Nuwa System

Chapter 82 – Phoenix

Fifteen minutes later, Azula opens her eyes to reveal her amber-gold eyes take on a fiery tinge before it fades and her hair that was previously standing up and flowing like a red-golden flame reverts back to its undamaged black shade. She casually fixes it back into her usual bun with two long side bangs before giving the pouting Nuwa on a nearby boulder a big smile. She jumps over to Nuwa’s boulder, pushing up the layer of soot that she was standing on.

Nuwa notices that the spot where Azula stood shows no sign of melted rock. ‘The rock turned directly to smoke. Did she disintegrate that with her flames? Bit too OP, damn.’

Azula walks over with a shy gaze, but Nuwa knows she’s secretly super smug about her power-up. Nuwa can tell that Azula also broke through to Tier 2 soul. It’s a big accomplishment since even though Nuwa is technically also Tier 2, she lacks the power output of a true Tier 2 soul due to her bisected Dao Core. For the first time, Nuwa feels soul pressure from Azula.

To Nuwa, the soul pressure feels like standing in front of a coal furnace with the engine roaring and flames coming out towards her face.

Azula has none of the fiery nobility she displayed from during her enlightenment. Nuwa covers her face with an arm and turns away from Azula. Then Nuwa says, “Chill out already!”

In fact, Azula has no experience moderating her soul pressure, so when she sees that Nuwa feels pain from being near her, her first instinct is to cry, but she quickly realizes that she can contain the flames within her body and prevent them from leaking if she concentrates.

It’s not quite like bending where she has to direct internal chi and borrow external chi from the environment. The flame is inside her and demands consumption. She can contain it temporarily, but if she doesn’t let it out for too long, it will burn her alive. This hungry flame is definitely not what Azula expected when she set out on this path, but she feels close to it, like kin, and she’s happy with the power output.

Nuwa uncovers herself and approaches Azula boldly now that the flame is contained. Azula knows what Nuwa wants to do because as a couple, they have a strong intuitive understanding of each other, so when Nuwa’s fingers enter her pussy, she’s not surprised. E-Nuwa feels a hot tendril of soul force reach out to her soul, then recoil and run away after sensing the Dao String of Sex. She scans Azula’s body and senses multiple abnormalities.

First of all, Azula is no longer fully human. This causes mild distress for Nuwa before she realizes that she should be able to conceive with any race with her Dao, so it doesn’t really matter. Azula’s bloodline is infused with a fiery force that constantly destroys the surrounding matter and rebuilds it.

Once again, Nuwa feels moderate distress at the precarious state of Azula’s body, destroying and rebuilding itself constantly in some sort of violent homeostasis. E-Nuwa has no idea what to make of this or if this is normal. In any case, the destruction and reconstruction are perfectly equal, so there’s no immediate danger. It might even be a form of biological immortality, so there’s that to be happy about.

Second, Azula’s Dao Seed is seemingly sentient and symbiotically living within Azula’s soul. E-Nuwa has no idea if this is fine or if the Dao Seed will eventually grow to swallow Azula’s soul. Based on the Dao Seed’s current behavior, she and Azula seem to be on good terms. Nuwa has no idea what Dao behaves this strangely. The best way she could describe it would be an extremely weak version of the Phoenix Force from the Marvel Record.

Thirdly, not only her body, but her Azula’s Dao Seed itself requires matter to disintegrate on a regular basis. It’s likely that the changes in her bloodline were a result of the Dao Seed. E-Nuwa speculates that if the Dao Seed becomes powerful enough, Azula would lose her Ego and become a Dao Spirit like Raava or Vaatu representing destruction and rebirth.  That’s if Nuwa doesn’t do anything to stop it from happening or Azula doesn’t work out some kind of deal with her Dao Seed.

“Fucking hell Azula! I don’t like this Dao of Phoenix that you chose. I mean it’s perfect for you, but what about my mental wellbeing?!”

Azula doesn’t understand anything about what Nuwa says other than her Dao being a bit dangerous. She reassures, “It’s no big deal, babe.”

Nuwa furrows her brows and explains everything she found earlier to Azula. Hearing that she’s no longer human and she may become subsumed by her own flame eventually, even Azula is a bit of fear. Moreover, she no longer ages? So she might reach the point at which she isn’t even allowed to die.

Nuwa’s happy about that part of her findings, but Azula is spooked at the thought of immortality.

Since she was young, Azula expected to die at some point. She didn’t even fear death any more. Azula found death beautiful. The thought of not having to be a cold-blooded weapon anymore. The inevitability that she would reincarnate into a more fulfilling next life where she wouldn’t have to remember anything of this life was incredibly appealing.

Then she met Nuwa and felt fear of death for herself. She felt fear of Nuwa dying when facing off against Combustion Man. Still, throughout these events and up until now, Azula has the idea that she would love Nuwa for the rest of her life and then accept death when it comes for her. Now, her whole life plan is ruined and she has to come to grips with her past instead of ignoring it and smothering herself in her love of Nuwa.

In fact, Azula is overreacting with regards to her own past and she has slowly put much of it behind her the longer she spends with Nuwa. Her transition from blue fire to normal orange fire is the most obvious sign that she’s no longer the cold-blooded weapon that she used to be.

Meanwhile, Nuwa is still curious about Azula’s new powers. Nuwa asks quietly, “Why haven’t I seen you lightning bend? I haven’t seen you do it since that time you shattered the windows.. Is it because of me?”

Azula startles and says with some guilt, “Uncle told me that overuse of lightning bending would reduce my lifespan. I should have told you earlier, but I didn’t want you to worry about it.”

Nuwa sighs with mild depression. ‘The things that canon of ATLA never tells you about. Fucking hell. I should have analyzed Azula’s body when she was lightning bending in the past with E-Nuwa. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now.’ She returns her fingers into Azula’s pussy and asks, “Let me see what happens if you lightning bend now.”

Nuwa gets a mild electric shock to her fingers while lightning crackles on Azula’s fingertips. Then she shoots it into the water and it fizzles out. E-Nuwa finds that Azula’s body doesn’t repair the damage, but she can sense the hunger in Azula’s Dao Seed goes up slightly, which means that the Dao of Phoenix can recover any sort of side effects caused by lightning bending.

Revealing her findings to Azula, Nuwa backs off to another boulder as Azula reactivates her Phoenix fire. It circles around her, disintegrating the surrounding boulder and some water before returning to Azula’s soul. Once Azula contains it once again, E-Nuwa checks to see if the damage is resolved and she confirms happily that Azula is fully recovered from internal lightning damage.

Azula smiles blissfully at regaining peak combat power through this loophole. Nuwa also wants to test out the power of her Dao String, since she’s a bit jealous. So she takes a walk into the woods looking for a specific animal. Nuwa wants to see what sort of influence her Dao String of Sex has on nonsapient animals, meaning animals that aren’t capable of critical thinking like humans. In the Spirit Realm, there are animal spirits of all levels of intelligence.

Nuwa and Azula walk around the woods until they find a female fox that doesn’t respond or understand their questions. Nuwa doesn’t go into E-Nuwa mode right away. She even sees signals from the Spirit Realm encouraging her to use the Dao String without E-Nuwa’s help. Flowers spontaneously bloom as her hand approaches the small, curious-looking fox. ‘Fuck it, let’s do this!’

Nuwa unravels one end of her Dao String and slowly allows it to travel across her finger touching the fox’s forehead and follow her intention. That’s when she feels it. Nuwa feels the flow of the Dao. She feels momentary euphoria from the feeling of bathing in a flowing river at the perfect temperature and hearing a perfect song resonate in her ears. She snaps out of it easier than she expects when she feels the Dao String wrap around the fox and rotate several times before it retreats back into her Dao Core.

Nuwa has a feeling that the last time she used her Dao String, E-Nuwa’s overbearing control over her own body made her unable to listen or sense the flow of Dao around her. ‘The flow of Dao is definitely both dangerous and beautiful. Maybe different Daos sound and feel different? I’m glad mine’s Sex.’

The vixen’s body slowly grows to the size of a small human and her previously flat teats balloon into an E cup. She now looks like a really hot furry. Blinking curiously, the naked furry seems to have gained intelligence as she recognizes the changes in her own body and fondles her boobies. But it later becomes obvious that she still retains the habits of a fox, because she comes over and starts to groom Nuwa by licking her face.

Azula starts cracking up at the ridiculousness of the situation when she sees Nuwa casting a disgruntled gaze on the vixen’s big breasts while her face is being licked. Nuwa complains, “Ok, ok. I’m clean and we’re friends. Stop licking me already.”

Pushing the vixen’s shoulders back far enough that she can’t lick her, Nuwa looks at her and asks, “What do you want your name to be?” Seeing the fox give a curious gaze of non-understanding, Nuwa points to herself and slowly says, “Nu - wa!”

The busty vixen seems to realize that she can speak and says, “Wa!”

Nuwa sighs and says, “Yes, that’s me. Now what’s your name?”

She doesn’t respond. She’s too busy babbling random sounds with her new vocal chords.

Nuwa gets fed up, teleports them, and pushes her into the hot spring proprietor’s house. He’s a fox furry too, so she can be his problem. When Nuwa teleports back, Azula is still giggling. Azula says, “You know, you have to work on your patience with kids. We have quite a few coming up.”

Nuwa freezes, thunderstruck by the realization that she would have to raise a baby! She’s fine with having one, but raising one?! She falls to her knees and shouts “NOOOOOOoooooo!”

Azula laughs and rolls her eyes, “Don’t be so melodramatic. We just have to work on our patience and control of our power prior to your delivery so nothing goes wrong later.”

Nuwa shouts, “But- but- I don’t have any tolerance for the stupidity of unintelligible beings!”

“You’ll have to learn, babe.” says Azula patiently.

After a few more minutes of moaning and groaning, Nuwa recovers and returns to the Mortal Realm with Azula. The Spirit Realm doesn’t have normal day and night, so it sometimes gets confusing and they have to reorient themselves. Since today’s Dao String’s test of power was a bust, Nuwa resolves to test her Dao String’s combat prowess in bending tomorrow morning. Back in the Omashu royal palace, Nuwa washes her face, brushes her teeth, and gets back in bed late at night. She then notices that things are getting heated in the room next door. Her sex sense finds Ty Li getting double penetrated by Mai and Zuko with Dan watching eagerly.

Nuwa knocks on the wall and shouts, “Mai, slow down! You’re too pregnant!”

Mai pauses and resumes with slower thrusts.

Azula looks at Nuwa curiously. Nuwa explains, “Mai is getting carried away in the moment now that her sexual fantasy of DP’ing Ty Li is finally being fulfilled.”

Azula can relate. Double penetrating Nuwa with Dan turns her on more than she could have ever expected. Even her jealousy over someone else fucking Nuwa was slowly overruled by the sexual excitement and arousal of the act of double penetration.

While stripping and getting ready to get it on herself, Nuwa wonders if Bumi can feel everything going on in the palace with his insane earth sense. ‘It’d be kind of awkward being peeked at by an old man, who acts like a kid. Doesn’t seem like he’s ever been married or had offspring either.’

Shrugging, Nuwa decides she doesn’t care if the old man wants to get off to her or not. Plenty of people do. What’s one more? She pulls over the LEE from next door through the wall with her daon siphon.

+2k LEE, Total: 1086k LEE

Nuwa lays down nude in bed and cautiously watches Azula approach. Nuwa says to Azula, “Maybe you should hold off on sex with anyone other than me. You don’t have full control of your flame yet. It fears me, so I should be fine, but I’m not sure about the others.” Azula agrees to the suggestion saying, “Ok, babe.”

Azula rubs her hardening penis on her lover’s bare labia and clit. Nuwa moans quietly and says, “Your blood.. is so hot.” Azula kisses Nuwa deeply and says, “I know I’m hot.” Nuwa whispers, “No, you’re burning. But I don’t care, fuck me hard.”


(A/N: Wild Baby Phoenix Force appeared! Azula used Dao Ball on Baby Phoenix Force! Baby Phoenix Force was captured!)

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