Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 37: The Things You Do For family 3

Su Liya stood straighter "Wha... what do you mean?"

Zhu Fengyin threw the embroidery aside "Don't bother lying to me Yaya. I know that Lu Yiling had something to do with your little fall. The disgusted look she gave you throughout our conversation said it all".

"Did Lu Yiling really give me a nasty look?" she asked only to receive a cold look from Zhu Fengyin. She saw that Zhu Fengyin was bent on getting the whole story out of her mouth. She let out a breath and lean back, "Is this necessary Fengyin, it's not like you can do anything about this_"

Zhu Fengyin threw a pillow at her as she said that, Su Liya couldn't avoid it since it was sudden. The pillow hit her on her right shoulder, "aiya! Denton why are you throwing me things," She said.

Zhu Fengyin quickly prepared to retaliate by raising another pillow, "okay... hold on now Fengyin. I was wrong, please stop throwing things at me", Su Liya replied quickly.

"oh so you know how to apologise", Zhu Fengyin kept the pillow aside and leaning to her side, she rested on the wooden chaise couch.

"Yes I do, my lady," she said trying to coax Zhu Fengyin. "Don't take this to heart Fengyin, I just didn't want you to get involved with this. You see, It was all a misunderstanding. There is nothing going on between General Lu and I, it is just that I slipped while running out of the main courtyard two days ago and fell into General Lu's arm. Lu Yiling saw what happened and assumed that I was trying to seduce him".

"And were you?" Zhu Fengyin asked looking down at her nails.

"NO!!" Su Liya replied loudly, which made Zhu Fengyin look up. "What do you take me for, I and Su Liya may share the same name but we are literally worlds apart".

Zhu Fengyin watched her for some time then smiled "I believe you".

"Did you even have to doubt me, if I wanted to seduce someone why would I pick Lu Yaozhu. Who by the way isn't interested in women, well other women but Zhu Fenfang" she snorted loudly.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you, Lu Yaozhu didn't look interested in Zhu Fenfang"

"for now but trust me he will be" Su Liya sat on the bed.

Zhu Fengyin just smiled and kept silent, she didn't want to draw Su Liya's attention to Lu Yaozhu's interest in her since it wasn't going to bear any fruit. Lu Yaozhu was a young master of noble birth while Su Liya was a maid, they weren't destined to be together.

Even if they got together, Su Liya would just end up sad because men Like Lu Yaozhu can't marry her as anything more than a concubine. Even if she became his concubine, Madam Lu would make her life miserable. She had never seen a woman that enjoys micromanaging her children's lives as much as Madam Lu.


Back at Lu Yiling's courtyard.

She was informed of Yu Tao delivering some medicine to Su Liya as she woke up from her short nap. Her hands tightened on the teacup she held up when Zhiliu relayed the message. She Shut the teacup lid and passed it over to Zhiliu silently.

She had lost interest in drinking the tea, which thanks to Su Liya had gotten bitter. She stood to wash her face, she wiped her face with a soft towel when she was done. "Did you notice how long second brother looked at that wench, it would seem that I underestimated her".

"Should we inform Big Madam of this?" Zhiliu asked slowly.

"No! we can't get mother involved in this. I will handle this, she hasn't done anything, for now just have someone watch her closely"


when there wasn't any interaction between her elder brother and Su Liya for weeks, she loosened up her guard on the sneaky maid. After months of rain, they were gradually entering into Summer. It rained less often and the sun was hotter.

The change in season was well received, everyone switched their thicker spring clothes for much lighter summer wears. cooling boxes filled with ice was delivered to all courtyards and the young ladies put on much brighter colours.

Madam Lu opened up the storeroom and picked out a few rolls of material to be sewn into gowns for the three ladies of the house. The servants weren't exempted from the gifts, a new set of light unforms were given to each servant.

It got hotter as the days went by, Zhu Fengyin began taking cold beverages to cool off and avoid getting a heat stroke. The court session got shorter as the Emperor got ready for his annual few weeks summer break.

Shorter Court sessions equalled a longer stay at home for the Duke and General Lu. The start of Summer also meant the start of various festivities and banquets for the noble families. Everyone was curious about the newly married Duchess of Wu.

The invitations came in mass every day, Zhu Fengyin accepted a few invitations but not before discussing with Lu Yingjie and Madam Lu. There were a few palace banquets scheduled throughout the summer.

Two days to the first royal banquet hosted by the Emperor and Empress to welcome the crown prince of Chu State Gao Zhan and the royal Envoy. The peace and quietness of the Duke of Wu's residence were disrupted.

During a hot summer afternoon, Zhu Fengyin laid back on a recliner at the balcony of the main courtyard. She was dressed in light clothes, her hair packed up loosely, while Su Liya peeled some fruits next to her.

As Su Liya arranged the oranges and apple pieces on the plates, A scream was heard as a maid was dragged away. Su Liya and Zhu Fengyin walked out of the main courtyard to find out what was causing all the noise.

They walked a short distance to Madam Lu's courtyard, they watched as a crying maid was dragged to a long wooden long bench. the maid wailed pulling away as they laid her on the bench. "Big Madam, I was wrong please forgive me! Please save me! Big Madam please have mercy", the maid cried out her face bright red as tears ran down her face.

Madam Lu who was seated in the hallway don't spare her any glace as she instructed the servants "Tie her up and give her 100 plank strokes, don't stop until she dies".

Su Liya got pale as soon as she heard that, she couldn't understand how a person could play with a person's life like this. Madam Lu looked cold and unfeeling, she looked at the girl like she wasn't a human being.

Su Liya grabbed Zhu Fengyin's sleeve tightly, Zhu Fengyin looked from the hands holding her sleeves to the pale face by her side and pursed her lips. "Let's go", she said and turned around but we're soon blocked off by Lu Yiling.

Lu Yiling looked straight at Su Liya and said "Hold on sister-in-law"

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