Nuwa System

Chapter 113 – Jet

Ty La looks at her sister’s chest in bewilderment. ‘It is so.. beautiful? Seeing those firm, rounded contours and those pink little nubs glistening in the light.’ She quickly shakes her head and asks sternly, “What will that do?”

Nuwa replies with a matter-of-course tone, “It will heal you. I can give my breast milk healing properties.”

Ty La narrows her eyes sensing something is wrong and her mental clarity recovers from her earlier embarrassment. “If it really does, then pour it into a cup and I’ll try.”

Wide-eyed at how her elder sister shook off the influence of several daon ripples of sex floating around her, Nuwa coughs like a fly entered her throat. Her bare tits shake and bounce in self-righteous indignation, causing Ty La to look at them and say, “Show some propriety, second sister. You’re still this promiscuous even as a new mother.” She finishes her lecture with a shake of her head and a disappointed sigh.

Azula has never seen Nuwa fail so spectacularly at catching one of her targets in her debaucherous traps. Nuwa obediently covers up her breasts with her dress with an ashamed and regretful look on her face in response to Ty La’s admonishment.

Azula is first stunned, then throws her head up into the air laughing out loud at Nuwa’s reaction. She has never seen Nuwa ashamed of showing off her body, even in public! She falls off the sofa and literally starts rolling on the floor in laughter. Ty La is confused about what’s so funny while Nuwa is even more embarrassed!

Nuwa snorts and crosses her arms while thinking with irrational and misguided pride, ‘So what if I can’t help but do what my big sis says? I always listen to my big sis!’

She walks over to the bedside drawer and picks up a cup to lactate into. This time, it’s her loss.

There’s no way Nuwa will utilize more than a few daon ripples in influencing her family or else she fears that permanent changes may occur. In fact, this is one of the most easily weaponizable facets of her Dao, but she has subconsciously inhibited herself from using it because she fears the kind of person she will become if she wantonly begins twisting people into her sex slaves. In her current moral code, manipulating others with wits is fine, but not removing their autonomy.

This is assuredly possible by allowing enough daon ripples to orbit her weaker enemies. It is also the reason [System] kept suggesting her to gather some sex slaves since she was a little kid. The downside to this is that she has a limited quantity of sex daons. There are many branches of the Dao of Sex and this enslavement specialization is one that Nuwa currently has no taste for. Her specializations are more focused on infiltration, seduction, and copying abilities.

Nuwa returns to her elder sister and offers her the milk. Ty La takes it and tests the taste, before finding it pleasing. She drinks the rest and already feels the dulled pain from the chi-blocked region dissipating. Ty La says gratefully, “Thanks second sister.”

Nuwa hums modestly.

Ty La experimentally unblocks her acupoints and massages her breast to check if there’s any lingering pain. Sensing none, her eyes lock onto the empty cup and her business-savvy mind immediately begins to consider the kind of economic impact Nuwa’s healing milk can bring to the medicinal market. Then she remembers it came from her sister and it would be better to keep it secret, since there’s a massive potential for abuse. If she had known that Nuwa’s healing milk is based off of Dan’s semen, she might be puking blood, but that’s a well-kept secret.

Azula finally manages to regain her wits and crawls back onto the sofa. She still has a few giggle fits reminiscing on that glorious moment. ‘Never thought I’d see the day.. Ahhh. That’s a bucket list item I didn’t even know I had.’ Seeing the disgruntled look on Nuwa’s face, Azula lays off a bit on the after-laughs, but decides to bring up Nuwa’s strange behavior later. She changes the topic back to Jet, “Ty La, you wanted to ask for our advice with Jet, right?”

Azula knows how it feels to be in love and confused on how to go forward, so she could make out the telltale signs of Ty La wanting to ask for help, but not knowing what to ask exactly.

True to Azula’s expectations, Ty La nods with embarrassment, but she looks less embarrassed than before. She thinks for a moment, then says softly, “I like Jet, but the way he is.. he unintentionally attracts other girls. I also don’t want him to leave me after meeting mom..”

Ty La's slightly agitated voice alerts them to the vulnerability hidden behind her slight frown.

Nuwa sits back down and hugs her tightly from the side as Azula puts a hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry big sis.” Says Nuwa soothingly.

“Yeah, I’ll beat him up if he hurts you.” Azula offers with a slightly foreboding tone.

Nuwa adds, “Well, if he does chicken out, that means you gotta find a better man! It’s a bit early for the mother-in-law test, but it’s a good way to test his resolve, right?”

Ty La calms down somewhat, despite twitching at the idea of Jet leaving her. She’s a very pragmatic and traditional person, even when it comes to relationships. She won’t go farther with Jet if he doesn’t intend to stick around for the long run. She’s tried to give him some noble etiquette lessons, but it really was not his thing. He just stared at her without paying attention to the information.

Nuwa asks quietly, “Do you want me to seduce him to test his loyalty?”

Ty La sits upright abruptly and half-shouts, “No thanks!”

“Alrighty.. Tell us, what do you like most about him?” queries Nuwa with curiosity.

“Hmm..” Ty La composes her thoughts again. “He’s charismatic, unlike me. He also kept me out of harm's way while I was tired during a spontaneous prisoner uprising.”

Nuwa puts on a worried expression at how much danger she was in and also at the follow-up speculation, “Don’t tell me you become his girlfriend just to repay the gratitude?”

Ty La shakes her head, “No, but that’s when I started feeling attracted to him.”

“Big sis!” whines Nuwa. “Life doesn’t work like romance novels!”

Giving Nuwa a half-guilty, half-angry glare, Ty La mumbles, “Of course, I know that.”

Feeling much more suspicious of Jet, Nuwa gets up and heads off to his interrogation cell. Azula waves them off as they leave while she stays to look after the sleeping Tulen. It was frustrating getting used to one of them always being around him and needing to separate if they wanted to get anything done, but they’ve gotten better at meditation lately. Daoists have a slight natural affinity for meditation, so if they spend enough time earnestly attempting it, they will pick it up. This way they don’t have to always have to rely on rare enlightenment moments to increase in strength since meditation does increase comprehension very slowly over time, at least until they hit a spiritual bottleneck.

Nuwa and Ty La head over to the common area where they spot an unimpressed Lady Pea sipping tea on a sofa with one leg folded over the other in front of her. Jet is not facing them, but they can see the cold sweat soaking through the clothes on his back. He is currently in the middle of euphemizing the fact that his parents were farmers before they got killed by the Rough Riders, mercenaries contracting under the Fire Nation military. There were plenty of these killers-for-hire in the Earth Continent that were terrorizing villagers, but they’ve been mostly rounded up since Nuwa started clearing house.

Ty La puts her hand on Jet’s shoulder for moral support, which pauses his nervous rambling, while Nuwa stands next to her mom’s single sofa. It looks like a 2 vs 2 now. Lady Pea puts her tea down on a side table and says, “So you first met my daughter during a prisoner riot and rendered some assistance. For that, I am grateful. I can give you money or resources to start a new life and return the favor. But afterwards, you asked my daughter out. Dating my daughter is entirely a different situation.”

Lady Pea says seriously with narrowing eyes, “Frankly, Jet, you don’t impress me. You seem more like the con artist on the side of the road than the suave gentleman that you are attempting to play. You don’t have the power, accomplishments, brains, connections, status, or money to match my daughter. Tell me one good reason I should let you date her.”

Nuwa cringes, ‘Fucking hell mom.. Dad might get off to this, but casually destroying male egos is not exactly a good habit to pick up.’

Ty La squeezes Jet’s shoulder with one hand tightly, reminding him that she’s still on his side. Jet put his head down, utterly humiliated, and was originally going to laugh it off and give up seeing how high the barrier of entry was, but he felt Ty La’s hand and her feelings conveyed through them. He pats her hand on his shoulder and stands up maintaining direct eye contact with the evil mother-in-law. “I’m dating her because I love her and that’s all that matters.”

Nuwa watches how Ty La goes all sparkly-eyed and scoffs. Nevertheless, after a moment of silence, Lady Pea says, “Fine-” to which Ty La and Jet brighten up with surprise.

“-but, love is only enough for my approval to date her. Go any farther without making more of a man out of yourself and you’ll be in for a world of hurt.”

Jet’s wide smile falters immediately upon hearing that. He looks at Ty La who is still smiling widely as if she is 100% confident that he will become the successful man her mom wants him to become. His eyes twitch in annoyance at all the work he’ll have to put in, but he keeps up his smile to not let Ty La down.

The sharp ladies opposite the couple catch his hesitation and glance at each other. Lady Pea nudges her head in Jet’s direction. Nuwa nods back indiscernably. Lady Pea picks up her tea and sips before saying, “Can I have a word, Ty La? Jet, it was nice to meet you. Nuwa will show you to your room.”

Ty La sits where Jet was sitting while Nuwa leads Jet down the hall. Jet hears quiet voices behind him of mother and daughter beginning their conversations. They leave earshot before he can catch anything significant, but Lady Pea is still in clear view if he looks behind him since there is a long hallway that leads directly to the common area. He’s paradoxically distracted from thoughts of the future and whether he messed up at all, but also hyper-focused due to the thick adrenaline coursing through him from the mostly humiliating interrogation.

His eyes subconsciously follow the way Nuwa’s ass and bare feet sashay ahead of him. “Jet.” He barely notices when she says his name the first time. “Jet?” he hears Nuwa say a second time in a sultry voice as she looks over her shoulder.

Jet gulps to clear his throat and replies, “Yeah?”

Despite his focus, her jumping on him is truly the last thing he expects with her mom right behind them in clear view. Jet reels back against the wall as he feels Nuwa’s entire body press onto him with her arms around his head, her mouth connecting to his in an aggressive kiss, her legs wrapped around his butt, and her tits on his chest. He is definitely the most turned on he has ever been in his entire life. The sexy little sister of his girlfriend is coming onto him!

Jet feels Nuwa’s tongue snake into his mouth, so he sinks one hand into the meat of her ass to hold her up and pulls the now-interfering straw out of his mouth with the other. He pivots them in a 180 to push her up against the wall. Muffled kissing sounds and moans enter his ears as his dick hardens.

He begins grinding his pants against Nuwa’s crotch, which he already knows is pantiless behind her tiny dress, and squeezes one of her tits. The titflesh itself is a heavenly feeling that turns him on even more than groping her scrumptious ass. He lets go of the kiss and starts licking her neck. All of a sudden, despite being fully erect, he starts to think straight. ‘What am I doing? Why am I down to fuck in the middle of a hallway in clear view of my girlfriend’s mom? What if someone passes by?’

Nuwa pulls him back in for a kiss and yelps as the bulge on his pants finds the right angle to open her labia and brush by her clit. She starts moaning with each of his grinds and says, “Yeahh.. Take me.. I’m so wet.”

Jet turns his head slightly and swivels his eyes to glance down the hall. He sees Lady Pea still speaking with Ty La like normal. It does not seem like she notices their tryst. He is too far away to see the subtle smirk developing on Lady Pea’s face. He looks back into Nuwa’s lusty eyes while she kisses and grinds on him. He closes his eyes to block the visual stimuli and regains some of his self-control. He recalls what he knows about her from Ty La.

Nuwa is Ty La’s second younger sister, the oddball out of the sextuplets. She has a newborn baby boy. She is in a relationship, but with whom, he does not know. ‘Why is she coming on to me so hard?’ His eyes open and widen with alarm as he comes to the realization, ‘This is a test!’

Jet pushes himself away from her body on the wall as hard as he can to unwrap her limbs from his body, noticing that she’s deceptively strong. He staggers back and falls on the floor, breathing heavily, still rocking the hardest boner in his life. He watches Nuwa snicker naughtily while licking up the saliva that leaked onto her chin and boobs with her finger, after which she says, “Not bad. You escaped.”

She slides her hand into one of the wide slits on the thigh of her tiny green dress to cover two of her fingers in thick pussy juice. Bringing her hand out and up into the air, the sticky nature of the pussy juice is placed on full display as it reluctantly slides off her hand and onto her tongue. Nuwa gives a few licks of her cum-soaked fingers, then sticks them in her mouth and releases them with a pop as she squeezes her tit with the other hand, which causes it to squirt a bit of milk.

Jet cannot handle it anymore. He starts creaming in his pants moments after seeing her dress get a wet milk stain from the inside. Groaning in pain from his sensitive cock cumming while locked up in his briefs and pants, he falls back and curls up slightly with each shot he ejects. Once he’s all squeezed out, he blankly stares in the last direction his head ends up, which happens to be down the hall at Lady Pea, the beginning of his woes.

Nuwa squats at his side, exposing a fair amount of sideboob as she pats his cheek and rolls her finger down his chest until it flicks his still sensitive dick over his pants. “But not good either. Next time, I expect to see more.. Decisiveness.” she says with a taunting gaze, before she gets up and leaves.

+5k LEE, Total: 9345k LEE

Jet pulls himself up as he ponders her words. ‘Wasn’t this a test? Why did it seem like she wouldn’t mind if I fucked her right then and there?’


(A/N: Oh my, that teamwork between Lady Pea and Nuwa. One attacks with money and the other attacks with sex. Jet.. best of luck lad, you’ll need it.)


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