Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 96: Welcome to Ningzhuo 4

Just outside the border of Ningzhuo

Lu Yaozhu pulled her behind him and unsheathed his sword as he heard footsteps outside the tent. He held the sword tightly and raised it when a shadow appeared at the entrance of the tent. He swung the sword as the tent flap was pulled back, he stopped a breath distance from Yu Tao's jugular vein. 

Yu Tao stepped back immediately and held his hands up, "hold on young master, it is me!" 

Lu Yaozhu pull the sword away and returned the sword into the scabbard, "who just rode in?"

Yu Tao walked closer once the sword was sheathed, he gave Su Liya who stepped out from behind Lu Yaozhu an apologetic smile. "That is why I came in, young master. The Magistrate and a few other officials came with some guards to escort you and our young madam into the city".

"What" she glanced at the quiet Lu Yaozhu and asked, "that is odd, did you inform them that you were at the city's borders?"

Lu Yaozhu shook his head "not yet, I didn't want an elaborate preparation and was planning on firing them when we arrived".

"If you didn't inform them, how come they are here right on time. Almost as if they planned it, I don't think the men who attacked us were bandits"

"I never thought they were, the attack was too organised and then there s the fact that the few that survived killed themselves before they could be questioned. They were death troupes, bandits are not trained to kill themselves when caught"

Su Liya nodded and said to Yu Tao, "Help the general clean up, since the officials are here to speculate. We should put our best foot forward, I will get dressed into a more worthy armour". She saluted Lu Yaozhu and left the tent. She kept her head down until she got to the new tent she was now occupying.

Yu Tai looked at his master and on receiving a nod he walked forward to complete the job Su Liya started and helped Lu Yaozhu get dressed. The servants had moved a box of the General's clothes that survived the fire into the tent while bringing the water and bandages earlier.

Yu Tao helped him into his purple dragon and Magpie official clothes. The official leather belt was toed lower because of the injury to his stomach. The leaves were freer and didn't rub n the slight burns on his arm, Yu Tao tied his head into a small upward bun and put on his black cap.

Yu Tao bent to help Him put on the black embroidered boots when he heard his masters usually steady voice ask "how was the behaviour from the officials?"

"The magistrate was calm but the Secretary and the deputy were asking questions about the state of the camp. Young madam was right, they might have had something to do with the attack. The magistrate kept asking how you were fairing", he said and stepped back.

"Was he? How amusing. Get me a came from my things in the carriage. Make sure to make it obvious who it is for on your way here. Since they want to play games, I will help them play along".

"Yes", Yu Yao bowed and rushed out of the tent.

The magistrate a slim man with clean facial features followed the running make servant with his eyes. The male servant had introduced himself earlier as the Governor's guard Yu Tao, the manservant made quite the impression on him. Yu Tao wasn't intimidated by position and calmly asked them a few questions before stepping out to call his master over.

The magistrate glanced at the tend, Yu Tao rushed out and smiled. 'There you are Lu Yaozhu " he thought. He has been curious where the governor was, as they ride into the camp. A few of the tents were destroyed by fire, apart from the servants and soldiers who went around to pack up, there wasn't a well-dressed official insight.

He watched as Yu Tao ran back into the tent with a wooden cane, he rubbed his jaw gently and muttered to his right-hand man beside him "the general may have survived the assassination attempt this time but he is injured".

His right-hand man followed his master's gaze to the cane in the guard's hand and nodded. The Governor came out a few minutes later, he held the wooden cane as he walked. The officials got down from their horse, followed the Deputy's lead and saluted the new Governor.

The Deputy a plum man with a protruding belly stood straight after the salute and said, "Welcome to Ningzhuo my lord, this official is surnamed Zhang. I served the deputy for the past Governor, I led a few loyal officials to lead you into the city".

Lu Yaozhu smiled at the officials "you shouldn't have worried yourself coming here, I am sure you had a lot of work on your plate. I had instructed a servant to send word when we were nearing the city gates".

Deputy Zhang waved his hands " it was nothing, You are here in special appointment from his Majesty" he clamped his hand to the east as he said your majesty and continued "It is right to give sure a special guest a warm welcome. We brought a few Elite guards to escort you to the Ningzhuo. Your guard must be tired after the long journey, let them stay back and rest while we get going. They can join us at Ningzhuo".

Lu Yaozhu laughed, "how thoughtful of you Deputy". His expression got colder ad he continued, "they are my Elite guards, they go where I go but you are welcome to tag along with us".

Chills ran down deputy Zhang's back on seeing his cold expression. He suddenly felt that this new Governor wasn't easy, he wasn't going to be easy to control but when he remembered that he had the Shu family's prove he got more confident.

"Governor Lu is right, please forgive this official for stepping out of bounds".

Lu Yaozhu waved him off "no need to apologize, I understand you did that out of concern. I already ordered my men to pack up, we will get going once my wife is set".

"Yes, I forgot that the Commandery Princess came with you. Women like to take their time to get dressed. We can wait".

Minutes later the camp was cleared up and Su Liya was led into her carriage. She had a veiled bamboo hat on so the officials couldn't see her face. 

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