
Chapter 13 – Let me in!… LET ME OUT!! Part 1

“Let me in!! I only want to check on her, you didn’t touch her or dirty her body did you?! Because if you did, I’m not gonna stay still! I will complain in high places, got it! She’s mine!… well she’s not, not any time soon, not even in a dream. But!! She’s under my protection. I vowed to her mother to bring her back at the cost of my own sanity.”

What bullshit am I spouting here, I don’t even know her mother’s name. But I can’t resolve myself to openly state my worries about her well being. 

“Calm down buddy, ya didn’t think we’re crazy enough to go against the boss's order? And I can’t let you approach any more than that, your cages are near enough for you to ogle and that didn’t stop you from peeping at her all night, didn’t it?” The watchdog, our good friend Joe, brother of countless twins, especially dead ones, was faithful to the task until the end, and did most of the guard duty.

 When he was not resting, he took a mischievous pleasure in torturing my mind since we arrived. Serving no purpose other than contradicting me, or refusing all my requests, everything while pretending to take great care of us. Surprisingly, he was no longer longing after Lily’s body, and kept his hand and eyes at bay, like a professional warden. 

“That was only to make sure she was fine and ensure nobody would make a move on her behind my back!! Absolutely totally completely not cuz I couldn’t help myself from enjoying the view!”

fuaaaaaa… “Hero? Is that you? What happened? Why are you making so much noise so early in the morning?” Lily, who was awakened by my commotion, was wearing a rare smile of satisfaction,  stretching her arms like she had woken up from a good night's sleep in a 5-star hotel.

“Told ya, she’s okay.”

“Thank god, I’m at ease now. Don’t worry Lily, I will bring us back home whole and chaste!… well, for you in the least. I had a chat with their boss, we are currently on hold, but I managed to get his word for you to be treated well. It’s just that these monkeys didn’t agree to let us stay together.”

I had more than a chat with him however. We spoke a lot, like a smart and manly male would do with someone of the same caliber.

 After Lily’s proof of idiocy, I mean, after her fiasco… no, after her flop, nobody will say I’m mean okay?! I do have some responsibility after all, why I’d supposed she could go with the flow when she’s a rookie who finished with both legs cripple because she didn’t want to fail me... 

Anyway, after this unfortunate event, they escorted us to their hideout. And by us, I mean me, carrying Lily who got to sleep from exhaustion all the way until now, along with a small group of freshly bought slaves. 

How’d I know? Because they all bore all-new official slave’s marks,  magical seals, that have yet to completely settle into their skin. 

Upon our arrival, we were split, the slaves fate was unknown and they put Lily in jail while their boss strictly ordered not to touch or do her any harm, we then had a talk about our situation. 

To sum it up, I’m screwed… therefore nothing changes. 

Joke aside, now that the hero’s name was known, possibilities were lessened. Further reduced because they understand well that I had at least some attachment to Lily and vice versa.

I managed to secure our safety while appearing somewhat weak minded and helpless. Showing them that I was at the end of my rope after my trial due to my well known predicaments, and was forced to complete second rate quests to desperately repay my creditors. 

I  barely pretended, it wasn't so far from the truth. Considering how poor I was, and thanks to Lily's burdensome and stressful existence, to which I could add the pressure weighting on my spirit caused by the dangerous temptation that resulted from it. I was indeed not far from a mental breakdown. 

 So as not to put them on alert. I make one hear that I hated my current situation, and wouldn’t mind an alternative. 

I introduced myself like an honest pervert in search of a future free of obligations. Well, I didn’t specifically emphasize the first part, it was already a worldwide fact after all. 

I answered all of his following questions, about my and Lily's situation.

I even revealed that I was cursed with a tracker, and, even if it was supposedly currently blocked by their magical jammer, they had to prepare a countermeasure. Developing a bit, I proposed a temporary means of replacement for the cover we blew unintentionally, as well as for providing any potential monitoring parties a reason for my sudden disappearance from the radars.

He accepted my explanation and put us on hold, reflecting on the situation and the viable choices at his disposal, weighing the possible pros and cons for each of them. 

 He seemed skeptical when he first heard of my identity, back then he laughed for a while before understanding that Lily was serious. Now, he was still doubtful about my motive and the reasons for my presence around this part of the world, but he seems to believe me.

 He knew Lily was at his mercy, at least until her full recovery, and it may take time, magic was forbidden and it’s not like we could bypass their unfair equipment.

Beside their jammer, they had magic blockers too, how did they put their hand on it first of all! Well, I quite  got a rough idea about it,  but it remains to be confirmed. 

In short, Lily was their insurance, and I was a potential co-worker, with talent, but unreliable. So he didn’t have to dispose of us urgently, likewise, I could cause him trouble, but chose to cooperate and disclosed almost everything in return for sparing Lily and guaranteeing her safety.

It could be seen as a questionable decision, after all I could have very well waited for the guild, or any kingdom anxious about losing my track, to find me, and believe me, it wouldn't have taken them long before they did it. 


But I didn’t want to let incertitude guide my steps. It was better not to stay idle, and act as long as I could still assert my position.

Not only was it the safest in the short term, but also the most profitable. I have some suspicions about their true motive and what was actually going on , and my hero instinct was telling me that there was money in it. Or at least, I should be able to gain something from this. 

Moreover, I didn’t want to risk an army showing up and screwing up the situation even more. Might as well count on Lily's lucky star… or mine,  this remains to be determined which one is the cause for our misfortune. 

But hey! Aren’t we alive? Lily was still unable to move, but she got actual medical aid, and was now fully bandaged. With clothes on. I was even told that a girl, a slave, would be provided to take care of her every need. 

We were clearly winning from this exchange, it was not expected that we would lose our harshly earned gains there though.

Because I was so poor, almost everything was stored into simple magic storage pouches with no protection whatsoever. Our belongings were taken away from us, but it’s not like I had some secret weapon or anything like that anyway. Plus, Lily's cutlery set was welcome with open arms, they were apparently short on them… 

As for the important stuff, it was well kept safe in Lily's secret storage ring. A ring that she apparently successfully hid… well, somewhere, in a place that only a girl could have, I guess? I didn't dare ask.

A chance that all my personal outfit and cosplay collection was confiscated after the inn event and that they were kept out of my reach. I’d really despair of losing them. Much more than the little that our economy represented, and that wasn’t in the ring.

 I know I would have done the same, but… Lily… why?? 

All that was left to do now was to wait. It did not bother me, it’s not like I had a wife or kids waiting at home… Well, they are not waiting strictly speaking and the later I meet them the better. 

May god spare me. 

 “Are you worried Hero? Don’t worry about the view, when night comes, I don’t mind showing you a little if we are given a little privacy.” 

Whereas I was in the process of complaining internally, Lily’s voice brought me out of my thoughts. As always, her concerns were cut, but totally misplaced. “Thanks, but that wasn’t what bothered me.” 

“... Are you sure? You’re drooling.” 

“I’m hungry, that’s it.” I hope the slave they’re sending is good, I wouldn't say no to a bit of soft yuri circumstance when she will  attend to Lily. he he


Meanwhile, in a dark and messy room, with its only occupant in the center, standing in front of an intriguing orb. A secret conversation was taking place,well kept from any curious eavesdropper, and whose purpose served a dark motive. 

A mysterious figure’s projection could be distinguished inside the orb.  “Kill the hero, and send me his wife along with the next shipment, unspoiled. If she is as pretty and cute as you said, I will put her to good use and let you keep the archaeologist who picked your interest in return.”

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