
Chapter 16 – The charmed princess, the charming prince, and the beasts

“Say… Finn, what will happen to me? What will they do?”

“Don’t worry, I swear on my honor as your knight, I will bring you out soon enough. Trust me, my plan is almost ready.”

“Ehh, but you are not a knight right? You’re just another pervert that’s just slightly better than the hoodlum you hang out with, you're doing pretty well with them, why do you keep insisting you will save me? You know you won’t make a profit, you might even lose your life or worse.”

Why would you betray your comrade, even if they are outlaws, you still have their trust, so why would you put your current life at risk. Furthermore, who’s white, you don’t wear the slightless piece of white, and I’m pretty sure your beliefs are anything but pure.”

“It has to be. Black ones are for misfortune or curses, and other colors have no meaning.”

Mhmf… Say Finn… Can’t you answer me seriously? Why me?  This place certainly does not lack distressed girls, some of whom you have probably already spent quite a bit of time and attention with, and I’m sure, are more than eager to receive more. So why are you not helping them? Are you after my body? Do you secretly want something from my family? You know I can give you nothing but my word of gratitude.” 

“Hey, how can you say things like that, moreover, I’m still a young teen, how can you speak of me like I was the harem king.”

“Feminine intuition. Something’s telling me that you are much more sexually accomplished than you let on. I have no doubt you have a fair amount of love conquest under your belt, even some regulars I bet.”

“And then, are you jealous? Want to offer me your body finally?”

“I really can’t, you can use my look to quench your thirst, I already agreed to use my mouth or hand, but you must never go further…”

“Yeah, I know, or I will suffer worse than hell. Don’t worry, I trust you, and I won’t touch you at all, the other girls' offers are more than enough for me to not go crazy about a teen’s growing body. Ah, but don't get me wrong, you are beautiful and pretty already. Anyway, because I trust you, can’t you do the same? Will you? I just need one more week or so.”

“You keep saying that but it will be 1 month, 3 and a half weeks, already. They won’t keep me forever untouched you know?”

“Nah, I am aware of everything that’s going on down here. They really have a hard time agreeing upon one thing. The guard is looking in the wrong place, they are far from the nearest city. That reduced the pressure by a lot, now these guys are more undecided than ever. They may have given up the idea of ransoming, but they won't act harshly either. Since you are short a year or two away from fully bringing out your charms and potential, they’re not in a hurry. ”

Smile “Say Finn…”

“At your command princess!”

“If ever they chose to… you know, to act.

“They won’t!”

“But if they ever do it…”

“No, not gonna hap-”

“FINN! Please… If it ever happens, I wish you can go first, no, promise me… in fact, swear  it, you will. Do whatever it takes so you do. At least I will be able to give you some pleasure before you meet your end.”


“That may be selfish, but if we get there, no one will go out of there alive, innocence would be of no concern. I can’t explain, but trust me… at least, this way you will be my knight for an instant.” 

“Okay, I'll even swear to god if that is your wish,  but in return, keep your spirits up, don’t give in! And above all, keep asking for baths, it would be a shame to lose that cherfullness you display during these moments and what goes with it, especially the view."


“Hey Finn, did you come across Caty perhaps? We were talking and she ended up in the conversation, but I haven't seen her since last night. Not that I miss her boring complaints but it's a shame not to be able to ogle those abs.” 

I was wondering why he was looking for me, but it was for this reason, was I too hasty in my acts? With her, my last piece, I would be ready for action. I just hope she gives in not too fast, it was almost disappointing last time.  Well, too late for self-doubt, fortunately I prepared an excuse.

“Her abs lol! Since when did you look at that part, are you sure it’s not her ears and tail you like? You dog lover bastard?”

But it seems they are not that perturbed, these two wouldn't even question my loyalty if they caught me tying her up and molesting her in front of their eyes. They would prefer to join the fun instead.

Sure her abs were worth it, but harder than stones. As for her canine assets, they were certainly intriguing, yet, their appearance other than color was common and they were not well maintained. 

No, if you ask me, it’s her fur that made the difference, and gave a little extra unique flavor to the whole. What would these muscles and knot ball be, without this touch of femininity? I better take her as a tomboy with a cute side than as the failure of a wolf-girl she was. 

Whatever, I can't blame them for their heresy, they have no way to know it. 

“She didn’t inform you? Well, since she was in a hurry that’s not strange she didn’t tell you anything. I ran into her, or rather the opposite. She didn’t speak much, she was whispering incomprehensible things about having finally found a trace. She left the base soon after.”

“Uh? Oh, told you mate, she really did find a clue! This explains her sudden disappearance. I hope she won’t find anything this time either. We would miss her if she were to leave because she no longer needs us.” 

As far as I know, she would probably kill you upon her departure, even without my intervention. She despite you more than the others. You shouldn’t had try to rape your coworker, that one is not to be done. You may think she doesn't know and you’re safe, but  I spilled the beans long ago to gain her favor. Nothing against you mate, but it was a golden opportunity and the reward lived up to my expectations.

“As if, you would miss her body, not her person, moreover you know how difficult it is to search for unlisted slave whereabouts. I don’t know who she is looking for, nor how they are related, but she is wasting her time.”

 “Yes, but let’s be serious, her going missing while most of the men are on duty, with the princess’s kidnapper that fled fearing for his life, we are now seriously understaffed. Can you look after the sales report Finn? I know you already have your hands full, you look exhausted, but it’s not like it will kill you, and nobody else knows how to do it as neatly as you. I can assign someone to replace you at the princess's bedside.”

No! that would screw everything up… I can't put any effort anymore if I don’t tease her every morning, evening... and night.

“You don’t have to, calm as she is, she is rather relaxing in fact, ya don’t want to take care of your daughter instead? Well, I don’t know from whom she is, but Anabelle's too busy during the day, and you use her every other night.”

Yup, that’s a much more serious problem,  that brat drives me crazy.

 “I don’t ask you to be the father, but you could at least play your role and give Belle some rest, she needs to take care of her daughter asap or I will eventually become her son. That child thinks of me as her own big brother damn it. How I’m supposed to work when she hangs out next to me at every turn. Even the other slaves can’t stop her from sneaking away.

“How will the situation turn out if we leave it unattended? Does anyone here want to adopt me? Joke aside, nothing good will happen if she stumbled upon the captives. It would be time to properly look after her, for her future.”

I can’t really blame her, her existence is even more precarious than a slave’s, a chance that she will also come out of this hell soon. Without Aurélia, the cute and mighty princess, she might have been the trigger to my change of mind in the near future. She’s adorable, one of the rare girls that I don't see as such. Maybe I’ll agree to become her big bro if she ever asks for it. 

“What future, Anabelle begged us not to take her away, and so we did. She will grow as a slave daughter, and either become one, or become one. It's too late to ditch her anyway. Fear not, no one is crazy enough to have any thought about his potential daughter. When she is of age, you just have to officially take her, or even marry her, if she likes you that much and if you are so concerned.”

“Hey, but wouldn’t that make one of you my father in law? Maybe I would even be everyone’s son in  law.”

“Fuck off! You got me there puppy, what are we going to do with you I wonder? Stop bothering yourself, you will certainly be the boss, or another gang boss, at that time.  ”

I could have, but I can’t wait any longer… Sorry, I really quite appreciate you both  despite your poor choice of life. Don’t resent me okay? But you had all the time to change things yourself. I pray that your next life will be better. 

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