Nuwa System

Chapter 100 – Bit of Lewding

While Katara is arduously working her baby out of her, Zuko and Mai have the best sex of their lives. Izumi is peacefully napping in a nearby crib with earmuffs on which allow her parents to raise the volume as much as they want. In fact, Mai experiences such euphoria that she unblocks her Heart and Sacral Chakras, which adds her into the ranks of the enlightened. Still, she doesn't like fighting so it doesn’t change much other than that now she can go to the Spirit Realm on her own and she has a stronger body with more chi that she can’t use to bend.

Back in the delivery room, Katara is in severe pain, but not as much as she’s exaggerating it with all her screaming and raging. Her hips and bust are much wider than Mai’s, so she’s making much better progress. She’s also employing her waterbending prowess to seize on the push and pull of her contractions. The water inside her assists the contractions each time they occur, shortening the labor.

Aang gets jitters each time he hears Katara’s screams. He stares at the buff maid with venom and fear. The maid says, “Don’t get your monkly robes in a bunch. It’s normal.”

Finally, after an excruciating four hours of waiting, Aang hears the cries of a baby from within the delivery room. It’s relatively short for a woman giving birth for the first time, but it feels like forever for him as he grapples with thoughts of whether Katara and the baby will be fine with all the screaming she’s done.

The buff maid finally allows him inside where he twitches upon seeing the nurses removing a pile of bloody rags from the curtain-enclosed area. His only consolation is the sound of the baby  crying. He rushes forward and pulls away the curtain to see Katara covered in a smock sitting down inside a rectangular vat of shallow water submerging her body from waist downward. Yue is using the waterbender technique of spirit healing to help Katara’s natural healing recover from the physical trauma of labor. A lovely baby boy is wailing in Katara’s arms.

Katara’s attitude takes a rapid 180 from her cursing and raging now that she has her son in her arms. Aang can’t resist staring at her swollen breasts under the thin smock and gulping. Katara turns her eyes to him and he quickly refocuses on her eyes. She looks at him full of love and raises the baby up to him as she asks, “Sweetie, what should we name him?”

Aang takes the baby into his arms, properly, unlike Zuko. He held babies when he was a kid at the Southern Air Temple. Looking at the crying boy, he suddenly feels like being a dad is more than he signed up for. ‘This one is a troublemaker! I don’t know how I know it, but I know it!’ Nevertheless, he still liked him a lot. He decided to name his first son after his dearest friend. “Let’s name him.. Bumi.”

Katara smiles widely and says, “Okay sweetie.”

“Hang on, Katara. I’m going to give him the airbender test. Trust me and don’t panic.”

Aang throws up Bumi into the air almost to the ceiling and lets him fall back down. Katara’s eyes go wide in panic, but she’s too tired to bend right now. Bumi stops crying and his arms and legs flail about in midair. Showing a bit of disappointment, Aang lightens Bumi’s drop with some airbending and catches him neatly. The newborn test for airbending is to throw the baby up into the air and see if their natural chi can instinctively slow their fall. After a bit of explanation, Katara accepts the fact that he put Bumi in danger, reluctantly.

She does her Tribe’s waterbender test, which is to hover his hand over the water and see if the water pulls itself up to meet him. The water shows no reaction, so they tentatively conclude that he’s a non-bender. These tests are non-rigorous guesses and are occasionally proven wrong later. For example, Avatar Kyoshi, as a baby, showed no reaction to the firebender test of placing highly flammable materials under her nose to see if it catches fire with the exhalation. Later on though, she could firebend fine. As an opposing example, Aang was tested positive for airbending and believed to only be an airbender until he selected the Avatar relics among thousands of other toys, which allowed them to determine he was the Avatar.

Izumi was also tested for firebending back in Omashu and came up negative as well. The first two children of the gang tentatively being non-benders didn’t really bother anyone but Aang for the loss of a potential airbender.

Non-benders are everywhere in the Avatar world and they play a vital role in government, politics, and science. They play a smaller role in war, functioning mainly as strategists or in rare cases, trained in weaponry to become cannon fodder. An extremely rare few like Piandao train in martial arts to become powerful enough to defeat benders. Chi-blockers are also an exception because they are capable of defeating benders as non-benders after years of training. There has never been anyone to develop bending after being born a non-bender like Nuwa since the days of humans living on Lion Turtles.

Babies can only see blurry images when they are born, so when Aang puts his face in clear eyeshot of Bumi, he tries to grab at the blue splotch that dominates Aang’s skull. Aang laughs happily when Bumi stops crying and starts reaching for him. Twirling him around, Aang jumps into the air and almost hits the ceiling in excitement.

Katara looks at them heartwarmingly. Then she pinches her flabby skin and stretch marks with a small frown. ‘Maybe Iroh can give me some advice on getting back in shape.. Wait, wouldn’t it be pointless if Aang is just going to knock me up over and over until we have an airbender? Sigh.. oh well. At least I get a break from that insufferable and perpetual horniness at last.’

~ ~ ~

Nuwa and Azula return in the evening from training. Both have made some minor progress, but Nuwa needs a sparring partner who can handle her blows and retaliate in order to improve her skill with the saber. She was considering Iroh for the job, but he has gone to look for and help the dragons again. Nuwa has bottlenecked in saberplay and now mostly works on aerial mobility. Azula can now control her Phoenix fire from influencing her emotions, but she’s still not able to integrate it with her firebending. The birdie might not even be able to be combined with her firebending, since it doesn’t run on chi. It runs on daons and is manipulated with soul force, unlike her chi which is manipulated with her chakras.

Although they are tired, they check on their friends to see why Aang hadn’t come today. When Nuwa sees Izumi and Bumi sleeping in a crib, she gushes with excitement. “Ohh my! How cyyuuute! Little Izumi will have to be the big sis to everyone. Kekeke, just like me!”

Mai coughs and says, “Let’s not plan too far ahead.” Meanwhile, Mai is thinking of how to say, ‘I don’t want you to turn my baby into a hopeless pervert like you!’ without coming off as too blunt. Nuwa has turned her frisky, perverted behavior down since her time as a teenager when she groped the cocks of hot classmates she barely knew. Ever since Zuko’s scarring, she’s never given a lewd invitation to a stranger.

At her core though, Nuwa is still a hopeless pervert. She still freely gropes Mai and Katara’s tits and ass whenever she catches them alone. Both of them are ok with it since they don’t spend too much time alone and they know that’s how she is. Besides, she’s really good at turning them with a few erotic strokes and pinches. Overall though, Nuwa’s not the kind of aunt they want around their kids.

Mai brings Nuwa aside from the rest of the group to talk in private. Nuwa has an inkling of what she wants to talk about. Izumi is the Princess of the Fire Nation and it would be improper of her to be raised into someone with such a loose view of proper sexual behavior like herself. They arrive at a secluded garden bench and Mai says, “Nuwa.. you know I love you as a friend, right?”

Giggling, Nuwa replies, “I know what you want to say. How about this? In return for distancing myself from Izumi, I get to have sex with you and Zuko every now and then.”

Nuwa squints happily and reaches her hand down to Mai’s crotch and sneaks under her pants. Mai is used to it, but now that she’s soon-to-be the official Consort of the Fire Lord, she shouldn’t be caught getting fingered by a lady outdoors. Blushing and somewhat furious, Mai tries to stop Nuwa and asks, “You’re blackmailing me?!”

Nuwa pouts and says, “No.. this is a fair trade.” Then Nuwa pulls Mai’s face towards hers and kisses her lips. She looks into Mai’s eyes and whispers the words of temptation, “Don’t you want to see if you can take Azula’s cock all the way inside you? Maybe Zuko and Azula’s at the same time?” Nuwa pinches Mai’s clit and receives a yelp from her.

Nuwa continues, ”If you hate this so much, why are you making that face?” Mai has a blush and is slightly drooling with a lusty look in her eyes imagining herself getting skewered by the siblings with Zuko in her pussy and Azula in her ass. She goes slightly cross-eyed when Nuwa pinches her clit and gets a mini-orgasm. That wakes her up and she’s about to push away Nuwa’s hand to bring the topic back to Izumi. Unfortunately, at this time, out of Nuwa’s control, the Dao String of Sex stretches over through Nuwa into Mai’s vagina and fixes up all the stretching and damage that the pregnancy did to her body before returning to Nuwa’s Dao Core.

Mai feels a heavenly feeling of bliss and has the best orgasm in her entire life. Her eyes roll back, legs spread wide, and if she wasn’t clothed she would have squirted for several meters. The orgasm is so big that she can’t even make a sound, she just croaks once unintelligibly. A minute later, with her breasts leaking milk and her pussy leaking like a tap, she turns to Nuwa and asks with a bit of slur, “Wh-what did yeooou do?”

Nuwa actually is just as confused as Mai. She hadn’t even meant to give Mai an orgasm when she pulled her aside. Her plan was to convince her way into Mai and Zuko’s bed and have some fun while also providing them some relief from the monotonous duties of Fire Lord and Consort. She knows that their friendship might deteriorate once they settle into their jobs and that is the last thing she wants happening. What better way is there to stay as intimate friends than having occasional sex?

Turns out the Dao String can not only cure genitals like in the case of Yue and Sokka, but also the bodily damage rendered by pregnancy. Nuwa feels Mai’s belly and notes that it’s back to its normal shape of slenderness with very light abs. There’s no longer any extra skin or flab from the pregnancy. The permanent effects of pregnancy on her body remain though, such as the slightly wider hip bones and her lactation.

Nuwa looks at Mai with guilt and says, “Sorry Mai, I accidentally lost control of my power. Let me get you fixed up.” She carefully waterbends the vaginal juices and milk out of Mai’s clothes and off of her body. Both Mai’s nipples and vagina are sent into pleasurable throes when she feels the fluids move past them so she whines, “MMnnn.. Stoppp!”

“Sorry again. Your erogenous zones will be highly sensitive for another day, but the stretch marks and looseness of your vaginal walls are all gone. It’s a fair trade, right? I can tell by your face..” says Nuwa cheerfully as she finishes cleaning up. Mai puts in effort to turn her lusty face back into a grumpy one.

“Let’s get you to your room. Maybe you should stay there today. Preferably with Zuko’s company. Maybe Aang, Katara, Zul, and I can join too? The bed is definitely big enough.”

Mai tries to stand with Nuwa’s help, but when she offers to set up an orgy, her pussy starts flooding again. “NNNNNnn-” biting her lips, Mai looks hatefully at Nuwa, “-NO. No no no.” Nuwa gives her a cheeky smile and says regretfully, “Ah dang. I was hoping to get a nice break from all the training. Congratulations on your enlightenment by the way. I could tell when I touched your pussy.”

Taking a few deep breaths and being careful not to walk with her legs too close together, Mai substitutes a grunt for a ‘thank you’. With one arm around Nuwa’s shoulder, she has to be careful not to bump into Nuwa’s body with her nipples or else she’ll be sent into unwanted ecstasy again. A few mini-orgasms later, Mai heaves a big sigh of relief when she enters the master bedroom of the palace.

Her breasts feel like they are about to burst, so she undoes her top and wakes up both babies to let them latch onto her nipples and relieve her. She feels intense pleasure when Izumi and Bumi start sucking, but it’s tampered down compared to the exhbitionist thrill of doing so outside. She makes a face at Zuko like a submissive lamb begging to be fucked, but the look in her eyes is that of a predator eyeing a meal.

Zuko is surprised to see Mai’s perfect torso when she removes her top. He literally just had sex with her hours ago and there was plenty of loose skin and flab! When he sees her face, he involuntarily hardens and begins undressing, but a servant calls for him to return to work. Zuko is supremely pissed. He puts his clothes back on, gives one last regretful look at Mai’s horny face, and another jealous look at the babies who are casually suckling her milk before going out the door.

Katara and Aang are also present watching with curiosity. Nuwa explains her peculiar powers, “One of my powers is to heal genitals, but apparently that extends to the damages that a pregnancy has on the body. I accidentally did it to Mai and now her vagina and nipples will experience intense pleasure for the next 24 hours. Do you want the treatment Katara?”

Azula nods as if this is a power that she fully expected. Aang immediately interjects, “Of course!”

Giving Aang a smack on the shoulder and a stink-eye, Katara answers, “Fine, then. I hate all this awkward flab.” Nuwa reaches down into Katara’s bathrobe and inserts a finger into her pussy. She lets the Dao String do its thing, but exerts her soul force to see if she can control it.

E-Nuwa finds that she’s able to use her soul force to feel for the path of the Dao String and control it to go on different paths if she desires. It takes a small amount of soul force to prevent the Dao String from following its preset path by diverting it, as long as she brings it back to the path and doesn’t make it go in the opposite direction of that path, which she believes is the flow of the Dao. This means that even outside of E-Nuwa mode, she can somewhat control the Dao String.

While healing Katara’s body, Nuwa decides that she’ll have to test Nuwavatar mode out tomorrow. The upcoming threat might require it. Meanwhile, Katara’s body experiences the best orgasm of her life. She distinctly feels that Nuwa isn’t even moving her finger inside of her pussy, but the pleasure surging through her is real. She ends up in a similarly embarrassing situation as Mai. Her eyes are rolled back; her thighs are spread wide; her breasts are leaking; her toes are curled up; and her sore hips are thrusting into the air squirting fluid violently with each successive orgasm for a full minute.

When it’s over, Katara is too horny to bother getting mad at Nuwa or Mai for the lack of a clearer warning. She pounces on Aang’s body and rips off his robes to expose his fully erect dick, which she aligns under her dripping pussy. Aang and Dan’s dicks are only short of Azula in size, so it’s quite impressive when it’s rock hard like now. Exhaling heavily and getting mini-orgasms with every fraction that Aang’s big cock reaches inside of her, Katara can safely say this is the best sex she’s ever had.

Aang was madly turned on from seeing Katara orgasm so violently earlier and also slightly jealous that Nuwa was the one to induce it. Then again, he recalls that this is Nuwa’s specialty and no one can beat her in this field. He’s also astounded at how Katara’s horniness is even higher than it was when she was pregnant. As Katara slowly spears his big dick inside of her, Aang feels like she’s as tight as back when she was a virgin. He had sworn he plowed her enough times to thoroughly loosen up her coochie. He supposes it’s another effect of the ‘genitals healing’ and admits that letting Nuwa do her work on Katara is worthwhile just for this glorious feeling.

Katara kisses Aang passionately like she wants to devour his soul and gets to work up and down his shaft wrenching her body up and down his shaft. Mai holds the babies up on her nipples with one arm and masturbates with her other hand while watching. The passion is too heavy for the others to ignore. Even with Azula’s balls drained of cum throughout the day by Nuwa’s mouth and pussy for the purpose of stamina recovery, she also begins leaking watery juices from her cunt (Her futa tool is desummoned).

Nuwa notices Azula looking at how horny Katara is and reads her sexual fantasies with her domain. For some reason, Azula is fantasizing being fucked by Nuwa the same way Katara is getting fucked by Aang’s penis. Nuwa wonders if Azula needs to be in the mood to want to take a dicking. Well, since she’s in the mood, Nuwa obliges her desires. She utilizes her [Clit Re-sizer] and grows her clit into the size of a below average penis. Nuwa doesn’t wear panties so it hangs out of the miniskirt section of her training dress.

Azula gulps as she sees Nuwa approach with a wicked smile and a hardening clitdick. She feels that now is a particularly dangerous time for her to be fucked. Azula doesn’t like or dislike being penetrated usually. She only occasionally likes the feeling of submitting to Nuwa, but now she’s dripping down below and certain that she’ll enjoy it. Especially after seeing that wild ahegao face from Katara.

This is another effect of the Dao String’s usage that Nuwa didn’t realize until she pulled aside Azula’s skimpy training gear and pushed her clitdick against her tight pussy. E-Nuwa finds out that the Dao String amplifies latent sexual desires far more than the Dao Ripples she emitted as a child do. Even Azula, who doesn’t enjoy penis, will feel the desires of others rub off on her.

‘Thankfully, this is temporary, or else I might have to worry about impregnating Azula too. That would be too much of a shock for me. I cannot imagine Zul being pregnant. She’s too.. manly. Her tits are so firm that I’ve seen men with more bounce in their chest than her. She’ll always be my lord husband.’

Nuwa whispers from behind into the blushing Azula’s ear with her clitdick lined up to her pussy. “This time.. It’s just to satisfy your curiosity, babe. And to show you the joy of being a woman.” Then she thrusts up into Azula’s extra tight cunt with a high-pitched moan coming from Azula. The novelty of hearing Azula, who usually only grunts like a man during sex, letting out ladylike moans gets Nuwa super horny.

Still, she can’t go too fast because even with her small rod, Azula is too tight. Her clit has to defeat layers and layers of highly constricted muscle to make it all the way inside. Nuwa shoves up as hard as she can, but she’s not hard enough to overcome how hard Azula’s walls constrict. One of the major factors in this is her poor leverage while standing, especially considering that she has to deal with a large baby bump between her and Azula’s back. Nuwa pulls Azula over next to Mai who’s sitting on the bed and pushes her to lie on the bed with her ass up. Now she has better leverage.

Nuwa pushes her clitdick inside of Azula with difficulty and is rewarded with more of Azula’s lady moans as well as her unnecessarily tight grip on her sensitive clit. She cums when her clit makes it all the way inside. Mai watches with a dazed and erotic look on her face. The babies have both turned away and stopped feeding, but she’s rubbing their cheeks on her nipples absentmindedly. While she’s watching Azula and Katara bent over getting fucked, one of the babies slaps her boob and she orgasms spontaneously, drenching her clothes all over again.

However, the orgasm only provides short relief. Her arousal returns in the half a minute she spends placing the babies in their cribs only from listening to the sounds of the orgy behind her. ‘Haaa.. when is Zuko coming back to save me?’


(A/N: Don’t worry, Zuko. No need to be jealous of a baby. You’ll have your chance. She’ll be that way for 24 hours xD)


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