Nuwa System

Chapter 94 – Home and Dinner

Nuwa runs to the gates of the Pea mansion with Azula and catches sight of Ty Li and Toph walking there as well. Cheering, Nuwa says, “How exciting, it’ll be a girls only sleepover!”

Toph turns back and says, “Ty Li was telling me that you have 4 other identical sisters? That’s insane! Should I ask for advice from your mom on how to conquer the Stump?”

Nuwa and Ty Li cough dryly, choking back a laugh. Nuwa answers, “Absolutely not. Mother doesn’t like to be reminded of her days spent as a whale. Don’t bring it up.. or else.”

Ty Li shivers with an expression of fear and despair. Toph looks at them curiously and asks, “Oi, I can tell from her body that she has no muscles where martial artists should have them. She’s no bender either. Why are you both so scared of her? You ain’t tryna prank me are ya?”

Nuwa shakes her head and says, “Forget it. Even if I told you the consequences, you would accept them as a challenge. I can only pity your nature and wish you my condolences when the time comes.”

Toph shouts, “Fine! I’m calling your bluff! I accept this challenge. Even if she’s your mom, I won’t show mercy!”

Ty Li trips slightly on a rock and almost faceplants with how hard she’s shaking. She’s supposed to have the best balance out of everyone!

It could also be that her balance is disoriented now that she has her Slinky Face Mask off. Hummy flits around worriedly going in and out of Ty Li’s cleavage in response to the fight or flight response.

Nuwa holds her little sister by the waist and helps her enter the house steadily.

“Welcome back, sisters!!” The moment they open the front door, the entrance room is lit up by a burst of decorative firebending from some servants and the newcomers are greeted by Ty Lo, Ty Lu, and Ty Ly. There’s something seriously wrong with the situation though.

Ty Lo is dressed up as a genderbent Aang, Ty Lu is dressed up as Katara, and Ty Ly is dressed up as Toph.

Ty Lo says, “We wanted to show our support for your little rebellion thing! Do you like our costumes?”

Nuwa and Ty Li’s eyes twitch and they put on forced smiles while ranting in their minds, ‘Do you three live under a box? What part of that rebellion was a little thing??’

The outfits are surprisingly faithful to the real deal though.

Ty Lo has an air nomad smock on and blue makeup for the airbender tattoos on her arms.

Ty Lu has Katara’s hair loopies, which are based on Inuit culture from Earth, blue robes, and a water pouch on her waist.

Ty Ly has Toph’s big bun, yellow and green robes, and fashionably bare feet.

Toph goes up to Ty Ly and inspects her in awe. Toph looks up at Ty Ly’s face and comments, “Not bad, not bad at all. If you were a little bit taller and more muscular, you’d resemble me perfectly!”

The three youngest sisters notice the real life Toph just then and start fangirling.

“OOH, you’re Toph Beifong!”

“The Drillbuster!”

“The Tiny Titan!”

“The Itty Bitty Bulldozer!”

“We’re your biggest fans!”

“You’re even shorter than the rumors, amazing!”

Toph’s fully satisfied smug mood morphs into a peeved mood as the Ty sisters fangirl with increasingly insensitive and blunt commentary as if she doesn’t exist. In less than 40 seconds from when they first notice her, they are already poking and touching her muscles like she’s a zoo animal. Toph is about ready to blow up, but Nuwa and Ty Li grab her and run with Nuwa saying, “We should get going to bed!”

Lord and Lady Pea enter the mansion at that moment. Lady Pea shouts, “Nuwa Ty Lee Pea and Ty Li Pea, did you two eat your dinner? I hope you two are not expecting to get out of your first family dinner in almost a year.”

Nuwa and Ty Li freeze mid-drag. “Yes, Mother. We’ll be right there.” Then they drop their stuff off and bring some new clothes set out for them by the maids to the shower areas. Nuwa helps Azula, Ty Li, and Toph clean their bodies with waterbending. The girls change into their clothes and they are all a snug fit, even with Nuwa’s belly bump.

Lady Pea is always attentive regarding fashion and somehow managed to infer Nuwa’s sizes after being told of the pregnancy by Piandao. Ty Li’s sizes are the same as her identical sisters, except for a bit of an overly jiggly bust, which Lady Pea accounted for by providing a tightly fitted bodice. She even knows Toph’s sizes because she saw an accurate picture of her full body in a bounty poster. Azula’s clothes are easy to figure out by bribing the royal maids.

From this, they could tell Lady Pea’s unspoken attentiveness to her traveling daughters. Lady Pea didn’t even know who among Nuwa’s friends would come to visit or stay, but she already had these clothes fitted and prepared for them in case they did. Nuwa pulled up the clothes to her nose and took a deep breath to soak in the smell of home.

Azula watches her and does the same in curiosity, but she only senses that it feels and smells exceptionally clean. It doesn’t smell like anything in particular. Nuwa turns to Azula and asks, “Do you like it? The smell of my home.”

Now that she thinks of it from that additional perspective, combined with the welcoming they received before, Azula nods. She can tell that Nuwa has a raucous and endearing home. It’s like the Froggy home, but bigger. Maybe she and Nuwa will have their own home soon? The thought of it sends jitters from her heart to her toes and then back to her penis.. er heart. She likes the thought of it. Then Azula looks at her lover and wonders, ‘Maybe Nuwa already made plans?’

Nuwa had actually made plans, but they were not romantic in the slightest. They are all designed for her own convenience. She wants to live in a renovated section of the Pea mansion’s basement! There she can be spoiled by her mother and Azula as much as she wants without feeling obligated to deal with troublesome things. She even had plans to soundproof her (wo)mancave.

Of course, Nuwa eventually has to move to Republic City to run her campaign and get elected, but that would be several years in the future. For now, she only wants to laze around and give birth in peace. She’s been doing much less lazing around compared to her first life of degeneracy.

Whenever Azula makes plans about their future, she puts on a man-of-the-house responsible-looking face, which reminds Nuwa of John from her first life. John was a responsible husband. He had never wronged Nuwa and she actually liked him a lot. Nuwa made sure that all of her frustration with his micropenis wasn’t directed at him as a person. Regardless, the amount of effort she put into acting and faking around him cooled off the love she had for him into only liking.

It was her fault too, she realized this now, that she hadn’t been more upfront with John. Maybe he would have used dildos, fingering, and cunnilingus while jacking himself off instead. She would have been less miserable, but if that was the case, she wouldn’t feel the need to be a Goddess of Sex like her [System] wanted. She wouldn’t have the drive to power through all obstacles and overcome all the challenges in this difficult endeavor.

If it weren’t for her [System], she wouldn’t have met Azula and found true love. This is why, even with all the potential conspiracies and lies of omission that the [System] is involved in, she’s still happy. Nuwa also knows that she needs to be more powerful in order to maintain this happiness. She has an intuition that the stronger she is, the easier it is to violate restrictions between Records! So that she can be with Azula forever!

Nuwa pouces on Azula with a deep kiss and they fall onto their bed. Azula returns with equal passion and longing. They’re both extremely pent up.

Toph smiles while watching this. It’s rare that she finds a chance to get back at Nuwa in a substantial way. Hardening her arms with earth chi, she physically pries off the lovers from each other. Ty Li timidly objects, “Wait!” Toph doesn’t know how much danger she is in. Azula almost let her Phoenix flame free when she was denied Nuwa’s affections! Nuwa desperately claws into the air around Toph’s small body trying to reattach herself to Azula.

Toph says in her usual blunt voice, “Oi, lovebirds! We gotta go eat. I thought you didn’t want to displease your mother!”

Nuwa shivers and calms down immediately. Toph once again looks suspiciously at Nuwa and decides she definitely has to find out what’s so scary about a harmless noblewoman like Lady Pea. Toph’s mother, Lady Poppy Beifong, never scares her. She only acts like a diligent daughter around her parents so that things don’t become troublesome.

Azula storms off with anger at Toph, who she finds as the only friend with whom she shares a lot in common. This is the first time Azula is so angry at Toph. No one really goes out of their way to make Azula angry because she’s always tortured them for displeasing her in the past. She’s changed since then. Now there’s not a lot that can make Azula mad anymore other than things that have to do with her Nuwa or people that hurt her friends, so she doesn’t know how to deal with her anger at her friend. Nuwa senses Azula’s turbulent feelings with their newly discovered psychic connection and decides she’ll have to have a talk with Azula later about ways to help calm her flame.

Ty Li looks nervously at Toph who is entirely oblivious of Azula’s anger. Nuwa sighs and also decides not to tell Toph that Azula is much stronger than her now. There’s no point since it might even provoke Toph to pick a fight. It’s better to let Azula gain control of her powers and let Toph find out the difference in their strength the hard way then. That is if they ever come to blows.

The three head down to the dining room, where they see that Azula seems to have calmed down due to the pleasant aroma. The entire Pea family is now reunited, with the exception of Ty La, who is the warden of the Boiling Rock prison.

That facility will still be in use after the war, but most of the prisoners will be swapped out for the truly violent offenders, instead of those who were sent there due to fighting for the wrong side in the war. Zuko intends to make that a place for psychopaths, pedophiles, and other sickos that he met on his tour of the Fire Nation colonial nobles. Occasionally, he wonders if Nuwa belongs there.. but then he reluctantly admits that she always has consent during her sexual activities, or gets consent soon after she starts. It’s a bit gray, but she gets the pass. Now that the Zata family is mostly imprisoned other than the Zata Lord, Ty La isn’t in any danger. She can stay as a warden or return if she wants to take a different job.

The dinner is buffet style, so everyone gets the food they like first and then sits down. Lord Pea claps once everyone is settled in, “Ladies, congratulations on a job well done in helping bring this world back to peace. My great-grandfather experienced firsthand the horror of the Air Nomad massacre firsthand and he hated every moment of it. He had even written in correspondences that if he died in the line of duty, he would feel relief. He would be able to let go of his guilt over his sins against the peaceful. Indeed, he later died to an airbending master. Therefore, on behalf of all decent people in the world, I thank you.”

Lady Pea tries to bring up the mood, but fails miserably, “That’s right! We can finally relax. Nuwa darling, won’t you stay at home for a while? I have to make sure that thing inside you doesn’t give you too much trouble.”
Azula and Nuwa flinch. “.. Mom.. I know you’re not a fan, but the least you could do is treat my baby as a person.”

Lady Pea looks around ‘innocently’ and seeing that those on the table disapproved of what she said, she huffs and says, “Fine. Tell me who the father is and I’ll reluctantly raise the bugger as my grandchild.”

Hearing that, Nuwa and Ty Li groan involuntarily. ‘Mother, do you really have to scare us half to death before blackmailing us for information? We actually believed that you hated the baby!’

Meanwhile, Azula and Toph were slightly intimidated. ‘Is she why Nuwa is so good at lying?’

At the same time, none of the members of the gang, other than Azula, knew who the father was, so they too were burning with curiosity. To their knowledge, the two dicks she took most in the approximate time period of her impregnation were Azula’s and Dan’s. It couldn’t have been Azula, because of the big fight that Azula had with Nuwa and her self-injury. They later assumed that the fight happened because she got impregnated by someone else. They thought it was Dan, but none of them picked up anything different in Dan and Nuwa’s relationship to warrant the baby being his. Then again, they haven’t seen Dan show much difference in his behavior with Toph, whom he impregnated. All in all, they were in a bundle of confusion.

Nuwa shrugged off the attempts to find out by casually saying, “The biological father doesn’t matter. The baby will be raised and loved by Azula and I.”

Lady Pea and Lord Pea look at each other worriedly. Lady Pea shivers slightly with flashbacks of when Nuwa had come home crying after losing her virginity. She thought the rape scare that happened back then really happened now! She dismisses the servants and asks, “Did something happen darling? Do you want to talk about it?”

With her heart melting and feeling slight embarrassment, Nuwa mutters softly, “Don’t worry. It was consensual and not really an accident either, but Azula’s the one I love.” Azula holds Nuwa’s hand and looks at her with support. She’s come to grips with her own possessiveness.

Everyone leaves the question of ‘Then why’d you have a baby with him?’ float around unasked. Toph and Ty Li know that Nuwa has too much personal strength and influence to be blackmailed or raped by anyone they can conceive of, so they are also confused. The Pea parents stop pushing their line of questioning, hoping that Nuwa will open up in private later or when she’s ready. The best explanation they can come up with is that she picked a random guy with good genes to impregnate her so that Azula and her can have a happy lesbian family experience. They are fine with that, seeing how much Azula loves her.

They make some small talk about future plans for the Pea family business and troops. Their intention is to invest all their money in Republic City expecting big returns. Nuwa agrees and says that she can basically guarantee that they’ll make a huge fortune with the help of the Peaknights.

Later, they plan to give this mansion to the side branches of the Pea family and move to Republic City. It’s not that they aren’t attached to Capital City or the Fire Nation, but they feel that there will be a sharp spike in the ratio of bigots to progressives within the Fire Nation once the more accepting folk start moving to Republic City. Nuwa cringes when her parents remind her about that. Zuko is going to have his hands full for sure.

The dinner wraps up and Lord Pea excuses himself to get some rest. Nuwa and Ty Li begin salivating for the dessert which is to come. When Toph sees that there’s only girls here, she finally asks with all the noble lady training she can remember from her time in the Beifong mansion, “Lady Pea, if I may be so bold as to ask, seeing as I’m with child, I would like to ask if you have any advice on proper obstetrical care.”

The gang coughs and chokes on their drinks abruptly at the sudden and dramatic shift in Toph’s tone. Can Toph pretending to be a noble be any more cringe? Meanwhile, Lady Pea heard some good things about the Supreme Commander of the Earth Kingdom from her fangirl daughters, all of which she has no idea are half-truths and rumors. Lady Pea smiles with good nature and asks, “Obstetrical? Shall I recommend you to the best midwife I know?”

Nuwa and Ty Li drag Azula away slowly and try to make it look like they’re going to the bathroom together.

Toph clarifies, “I should be fine on that battlefront, Auntie. I am more curious to ascertain how you were able to.. Umm.. you know.. Open up your nethers wide enough to squeeze out all six?”

The table descends into silence and the younger trio of Ty sisters put on faces of horror.


(A/N: Kekeke, I have finally captured a filler-kun. Now I can merge him with a cliff-kun so that they can evolve to their final form.. A TROLLFACE-KUN. )


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