Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 60: Locations of the Ra-Seru

The training continued, and soon all the Gimard’s were killed. Meta finally absorbed the third Gimard. The group continued to experiment with how to use the Gimard.

They found a wandering Gobu Gobu and decided to use the attack on that Gobu Gobu.

Like in the game, Meta could call out the Seru's soul, and it would materialize and attack the enemy for a few seconds.

Tetsu was stunned at the power of the Gimard. The attack that it used was far stronger than the attacks that it could do. The Gimard’s entire body burned, and it flew like a meteor and exploded on the poor Gobu Gobu. It was bloody and gory as its body pieces came flying all over.

“Brutal.” Dyne couldn’t help but comment.

“So this is the power of a Ra-Seru! Amazing!” Tetsu was amazed.

“Master Dyne… How was the attack?” Vahn asked Dyne.

“Powerful! You’re a powerhouse now, Vahn! Imagine if we get more Serus!”

“Meta, you expend effort to create a body for the Gimard?” Dyne was curious.

“Yes. I have absorbed the soul of the Gimard. I needed a Gimard who was born before the Mist came to absorb it. That way, I can store the soul within me. But when I summon it outside, I have to recreate the body so that it can resist the Mist.”

“You recreate it using the Mana of Vahn.”


“But why Vahn’s Mana? Don’t you have your own?”

“The Seru that I summon is different. I am a soul creature, so my Mana is soul-based. Even my body itself is a soul-based form. I can have Mana, but it would be a process of changing my Soul to Mana. This process consumes a lot. It is easier if I use Vahn’s Mana. With the Mana that Vahn has, I can use it to recreate a body for Serus that I summon temporarily. But of course, Vahn can only create a fake life for these Serus as the Mana that I take from Vahn will just be enough for them to make one attack at a time.”

“Then, how does the Seru grow stronger?”

“Constant battle. The more the Soul of the Gimard can attack and kill monsters, it can absorb either the life or death energy of these creatures. Even if they wound the enemy, they can absorb the lifeblood, making them grow stronger. Apart from this, the mastery of Vahn when using his Mana also helps.”

“I see…” Dyne nodded. This arrangement was just as how it was in the game. With this, Dyne realized that using this setup to master the Seru's summoning magic would teach Dyne how to use Mind abilities.

“Then I guess we’ll have to make Vahn use it as much as he can for now. Do you get stronger the more Seru you absorb?” Dyne asked Meta.

“Yes. Aside from summoning it, it is equal to your ability to nourish me with life energy. I could get stronger and stronger. Although it's not worth comparing it when a Genesis Tree awakens, it still makes me grow stronger even by a small, small percentage.”

“Is it possible for you to do what I did? I mean, I’m holding on to Grim, who is maintaining a physical form.”

“No. I feel that the soul energies adore you. I believe whatever blessings Tieg blessed you with is something that only you can do. I have to contain the soul inside of me to prevent it from being driven mad by the Mist. When I summon them out, I use Vahn’s MP, which contains his consciousness but can only maintain that for one attack.”

“I figured much. But are there any alternatives so that you can control these Serus to live outside while being housed in your Soul? I mean, like in the way I have tamed these Slimes.” Dyne pointed over to the Slimes.

“No. I am a Soul Creature. Unless I am able to have that kind of Mana that you humans have, it would be impossible for me to connect it.”

“Mana? I don’t expend Mana to tame these Slimes?”

“I believe that once a being can have reach control over Mana and Soul at a certain level, they will have a new form of energy.” Meta explained.

“Oh right…” Dyne recalled Rune Power, which would be necessary for Brigandine.

“Rune Power. Right. I forgot that I have that. So the more I improve in Mana or Magic and in Soul cultivation, the higher my Rune Power is…” Dyne began to mumble by himself.

The group continued to discuss the details of what they were to do and what other possibilities to improve Vahn’s strength.

Soon, the group began to go to sleep.

“Are you going to go after Mule?” Strafe asked.

“You were talking about seeing if he can commune with you earlier. Is that your plan?”

“That’s one of the many plot holes of Legaia. What happened to the other Ra-Seru eggs? And why they never found an owner. I’m just taking advantage of it!” Dyne explained. But there was something off with Dyne’s answer that made Strafe curious.

“I’m curious. I want to see how you calculated it and see if it is accurate to the way I designed this world!” Strafe challenged.

“Fine then. I know that in Legend of Legaia, there should be 10 Ra-Serus because there are also 10 Genesis Trees in this game! Well, eleven if I count the mother Genesis Tree. So I began to count the Ra-Seru and associate them with each Ra-Seru Egg. Vahn acquires meta in Rim Elm. Noa acquires Terra in Mount Rikuroa. The group acquires the Ra-Seru egg of Ozma in the dead Genesis Tree in East Voz Forest. These are the main Ra-Seru that the heroes equip!”

“Then where did I put the seven others?” Strafe waited in expectation.

“We know that in the game, Jedo is acquired by the Antagonist Songi in West Voz forest. So that makes four Ra-Serus. It is later revealed in the game that Dantes stole three Ra-Serus. Two to make the Mist Generators in Drake and Sebucus Islands, and the last one is Horn, which Dantes gave to Cara. So that’s Seven Ra-Serus.”

“Yes. But these are all mentioned in the game. What about the rest?”

“The game reveals that the Three Ra-Serus stolen by Dantes are from the three Genesis Tree in Buma! Therefore, the rest of the Ra-Serus that can be acquired through side-quest is what remains! Going by that, the only places where these Ra-Serus would originally reside are the remaining Genesis Trees that I have not mentioned.”

“That’s easy to deduce. Let’s see if you can deduce it accurately.

“You really underestimate me.” Dyne scoffed.

“The remaining locations with Genesis Tress in this game are at Sol, Jeremy, and Mount Letona! With that, it's easy to deduce which is which.”

“Oh? Then let’s hear it. Where in these locations would the optional Ra-Serus in Legend of Legaia be? Since you already know Horn is from Buma, then what about Mule and Palma? Where would they be?”

“Easy. It's slightly confusing at first. But the Genesis Tree at Sol has already died. But I think Sol already acquired the Ra-Seru egg. Therefore, Palma was the Ra-Seru in Sol’s Genesis tree. The very same Ra-Seru, which is the prize at Sol’s Muscle Dome!”

“Logical enough. Then there are two towns left. So where would Mule be?”

“Well, first of all, in the game, there was one mysterious Ra-Seru that cannot be acquired. If we are to count all Ra-Serus, including the ones that become used in the Mist, there would only be nine Ra-Serus. So what happened to this last one? The possibilities are that it was eaten by the Berserker that attacked the Genesis Tree in Jeremi. But I think it is unlikely. The more probable thing that you could have done is that that the unnamed Ra-Seru would be that it was taken by Songi, who arrived earlier in Mount Letona.” Dyne explained.

"Why do you think it's probably the Ra-Seru Songi took?"

"Ra-Seru's aren't that fragile. Berserker is a Sim Seru at most. But he wouldn't be able to kill a Ra-Seru even if it's an egg. And besides, the Ra-Seru hides inside the Tree. Ozma survived the Mist even when his Genesis Tree died. Why would Jeremi's Ra-Seru die first? So the missing Ra-Seru must have been acquired by Songi. This means Mule lies in Jeremi! The town guys must have discovered it and shipped it off as a Prize to the fishing spots as it is in the game. But of course, this is all mere guesses. If the one in Jeremi isn't Mule, but the Mysterious Ra-Seru, then it's even better. It might be Biron!” Dyne recalled the discussions about Biron becoming a Ra-Seru.

“Impressive deduction. You are correct. I can tell you right away that Jeremi holds Mule. So you are after Mule after all! You want to run to Jeremi using the Chicken King. That’s why you wanted that item!”

“Right. The first city that you can immediately reach after getting to the Sebucus Islands! Jeremi!”

“This also explains why you wanted the Water Gate. But how will you open the door in the Ancient Wind Cave?”

“The door could have been opened. The Old man didn’t want to open the door because he was afraid. If we could convince him, then it’s possible to open it!” Dyne answered.

“Why do you sound… hesitant? Are you unsure of being able to open it?” Strafe sneered.

“Erm... Right. I have a question. Can you still make changes in the game?” Dyne laughed.

“No. Any minor changes will have drastic effects. I can’t help you open that cave. It’s not that I won’t. But I can’t.” Strafe laughed.

“So... you can’t make any more changes in this game?”

“No big changes.” Strafe admitted.

“Alright!” Dyne’s expression turned happy.

Strafe was confused.

Dyne ignored him and began to sleep.

He was doing his best to maintain his expression. His greatest fear was Strafe. He didn’t know if Strafe could still make any changes. But Dyne wasn’t convinced. He knew what sort of a cheapskate Strafe was and dared not reveal that his true intentions wasn’t Mule.

A little more info on the Ra-Serus but this time with counting so not to confuse you all...

In Legend of Legaia, the three main characters acquire one Ra-Seru each. But in the game, there are 10 Genesis Trees, and therefore there should be 10 Ra-Seru's.

Three becomes the Ra-Serus of the main characters. (3 Ra-Serus)

Dantes gave two to the antagonist and these are made into Mist Generators for Drake Continent and Sebucus Islands. (5 Ra-Serus)

Dantes gives the last to Cara and is an important plot point, but this Ra-Seru never awakens or finds true ownership. (6 Ra-Serus)

There are two more secret Ra-Serus that can be acquired through mini-games.

The first is Palma which can be acquired by amassing lots of points in the Muscle Dome.  (7)

The second is Mule which is acquired by amassing fishing points. (8)

Songi's Ra-Seru, Jedo can also be acquired. Upon defeating Songi, his Ra-Seru falls back into Legaia and can be acquired by visiting a previously cleared dungeon. (9)

Horn, Palma, Mule, and Jedo can be summoned by crafting their Ra-Seru egg into a Talisman. Those who equip the talisman can summon the corresponding Ra-Seru. 

Dyne basically explains the locations of Palma and Mule in this chapter as their locations were never disclosed in the game. Legaia leaves an unnamed Ra-Seru (10) to which Dyne gives his deduction as to what happened to that Ra-Seru and who he is.

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