Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 36: The things we do for family 2

Lu Yaozhu separated from Lu Yiling and Zhu Fenfang a short time later under the pretence of working. While he enjoyed his sister's company, he still had a few more things planned for the day. He knew what his mother had planned and didn't want any hand in it.

Even if his mother dangled Zhu Fenfang in front of his face for centuries, he still wouldn't bite the bait. He had enough problems without adding an arranged marriage to them. He saw Zhu Fenfang as a friend and nothing more.

The sooner his mother accepted that right now, marriage was the last thing on his mind, the better for them both. Lu Yaozhu quickly returned to his courtyard and went into his study. As he sat at the desk and went through the military report.

Before withdrawing from the border town, he had left a small unit of his ghost warriors to monitor Minister Sheng. Any action Minister Sheng took was the Emperor's orders and the Emperor saw the Lu family as an eyesore. All the Emperor's actions so far were aimed at cutting off the Lu family.

The Lu family who had served the Zhongshan royal family of northern Wei for centuries were facing extinction at the hands of the royal family they had sworn to protect. That was both pitiful and dissatisfying, although he was loyal to the royal family, Lu Yaozhu refused to let the Emperor destroy his family.

He quickly read through the secret message sent by the commander of the Lu family's ghost warriors. The commander reported that Minister Sheng contacted Chu states Crown Prince Gao Zhan a few days back.

Minister Sheng secretly meeting with the crown Prince of Chu state was very suspicious. Especially since the crown prince entrance into Northern Wei wasn't announced. Lu Yaozhu brought the note to the candle and set it on fire. He leaned backwards and tapped his finger on the table.

Even with the pressing political problem, his thoughts still went to Su Liya's beaten up appearances. He couldn't stop thinking that he might be the reason behind her injuries, her behaviour was strange. She was so focused on the ground and completely avoided his gaze.

"Yu Tao, Please find out what happened to Su These past few days".

"Yes," he replied and left the room.

Yu Tao was surprised to hear his young master request but pretended otherwise. He had noticed that his usually aloof master had begun paying an unusual amount of attention to Su Liya. Which made him worried, Lu Yaozhu however was his master.

It wasn't in his place to question any actions Lu Yaozhu took. He could only assist Lu Yaozhu in all he's doing, so far Su Liya hadn't done anything suspicious, there was no need to act on that.

LU Yaozhu went through the reports, replying to the official letters and minuting a report that would be submitted to the court. He was halfway through the long pile of reports when Yu Tao returned. Yu Tao reported his discovery

"Young Master, I asked around and discovered that Su Liya was pushed out the laundry house door a few hours after your accidental fall. The instructions came from Young Mistress Yiling".

"What?" He looked up quickly. "how did she find out".

"I don't know"

"is my mother aware of this?"

"No, I don't think so"

"Then Xiao Ling carried this out on her own", he said thoughtfully. He set down the ink brush on the brush holder "sent over a small jar of the miracle pill from Imperial Doctor Qin to help with the healing. inform her to apply the medicine on her injuries to help prevent scarring..... or maybe hold on, I will send her a note. that will be more well-received"

"Yes", Yu Tao replied.


A short time later, when Yu Tao went over to deliver the medicine after he had been informed that Zhu Fengyin and Su Liya had returned from Madam Lu's courtyard. Su Liya carried a dirty bowl of water away when he walked up to her.

Su Liya looked up "Yu Tao, how can I help you".

"I came over to deliver some medicine for your injuries".

Su Liya dropped the bowl of water aside and waving her hands at him, she said quickly "oh... there is no need for that".

"it is from second master, I can't return it to him" Yu Tao put the small bottle of medicine in her hands and wrapped her fingers around it. He said in hurried tones "please don't make things difficult for me".

Su Liya didn't want him to get into trouble with Lu Yaozhu, she resigned to her fate and accepted the medicine. Nodding half-heartedly, "alright, I will accept it. Send second young master my thanks".

Yu Tao smiled and rushed away. Su Liya shook her head as she watched him skip away. "Ha Aiyo, I hope no one saw this. I really can't handle any more falls". She picked up the bowl of water and went to dispose of the dirty water.

Zhu Fengyin saw their entire exchange through the window facing the courtyard, Her lips pressed tightly, After noticing Su Liya's strange behaviour outside Madam Lu's courtyard, she had been suspicious of the reason behind Su Liya injury until now.

She got suspicious when she noticed that Lu Yaozhu's eyes were locked on Su Liya all through their brief meeting, but it was Lu Yiling hostility that cemented her suspicion. Zhu Fengyin planned on getting the full story out of Su Liya today but after seeing this, it might not be necessary.

Zhu Fengyin stood there waiting silently for Su Liya to come back. She dismissed all her maids apart from Su Liya and resumed her embroidery work. Su Liya noticed that Zhu Fengyin was silent since they returned from Madam Lu's courtyard but she kept quiet.

Any visit to the great madam always left Zhu Fengyin sour, although Madam Lu always behaved properly. Madam Lu always found faults in everything Zhu Fengyin did, she didn't even bother hiding her dislike for Zhu Fengyin.

Most of her conversation was centred on praising Zhu Fenfang which was just annoying. It took all of Su Liya's self-control not to go off on Madam Lu. If it was the modern time and not this century, Su Liya would've comfortably given Madam Lu a piece of her mind.

Feeling a little bored Su Liya walked to the window and watched the servants go about their duties. There was no one else present apart from Zhu Fengyin so she didn't have to stand on ceremony.

"Yaya, was it Lu Yiling that ordered the maids to push you?," Zhu Fengyin asked finally breaking the silence.

Su Liya stood straighter "what.. what do you mean?"

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