Nuwa System

Chapter 112 – Ty La

Nuwa finds that the only benefit of the increase in synchronization of the two halves of her Dao Core to 20% is that she now has a slightly easier time picturing the sexual fantasies of each person in the 50m (164 ft) radius around her. Before, she had to concentrate all of her focus upon it. She had to stand still with her eyes closed to see what fantasies others had. Now, she can at least stop herself from drooling while peeping in her statuesque form. Due to the fact that she has to drop everything else to use sex sense, she hasn’t been able to utilize it in battle to sense presences as well as she would like.

The average person has some vague stray pornographic thoughts tumbling around in their heads at all times. The brain doesn’t recognize these thoughts since they are subconscious. Some are even grotesque, like what may occur in scary dreams. The conscious mind has little say in the directions that subconscious thoughts drift towards.

Most of these thoughts are dead ends. They fizzle out, not having the priority among the millions of synapses in the brian to make it to the forefront of the conscious mind. The sexual thoughts that often make it to the forefront of the mind can be considered preferences or fetishes. Dan can only read the surface level lustful thoughts. Nuwa can read surface level sexual thoughts to a slightly deeper extent, but not much more than Dan since she gets too distracted to practice using it properly.

The airship lands on the outskirts of Boiling Rock where the replacement warden exits to enter the prison, while Ty La and Jet get in the airship. From what Nuwa can tell from slightly deeper than surface-level thoughts, Jet actually fantasizes about Ty La. Of course, many of these fantasies involve her worshipping his cock, which is pretty normal for a guy to think about when dating an ice beauty. He is now imagining banging her and Ty La at the same time, which is perfectly normal and understandable.

Nuwa narrows her eyes with suspicion as she thinks. ‘Damn, he’s clean so far.’ Putting that aside though, she’s very happy to see her dutiful elder sister again. Ty La’s slight smile visibly fades when she sees her mom. Her eyes swing to Jet uncontrollably and she gives him a hard nudge to get his attention. Jet finds it impossible to tear his eyes away from the way Nuwa’s slutty dress flaps in the wind to occasionally reveal glimpses of her bare pussy, but manages to lean towards Ty La. She quietly says, “My mom’s here!” before they make it within earshot, but doesn’t point her out so as not to be too obvious. Jet gives her a thumbs-up in response.

Lady Pea frowns seeing how much Jet looks like a no-good punk. He’s even chewing on a straw like a doofus. Definitely not the sort of boyfriend she was expecting her upstanding eldest daughter to be getting. Nuwa rushes forward and hugs Ty La tightly. “Sis! I missed you so much! Come, meet my baby boy. He’s your cute nephew. I guarantee he’ll break your serious face! Come!”

Nuwa begins to half-drag Ty La inside the airship to take her to Tulen, who is being looked after by Azula at the moment. Jet swaggers up to Lady Pea, accurately recognizing the surprisingly well-kept middle aged lady as Ty La’s mom with his high level of street smarts, and bows politely with his hand outstretched. “Ah, you must be one of Ty La’s identical sisters. Pleased to meet you. The name’s Jet.”

Although Lady Pea clearly recognizes a smooth-talker like herself when she sees one, she can’t help but have a good impression of him after that indirect compliment. She wears a fleeting smile as she offers the back of her hand, which Jet kisses to complete the greeting. “Try Ty La’s mother. Come in.. I’ll expect you to fill me in on all the details of how you met.”

Jet replies, “Oh, wow! I suppose only a beauty like yourself could give birth to such remarkable beauties as Ty La and her sisters! The rich stay rich and the beautiful stay beautiful, indeed.”

Lady Pea gives him an impatient glance to which he balks slightly and recovers with, “Of course, I’ll give you the full rundown.”

Nuwa lets out a naughty giggle as Ty La puts her head down to hide her darkening features. They both know what their mother means by “all the details on how you met.” Where he was born, what he did growing up, who his first girlfriend was, who his friends are, what skills he has, what jobs he’s held, what his plans for the future are, and the list goes on. She’s going to tear him in two, gobble him up, and spit him out.

“How have you been, sis? Boiling Rock seems like a scary place.” asks Nuwa.

Ty La recollects her memories and eventually says, “I’m alright. It was intense. Nothing like Capital City.”

Used to her succinct and serious responses, Nuwa can only continue to ask about the details with more specific questions. The interrogation doesn’t get very far when they reach the room. Nuwa opens the door to see Azula playing peekaboo with Tulen again. ‘Heh! This time I have it on the body cam.’

Her [Smartphone] is now always recording and deleting the last hour of her first person experiences from her soul. She cuts out the last few seconds of seeing Azula playing with Tulen. She saves the scene of Azula’s embarrassment into her “blooperzul” folder. Alongside it is the rest of her proud collection featuring folders with names such as pervyzul, poutyzul, madzul, happyzul, and sleepyzul. 

Ty La’s normally blank face shows a marginal amount of excitement to meet her first nephew. She’s been filled in on most of the details through letters that he’s special in a worrisome manner, but she doesn’t know the specifics. As she gets closer, she sees grey protrusions on his forehead and a few black scales on his arms and legs. She would be showing more worry if it weren’t for the big, infectious smile on his face from seeing Azula’s silly face uncovered from behind her hands.

Azula quickly puts her silly face away when she hears the visitors. Nuwa giggles and picks up Tulen. He giggles back in a cheerful mood from seeing his other mother and waves his arms happily. Nuwa dances over to Ty La while giving Tulen a few playful swings and introduces her to him. “Tulen, lookie here. It’s your auntie, Ty La!”

Tulen already knows Ty Li, so because they look identical, except for their demeanors, he thinks that Ty Li showed up. He mimics her serious face and babbles “oo bu ba la” which is apparently extremely funny for him because he starts laughing so hard that he pees. Nuwa has her waterbending-imbued [E-Vibe] on fast dial now that she’s used to these moments. Before the pee can start leaking out of his pants, she waterbends the pee not to fall out of his pants so it does not leak, dunks his lower half in a bucket of water, pulls his pants off, and cleans up the mess, all while Tulen is bouncing around giggling.

Ty La is unused to such a boisterously cheerful atmosphere and she’s slightly mortified that she almost got peed on. On the other hand, Nuwa and Azula have already been peed on all over by Tulen, so they take it in stride. It was infuriating for them the first dozen or so times, but they have come to terms with it. Waterbenders and airbenders have a significantly easier time avoiding the ‘splash zone’. Azula just uses Phoenix fire to expand Tulen’s clothes to continue soaking up the piss when he starts. There’s no mass-marketed diapers in Avatar world yet.

Finally getting to hold Tulen, Ty La finds that he’s much heavier than he looks. She’s sure that a baby shouldn’t be 14 kg (30 lbs) at this age and size. Nuwa notices her surprise and says, “Come sit down on the sofa over here. His bone density is quite high due to his draconic traits. Honestly, we’re worried about how much destruction he’ll cause when he reaches the terrible twos. He’s often cheerful like this for now though. Isn’t he the cutest?”

Tulen is laughing and trying to reach towards Ty La’s face. Ty La cracks a smile and pokes his tummy in a circular motion. She agrees verbally, “He is awfully cute.”

Nuwa smiles back and says, “Hold him as long as you like.”

Azula walks over with some nuts and says “Welcome aboard”, offering some of them to Ty La, who nods gratefully and takes some. Azula sits down on the other side of Ty La on a sofa and asks, “So, who’s this Jet fellow I’ve been hearing about?”

Ty La blushes fully red, which is quite impressive considering her usual embarrassed look shows only a shadow of a blush. “He is my.. boyfriend.”

Nuwa scooches closer and leans on her sister’s shoulder, giving it a nudge. “How’d a punk like that guy manage to score you, sis?”

Ty La peeks at Nuwa’s sly face before quickly averting her eyes and saying, “I don’t know.”

Nuwa knows if her sis isn’t comfortable explaining something, she’ll say “I don’t know” until asked more specific questions. She can tell Ty La is still a virgin, so smirks and asks, “So.. have you kissed yet?”

Azula feels Nuwa’s rapidly increasing excitement through their psychic bond and she finds herself just as eager to hear. Ty La blushes even more while the airship takes off. She squeaks out, “A.. a few times.”

Nuwa pushes farther, “How did it make you feel? Did you want to go farther? Was he a gentleman?”

Ty La pulls Tulen’s back to her face to hide it and says, “Good.. Maybe.. Yes.”

For some reason Azula cannot understand, Ty La doesn’t show any sign of her strict and no nonsense demeanor on this topic. She even honestly answers Nuwa on all counts despite feeling visible discomfort. Azula wonders how a stern prison guard warden became this submissive. In reality, Ty La is just new to relationships and wants advice from her more experienced sister. She figures she will not get accurate advice if she isn’t honest, so she’s forcing herself to answer.

Nuwa leans further with rapt excitement and asks, “Did he use his tongue?”

Ty La puts Tulen back in her lap and shakes her head demurely.

Actually, even though Nuwa is excited, she is ready to beat Jet up if she finds that he took too many liberties with her elder sister. What has her excited is introducing her serious elder sister to sex. She already corrupted Ty Li. The younger trio of Ty sisters have lost their virginity during her trip away to using sex toys on each other. Her elder sister is the only straggler unacquainted with the joys of sex! She’s never even masturbated! All her sexual fantasies are of kissing Jet as Nuwa expected from a true virgin.

Nuwa wipes off some drool and looks at Ty La intensely. Ty La wants to ask what the next step of a relationship is, but she’s intimidated by her second younger sister’s stare. Nuwa leans forward and says in a sultry tone, “Do you want Azula and I to show you how real lovers kiss?”

Ty La freezes up entirely from that offer and finds she’s unable to turn away from the piercing eye contact. Nuwa takes this as assent and leans over Ty La.

Azula, who is ever a willing partner in crime, leans into Ty La as well to meet Nuwa halfway. She strokes Nuwa’s platinum blonde hair to the side to keep it from getting in the way as she wraps her hand around Nuwa’s head. Their lips meet and Ty La can clearly see how their tongues wrap around each other inside and outside their mouths.

The profligate behavior of Nuwa and Azula in front of her becomes even more aggressive and it looks to Ty La like they are trying to eat each other’s mouths. She cannot tear her eyes away. She feels immoral desires spark inside her mind and shivers as they begin to affect her body.

Tulen laughs happily in Ty La’s arms and while she’s distracted from keeping him still, he kicks her boob, which is especially painful when her nipple is stiff from excitement like it is now.

Ty La squeals in pain, “Aiyahhh!” poking the affected area of her breast, she hisses in pain. Azula and Nuwa reluctantly unwrap themselves from each other and check on what happened. Seeing where she’s massaging, they have an idea what happened. Nuwa picks up Tulen with an angry face and admonishes him, “Tulen! You can’t hurt your Aunty La like that. Back to the crib for you.”

Tulen finally stops laughing when he senses the change in atmosphere from what he did. Nuwa puts him in the crib and says sternly, “Time out for you!” He lies on his back with less flailing and puts his foot in his mouth to suck his toes. Tulen likes to do this instead of crying lately. It’s quite adorable, so Nuwa gives him a kiss on the forehead and heads back to the sofa.

After returning, she takes her original place on Ty La’s side and says with some guilt, “Sorry, I forgot to tell you to keep his limbs away from sensitive areas. Do you want me to heal that for you?”

Ty La has chi-blocked her own pain sensors in the area for now, but it is only a temporary solution and she feels like it might bruise. When she heard Nuwa’s offer to heal, she gets curious. “Do you know how to do waterbender healing?”

Nuwa looks at her with well-veiled manic excitement and says, “I do.. but it’s not nearly as convenient as my usual healing method.” She pulls open the thin dress covering her breasts and says, “Suck my breast milk and you’ll be right as rain, big sis.”


(A/N: Big Sis is about to get a lesson from the one and only Nuwa Quest, Registered Sex Therapist.)


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