
Chapter 7.5 – Hey! For once it’s not me, It’s not her, we are still both conscious at the end! Part2

Our journey passed without any further incident, sleeping under the starry sky, and peacefully walking amidst the scents of the forest. I hunted in the evening or if we passed by anything worthy of our belly, thereby, we could have some meal variation and preserve our provision. Not that we were short on them, but any potential saving on the final bill was a plus.

Our goal wasn’t that far and we could’ve probably reached it in a day or two if we were in a hurry, but the environment was so relaxing and calm that I let myself get caught in the moment and five days slipped by without me realizing it, before we finally reached our destination.

 But it was worth it, as much as I esteemed Lily company after my long and lonely forced ‘break’ from my hero job, it was mostly the possibility of being in search of somewhat peaceful adventures again, that made me feel good and happy. 

Debt aside, I was now free from worrying about the fate of the common people and definitively rid of the cumbersome politics plays. I may be poor for life, but I regret nothing, especially not my services to others and my relations with them. 

My former job was not an easy one after all. Only a dreamer would say that’s a dream job. 

Generally speaking, a hero is not created overnight, what’s more, he’s often unrelated to his own ascension but forced into the role by other peoples’ work that makes you rise in popularity, for their own profit. All my little blunders were mainly direct causes due to my work. Either from overwork stress, or overwork duty. They can talk all they want, but these nobles were way too happy with the situation to let it go, let’s not even talk about getting rid of it .

That until it all blew up in their faces, and I was made the scapegoat. I may have made it easier for them, by accepting the situation and having that much extramarital relationship. But who worked me to the bones for their greed? Who openly uses the girl I had sex with to promote their safety and wellbeing, rescued from the shadow of war. 

 Who made it so I could lay with as many women as I wanted at once without worrying, providing me with their palace and garden for my rest? Who were the ones preparing orgies all over the places, to perfect the inexhaustible hero’s common belief, while reassuring the commoner by showing them my flaws? 

Believe it or not, I was made what I’m now. I may be a pervert, but I would never ever have dreamt of this lifestyle, if only countless nobles had not made it possible. I did not abuse my position a single time. But as if by chance, girls fell into my arms like my enemies feel at my feet.  

Therefore, I played my part, I enjoyed myself as much as possible, while those around me coveted my glory, accepting if not worsening the situation. The nobles and royals ripped all the benefits of my advance against the demons, land, resources, freed cities and population.  While those who didn’t ésitate to shamelessly give their daughter, or other related women, were looking for fame or sought to gain the favor of the nobles. 

Girls by the bye, that were plainly benefiting and still are, from the act and didn’t stop themselves from making their friends jealous. In all this mess, they were the most honest, grateful for the most part, everyone was willing. I told you, I never forced anyone, and if I might not have asked whether they were already married, I always made sure they were not forced. 

One could say that they were looking for good pay, akin to a week of a prostitute wage, or the future possibility of greatness, so some could've been lying, but I always promised to provide them with the same benefits no matter their choice.

Turns out, they’d lose nothing, as everything was made official agreement. And even in case of refusal on their part, they would still receive their due.

Right, having that much offspring was not exactly planned by anyone, myself included. But sure ya don’t think they were doing this without any kind of insurance? A simple but good contract assured them a sum of money and ‘just in case’ they would receive some sort of financial support if they were to have a child.  The last part being the reason for my current situation.  

Anyway, enough chatter

“We will soon step inside the troll territory, or at least, where the report located it so far. Let’s be careful and pay attention to any possible trace, I’m not a tracking professional, so your help is welcome.” Cutting out the silence, I put a stop to our walk. 

“Why did we leave the forest, and are currently following the mountain trail? The terrain is steep and unsteady, moreover we are exposed. What is the point?” Lily, not without reason jumped on the occasion to complain.

“Trolls are tall, we will find them easier this way, the forest would just restrict our field of view. Besides, they are better used to open space anyway, so there is a good chance that it’s their living territory, while the nearby forest is more of a hunting ground.” I too would’ve preferred to stay in the quiet forest but we already lazed around a lot.

“I would prefer the forest… the stone and rocks are sharp and all jagged, each and every step hurts a lot.”

“Do you need a break? It’s true that your shoes don’t seem to be made for the mountains, sorry, had I paid attention earlier, I would have gone out to scout alone. You can wait for me here if you want. Hide behind those rocks. It shouldn’t take much longer, at the latest I’ll be back in three hours.”

humu It'll be okay, a break will do, I can endure a little longer. Want a snack? I have some homemade dry cake and cold tea.” Lily said while shaking her head negatively in response to my suggestion.

She took out a small package and a water bottle while resting on a flat boulder. Ohhh, I didn’t know she could cook. If it didn’t come from her, it would have been a dream-like situation… mmh... Delightful sweets made by your wife with care and love... You know what? I’ll let myself be tempted, hopefully they don’t taste weird.

“Why not, evening’s meal is still far away while we could soon be ourselves in the middle of a fight. Might as well not have an empty stomach. Are there any candied fruit ones by chance?”

She handed me a cup of tea and some cookies that looked, well, quite normal. Then she stared at me, eyes full of apprehension. 

Let’s take a bite “Mmm good! Tasty and Sweet! Just to my taste, were you secretly a cordon bleu Lily?” 

Wouldn't she be… well, herself. She would have made a great wife.

Jiggle jiggle “No, I handle sweet just fine, but that’s all, in fact, the ones you ate are the ones I’m best at. A recipe from my mother. Glad you like it!” She spoke with a cheerful and satisfied reaction, shaking from happiness as I congratulated her.

“You’re not having one? You should, they are excellent.”

“No thanks, I pay attention to my figure. I try not to eat outside of meal times.”

Well, I don’t think you need to, but who am I to judge? I swallowed the leftover cakes in no time and drank the tea in one gulp.

“Let’s go!”

“Uh? So fast…? But I thought we were close? Can’t you rest a bit more? You must be tired too, don’t you?” She made an unclear face. As if she really didn’t want me to stop the snack right in the middle. Well, neither do I. But we got work to finish.

“Yup, But It is better to avoid the muscles getting cold, and your sweets are too good and whet my appetite, let’s wrap up the work as soon as possible,  then eat and have cookies again for dessert to our heart’s content.”

Her troubled expression changed to a smile and she got up with enthusiasm. “Yes! With pleasure!”

She was kinda cute. I should pat her head later on, in appreciation. Now get the job done! I think I might just find what we were looking for after a few strides. Our halt allowed me to realize something. The forest below the path is quiet, and that’s the thing, it’s too silent for it to be normal, it means no animals wander around. Either they are aware of our presence, ours, or maybe something’s else. Then consequently, our troll should be near and scare away the wildlife and on the hunt.

“I think we might be closer than I thought. From now on, no unnecessary noise, all right?  Let’s go to this headland, I need a higher point of view.”

“I’m not going, I‘m not confident I can climb this easily, not saying without making any noise. I will walk under the cliff and follow as best as I can.” 


 Yet it wasn't really climbing,  mount on some rock was enough to make one’s way up. Maybe she’s scared of heights. Anyway, now that I’m here, let’s see if I was right… The sight is acceptable, I have a good view of what's there below, some more rocks on a glade, trees and a small stream. I can see the sky clearly and the rest of the forest far enough.

No movements, not even a bird, was I wrong? I put my ear right against the rock floor, a tracker thing, trolls are heavy, and I should be able to feel it if he moves in the vicinity… but again, nothing. There is clearly something because I neither see nor hear any wildlife, so surely… maybe he is in the process of eating after his hunt? That would explain the calm, and the absence of other animals.

Crumble, a small landslide sound reached me. 

Is it me or Lily? Who‘s the cause? 

Crumble. To my right! May God preserve me.  What a walking problem, she could pay attention!

CRAaCK!! “AHHHHH -GASP-” thud smash!


 Shit oh shit oh shit I hope she is well. I rushed to the side where the collapse sound came from. Just in time to see her fall altogether with nearby boulders and stones rolling under her. 

From where I am, I can only watch the scene, powerless. Continuing it’s tumbles for a short time, she makes no movement whatsoever to stop her fall, seems to be unconscious, she must have hit her head.

Not good! It could be fatal, I need to check on here asap! She can’t die on me! We still have so much to share! (Debt, bank account and cookies). God, if you hear me, make sure she is alive! I’ll never again curse her! I promise! I’ll pat her head all night long, I’ll even consider her as a potential night partner!! So please DON’T DIE ON ME!!!”

At some point I found myself saying my thoughts out loud. No matter, if she hears me, she lives!!


Damn it, that one chose his moment perfectly! The troll’s roar was high and loud, he was close… no, he was already here! I hadn’t seen it until then and what I had taken for a rock was in fact him lying down, his back to us!! Can’t be helped, if I was going now, this would only be more dangerous for her. I could only wait and pray, pray with all sincerity.

As long as it doesn’t touch Lily… where is she anyway? I lost sight of her, is she under the stone debris? Even worse, she could suffocate! God what I have done? 

The troll, whose discontent from being woken up from his digestion nap was palpable, kept proceeding toward the source of commotion with a heavy step while I was seeking divine intervention… There she is! My sight crossed Lily’s -prayer- breathing body, partially buried, but with nothing serious apparent. Phew!

Now, as long as nothing moves, the toll would resume his sleep, they’re not that smart.  I went down swiftly, closing the distance between me and Lily. Should I wait and kill the troll in his sleep first? Or lure it away? But there is a risk he will come back while I free lily. That would be perfect if it moved on its own… I’m not confident I can ambush it, or kill it promptly, and the hazard of being pinned down in a long fight is not something I can afford. Ahhh! What should I do? I don’t have time and need to check on Lily, but I can’t be too hasty or things could go wrong!

Lost in my thought, I finally finished my descent and put myself to hiding and carefully examined the situation. 

The troll had just arrived in front of the pile of debris. Phew, at least nothing happened yet. Now, just ignore what’s before you, become aware that you are still hungry, and go resume your hunt far away. Please. 


“Outch, my head… the hero will scold me again…” 

Actually, I said nothing, let’s hope it’s not hungry anymore.

ROAR!! “Ah...HIIIIIII What’s happening! AHH!! I… help! save me!!! "

Couldn’t you wait! You’re the worst! Doing everything you can to give me hurdles, while making me worry for you! I can’t even blame you, I give my word not to. Haaa!!! Deep down, the sound of Lily's voice, put my mind at rest. Thank God.

“Let everything to me, your white knight is in the place!” I jumped out of the cover attracting the troll's attention with all my strength. If Lily was well, I didn’t have to pay attention to a short fight anymore. Even without all of my hero equipment, that was taken away as collateral after my trial, I’m still the hero. I can take on a troll on my own without much difficulty. 


… Did it roar double? must be really happy with the idea of having a last course. The troll, who enjoyed having a second dessert who offered himself, ran towards me… Correction, The two trolls contented to no longer have to share a dessert. Ran towards me.

God, Did I knock you up too or what? Why did you give me hope just to let me down all of a sudden!! A faint feeling of strength gave me back my belief. The adrenaline, likely, but might as well keep the faith.

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