Nuwa System

Chapter 83 – Nuwavatar

Nuwa feels Azula’s dick entering her like a red-hot poker iron. The daons of sex swirling around her vaginal walls allow her to easily shrug off the passive fiery disintegration factor that leaks from Azula’s blood. Nuwa gasps in arousal and introspects, ‘It seems my ability to have harsh sex took a big step up too since I made my Dao String. Before, I still got hurt by surprise buttsex, but now even this disintegration rod of a penis is warm to me.’

Nuwa is right. She has not fully explored her powers since she became a Tier 2 soul and forged a Dao String of Sex. Nuwa at this moment, could shove a sawed off tree branch into her pussy or asshole and she would have no splinters once it’s removed. She can also forge various perfectly shaped Iron-tier weaponry if she pushes metal inside her genitals. She doesn’t know this because she hasn’t asked the [System] or explored her powers. Being pregnant is passively reducing her risk-taking and curiosity for the unknown.

“Don’t go too deep, babe. Just get me off with half of your dick inside and switch to my ass, how about that?”

Azula says, “Ok love, we’ll do it that way.” She pushes her penis halfway deep and doesn’t feel a powerful urge to utterly ravish Nuwa. Several times over the past week, she lost control and fucked Nuwa without a care for the consequences or the baby. This made her feel guilty later on, but it helps that E-Nuwa can take control during those situations and never lets anything happen to the baby. Now, with a stronger soul, Azula doesn’t feel that primal calling within her to press Nuwa down and fuck her brains out. Of course she can still do it in the ass if she wants to.

E-Nuwa says to Azula, “You don’t have to contain your flame if we’re having sex. I can feel that it fears my enlightened state.”

Azula trusts in Nuwa and relaxes entirely, even her control over her flame. The rambunctious, amorphous flame hides inside Azula’s soul and pretends that it’s a dying candle the moment it senses that E-Nuwa is outside. The baby Dao Seed is right to be scared. Nuwa still has her [Storage] which can suck up the dao ripples of Daos that she has some degree of attunement with. Nuwa is growing accustomed to fire through her regular practice of firebending.

Azula feels sorry for the poor birdie for scaring it so much, but she hardens her heart to not let anything happen to Nuwa’s baby. She’ll have to feed the dejected birdie extra later on.

Nuwa gets plowed thoroughly in her ass after that and makes Azula stay inside her so she can passively work on the ideal geometric formation for her Avatar state! E-Nuwa is almost done with the calculations. She’s excited to finally go crazy on bending when she finishes. Not even her pregnancy can stop her excitement for bending all the elements together.

+40k LEE, Total: 1126k LEE

When she wakes up in the morning with Azula’s cock still inside her ass, E-Nuwa gives Nuwa the theoretically perfect four-element formation! It’s strangely beautiful. From a 2d sense, there’s four interlocking circles which all wrap around each other and create a central area where a single Daon of Order can sit comfortably. It looks intuitively straightforward, but it’s a 3d formation which includes capillaries inside each of the rings. These capillary systems throughout each ring are where Nuwa will have to fashion internal chakra systems corresponding to the benders she fucked.

The problem is that it’s impossible to make this 3d formation she deduced applicable to a 2d surface of the [E-Vibe] that she’s been drawing formations upon. Nuwa decides she’ll have to transform the [E-Vibe] with soul force to include a floating elemental node at the top of the staff where the formation will be located. This way she doesn’t have to do any engraving because the shape of the [E-Vibe] will already match the 3d formation. She will still have to imbue all the elements and the single daon of order at almost exactly the same time or else the elements will ruin her node on their own, causing her to fail the imbuement and waste her limited Daons of Order.

Lying on her side in bed, with Azula’s moderately hard and hot dick up her ass, E-Nuwa summons her [E-Vibe] and fashions the node. She admires its beauty for a few seconds before attempting the imbuement. Pulling out a Daon of Order from her [Storage] and 4 Daons of Sex to correspond to the chakra systems of Aang, Azula, Dan, and Toph respectively, E-Nuwa attempts her first imbuement by pushing each of the daons of sex emulating the elements through their respective rings and finally the daon of order a fraction of a second afterwards.

E-Nuwa shouts in glee when she finds that she succeeded on her first try with her overpowered calculative skills. Moreover, the dense capillaries located in each ring seem to slow down each element’s reaction to being interlocked with their opposite just long enough to let the Daon of Order calm them down.

Now she can bend all the elements for 1 hour. That’s how long the daons of sex will perform their copycat functions before they disperse. The Daon of Order will also be lost. Nuwa can only manipulate Daons of Sex, her Daons of Order are entirely stolen from Raava.

Azula wakes up to Nuwa’s shout and opens her eyes to view an lightly glowing extraordinarily beautiful four-ring structure atop Nuwa’s phallic staff. Azula wipes her drool off her mouth and is utterly fascinated by it. Her dick hardens in Nuwa’s ass and she asks, “Babe? What’s that?”

Nuwa moans in dual excitement of her anus widening and how easy it is to bend. The ambient chi in the air around her does whatever she wants it to with simple directives!

She replies, “This, Zul, is my version of four-element bending just like Raava! I finally did it.. Look at how beautiful it is. Can you feel the chi surrendering to its magnificence?”

Azula throws off her blanket and leans her nude torso up. She summons lightning chi from within and lets her fingers approach the node. The lightning crackling on her finger due to the charge imbalance she created within her own body’s chi dissipates as it approaches the elemental node. It’s too balanced!

Lightning occurs because of imbalances trying to rebalance themselves violently, but this node interrupts that by rendering Azula’s attempts at imbalancing the chi inside her null. The closer she comes to the node, the more effort she has to put in to artificially create imbalances inside her own body’s chi, until she touches it and it’s impossible. Because Azula is so attuned to fire, the node somehow converts her own fiery chi into watery chi and returns it to her body, in an attempt to ‘rebalance her’.

The node is far too weak to make any significant difference to her, but she still feels like she’s been ‘debuffed’ slightly in power and ‘buffed’ slightly in terms of having calmer thoughts. E-Nuwa also notices the changes in Azula’s chakra when she touches the node. She also touches the node, but nothing happens to her. Nuwa suspects that this is due to her being a non-bender and less susceptible to chakra tampering through chi.

E-Nuwa hits her staff once on the ground next to the bed to bend a large stone block up into the air, then thrusts her staff to throw a fireball at it while it’s still levitating. Both actions are seamless, but E-Nuwa notices that the technical prowess required for bending multiple elements at once is not something that Nuwa can do on her own. In fact, the greatest benefit of this elemental node is for Nuwa to be able to summon massive quantities of chi to bend a single element.

Beyond that, there’s not much practical usage to this power-up because it would take Nuwa at least a year or two to learn how to bend that well even with E-Nuwa guiding her actions every so often. However, E-Nuwa suspects that if she allows Nuwa to let the Dao String come in contact with the elemental node, something crazy will happen. She actually fears what could happen. What if the Dao String decided on its own that it likes the elemental node more than her Dao Core? Finally, E-Nuwa decides she’ll put down her pride and ask [System].

“Hey [System], what happens if the Dao String touches the elemental node?”

*Host will go into an Avatar mode similar to Aang, but the Dao String will be in control and it will follow the flow of Dao. Like how Aang can control his Avatar mode as he attunes himself to Light and Order, Host can control this mode as long as Host is attuned to sex and the flow of the Dao of Sex.*

‘This fucker is saying that the only thing my Nuwavatar Mode is useful for is getting me laid in interesting ways. So if I want to open a pickle jar, which has nothing to do with sex, activating Nuwavatar Mode would result in me having no control of my body and an unopened pickle jar! Unless I am trying to shove said pickle jar up my butt?.. No, never mind. Let’s not go there.’

Sighing, E-Nuwa thinks, ‘I’m fairly certain if I use this against Ozai, I’d end up fucking him. Nuwavatar Mode!! I had such high hopes for you.. Why you gotta do me dirty like this?’

“Zul, help. I got a useless power-up. I need this depression pounded out of me.”

Azula laughs and obliges by beginning to thrust.

~ ~ ~

Yesterday, Huu came directly to the underground base where they were building the submarines and caused a bit of commotion because no one recognized him and he just sat there waiting for people to notice him. When Bumi came around, Huu said he wanted to help in the war effort. This is good news for the Order of the White Lotus because that means they have another heavy hitter.

This morning, the Mechanist and Bumi look at the Zata glider which has been refurbished by Toph. The Mechanist studies the glider closely, tapping and prodding it all over. He’s a mad scientist type who managed to somehow lose three fingers while developing a finger-safe knife sharpener. He replaced his fingers with three wooden prosthetic fingers. Even when he was blackmailed by the Fire Nation, he pursued science and mechanics with a dogged enthusiasm. He’s the primary reason the Fire Nation was able to develop the Drill and airships. Basically, he’s a genius and an idiot at the same time. There’s various vehicle and engine blueprints scattered all over his workshop.

He’s recently gotten an earthbender-powered engine working, so the Peaknights are helping to design and build a bunch of supply trucks and tanks for the upcoming invasion in two months. He had a waterbender-powered submarine designed months ago, but those take longer to build because the metal has to be sealed shut to prevent water leaks and they didn’t have firebenders until the Peaknights came. The Peaknights spend most of their time when they aren’t disconnected to their VR games or hanging out among the gang to help solder metal for various constructs that the Mechanist designs and the Order needs built.


Bumi normally doesn’t bother with sticking around the workshop, but he has a strange feeling about this Zata glider. Tapping into his vast experience in this world and deep connection to the Spirit Realm, he feels a minutely sinister aura about the glider. When the Mechanist taps it at a certain spot, Bumi’s eyes sharpen and he rips apart the metal there with his bare hands.

The Mechanist shouts, “Hey! Don’t interrupt my work!”

Bumi ignores him and looks inside the hollow metal of the glider supports. There’s a small red gem there. Bumi pulls out the gem and drops it as he’s been scalded. The Mechanist quickly picks up a magnifying glass and bends down to study the unusually perfect cut of the gem’s surface as it sits on the floor. “Fascinating, this is unlike any material I’ve ever seen before.”

Bumi grips the gem with some tongs and raises it in the direction of the window so that the light shines on it. Neither Bumi nor the Mechanist recognize that the gem is a diamond. Light refracts through the prism and allows them to see the reason why it’s red. There’s a drop of blood trapped inside. Bumi feels an unspeakable sorrow as he stares at that tiny droplet. “No.. no.. no..” he repeats as one tear streaks down his face. The entire palace shakes slightly as Bumi unintentionally leaks some earth chi.

The Mechanist feels burning curiosity and entirely ignores the mood as he asks, “What?! What is it??” Bumi checks the other gliders, but there is only one gem. He wraps the blood diamond in rock and carries it away to exit the workshop. The Mechanist stops him and shouts, “I need to know or I can’t work!”

Bumi says with an uncharacteristically serious face, “It’s the distilled blood essence of a dragon” and walks past the stunned Mechanist.


(A/N: Uh oh, is Nuwavatar Mode a big flub? When Bumi doesn’t act like a kid, you know shit’s hit the fan..)

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