Nuwa System

Chapter 101 – Abort!

Zuko arrived an hour into the orgy, much to Mai’s relief. She doesn’t want anyone other than Zuko inside her pussy, but with her raging lust, she doesn’t know what she would do if he hadn’t shown up. She kept fapping while looking at Aang and Nuwa’s meatsticks with hunger in the hour prior.

Several hours later, Nuwa helps a disheveled Azula into the attached bathroom with both their lustful fantasies satisfied.  The other two couples are still going at it, but Aang and Zuko look like they’re tiring out. Hopefully, they aren’t sucked dry by their horny lovers.

+93k LEE, Total: 3098k LEE

Azula isn’t used to being fucked so her innards are sore, especially since it’s on top of the fatigue of the daily training. The last thing she wants to do is ask Nuwa to cure her, not when the ball is up in the air whether she will go full horny like Mai and Katara. On top of that, even eating plants with her Phoenix fire doesn’t relieve the pain, because her birdie refuses to heal that part! The poor thing is too scared of Nuwa’s Dao String.

Still, Azula doesn’t mind feeling a bit of pain seeing how tenderly Nuwa is taking care of her while she’s vulnerable in the bathtub. It makes Azula feel like she’s a wounded husband coming home to a dutiful housewife who nurses him back to health. It helps that Nuwa has a way with her hands when she massages her up and down her naked, aching body.

“How did it feel?” asks Nuwa softly.

Azula blushes and turns her head away. “I-I don’t know what came over me. Th-that was a one time thing, ok?”

Nuwa hums happily and her massage becomes slightly more erotic with a few grazes on the nipples. “I know. It’s an unintentional side effect of using my powers. You were affected by Katara and Mai’s sexual preferences.”

“Hmm I see.. eek! Aren’t you done already? I’m so tired. Just clean me up and let me sleep, babe.” whines Azula in response to Nuwa’s nipple play.

“Fine, fine. I guess I forget when to stop sometimes. Let’s turn in.” Nuwa picks up Azula in her arms with significant upper body effort and carries her back to the orgy room. Azula is embarrassed to be carried like a princess, but Nuwa is excited to play the role of a dashing knight.

“Put me down already!” Grumbles Azula while slapping Nuwa’s shoulders lightly.

Nuwa lowers Azula’s feet to the floor and replies in a low, husky voice without copying anyone’s voice, “As you wish, my princess.” But Nuwa ruins the immersion by giggling wildly afterwards.

Azula admits she’s turned on, but she really is too tired to continue so she limps over to Mai’s closet with some help from Nuwa, picks out some nighties for the two of them, gets dressed, and goes to one of the nearby bedrooms to sleep. Nuwa dozes off next to her, feeling very happy with the addition of two cute babies to the gang. Next, it’ll be her baby’s turn.

~ ~ ~

Zuko doesn’t forget to order the servants not to enter the master bedroom, considering Katara and Mai’s sex-crazed state. By morning, they are still locked inside the room with Aang and Zuko fully drained of semen. Their cocks hurt too much to comfortably sleep. Mai and Katara are fast asleep absentmindedly rubbing their crotches on their partner’s arm or leg. There’s multiple wet spots on the bed, evidence of their continuous drip of vaginal fluids and breast milk.

The Dao String of Sex did it’s job. Both of the ladies not only are lust-crazed, they are also miraculously made ripe for breeding. Katara is already fertilized. Mai had the wherewithal to take contraceptives, so she narrowly avoided Katara’s pitiful fate. They don’t know this yet though, or else Katara would have even more reason to be mad at Nuwa. For now, Nuwa is safe from her rage.

When the ladies wake up to find their dried up and dead tired lovers falling asleep with big eye bags, even they feel bad. Soon, they spot a hot pink double-sided dildo, the [Strap-on Dildo], that Nuwa had left for them and notice that they aren’t even tired from all the exertion they did last night. Looking at each other with a blush, they each rationalize that if each of them sticks one side of the toy in their pussies, it’s equivalent to masturbation, right? It’s not cheating on their man when it goes in their pussies if it’s just a toy, right?

Without a word to each other, they strip the wet rags off their body, take the dildo into the bathroom, and bend the dildo enough so that it can go inside both of them while they stand in front of each other in the tub. Katara is shorter than Mai, so she slips her end of the dildo inside her pussy first. Only the head makes it in before Mai slips her side in.

Their height difference while standing doesn’t allow as much of the dildo to go in as they want. Katara wants more length to remind her of Aang’s penis and Mai wants it to be hotter to remind her of Zuko’s penis. Mai’s idea of making it hotter is to thrust it as fast as she can to generate friction. Thus, Mai and Katara begin a battle of fucking each other as hard as they can with their shared dildo to fulfill their own fantasies.

Occasionally, Katara takes the lead with her thicker frame, deeper pussy grip on the dildo, and her prowess at push and pull. Other times, Mai takes the lead with her newfound strength from the enlightenment and utilization of her height to reduce Katara’s leverage.

Aang and Zuko arose from their slumber hours later to loud moans from the bathroom. Their first thoughts are, “Who dares (fuck my woman)?!” But then they notice that Katara and Mai are calling each other’s names every now and then, so they look at each other with awkward faces and a momentary silence.

Zuko is the first to speak, “This is another expression of their love for us. They are pleasuring each other instead of us so that we aren’t sucked so dry that it cripples us.”

Realization washes over Aang and he nods his head with relief. Katara has never expressed interest in enjoying sex with people other than him outwardly, so it was a bit of a blow to hear her enjoying it with Mai, but now he understands. This is a necessity of the times!

He vows to remember this shame of not being able to satisfy Katara and do his best to improve his stamina. His promise to the Lion Turtle of having less sex is all but forgotten now that his ultimate duty towards the World has been completed. Zuko and Aang lie on the bed together next to each other staring at the wall listening to their girlfriends’ moans inside the bathroom having a true bro moment.

Nuwa and Azula come into the room and play with the babies for a few minutes. Nuwa lets them drink from her breasts until they’re full and then they leave to go train again. They don’t disturb Zuko and Aang’s touching broship.

~ ~ ~

Back at the training ground, Nuwa and Azula prepare themselves to try out Nuwavatar mode and Nuwa explains the dangers. Nuwavatar mode involves allowing one end of the Dao String to come into contact with the elemental node, which will literally link her Dao Core to the node with a string.

In return for power, the Dao string will exert influence on her actions based on the flow of Dao and if she cannot resist it with her Will, she will become a slave to the Dao. She’s sweating bullets before she can even begin.

Azula has her penis poking out from under her training skirt and calmly says from a safe distance of 15m (50 ft) away, “Don’t worry. There’s only me around for you to lewd, so nothing can go seriously wrong. You said you’re strongest during sex, right? At worst, once you are having sex, you’ll recover your faculties.”

Nuwa has her [E-Vibe] with the elemental node freshly summoned and says, “Thanks.. I know all that.. but I’m still nervous. It’s the lack of control that scares me.”

Azula reassures again, “We’ll be fine. It isn’t like you to hesitate so much, come on.”

Nuwa takes a deep breath and slowly unwraps one end of her Dao String off her Core and pulls it up to her [E-Vibe]. She exerts her soul force to keep the Dao String in check and only pull it the minimum distance required to establish connection with the Daon of Order in the center of the node. Once the connection is made, she feels her consciousness begin to fade and instinctively float upwards.

‘Hold on, it’s not upwards. I feel like I’m drifting away from reality, life, and everything in between. It’s some trippy fifth dimensional stuff, dude. Who am I even talking to? Wait, Azula!’

Discombobulated-soul-Nuwa focuses her Will and finds herself back in her own body as if she never left and no time had passed. However, she doesn’t have control. She’s watching what’s occurring from an invisible box with windows instead of walls located inside her soul. It’s clear to her that Nuwavatar is responsible for trapping her in this box. She bangs on it with her Will, but it doesn’t budge.

Azula watches Nuwa carefully. When Nuwa turns on Nuwavatar mode, Azula knows right away. A pressure weighs upon her soul, heavier than Raava’s from Aang. Nuwa’s eyes go white and all of her clothes burst apart, including her Nanotube Maternity Guard.

Azula tenses in fear, but is quite aroused at the spontaneous stripping. Nuwavatar looks down at her body curiously, rubs her belly a few times, and then up at Azula. When both of them have eye contact for the first time, Azula’s eyes haze over and her pupil’s turn into pink hearts. Her penis immediately erects and stands at attention.

Nuwavatar smiles lustfully at Azula’s penis and slowly catwalks over to her in the nude. Rocks and loose earth begin to float outside the small corridor between Nuwavatar and Azula. As she becomes accustomed to her powers, Nuwavatar starts floating into the air and pausing to make obscene poses at Azula, all the while continuing her slow catwalk. These poses come straight from Azula’s imagination. Nuwavatar displays one particularly racy pose with her back facing Azula and her legs spread wide enough that her ass and pussy are the centerpiece. Then she twists her torso, and squeezes a squirt of milk out of her boob while flashing a peace sign, kissing lips, and a wink.

This pose turns heart-eyes-Azula on so much that she cums straight into the air and continues cumming for a good 20 seconds. Nuwavatar bends the cum and milk into orbit several times around her, after which all of it slides into her pussy. None of the bending she has done thus far requires her to move to direct chi flow like Raava would need to. All of the bending occurs simply because she wills it to.

Nuwavatar lifts one leg while floating in midair to do a naked ballerina pose prior to first thrusting herself into heart-eyes-Azula’s arms. Obviously, there are more efficient ways to approach her, like fire thrusting with both legs or all four limbs, but Nuwavatar is not interested in efficiency. She wants to have sex and make babies.

She instinctually follows the flow of the Dao of Sex so she wants four things: cum, which she can use to speed her pregnancy along until she gives birth; sex, which lets her get pregnant again and gives her more cum; love, which lets her find a mate to be bred by; and power, which lets her have as many mates as she wants, although this last particular compulsion is heavily dampened by the balancing factor of the elemental node.

Nuwa watches anxiously as her jailor, Nuwavatar, wraps herself around heart-eyes-Azula’s frozen body, while teasing her by avoiding her still erect dick, which already has another layer of precum coming out. Azula’s clothes burst apart the moment she’s touched. Nuwa begins to get excited that her control will be back when E-Nuwa comes through in the clutch. The closer Nuwavatar gets to Azula’s penis, the sooner she’ll be banished from whence she came! Even a single touch with her finger will do it!

Unfortunately, Nuwavatar picks up on Nuwa’s overly eager excitement. She pauses before grabbing heart-eyes-Azula’s penis and instead hugs her from behind while kissing her from the side. Nuwa starts raging inside her box prison watching this blatant display of shamelessness! “You bitch! FUCK YOU! GRRRRRAAAAHH! That’s my babe!”

Letting up her kiss on heart-eyes-Azula’s lips and smiling innocently at her, Nuwavatar begins forging another Dao String of Sex in her Dao Core. It is only now that Nuwa truly feels complete and utter mortification. Everything before this, it enrages her, but it’s not a threat to her. However, this barely sentient noodlebitch is unusually clever! Nuwa can’t even control one string properly, but this bitch decides to make another one! She might even be trapped here forever in spectator mode!?

Nuwa calms down now that the threat has outgrown her wildest imaginations. She finds that this happens when her stress becomes too high. It paradoxically lets her hyperfocus. The good news is that one end of the Dao String is still attached to her Dao Core, so Nuwavatar’s soul force cannot exert itself properly around the Dao Core where the forging must take place. Its progress on forging the LEE into another Dao String is excruciatingly slow.

Nevertheless, it’s a ticking time bomb for Nuwa. Her only option is to overpower Nuwavatar’s Will. Dao Strings are only supposed to be used by those who have reached Soul Tier 3, so Nuwa is fighting an uphill battle, with her being just barely Soul Tier 2. Thankfully, most of the length of the Dao String is suppressed by the Dao Core, giving her a sliver of a chance to snatch victory.

Nuwa focuses all of her Will upon regaining control of her soul and body. Prior to this, she was just waiting for E-Nuwa to emerge and bitching about life. Now it’s balls to the wall! (If she had balls that is.) She can’t even be nonchalant about this like she is about death, because this could put her in an eternal nightmare! It’s far worse than death! Self-preservation, fear, desperation, love, and rage drive Nuwa to invest more Will than she imagined she owned!

With a massive push of soul force and Will, Nuwa breaks through the box prison inside her soul! Now, both Nuwavatar and Nuwa have control of her soul in equal parts! Nuwavatar furrows its brows at the unexpected escape of Nuwa from her prison. Nuwa also furrows her brows at not regaining full control after putting all that effort in, but then she remembers the plan and swoops her hand down to Azula’s dick with a wicked smile.

The face of Nuwa’s body looks awkward with the right half of it making Nuwa’s faces and left half of it making Nuwavatar’s faces. In fact, with Nuwa overcoming Nuwavatar’s weakened Will, she barely passes the minimum power threshold for which Nuwavatar is willing to begin a negotiation on the usage of their shared body.

Nuwa hears a psychic message pass into her soul from ‘the above’, apparently from Nuwavatar, saying that she will listen to Nuwa now as long as the orders are pertaining to sex. However, she says that she will also continue to forge the next Dao String of Sex, because ‘you’re a weak little pussy.’

Upon sending this message, Nuwavatar retreats all of its Will and soul force and only focuses on forging the next Dao String. Nuwa immediately grips Azula’s dick and E-Nuwa banishes Nuwavatar with targeted soul force disruption on the elemental node, detaching the Dao String, and retracting it back into her soul to wrap around the Dao Core.

E-Nuwa looks at the partially forged LEE inside her soul and dissipates the progress that Nuwavatar made. This isn’t wholly effective though. The noodlebitch has an additional section of LEE floating on the surface of one of its ends, representing the saved progress that it had already achieved in forging a second Dao String! ‘Fucking hell, it’s at 5% and it was only 5 minutes when Nuwavatar wasn’t even focused on it?! I must have less than 20 minutes of lifetime Nuwavatar usage, if I don’t make a serious breakthrough in soul tier or Will.’

-50k LEE, Total: 3048k LEE

In the meantime, the heart-eyes that replaced Azula’s pupils earlier fade slowly. The Phoenix fire comes out from her mouth in the fashion of a true coward. It pecks harmlessly at the nude Nuwa in mock fury, knowing that Nuwa isn’t at fault, but needing to act tough now that Azula can think straight, like a reliable pet always looking out for its master. Normally, Azula wouldn’t be fooled by such a pathetic display of shamelessness, but she’s addled at the moment by the spell that Nuwavatar put her under, so she feels touched.

Soon, Azula notices that Nuwa’s eyes are no longer white and she calls her Phoenix fire to stand down. They both look at each other for a moment and cringe simultaneously. Absolutely everything had gone wrong! Azula, as the intended observer, didn’t remember 90% of what had happened and Nuwa, as the intended tester, almost got sentenced to eternal slavery!

Azula hesitantly says, “Nuwa.. maybe..”

Nuwa nods hurriedly and puts her hand over her heart as if making a vow, “Let’s not do that again. Unless it’s a last resort, I’ll never use it.”

Azula sighs with relief, “Yeah, let’s not do that again.”


(A/N: Yikes! Soul Tier 3 objects and beings are a bit out of Nuwa’s league. [System] had too high of expectations for Nuwa when it said she’ll be fine as long as she’s attuned to the Dao of Sex in ch 83. We’ve got a crazy noodlebitch here that says otherwise!)


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