Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 97: Ningzhuo Governor's house 1

At a huge courtyard at the Center of Ningzhuo

Su Liya didn't have much interaction throughout the journey to Ningzhuo, she stayed in the carriage with her maids. They usually stopped for an hour in the afternoon for lunch but since they would soon arrive at Ningzhuo, there was no need for that.

They stopped for a few minutes at the City Gates while the captain stationed at the gates introduced himself to Lu Yaozhu before they continued inside. Su Liya didn't hear the full gist of Lu Yaozhu's discussion with the officials since she was in the carriage.

However, as soon as they arrived, Lu Yaozhu went off to settle a few things at the security council while Lu Yaozhu left for the Governor's house with the servants and half of the Elite guards. Before leaving the officials Lu Yaozhu rode to the carriage window and knocked on the wooden frame.

Baozhai rose the curtain up to check who it was, she was expecting it to be Yu Tao or General Wang but was surprised to see their Young master, "Young master!"

"Call Liya", Lu Yaozhu replied calmly. 

"Yes!" Baozhai caught Su Liya's eyes briefly as she moved to the seat opposite the window to make space for her mistress.

Su Liya moved closer to the window and raised the curtain. She rose the white vail up and hooked it on the top of her hat, "General!" She said softly, squinting her eyes slightly at the bright sun outside the dim carriage. 

There were two windows on the carriage, both of which although open slightly was covered by thick white curtains. That coupled with the whore veil she had on made her vision darker.

She had found the veil a nuisance when it was first brought out by Baozhai but when she was informed that princesses were not to reveal their face anyhow, she kept quiet and decided to bear with it. 

Lu Yaozhu pulled out a gold badge and a set of keys from his sleeve and handed it over to Su Liya, "take this".

Su Liya's gaze travelled from his face to his hands and back to his face, "why?"

"I won't be accompanying you to the Governor's house, I need to handle a few things at the security bureau. You are the Lady of the house so I will leave setting it up to you. if you gave any questions just ask Rong Rong or Matron Gu from the palace", he motioned for her to give him her hands, Su Liya gazed at him essentially but stretched out her palm.

He dropped the badge and a bunch of keys into her outstretched palm, "this is the Lu families official badge, that can mobilize the Elite guards and give you access to large amounts of our funds while those keys lead to my store box here in Ningzhuo and the capital. Please keep them safe, I will come back as soon as I can".

Su Liya glanced at the badge and key in her hand and nodded "Okay, thanks" he rose the horse reins to when she pulled at his sleeve, "Be careful out there, no one is to be trusted most especially those corrupt officials. Don't sign anything without reading it properly".

Lu Yaozhu searched her expression for anything that would give off her strange thoughts but found nothing. Su Liya was proving to be a big bag of secrets, she was right most of the time that he was getting a little curious about how she cones about her accurate judgements of situations.

He grinned and nodded the rode away quickly, the rest of the officials present left with Lu Yaozhu except the Chief in charge of the ministry of works. A short stick-thin man in blue official clothes, who introduced himself as Chief Ning. Su Liya didn't meet him face to face but with a curtain between them, as was usual tradition.

After having just a few words with him, it was easy to tell that he wasn't to be trusted. Chief Ning acted very nervous and avoided answering any of her questions. Which was a good tell of a liar, he didn't sound convinced of the information he was giving and tried to avoid being asked any questions more questions. 

They travelled silently until they arrived at a huge courtyard at the centre of Ningzhuo. Su Liya lifted the curtain up as the carriage came to a stop and looked out the window. There was a big plank at the top of the gates that was a nameplate with the name "The Governor's House" carved boldly and painted Gold.

Ningzhuo was the capital city of the northern province of Northern Wei. Each province of northern Wei had their independent ministries and leaders that answered to their Provincial Governor who answered to the Emperor. Ningzhuo as the capital city of the northern Province house the head offices of various ministers all under the Military Governor.

The Military governor was like a vassal prince that ruled a particular region and answered to the Emperor. Su Liya and her maids were surprised as they rode into the city, on their way to the Governor's house. Ningzhuo was nothing like it was rumoured to be, it was as developed as other Provincial Capital states.

The citizens went about their businesses, as they passed by. A few stopped to watch their small party as they ride by, they were curious to see the new military Governor. They were shocked by the well-trained soldiers that arrived with the Governor. A few tried to still places at the woman in the wide carriage, ever since the Emperor's appointment was made public.

Rumours of the governor's wife's beauty were circulated, they weren't much excitement this far north so the citizens relied heavily on gossip to pass time. However, the curtains of the carriage remained shut so they couldn't see in.

Chief Ning rushed over to the carriage window to announce that they had arrived at the Governor's house. Su Liya glanced at Baozhai and nodded, they needed to come down and meet the servants of the Governor's house who stood by the gates to welcome them.

Baozhai knocked by the driver's side indicated that they were ready to come down from the carriage. The driver and guard in front got down from his seat in front of the carriage and brought the step-down. They placed it on the ground at the door and pulled the door open once everything was set.

Baozhai walked down the stairs first and held the curtain up. Rong Ron followed after her while holding on a lady's slim tanned hand with a white jade bangle wrapped around the wrist. Su Liya got down from the carriage while holding onto her hands.

She walked so gracefully she attracted the attention of Chief Ning and the Servant standing in front of the mansion. A cool breeze blew as she came down, which blew her white vail up revealing a small pointed tanned chin.

Su Liya held onto Rong Rong's arm as she walked down the wooden step. Her feet were a little jelly-like from seating for so long but Rong Rong and Baozhai helped her get steady. Chief Ning rushed over to introduce her to the steward, an elderly man in his fifties.

"Your Highness, Let me introduce you to the steward" Chief Ning gestured to a tall man whose hair was now greying, "This is steward Meng, he has been serving as tbs steward for decades. He is very good at his job and he has a very good standing".

Thanks to the tick veil no ins noticed jer eyebrows crease as she heard the tricky official whitewash the steward. She suddenly suspected that there was nothing quite right about this steward. He might be a spy place here to spy on them, she didn't respond and just nodded.

The steward stepped forward and bowed his head said "this old servant greets her highness and welcomes you to Ningzhuo. This servant is at your service please make use of me as you wish".

"Then I will rely on you steward Meng" she replied softly. 

"Thank you, your highness" Steward Meng replied and gestured to the maids behind him, "these are a few old servants, this here is Matron Bao, she is in charge of the maids" he pointed at a plump cold faced woman who stepped forward and bowed.

"Your highness," Matron Bao said.

Su Liya nodded.

Steward Meng turned to another older female servant who hand a white apron on "this is my wife the cook, she is in charge of the kitchen" 

Although Cook Meng's still had a full head of black hair and looked to be in her late forties. She stepped forward like the previous maids and bowed her head "Your highness". 

Steward Meng introduced a few head maids and stewards before finally stopping at the steward in charge of the storeroom. Steward Ye, a bulky man with think beards who liked to be in his thirties, the man left a bad impression on her because of his sour expression when he greeted her.

She quickly took note of his face and classified him under the same list as steward Meng. After the introduction, Su Liya was led into the house.

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