Nuwa System

Chapter 87 – Antebellum

With varying levels of nervousness, the members of the Gang enter the underground submarine port near Omashu and stand in front of dozens of 20m (65 ft) chunks of metal. Katara, Mai, and Haru are the only ones staying in the palace. Even Bumi will be joining the invasion force, leaving Omashu temporarily without an expert to guard it.

He’s quite worried about the city, but Nuwa reassures him by offering him Appa to ride back on right after the invasion ends. That way he’ll be back before news even arrives here that he has left. Spies are not an issue for Omashu because Bumi’s earth sense can identify them immediately. The Fire Nation gave up sending skilled spies there long ago.

Nuwa is mainly worried about Katara and Mai’s safety. There’s only Haru and five of Azula’s best Dai Li agents to protect them. It’s a bit on the low side, but with all of the Omashu citizenry on their side and the ability to dive into the deep catacombs of Omashu to escape from danger, they should be able to hold out until Bumi’s back.

Aang looks at Katara tenderly and pulls her in for a goodbye hug. She starts sniffling into his chest and the waterworks begin. Mai is doing the same to Zuko. They won’t be able to witness the fruits of their lover’s effort for themselves, but they know how much it means to each of them.

Aang needs to defeat Ozai to prove his Air Nomad way.

Zuko needs to confront his Father, explain his way through his complicated paternal feelings, and ask about his Mother.

Azula doesn’t give a shit about her Father anymore, unlike Zuko who still holds complicated feelings. Even her hatred for what he’s done has fizzled out. She knows that her Father is strong though. She remembers the pressure of his soul. He’s also a lightning bender. Neither Aang or Zuko can bend lightning, but Azula has forced both of them to practice on redirecting her lightning. They’re as prepared as they can be. She’s in charge of protecting both of them during the chaos of war. Zuko has a trinket from his Father, so June and Nyla can take the three of them to Ozai directly no matter where he is.

Katara wishes badly that she could go with Aang, but she knows that it’s too risky. Their relationship has evolved greatly since they first met. They were growing more independent these past few months later in her pregnancy. Before this, they relied on each other to balance their personalities. Katara needed Aang to remind her to relax and have fun. Aang needed Katara to remind him of his duties towards this World.

Now they’ve each found their determination. Katara has her baby forcing her to relax and care about things other than helping others or defeating the Fire Nation. Aang has the path that Raava, the Lionturtle, Nuwa, and Katara influenced him to go on, which is that of an air nomad who actively interacts and interferes with the workings of other nations, unlike the non-intervention of the previous air nomad culture.

Ty Li and Dan are also hugging tightly. What’s awkward about it is that even though Ty Li is crying in distress at the separation, she’s still clicking on her mobile cultivation game with her thumb. Dan can feel her thumb tapping on the phone with his back while she’s hugging him. She’s been tapping for the past week. Everyone finds it super annoying, but she’s hopelessly addicted. They can only hope that she’ll stop when the fighting starts.

Nuwa and Azula watch their close friends hug tightly. Azula turns her head to Nuwa and says, “Aren’t you going to cry in my bosom too?”

Nuwa crosses her arms and jokes sarcastically, “Heh, I can pretend to be a damsel in distress if you want me to?”

Then she says while poking Azula’s boobs, “I’ll be fine. You’ll be fine. It’ll be fun. Come to think of it, we’re separating here too. Why aren’t you crying little miss daddy’s girl?”

Azula humphs and banters back, “You’ll be the one crying by the end of it! You’ll have to live without my dick for almost two weeks. Dan can’t take care of you like I do.”

Nuwa shivers and her whole body goes cold. Azula’s right. Nuwa is going to be traveling on Appa with Toph, Dan, Bumi, and Aiwei as the airship destroyer strike force. Appa will have to fly slowly and stop often on this trip to make time for the submarines to arrive at Capital City and synchronize their attack on the Day of the Black Sun. Aiwei is needed to confirm the locations of the next base or factory after they destroy the initial one they have intel on. There’s plenty of fanatics in Capital City that would rather die than become traitors, so there are bound to be lies, and no time to sort them out.

But the main problem here is that Nuwa won’t be getting any of Azula’s cock until after the invasion ends because Azula will be in the submarine! Nuwa’s vagina starts leaking juices on its own, begging to be filled up before the dry spell. Nuwa’s eyes become moist and tears well up as she looks back at her lover.

Azula momentarily blanks at the touching thought that Nuwa is about to actually cry out of worry for her safety, but then she lets out a big “Oh.” when she sees the lust in Nuwa’s eyes and juices dripping down her thighs. Azula deadpans and thinks, ‘Of course she’s about to cry because she’ll miss my cock.’

~ ~ ~

To observers analyzing this scene, they might think it tragic for Azula that Nuwa’s sensibilities are skewed in such a manner. Nevertheless, Azula dotingly kisses Nuwa and feels secretly smug at how addicted Nuwa is to her dong. In fact, Azula is positive that even though E-Nuwa can control the pace of sex after it begins, she herself the one in control before the sex begins. Nuwa’s pussy is always honest about how much it wants her.

Whenever she sees that submissive, desperate look that Nuwa gives to her face and crotch, Azula hardens in pride. She makes sure to summon her penis with the Konami Code beforehand when she knows that Nuwa will want it. Nuwa still occasionally penetrates Azula with her [Clit Re-sizer] but these times are far and few between. Neither of them feel it is as natural and comfortable as Azula’s penis inside Nuwa.

As a side note, the reason that Nuwa has never soulbound a Futanari Tool for herself is that both of the [Shop]’s options have fatal flaws.

~ Futanari Tool ~ Futuristic biotechnology that, upon installation, restructures the inner organs to make room for male genitalia above the vagina in females. The genitalia is real and exactly like a male’s, including ejaculation, but this model cannot produce viable sperm with the user’s female DNA. = 100k LEE -> [soulbound upgrade] +400k LEE

~ Viable Futanari Tool ~ Futuristic biotechnology that, upon installation, restructures the inner organs to make room for male genitalia above the vagina in females. The genitalia is real and exactly like a male’s. The produced sperm is viable but there are side effects of increased libido and overproduction of semen with this tool. = 1m LEE -> [soulbound upgrade] +4m LEE

The first one cannot produce viable semen and the second one tampers with her soul by increasing libido. For a mere tool to affect her soul would be an insult to her pride as a goddess-in-training and possibly cause complications in her natural Dao path.

The purpose of the [Shop] is only to assist, not to be relied upon. Nuwa has a feeling that eventually, as her understanding of the Dao of Sex increases, she’ll be able to rearrange her own genitals to provide maximal pleasure to her partner, whoever they may be. She’s not there yet, but the changes brought about by her Dao String to empower her womb and make it so that the baby isn’t bothered by her physical activity has hinted to her that it’s possible.

The most she’s done in the way of actual futanari action is to shape her [E-Vibe] into a double-sided dildo and alternatively use firebending to simulate a hot dick and waterbending to simulate cumming. Once again, she couldn’t do both at the same time, so Azula felt it was unnatural and didn’t like it.

One time she tried airbending with her double-sided [E-Vibe] inside Ty Li and it kind of sounded like pussy farts, so she never did that again. Aang has much better control in his airbending than her, so he doesn’t have this issue.

~ ~ ~

Returning to the part melodramatic, part lewd departure scene, juices continue to slide down Nuwa’s thigh and several drops fall directly onto the floor between her thigh gap from her exposed pussy under her short skirt. The pitter patter sounds are common in this underground cave, so no one pays it any mind, but Azula sees the droplets splash after she finishes kissing Nuwa and they assuredly did not have the consistency of water.

Azula watches as Nuwa struggles with deciding between sticking to the schedule and getting some sexual relief. Nuwa’s also grappling with her pride. She wants it really bad, but she’s self-imposed on herself that she’s not allowed to be [Acting] today, and she knows if she asks, her voice will sound like a slut begging for dick.

Azula finally takes pity on Nuwa as the tenth drop of vaginal juice splashes on the ground and tears start exiting from her eyes instead of only moistening them. “Ok, ok, fine. Come here you minx.”

Azula pulls Nuwa, who puts on a huge smile, into a nearby shed. The gang can guess what is about to happen when they see this and feel mildly ashamed of their resident pervert. Only Nuwa would hold off an entire army just to get laid a few more times. Thankfully, Azula makes it quick and Bumi uses subtle well-placed earthbending stomps to dampen the sound waves coming through the earth walls of the shed.

It’d be a bit of a drag on morale if the common soldiers heard them fucking like bunnies. There would be less faith in the seriousness of the leadership considering some of them have lost their family members to the Fire Nation’s tyranny. E-Nuwa knows about this soon after she’s penetrated inside the shed, but she also feels Bumi’s earth chi covering the shed, so she decides to let it go and have fun by moaning at the top of her lungs.

+45k LEE, Total: 2498k LEE

Nuwa exits the shed fixing her hair and clothes an hour later with a slightly larger belly than she entered with. Azula had filled her up nicely with three shots in her bowels. Back in front of the submarine, Azula and Nuwa share a final tender kiss.

“I love you, baby.”

“I love you too, Zul. Remember, you’re not a monster.”

Azula smiles with a warm heart and says, “Yeah, maybe.”

“Even if you are, I’ll still love you. OK, go!” Nuwa pushes Azula onto the gangplank. Azula pauses, tears up slightly, and heads inside without looking back.

~ ~ ~

Dissboy: That was cheesy. The writer sucks at romance my dudes.

Smartboy: Well it can’t be worse than the writing of the Legend of Korra anime.

Sadboy: Ty Li isn’t in Legend of Korra, so it sucks.

Assboy: Since you guys know I like ass now, can I just say that Azula’s ass is the best?

Shyboy: …

Dissboy: I still can’t forgive you for lewding the ass of everyone’s favorite uncle.

Shyboy: …

Dissboy: WTF Shyboy..? Spit it out! This is a fucking text channel!

Shyboy: Assboy, even if ur gay for old men, we’ll still be family.

Assboy: …

Dissboy: …

Sadboy: ...

Smartboy: That was oddly wholesome.

~ ~ ~

Toph looks over at the emotional couples departing. Then she looks over at Gunner and Haru. Haru looks at her with slight expectation, unlike Gunner who is just excited to be an underwater pirate. Toph walks up to Haru and gives him a bone-crushing hug. Haru is in severe pain and fully expects bruises later, but he powers through it by reinforcing his body with earth chi. He hugs her back with trembling hands. Toph whispers, “I’ll be back, Haru.”

Then she lets go and smacks Gunner on the back of the head. “You better listen to Azula, Midget. No pirate behavior. That’s not a boat. Now get out there and don’t die.”

Bumi shouts, “Everybody get in the subs!”

Then he adds, “You heard the little girl! Haha! No dying, guys!”


(A/N: Antebellum means “before the war” in latin. Poor Nuwa.. She can only seek satisfaction from Dan’s donger.)

(A/N: Hit me up just to chat -

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