Nuwa System

Chapter 86 – Time Flies

Nuwa asks the Commander in a gentle and soothing voice, “What’s your name?”

The Commander, now with the metal link removed from his mouth, is still groggy, “..Wha- huh?”

Nuwa asks again with more force, “What’s your name, soldier!?”

The Commander straightens out, but still slurs, “..Dirk, mmma’am!”

Returning to her soothing voice, Nuwa asks, “What are the orders from above, Dirk?”

Dirk says, “Oooh.. Nothing.. Waait.. Reinfoshmont.”

Nuwa looks at Aiwei, who nods. Then she asks, “When will the airships arrive?”

Dirk replies, “hehehe.. Not yet.. Nope nope.”

Aiwei nods again. Nuwa asks, “When do you think they will arrive, Dirk?”

Randomly giggling, Dirk says, “Yo voice is sho nice.. Eh? I think dey not coming soon. Wen dey come, Omashu go boom, heheheeh.

Nuwa asks more specifically, “Will the full scale attack on Omashu be sometime in the next 2 months?”

Dirk slurs, “Nope nop. Nnnnno supplies. Buuuhuuuu huu.”

Aiwei gives a nod and Nuwa gestures for them to wrap things up. She knocks out Dirk, then lays him back on his bed with the scroll on top of him. Azula puts the lead guard next to Dirk in bed with all of their clothes and armor stripped. Nuwa imbues healing factor into her breast milk and lets the unconscious lead guard recover from his wounds by dripping her milk in his mouth. Then, she taps their conception vessel acupoints and several others that induce violent ejaculations. When even the unconscious guard has ejaculated twice, they take their leave. With a possible scandal, they hope to muddy the waters regarding today's events. Eventually, investigators will find out that some Earth kingdom warriors posed as the Zata and infiltrated in plain sight, but maybe not right away.

The team of four head out and hop on their waiting eelhounds. The other guards let them go, but after a few minutes, they check inside for why the lead guard is not returning to his post. A few minutes is enough for a bathroom break, which is what they assumed might have occurred. Then they see the open door of the Commander's room, exposing a bed with two naked bodies. One of them is unconscious and the other one is giggling with a goofy smile on his face. One of the guards is so shocked that screams in an extremely high pitch like a girl, waking up everyone around.

By then, Team Nuwa had rode their eelhounds to the wall and replaced their armor on the sentries whom they stole it from. They hear the scream and jump off the wall onto the eelhounds, which then run off in the dark of the night. The sentries would only wake up later to think that they fell asleep on the job, which tends to happen every now and again.

It’s an overall successful mission with good intel gained, despite the hiccup. From the clues that Dirk gave and Aiwei confirmed, Nuwa reasons out that ‘no supplies’ means the Fire Nation currently lacks the quantity of bombs or fuel necessary for a full-on airship attack of Omashu or Ba Sing Se. This means that they should be free of airship raids until the attack on Capital City. Ideally, all of the airship hangars will be there, so that Toph and Bumi can destroy them during the eclipse. This is likely wishful thinking though. Even though the Fire Nation is keeping them and building them in secret to be a trump card, it can also be assumed that they are using them elsewhere to hunt dragons.

They return to the cave where they first stayed and sleep for the rest of the night. The eelhounds also need rest. In the morning, they make a nonstop dash back to Omashu to group back up and deliver the intel. As Nuwa expects, Iroh is missing with his rather sparse luggage. He has gone to help the dragons.

~ ~ ~

Dissboy: Yo, the old monster left today. He looked like he was ready to take names and kick ass.

Sadboy: He is nice to me. I’ll miss him.

Shyboy: Yeah. He’s a bro.

Smartboy: He’ll be fine. He’s OP as fuck. In the book, he endured so much humiliation for the sake of ‘hiding and biding’ his strength to recapture Ba Sing Se.

Assboy: I’d tap him if I was into that.

Shyboy: …

Smartboy: bruh wtf

Dissboy: Get outta here you fucboi!

~ ~ ~

Aang and Katara flew Appa over to reunite with Suki at Kyoshi Island. They won’t be back until tomorrow since it’s a long round trip. They intend to catch her and her troops up in their upcoming plans to attack the Fire Nation since Suki expressed interest in doing so when they had last met.

Suki was one of the first friends of Team Avatar, and also Sokka’s first crush. With how well his relationship with Yue is going through, it doesn’t look like they’ll pan out. At that time, some low-ranking firebender navy captain attacked Kyoshi Island hoping to capture the Avatar to get some bounty early on when Katara, Aang, and Sokka began their travels. That’s when Team Avatar helped repel the attack with the aid of Suki and her team of Kyoshi Warriors. Aang, however, had to leave so that Kyoshi Island wouldn't get attacked again. This will be the first time they reunite since then.

The gang did a good amount of patrolling and clearing of unpleasant people surrounding Omashu. June is very satisfied with her upgraded whip now that it can even destroy earth blasts that bandits throw at her. Actually, a lot of the bandit problems can be solved by simply feeding them, so they ended up shuttling a few groups of roaming bandits back to Omashu.

Many small villages in the Earth Continent are highly isolationist and barren of resources. Not everyone got the message about the increasing prosperity of the Earth Kingdom, so they think that food is still as expensive or unavailable as before, including the bandits. When the bandits see the newfound prosperity of Omashu, they feel an instinctual tiredness of their old nomadic lives of sin and hunger. Then it’s simply a matter of them finding jobs in the bustling city. No need to imprison if they don’t attack with the intent to harm.

~ ~ ~

From then, the gang maintain a sort of routine where they go on excursions around the city and fortify the surrounding territory. Much of this effort is to keep away spies and other unwarranted attention to be drawn to the growing amount of vehicles prepared for the invasion. Aang doesn’t stick around. He hits a variety of points around the Earth continent without the company of Katara, helping isolated villages, pacifying angry spirits, and doing other Avatar-y stuff all while practicing his firebending and earthbending to get them up to par.

There were several feints on the side of the Fire Nation military that they were going to attack Omashu, but like Dirk said, they were all bluffs. The residents of Omashu, instead of being scared at the thought of being attacked by the Fire Nation, got excited that they would fight, felt disappointed when nothing happened, but celebrated nonetheless each time the Fire Nation retreated. Nuwa felt that the feints were some sort of scare tactic to bait her to infiltrate again for more intel and trap her with their improved security. Unfortunately, she had already gotten what she wanted..

~ ~ ~

[50 days later - 10 days until the Day of the Black Sun]

+1312k LEE, Total: 2453k LEE

Nuwa mentally debriefs herself.

‘The waterbender-powered submarines are built. They are outfitted with ice torpedoes. The earthbending-powered tanks are built. The troop morale is high. There’s no major signs of military movements from the Fire Nation military.’

‘The Order is ready. Iroh hasn’t seemed to have redirected many forces for his quest to assist the dragons. Neither have we heard from him much other than him stopping by the Order meetings just to show he’s alive and his verbal agreement that he will be there on the Day of the Black Sun.’

‘The forces that support us include the Northern Water Tribe, Southern Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom military, Dai Li, Beifong noble family, Kyoshi Warriors, and various bandit groups converted to our cause, like Gunner’s. We face the Fire Nation military, noble families, and colonies!’

‘They have airships, which we will have to disable or else we’ll be wiped out easily. Victory is not wiping them out, but usurping the throne of Fire Lord by defeating Ozai. His bending will be removed and the throne will be occupied by Zuko. Failure wouldn’t out the Pea noble family as traitors, because all of them other than my parents are unaware of my true alignment, but it would be suspicious that none of our troops are present that day.’

‘Our heavy hitters for that day are Bumi, Iroh, Huu, Aang, Pakku, Azula, myself, Toph, Jeong Jeong, Piandao, Gunner, and Xai Bau. Zuko will be there, but mostly playing a political role.’

‘The Peaknights have earned a much needed break from helping build the equipment and I’ve been rewarding them with plenty of nudes of Ty Li, Azula, and I.’

‘Aang mastered earthbending and he’s almost mastered firebending. He’s matured a lot in his time away from Katara. His improvement in earthbending reflects his desire to protect her and build a home.’

‘Azula is more comfortable with using and restraining her Phoenix fire. She feeds her Dao Seed mainly animal pests like rats, which are growing in population with the increase in food stocks. When her baby Dao Seed is full, it has to release the energy it ate in the form of growth energy, so she found some plants she likes and now there’s a garden around the Omashu palace.’

‘Dan helps around this garden and says he likes it there. Maybe it’s the Life affinity.’

‘Ty Li’s kind of become an otaku mobile gamer, but that’s OK. She’s my cute sister after all. She’s still not comfortable with getting pregnant. She wants to wait until she can settle down with Dan somewhere safe after the war.’

‘Toph still can’t handle the Stump, but she’s starting to get the hang of sand bending. She’s a genius at earthbending after all. She also has a small baby bump.’

‘Mai and Katara are heavily pregnant and if either baby is premature, they may go into labor at any time. Katara is a bit sexually frustrated, but she knows the stakes. Aang has to train.’

‘Sokka and Yue finally conceived.’

‘June’s become a close friend. I don’t think she will want to leave after the ladies give birth.’

‘And finally..’

Nuwa looks down to her own bloating five-month pregnant belly, ‘..I’m quite pregnant myself.’

Nuwa dons her training gear and heads to a practice room. Her pregnancy doesn’t actually bother or hinder her in training at all. It appears to be a perk of the Dao String of Sex. There she teaches Aiwei swordsmanship to reinforce her own learning and assist in her bending. The bending dances that she uses with her elemental node version of her [E-Vibe] are very close to what she would use as a swordsman. Specialized moves for each element require her to transform the [E-Vibe]. The element-specific configurations that she prefers for her [E-Vibe] are dildo-dagger and onahole for water, staff-dildo for earth, dildo-blade for fire, and dildo-nunchucks for air.

So if she wants to bend something on the fly without wasting a Daon of Order, she’ll use the element-specific configuration, but if she wants to fight seriously, she’ll imbue the elemental node version of her sword-shaped [E-Vibe] and only use basic, but powerful elemental moves one at a time.

Nuwa’s weapon looks more like a wand than a sword, due to the floating node, but she wields it like a sword. With the elemental node wand, Nuwa can practically become an elemental blaster turret. The chi input required by the elemental node is miniscule. It draws most of its chi from the environment. She can win any battle of attrition in chi usage, but she can still only bend one element at a time, unless she goes into E-Nuwa mode.

Once Aiwei leaves, Nuwa stands in the center of the room and prepares her bending routine. Prior to this, she was only waving her [E-Vibe] around without bending. After two months of practice, she can finally shape and imbue the elemental node outside of E-Nuwa mode. She completes the imbuement process to create the elemental node wand and stands in a slack position with her hands empty. The [E-Vibe] floats on her waist belt like a sheathed sword.

Nuwa grips the wand and steps forward with one foot to do an upwards cut while unsheathing the wand, which violently pulls water out of her canteen on the other side of her waist belt to follow the arc of her wand. The heavy chi imbued in the water sharpens it so that it cuts into the floor and wall of the room.

Nuwa lets the chi gathering in her raised wand travel through her body to her leading foot, which she uses to stomp the ground as she returns her leading foot to the central position. Her stomp raises a wall of earth from the floor behind her. Nuwa pulls the wand that’s returning from the upper cut backwards to ‘butt’ the wall with her hilt, dislodging the earth wall from the floor and sending it sliding towards the actual wall of the room.

Nuwa turns to her left and stabs forward with her wand in a thrust and twist motion, which releases a large swirling fireball.

To complete the routine, she pivots upon the same foot that never moved and twirls around to perform a horizontal hurricane slash, sending cutting shards of wind throughout the entire room.

Nodding in satisfaction at the damage to the room, Nuwa hardens her gaze and looks to the west in the direction of the Fire Nation, ‘It’s time to depart.’


(A/N: Time skip because nothing much happens during this time period for Nuwa and I'm still bad at filler rip. WHO’S HYPE THOUGH?)

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