
Chapter 13.5 – Let me in!… LET ME OUT!! Part 2

“So! What’s the matter? Why did you call me? I give you two minutes, I’m busy.  ” In all likelihood, the man in the orb wasn’t happy, like someone who was forced to stop in the middle of a good moment.

“I had some juicy news on hand and an important thing to report, so I decided to contact you ahead of time...” 

“Yes? Come to the point!”

“Ahem. That’s a video call sir...”

“Yes? I know, That’s what we agreed upon starting our collaboration.  Come to the point!”

“I mean, you’ve made a bad focus sir…”

“Did I? I’m pretty sure I have the correct setting yet. Is it blurry? Or perhaps it has water marks? I washed it well though.” 

“I was referring to the capture size, you are in wide mode sir...”

“Perfect, that’s what we are looking for, It gives me a type. My agent recommended it to me and... Nevermind, hurry up, I’m about to leave.”

“Splendid desk you have here sir, is it a new one? It seems different.”

“Yes? Indeed, the old one was too narrow under it. It was awfully uncomfortable,  so I changed, this one’s an actual collection piece, it belonged to the stainless soul church’s third pope. Glad you noticed, well, most did lately. Any other comments on my setup? Or do you plan to waste my time any further?”

“No sir, if it suits you that way, so do I. Let me resume my report, I—”

“One moment. Hey you! I already told ya not to disturb me when I’m in private talk, why are you staring at me? Is that important stuff you have in hand? Don’t ya just stand here, put it on this side then go at once!  Humf… ”

I could faintly hear someone apologies ‘Yes sir! Right away sir, sorry sir’ to the man’s order, followed by a big slam. Well, I could understand his reaction. 

“Hey!! Pay attention to the door! It’s the late empress Rana’s personal bathroom door! It’s priceless! It cost me a whole county with its provided  workforce, fifty of my best trained slaves!”

I don’t think anyone can listen to your words anymore, except us. But one in the other, it’s for the best. I don’t see how you could justify yourself in front of the current king or the princess… A county? Really? Maybe I should change my career path and reconvert into stealing famous figure furniture. How much would it sell if I were to put in action one of their private belongings…

“You could probably get yourself a small duchy, a good one if it’s a really private one. As far as I can remember, there was a case where one got his hand on Rana’s used socks and the highest bid was to be made a cardinal in exchange. It was a fake tho, the man and his son were last seen as transgender, almost complete female, sex slaves in training.”

… My bad, It appeared I was thinking out loud. But sure the rewards are good, while punishments for fake are super-duper outrageous. I might stay on my way, I don’t want to meet the same end by misunderstanding. The worst I can have currently is an unofficial execution, or to be killed in duties. A pity, I have tons of used underwear from unknown girls, maybe one could come from a celebrity, who knows. 

“Sorry, let’s go back on tracks, As I was say---”

“Sorry, I need to cut you again. Hey, stop, it’s time to get down to business, drop what you have on hand and turn around, will you.”

“Yes! At once!” This time I heard the voice clearly, but no door slam.

“Sorry, so, where were we? Let’s hurry, I’m expecting another urgent matter to come soon.”

“Ah! Eh… Yes, as I was saying, I got some important news on hand. Firstly, the trolls, our cover, are gone--”


“Yes, they’re dead, and—”

“They are dead!!!!? Does it mean a strong party came? Have you been discovered??  Should I dispatch killers to clean up?”

“No! No, no worry, we already solved the problem, and I wish you wouldn’t act rashly and scrupulously, we both know who your murderers’ casualties would be. I prefer to take care of my boys myself if you don’t mind. Either you could make me a target, or your men could take me in the lot, I bet.”

“Never! I wouldn’t go this far! That would be too easy to track me down in case of failure.” 

So you do agree that I would be an issue too. Thanks man, I took precautions beforehand. 

Ahem “Anyway, we already  found the cause, it turned out, the hero was working around to make himself forgotten, and took the request quietly, for the high reward purpose. ”

“WHAT, THE HERO?? He’s not someone I can take care of, even with my best guard and assassins. What should I do, he’s coming for me? How did you stay alive? Give me your secret!” 

“If you want me to be concise, stop Interrupting!!”



What a moron, I thought it would never end, as if it wasn’t easy to restrain myself enough. You had to act without thinking and almost spilled the beans.

And all of this for what? I only wanted to confirm the identity of the hero because I had doubts, and it seems it’s the real deal actually. But what about his command? Wait for the next shipment, then Either kill him and make him disappear, or stage his death publicly? 

That would be like digging my own grave, put aside the fact that I need to kill him first, which is not an easy task at all, can I even do it?

 I mean without the girl as a hostage, I’m probably nothing to him. I Know he has fallen into disgrace and lost all of his support, but even there, I’m not his opponent, with all the guys around ganging up on him likewise. 

As for the second part, I’m not taking the bait, make him vanish all of sudden, when all of the big power’s eyes are on him? It won’t take them a week to find out about us after they lost his tracks. As for stage his death, even worse, especially when you rejected my proposal to make use of the girl and pretended she killed him by love then committed suicide. Which would’ve been the only credible option.

Moreover, you want his girl for your own use? Do you want to make more video calls just so you can introduce her to your viewers and boast about how you wiped out the hero and get yourself his girl as a new toy? 

This without even closing your door and letting yourself be bothered by simple secretaries? To ensure the rumor is spreading, like you just did? No... I don’t think what he did today was intentional…so… He would probably just get himself killed when it would reach the king’s ears, or by showing it to the wrong people.

Nop, not gonna happen, I won’t fall in your trap and take your suggestion. 

Let’s think… I still have time before the next shipment but I could always delay it to be sure. It would probably be the last one, anyway, I can’t trust them anymore. 

I can try to help myself with the hero. First set him in a good position, then put him on my side. I don’t think he is that desperate to be tempted to become a bandit, like he wanted to make me believe, but he does have great need for money and care for his companion.

 Furthermore, he is craving girls as if hadn’t touched one for ages. Wait, didn’t you say she was your wife? Isn't she enough for you? Anyway, I can use that to my advantage along with other benefits.

Last resort, I can use that, but… I really don't want to. You already planted enough seeds and harvested the fruits, didn't you? By pity, don’t grow a forest from that if we get there… please. 

Let's not think about it, It makes me want to throw up. I’ll try implementing my plan from now on first. 


“Yes boss?”

“WHOA!!! Wow come you are already here, you shouldn't be babysitting the hero and his partner?”

“I was, but my instinct told me you would ask for my presence, I rushed through winds and tides without taking time to finish my task properly, and so here I am.”

Mmh? Well, good, it will save me from wasting my time.

“You can let the hero and his wife in the same cell… no even better, make them stay together in the same places as the good.  If he ever requests some girls to have fun, go for it, you can use our used slave or any non-virgin. Anything else, it’s up to your judgment.”

 “And go get the girl, the one I put aside for myself, make sure she’s cooperative, make her understand that she can finally escape from her fate if she does the job right, then send it to take care of our new friends. No question, no comment, okay? Our life is on the line.”

“Rogger, but what about you?”

“Meanwhile, I will go with some men. I have to make as the hero suggested, and report to the guild in his name that he will push deeper in the forest, as the trolls have changed their hunting ground.” 

A good thing that he came up with this idea, and gave me his adventurer ID card. I can kill two birds with one stone, it will dissipate the hero’s stalkers doubt, and persuade the one that follows my every step that I have disposed of him.

Uhm? Strange, it smells weird, maybe I should air it out, It's just that these last nights have not been very restful. I hope Joe didn't notice, or he'll pester me again to allow him to be rough on the slaves.


Who’s the manager!! That’s not what I have asked! I want a refund! 

A day after our incarceration, we were accompanied elsewhere, from our initial habitat, simple Iron cages put side by side in rows, to an unknown destination.

Located in mountainside natural caves whose entrances were barely visible. Their hideout was perfectly concealed. I'm not surprised the guild never heard of their presence.

 From what I could see, the layout was intricate, cave rooms connected by gallery networks served as their base of operation. At that time, it appeared to me that the whole was perhaps way bigger than I originally thought. 

I was right like I usually do, but it exceeded my assumption, beyond all my predictions in every way. It wasn't just any hiding place, a good yet simple bandit camp. 

That was quite elaborate and even roughly built or carved into the rock in certain places. They got functional rooms for their needs, furniture and decoration, things were very well arranged.  All of which could accommodate at least forty people, another bad news, they were way more than planned.

Following our guide, we went deeper underground. Upon entering a secret path, whose entrance was concealed behind a woven tapestry and a hidden door, we got ourselves yet another speleologist ride. A long trip underground, crossing multiple caves and corridors, sometimes natural, sometimes man made, god I hate labyrinth. There is little to no hope that a stranger to the place will find his way in this maze of galleries. 

We were watched by three men on top of the unique and unforgettable Joe, all the way, and of course, with Lily carried by them, a knife on her throat to dissuade me from everything. 

After a long time, over an hour of walking underground, the tunnel finally opened into a very large cave, bigger than all the other ones, and this time, fully built, with actual plain structures in wood, bricks and rock. Some were even completely dug into the cave’s wall.  They were in poor condition, half in ruins, nonetheless, their sight of view was shocking and beautiful, simply breathtaking. Where the hell is this? 

We were then accompanied further for a while, the rocks left their place to polished stones, and the galleries became corridors and stairs. A building?  Seemingly a big one furthermore, given the width of the hallway. 

All for the sake of ending up in an actual prison, a dungeon with big cells, not just mere cages like before, but from strong stone and thick metal bare. We were brought to a big one, under the stunned and questioning eyes of dozens of bystanders... 

The entire lockup was empty, everything else but this particular unit, filled with prisoners. Still, they were not one on top of the other, as the dimensions were huge. Probably made for monsters initially, it was more than enough to add some more without making it unbearable. 

At first, I thought that this bad mouth of mine had yet again predicted the future, and I expected to find there a bunch of muscled black men, who would unintentionally drop the soap to my feet.

Luckily, they were not. But this caused other trouble which I would never have imagined.

Problem one, they were all girls, of any kind, age ranging from young teens, if not children, to forties. All pretty although not necessarily stunning beauty.

Problem two, their outfits, simple short cotton dress; was barely covering their important part, and highlighted their shape. They had no underwear. 

Problem three, Me! 

Let me out!! This is not what I had planned!! What do you want? My death? Do you plan to keep me confined here, doing baby-making nonstop until I die? No luck for you, It can’t anymore! What I can, it to show you how to! But even for me, that’s a little too much here!

We were put in a modest cell, right in front of them, on the other side. Craps! I shouldn’t have let my mind run wild… Now I’m compelled to look without touching. A genuine torture then… LET ME IN!!!! Lily, if I lost my mind, pardon me.

Later one, a slave, a young gorgeous and stunning beauty with blond hair, was sent to us with the instruction to serve our every need and got herself almost eaten on the moment without giving her time to speak. Saved only by the stares of hatred, disgust and pity radiating from behind her, and somewhat thanks to Lily's saddened and eager face. I repeat myself 


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