
Chapter 15 – A day in a hellish paradise is enough to reduce a man into submission. So do a week.

I’m a new man, forever changed, I don’t think I can go back to normal anymore. 

A whole week passed, a week of psychological and physical torture. A week during which I had to endure not only Lily's jealous and saddened behavior, but also a heavy and persistent atmosphere of disgust and hatred, yet, full of sensuality and indecency.

Furthermore, as if that wasn't enough, our new five star guest room with a view on the sea of desire was accommodated with its own staff, free of service and above all, eager to offer them.

That’s to say, an insupportable tempting aid who calls herself My thing, and made seducing me her main goal for no apparent reason. I don't even know her name! She quite simply refused to say it.

 It’s been a difficult week for sure, each day was long and hot, while the cold nights didn’t give any rest, as I was so afraid to sleep. However low the odds were, I was still scared of being subjected to rape by Lily caretaker, paying me an unexpected visit. I wasn't willing to take the risk.

All the more since dozing off from something other than exhaustion would result in sweet dreams which would make my admirers' look of aversion so intense that I would choke. This, in the best case scenario, where those would not become too realistic.

Otherwise, It would mean to break the peace treaty I’ve made with myself, going against the non-aggression pact with the current sole available territory in reach, yet out of limit. A fast forward invasion from which retirement would be impossible the moment I would barge into the forbidden zone. Making me the owner of the prohibited land once and for all.

Unless a third party invites itself and initiates hostility, which would lessen our loss, but again, I would risk our enemies to ally together and it would be impossible for me to resist a joint attack.

A chance that I had the right to keep my adventurer clothes, they were helpful and let me partially hide my bad boy whose vigor never dried up, holding it back forcefully and causing me a distress preventing me from falling asleep easily.

But man that was painful! 

One week of forced abstinence, in these conditions, following days of enduring Lily’s teasing, themselves following months under arrest … It was like I had built step by step my horniness with a promise of a great future, without ever being able to let it go wild. Always postponing the fateful moment.

 I had tightened my belt to choke my child, but I couldn’t stop my eyes from looking, could I? 

My only moments of joy were when I talked with our jailers, Joe, at least he was very good at freezing my ardor. 

“Say bro, I’m rather thankful to you, I mean, I won’t have to cut in two, err… split in three my heritage, when I get it back. But I can’t help being saddened by Andy’s death and the impossibility to attend his funeral.” 

Usually, it was he, who told me about his life, and I listened absent-mindedly. I learned the hard way that too much investment would get me into trouble.

“But maybe you can help me to cherish his memory and help me remember his face for longer? You looted his camp, didn't you? Did you happen to find some documents or his written correspondence? He should have had lots of them, did you find anything like a will or an inheritance document? I certainly can grant you your request if so.”

“ ??? That doesn’t ring a bell, no really. Sorry. What about his corpse? Maybe it was something he carried with him?” 

tsk “We couldn’t find it. I looked anywhere, but he was nowhere to be seen. At least from what remains after the hungry beast turns.”

Woow! Really, his body wasn’t the one in the worst state yet, he had lost his limb but at least his bust was untouched. How much did beasts feast on them so nothing stays behind? 

“Anyway, In that case, unfortunately, I’m afraid I can’t comply with your plea. I won’t find you and let you in a place safe from other gaze, with soundproof wall and door, a soft bedding, and energizing food for two days and  nights. All I can give you is the slave you asked for, but as they are all quite busy at the moment, I will let you in the opposite cell instead, you can even use several ones in exchange, just try to be careful and not to take too much virgin at once.”

Fuck you buddy, who’s your bro? At least, I’m pretty sure Andy wasn’t. Inheritance paper? Has to split it? Hey, weren’t you out for personal reasons when you caught us, looking for something… or someone? Wasn’t your target the other Joe by chance? But now I’m concerned, weren't they experimental subjects from some dark and evil research center? How could he have any inheritance right whatsoever? 

In any case, I now formally had the attention of the whole prison, the stares almost palpable already, became rock solid, some girls even spit out when I met their gaze.

 Lily was about to make a scene probably wanting to say something like ‘How can you use a girl in secret when I’m right at your disposal and ready whenever you want’ while our assistant friend would trip on purpose and fell into my embrace, slightly exposing her skin and act like she was a shy clumsy maid. 

What are your problems!!! To everyone, I’m not just some disgusting bastard in heat, you just wait! The time I will save you all is near… and when it will arrive… You will all be at my mercy!!! 

Or so I thought, but I don’t think I would go that far, in view of the way things are going, I may finish as a eunuch. And if not, I certainly will be impotent for a time.

 Why? Because recently, the pressure on my mind and body was such that I started to get used to it. That is mainly why I asked for some private time, I knew this was coming.

 One more week and I will be like a wise man, a nude body view will only make me meditate on the substance and the form. Did ya know that the true beauty of something came from its imperfections? I'm starting to realize it, a freckle arrangement similar to a star chart, a trace of crying that reminds me of a dried up stream, a disappointed look that makes echo of my past...

Anyway, back on topic, I  luckily saw it coming and was prepared. I binded Lily's mouth with my hand and caught Anna before she fell on me.  Anna’s our cellmate by the way. Yup, the very one who tried to sleep with me the very first day we met, I say well, the day

I don’t know what she has in mind, but there is definitely a misunderstanding, she misinterpreted her orders maybe? The fact is that upon seeing my face, she transformed.

 From an elf, a semi elf seemingly, she became a succubus. Her gloomy face and bored attitude became light and engaged and her behavior began to mimic a predator which then switched for an approach of clumsiness and unintentional provocative situations, when she understood I would not concede.


 I had to ask Joe for her name as she refused to give me anything other than some “Just call me whatever you want, I’m at your service.” or “You don’t need to know my real name, only to use my slave’s body as you fit.”

 The worst is that he asked me for some advice as compensation, but it was needful. Calling her… ‘you’ like she was some trash seemed to be fine to her, but that was what made the others so unfriendly in the first place.

 I had to change the way I appeared to them, to a better person of course, something closer to reality. We were in the same boat after all, real companions in misfortune. 

Oddly enough, after I finished giving Joe his personal guidance on his sleeping performance, I was seen as a complete subhuman, and gradually became the subject of intense moral bullying.

 Hey! I wasn’t giving him tips on sex okay!! It was all about his constant need of rest and irregular nap issues. 

But I couldn’t prevent him from doing a satisfied and pleased grim after my whispering. Nor could I guess he would choose this moment to take a girl out of the cell, thanking me and saying out loud that he would try it asap.

 I’m innocent!!! But even Lily thinks I’m the bully and refuses to talk about it. If you think so, can’t you let me alone when I’m trying to save myself from losing what made me a hero? My integrity and credibility of course, have you ever seen an impotent hero making essays on the way of the universe and the art of the body? Cuz that’s what I’m about to become!

It makes no sense! Why are you both, making these envious faces like I was cheating on you when I’m supposedly a bad guy anyway. 

“Ahhh! Not there hero… everyone can see us...” moan  “Mmmh...sluurp...hmmm...sip” moan

Swords piercing my flesh could be felt from everywhere. 

Ooops, I think I just made things worse again. Lily, whose mouth was covered imperfectly, let one finger find an opening, while the place I groped Anna to stop her fall was inappropriate… Well, goodbye my wished savior advent, hello my utterly gross, filthy and lubricious sicko emergence, I missed you. 


“So, how’s the hero behaving? Is he installed correctly? Did he ask for something?  Has he touched any girl? Things are not going smoothly on our side, I’d already spotted curious people in town, and I know we are being monitored by those bastards. A chance I made preparation and faked the hero's death and disappearance. But I need his cooperation from now on, or it will be our demise.”

“No, sorry boss, but I even implied he could use any girl he wished for, even from our goods, but, as he seems interested, he didn’t make a move. Instead, he asked for some private time in a private room, with good food, a good bed, and only a girl to serve him. He looked terribly tired at that moment.”

“Strange… It’s about the hero we talk here, he fucked like a rabbit so much before, so why… ohhhhhh! Something comes to mind, I heard when you did it too much, you could end impotent, unaffected by normal stimulation, and that what you are accustomed to, no longer arouses you. Fuck, we are in a dead end. That’s not something we can influence. And a comfortable room and food won’t  make him indebted to us. No result from Anna either?”


“No, even though she does it relentlessly and what’s more at a sustained pace. It's crazy, thinking about it, she was so against it, and guarded her virginity by all means. She fought back every time she was molested. Seeing her fall for a good looking hero made me angry and envious. However good, he seems to still be attracted to his young wife. Could he be shy and prefer immature bodies now?”

“Him? Shy? You may think of it if you only knew of what transpired from his judgment. But I have a ton of spicy info, he’s an immoral and unconcerned dog. He did it in plain sight, or outdoors, without much of a concern… But you may have a point, maybe he’s seeking new thrills… No choice, I can’t let all of you guys down in this mess… Go fetch that, I will bound us forever. Meanwhile, I will inform him of the situation in which we find ourselves, him and us. He will be obliged to help us in the end.”


As usual, I receive a constant flow of murderous looks directed my way, I’m even more hated than their own enslavers and I’m the public enemy, the number one in the list to castrate if they are ever freed alone. 

But as much as my side sucks, this is not the case for a certain somebody. Lily could lessen her injuries, she had plenty of rest, good discussions with her new friends Anna, and even sympathized with the resident across the corridor. She recently received permission to use magic again, and on top of fixing her legs, she put her effort into healing them. 

Anna, not unsatisfied with the situation too, was working like our maid and taking care of the chores when she was with us. Otherwise,  since she had the right, and so the possibility, to walk freely in this entire place. She made it her daily task to help the other girl too. Something that was at first denied, but then agreed on as it couldn’t do any harm.

What a joke, why I am the only one who tries hard to save them, but seen as less than nothing. At least, the bandits treat me differently, they’re rather nice once you forget they were criminals, murderers, robbers, and rapists.

 It may be one of the reasons why I’m one-sidedly treated like this by the girl. But It helps me understand the situation. Yes, I was working all the time, unlike what some people might think.

 What I gleaned, chatting with the talkative guard proved to be even more efficient than questioning Anna. 

From what I grasped, the bandits were not a mere collection of thugs. I already knew, by the place they used and their boss' cleverness that they were not simple, but that was once again an understatement.

First they were well organized, they had shifts for everything and a competent staff assigned to their task. A whole part of it was made of proper slaves, not just sexual ones, who got orders and things to do in their contracts, but were free to move as they please, without permanent monitoring. Sure, they couldn’t flee or disobey their command, but at least they were able to live correctly. 

Secondly, their activities were complex, they were doing field research and looked for something of apparent importance, at the same time as dealing with human trafficking. 

Like a commercial counter, they gathered their victims, as well as recent enslaved girls, properly purchased in a legal way. Their common point was that they were of fairly high standard, and quite attractive. They stored everyone before sending them all at once to a mysterious location.

 The concerned people were, of course, our heavy-stare competition’s contestants. Including, moreover, the ones who were escorted beside us at first, when we were made prisonner. 

I hadn’t recognized them immediately but when I did,  all I could do was to apprehend the missing boys. My first thought went ‘I hope they’re imprisoned elsewhere, and still alive. May god bless you’ and  even prayed for them, and therefore, warmed my soul. It seems god had not yet deserted me. 

But, after reflection that put me on the track, they supposedly had another place to keep the men, And it took me no effort so I could find traces of the few guys they had kidnaped. Everyone was seemingly used as a labor force and excavating the galleries. 

Finally, the bandit part had to be a cover, the majority was working on the job cited above, and only a small part was actually doing robbery and kidnapping.

 Even the kidnaped women seem to come from other unrelated sources, bought on the black market or from other bandits. 

Either way, my hero instinct told me that their boss had something to tell me, either requiring my help, or intending to involve me in the matter. At least, he would probably ask me to drop any attempt to report them, or he wouldn’t have bothered to bring me here, and let me listen to the gossip.

Something that should be confirmed shortly, because here he is.

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