-Seru Mule by summoning it using their respective Talisman.”

“No! I’m not after the Talisman! I meant, what if I get them as my Ra-Seru!” Dyne explained immediately.

In Legend of Legaia, apart from the main Ra-Seru that the main characters acquire, there are five optional and secret Ra-Seru that can be acquired in the game. Through various means, characters can be equipped by crafting the received eggs into talismans. This allows the players to summon these five Ra-Seru eggs in the form of magic. For some reason, these Ra-Seru eggs never awaken even when exposed to the last Genesis Trees, Buma. So no one ever ‘wears’ these Ra-serus the way Vahn has taken control of Meta but only uses it as an equipped item. But Dyne was not after that. He was after the real thing. He wanted a Ra-Seru and not a crafter item.

“Oh. Is that what you’re planning? You plan to go for Mule, Horn, or Palma? No worries. They are beings of their kind. While you are incompatible with Mule, she can simply borrow your energy to summon it but use the powers on her own. In fact, I would recommend that you pursue those on the opposite side of your elemental affinity! Because you can train with that Ra-Seru and become stronger.”

“I thought I was incompatible with them. Why should I go after them?” Dyne was confused.

“Because by bonding with Mule, you can commune with her. And with her understanding of the Water element, you can have an easier time understanding it. The main problem of being incompatible with the opposing elements is that you have a harder time understanding it or meditating on it. So getting Mule will increase your understanding of these Elements and can give you a higher possibility of mastering them!” Strafe laughed.

“Whew! Good to know!” Dyne sighed in relief.

“Master Dyne? You stopped?” Tetsu wondered.

“Erm. Sorry. Let’s continue!” Dyne was so relieved that he stopped channeling the Gimard soul in their body. About one-eighth of the whole soul dispersed because Dyne got careless.

“Let’s just get a new one! I got distracted because I was thinking about something.” Dyne immediately defended as he laughed awkwardly.


Calamity spat out the next Gimard, and when Vahn killed it, Meta was still unable to absorb it.

“This is one of the things that I can’t faithfully copy in this world.” Strafe teased.

Dyne almost lost focus but remained serious.

“In the game, Vahn is strong when using Fire, Dark, and Earth Magic. He has average skills in using Holy. The problem is that in my world, it’s not possible for someone to be of the Fire and Earth and be skilled at Dark. The Vahn of this world is skilled at using Fire, Earth, and Light magic as it is within his Elemental family.”

“Wait. So Vahn is not most skilled in using Fire?” Dyne was careful not to lose his concentration.

“Correct. In order for me to make it possible for him to be skilled in Earth, I made Vahn someone who has a natural affinity to Holy!”

“I get it. But in return, Vahn sucks at using Dark… Wait, is this Dark Element, Death energy?”

“Correct. Gala is Lightning, so he is least skilled in using Water or Ice energy. As for Noa, she is of the Dark or Death Element. Making her skilled in Wind, Time, Water, and Ice.”

Dyne didn’t ask Strafe any more questions but continued to focus on dividing the Gimard’s energy.

“Truthfully, creating someone to have affinity was hard. Not everyone is born with affinity. Even for the common elements, Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind, it’s already very hard. One in a hundred thousand. That’s how hard it is to find people with that affinity. And birthing humans with Lightning, Metal, Ice, and Entropy is ten times harder than that. But this one in a million chance is even amplified more to make Light and Death. To think Noa and Vahn have those affinities. Such rare humans.” Strafe continued to trail off randomly, which was very distracting to Dyne.

“You see, Light and Dark affinities are one in a billion. But the rarest of them all is actually those who stand between the neutral elements. Fire and Lightning belong to the Light. Water and Ice belong to the Dark. The Neutrals are elements that have no affinity to both Light and Dark. And these are Wind and Earth. But Earth is a neutral element that, when mixed with Light, becomes an amazing element. It is also the same with Wind. Mix it with Dark, and you give birth to that element.”

Dyne was barely able to maintain his state. He was curious at Strafe’s rambles.

“When Wind falls to the Darkness, they open the way to study the element of Time and Space. These are the rulers of the dimensional world that we live in. The three in a half dimensions that you live and breathe in. Height, Width, Length, and the half dimension, which is time. This Elemental affinity is so rare that it’s one in a hundred trillion. But the rarest is yours. As I’ve said, of all the various planets and universes I’ve journeyed to, I’ve only personally met two people who had your Elemental Affinity.” Strafe teased.

Dyne had to stop and contain the soul of the dispersing Gimard.

“Give me a sec.” Dyne looked tired and weary, which made Vahn, Tetsu, and Meta worried.

“What is Brimstone?!” Dyne cursed.

“Time and Space is the Definer of Dimensions. Brimstone is the Breacher of Dimensions.” Strafe laughed.

For your reference, the Elemental Pie chart of NGCW:

Note: It's Holy in the Pie Chart, but future chapters will refer to it as "Light"



I forgot to mention "Grandia" on the games that appear in Volume 1. Check out my Patreon page which has a weekly rate of 4-5. Right now, there are over 70+ advance chapters!
Lastly, as you may know, I am a cotnracted author in Webnovel. They are once again having this very huge (imagine Donald Trump saying Yuuugge) writing contest. And it even offers the chance for the winners to have an adaptation through Tencent pictures and a big cash prize. 

I'm trying my luck there and I would really appreicate it if you guys would give it a read and support it by adding it to your library if you have an account in Webnovel.

Here it is:

As a bonus, a certain character that has already appeared in Volume 2 of NGCW will appear in that story. One quirk in my stories, is that a certain character will somehow exists as different incarnations in all of my stories. That character plays a minor role in this story but will play a much larger role in that. Patrons should recognize him.

AotN has 3 chapters now but it will be quickly updated.

Wish me the best guys! Help me make writing my main occupation!

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