Nuwa System

Chapter 81 – Realizations

The mercs look at their commander sleeping peacefully with a smile on his face after one touch to his forehead from Nuwa. They think she did something neat now, but they don’t know it’s an eternal sleep until later. Azula gives a sinister chuckle watching this happen. She knows about the Fog of Lost Souls from back when Nuwa first introduced the Spirit Realm to her, so she has a good idea of what occurred. Shrugging, she leaves the carriage and hops back on Appa.

All of the gliders have varying levels of damage so Toph metalbends one of the gliders that’s in a relatively better condition back into top form. Nuwa wants to give one of these to the Mechanist so that he can tell them how far along Fire Nation engineering has come in regards to deconstructing his inventions. Nuwa knows that they can build airships, but she wants to know if they have experts of aerodynamics among their ranks.

They return to Omashu by night and feast back in the castle. The firebenders are sent to prisons deep underground in Omashu. Aiwei’s and June’s group of Dai Li troops didn’t run into anybody other than some allied merchants, so they were excited to see prisoners. Nuwa took advantage of Aiwei’s truth-seeing to interrogate the vice-commander to find out who the Zata’s are working with. She finds out they’re working with the Siam family, which operates their forces mainly on the southern third of the Fire Nation colonies nearest Omashu.

It’s sort of self-explanatory now that she thinks about it, but it’s easy to screw up when it comes to spycraft and trigger unnecessary proxy wars with wrong judgements. The vice-commander blabbed it all in cowardice. Much of it was rumor, but Aiwei had an intuitive feeling for what was closer to the truth than what was not. Nuwa is surprised that his innate ability could be that powerful.

The reason the Zata gained leverage on the Siam family is that the Zata Lord secretly cucked his own wife out to the Siam Lord. The mature and beautiful Zata Mistress has such prodigal pillow talk that she convinced the Siam to pull out of the balanced treaty in return for support on economic expansion and a high military position in the air force for the Siam heir. Nuwa nearly gagged at the visualization of the 40 yr old Zata Mistress with a half inch cake-layer of makeup on coaxing the Siam Lord in bed.

‘I am so glad my parents love each other like a proper couple. Although my mother is a bit vain, no worries there. They’re a normal couple who enjoy a bit of bondage play! Not degenerates! Fucking Zata. If I don’t get back at you for pissing me off regularly, my name’s not Nuwa!’

At night, Nuwa and Azula head to the Spirit Oasis to find Sokka and Yue already smooching under a tree. Pakku, the third wheel who they need to bring them into the Spirit Realm, is long gone. Nuwa sends Azula to discuss their new intelligence regarding the Siam family with Piandao. He spends a lot of time practicing the sword in a sprawling green meadow that he’s named Piandao’s Glades, in similar fashion to Xai Bau’s grove.

Nuwa sits down next to Sokka and Yue, who just then notice her arrival. Yue gets a jumpscare and blushes adorably when she sees it’s only Nuwa. She’s easy to recognize because of her standard skimpy black dress and blurry face.

Ever since she created the Dao String, Nuwa fears revealing her face to anyone but Azula. She has an intuition that ever since creating the Dao String, her beauty is more of a weapon than a blessing. The double-edged kind of weapon.

Even before she had the Dao String, people gave her enthralled looks when she showed her face to them in the Spirit Realm even if she covered the Dao ripples from leaking. So, at least in the Spirit Realm, she always keeps her daons shielding her face from being seen. She would definitely hate herself if Sokka or Yue fell out of love with each other due to an accident on her part.

Sokka wonders why Yue had called him to the Spirit Oasis again today and why Nuwa is here. Usually, they have sex on her bed. Yue looks between Nuwa and Sokka with her blush deepening. Nuwa laughs and explains to Sokka, “Yue wants me to check why she hasn’t gotten pregnant yet.”

Sokka widens his eyes and blushes as well, but nods seriously shortly after. Sokka and Yue both get naked and feel even more embarrassed by Nuwa watching than the first time because it’s not underwater this time. Nuwa didn’t pay much attention to Sokka last time, since she was too busy getting fucked by Azula. Now that she pays more attention, she notices his dick is about average at 13 cm (5 in). It curves slightly to his left, but is otherwise unremarkable.

It reminds Nuwa of Aiwei’s penis, so she automatically feels that it’s cute. She then looks at Yue’s pussy and can’t get a good view with the white public hair covering it.

Overall, Nuwa really admires Yue’s natural beauty. Yue is definitely hotter than she was in her first life. The Dao of Sex is the only reason she’s beautiful to an almost irresistible extent in this life.

Now that she thinks about it, her looks only offer her opportunities in shallow relationships. In deeper relationships, appearance doesn’t really matter. Azula is the most beautiful person to her, but Azula’s attractiveness is below Yue’s. Knowing this, nothing changes. She simply admires Yue’s outer appearance in an artistic sense and Azula’s inner beauty in a loving sense.

She’d still fuck them both too. ‘I still remember how flustered and shy Yue behaved when I flirted with her before the invasion. She’s so adorable and wholesome. Cute little snack.’

Sokka coughs when he sees Nuwa staring at Yue’s face longer than necessary. Nuwa nonchalantly looks away and waves at them to start. They both lie down on the grass and start some tame foreplay to prepare themselves. Nuwa watches closely, ‘Damn, her reactions are so adorable. Sokka’s pretty good at pushing her buttons.’

A few minutes later, when she’s sufficiently wet, Sokka inserts his penis inside her. Nuwa squats down and grabs Sokka’s balls. In a fraction of a second, E-Nuwa finds a problem. Sokka has an undescended testicle. It’s a fairly common condition occurring in 1 out of 25 men, but the testicle usually descends on its own shortly after birth. For 1 out of 2500 men, one or both testicles do not descend into the scrotum.

This means that Sokka has unusually low sperm count. Regardless, this isn’t that big of a problem and the remaining testicle should have pulled its own weight in getting Yue pregnant over the past few months where she assumes they’ve had regular unsafe sex. Nuwa has to dig deeper.

She feels a tug from her Dao String and one end of the string exits her Dao Core on its own. Its intangible form meanders through her hand, into Sokka’s genitals, and then deep inside Yue’s vagina where E-Nuwa is given a vision of Yue’s womb. There she sees several large endometrial polyps that would assuredly interfere with attempts at pregnancy. Endometrial polyps are bumps that grow inside the womb. They tend to cause heavy bleeding during menstruation and contribute to infertility. The Dao String touches them and they cure on their own at a visible speed. It then returns to her Dao Core and cures Sokka’s testicle on the way back as well.

E-Nuwa startles as the Dao String returns and she regains full control of her body. She feels a sudden sense of relaxing comfort and sleepy lethargy, like she took some narcotics. ‘What.. the fuck is.. happening?’

“[System].. explain what happened.”

*The flow of Dao and Host’s own intentions aligned in such a way that the Dao String awoke on its own and followed the flow of Dao.*

Nuwa shakes off the last of her side effects and asks internally, “What is the flow of Dao?”

*The flow of Dao is the way that Dao functions autonomously without an Ego to guide it.*

“You’re saying it did what I would do if I was a slave to the Dao like Raava or Vaatu? Does using the Dao String in this manner have any lasting side effects?”

*Other than being able to exercise more power through the Dao, no. Host must find a balance in the pursuit of the Dao without going too far, or else you will fail the Goddess training.*

‘Interesting.. It feel that I can extend this Dao String off my Dao Core even without a suitable flow of Dao and temporarily power up my affinity for the Dao of Sex. In turn, this will expend a lot of my soul force to keep the Dao String from detaching from my Dao Core. I will also be somewhat defenceless for a few moments afterwards. It’s kind of like Aang’s Avatar Mode. I wonder what sort of stuff I can do with it besides curing sexual organs..’

Nuwa stands up and watches the cured Sokka and Yue having sex. They don’t notice anything different because both their conditions are asymptomatic besides lowering the chance of pregnancy. Nuwa says, “I found something off, but I cured it. Yue, you should be able to get pregnant now once you leave the Spirit Realm.”

Sokka and Yue both stop moving and look at each other. They then smile, hug, laugh, and roll around in the grass happily like kids while still connected down below. Azula teleports back and arrives to see this scene. She smiles and nudges Nuwa, “Let me guess. There was something wrong after all and you did some magic and cured them.”

Nuwa freezes up and smiles awkwardly while thinking, ‘That’s exactly what happened! You don’t have to be so sarcastic about it!’ Azula feels Nuwa slap her shoulder and metaphorically backs off as she hugs her, “Ok.. ok.. Your whole Dao of Sex thing always seems incredulous to me, but it’s so amazing that I can’t relate it to anything other than magic.”

Nuwa snorts, but hugs Azula back, and asks, “Isn’t bending also magic?”

Azula laughs and says in an odd tone, “No? It’s more like an extra limb for us. Some aren’t born with it, and some are.”

Azula watches Nuwa put on a strange face and rhetorically wonders aloud, “Did you think when you ordered Dan to remove Long Feng’s bending that it wasn’t a big deal?”

Nuwa says, “Err.. yeah? It’s just bending. There’s lots of nonbenders.”

Azula rolls her eyes and lets Nuwa go. Then she lectures at Nuwa, “Did you see how much those Dai Li agents feared you and Dan at that moment? Having one’s bending removed is worse than getting a limb cut off! It’s so much a part of who we are ever since we are little. Normal people can’t simply choose to bend or not bend like you can. I feel the chi flow in and around me constantly. Firebenders like us train ourselves not to accidentally burn anything we touch since the age of 3. I can’t even imagine myself being cut off from my control over chi. Maybe I would think this world is empty? Maybe I would go into a long depression?”

Nuwa looks at Azula and realizes that she needs to think about things from the perspective of others more often. If Dan was better at bloodbending and manipulating chakra, she would have gotten him to disable the bending of all the hostile firebenders and earthbender bandits they captured. It’s a good thing she didn’t go that route because now she realizes that her thinking fails to account for the perspective of the benders and their emotional health. Nuwa sighs and says, “Sorry, I didn’t know.”

Chuckling, Azula pats her back and says, “No big deal.” Inwardly, Azula feels like she is onto something when she thinks of how she used fire when she was young. Ever since she was young, she’s been trained to use fire as a weapon of destruction. Whenever she saw something destroyed, she would feel a novel sense of glee at how those objects transformed when burnt. Now that she thinks back to those memories, it’s kind of sick to cook a bug alive just to see what it would look like burnt.

Later, she was trained to increase the precision of her fire blasts and how long she could keep a rat alive while still cooking various parts of its body, which disgusted her and made her hate herself. The only reason she forced herself through it was for her father’s praise. When Ozai made her kill her own pet dog, that’s when she subconsciously knew she wasn’t allowed to be anything other than a weapon in his eyes.

‘Why did I like how fire transformed things before Ozai interfered? Why did I find it beautiful? What is fire to me? Fire..”

‘.. is a force of change and destruction, to make way for new life. I see. Without fire and war, this world would be stripped bare by humans. In balance, there must be life and death. When life stagnates and loses balance, fire comes in and burns it down to allow for new growth to take place.’

While Azula is having a sudden enlightenment, Nuwa is accepting the gratitude of Sokka and Yue. After they leave the Spirit Realm, Nuwa feels the surroundings heat up. She turns around to the source of the heat and her mouth drops in disbelief.

‘What in flaming hell! Why is Azula’s hair on fire? Why are her eyes closed?’

Noticing that the surrounding plants are slowly catching on fire, Nuwa quickly waterbends to douse the flame and grabs Azula’s hand to teleport her. Nuwa doesn’t want Azula’s random enlightenment to destroy the Spirit Oasis.

Oddly enough, Azula’s hand is still at normal temperature, it’s just her hair that’s superhot. Nuwa doesn’t think before grabbing Azula’s hand, but she’s pretty sure that Azula will not be disturbed out of enlightenment by the teleportation process if she didn’t react to her hand being grabbed. Nuwa transfers them to a desolate boulder on the ocean shore.

Once there, Nuwa has to put some distance from Azula again because it’s too hot near her head. She inwardly cursed at how reckless she was to touch Azula in that state with her being pregnant. Unfortunately, the Spirit Oasis is just too important, especially since it’s the connection to the mortal bodies of Tui and La. Who knows what could go wrong if something happened there? Why are they even there in the first place instead of safely in the Spirit Realm? Fuck if she knows. She’ll just have to wait until Azula is done to scold her like a dutiful wife.


(A/N: He gets a power-up. She gets a power-up. You get a power-up. We all get power-ups! Woohoo!)

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