Nuwa System

Chapter 95 – Partying

Lady Pea’s face becomes expressionless, but there’s a stormy undercurrent in her eyes. She hates when she is reminded of her days spent as a whale the most! What’s even worse is that she is forced to accept teases from her fellow noblewomen at parties about how fat she was in good humor while internally cursing them to burn in hell! Now, in her own house, she is asked how she managed to open wide enough to dump out six babies?

Slamming her hands on the table, Lady Pea screams, “I WAS RIPPED APART AND PUT BACK TOGETHER, THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED.”

The maids rush in, see the telltale signs of Lady Pea being triggered, and freeze up. Without any provocation, she turns to them and says, “WHAT? DO YOU ALL WANT TO CALL ME FAT TOO? HOW DOES A BIG FAT PAY CUT SOUND?”


The trio of sisters get moist eyes mostly due to the stormy atmosphere and not due to emotional scarring. They are fully aware that they aren’t as hard working or achieving as their older sisters. They are content living life in their own carefree manner. It’s not like they’ll ever be chosen to inherit the main family’s properties. They will marry off and continue to live in a carefree manner.

Toph’s eye twitches at the savagery and notices that she’s the only one among the gang left. Lady Pea finally begins to calm down now that she got the bulk of her frustrations out of her. “And you, you insensitive little brat. No chocolate chip cookies for you.”

Lady Pea turns to the maids and instructs, “In fact, no chocolate chip cookies for anyone the entire time Toph stays here.”

The Ty trio of sisters actually start crying now. They beg, “Please mom!” “Not the cookies!” “I need my cheat snacks!” but Lady Pea is ruthlessly set in her decision. The maids look around nervously and one of them with more courage says, “M-mistress, Lady Nuwa already claimed the whole stock of cookies. S-Should we.. retrieve the cookies?”

Lady Pea slams the table in frustration, which causes everyone, including Toph, to have a jumpscare. “Forget about it. Once that sneaky girl gets her hands on something, no one can find it. No further baking of cookies. This dinner is over. Go to your rooms. Humph.” Lady Pea then walks off to her room.

With Toph and the younger Ty trio being the only ones still sitting at the table, Toph looks around, clears her throat, and laughs a little to lighten the mood. “She’s got quite the temper. Even I’m not that bad.”

The Ty trio look at Toph with tear stricken faces full of the destroyed hopes and dreams of entire imaginary civilizations. “You’ve bungled it for us!” “I worshipped you! But now.. but now.. You’re canceled!” “You should change your name to Putoff instead of Toph!” Then they get up and leave as well.

Toph is left at the table alone and dizzy contemplating how things all went so wrong. All she wanted to know was how Lady Pea opened her pussy wider than humanly possible so that she could conquer the Stump. She didn’t know that it really was a traumatic experience for Lady Pea and that even though her bones had thoroughly loosened at the moment of giving birth from all the hormones, she still experienced excruciating pain.

Lord Pea had to bribe a large sum of money to a nobleman who illegally and secretly kept a healing waterbender slave from the Southern Water Tribe to reset and heal her bones after the fact, otherwise she would be bedridden for the rest of her life. The delivery of the Ty sisters is genuinely the worst moment of Lady Pea’s entire life. When considered from this angle, it’s understandable that she would blow up. Understanding this, no one in the mansion argues back against her wanton and random punishments. Lord Pea makes sure the maids are paid in full under the table, but the other punishments they will have to tolerate.

Toph has not tasted the chocolate chip cookies of the Pea mansion so she doesn't know what the big deal is with missing out on a snack item. She is even more confused that she was defamed to her face by her admirers. Toph took a special narcissistic shine to Ty Ly, who was dressed in her likeness, until she was hit by the “Putoff”, which was equally as savage as Lady Pea’s tirade earlier.

‘Isn’t this bullying? I should go complain to Nuwa. I can’t beat them up so that’s the only thing I can do. Well.. puns aside, am I really a putoff? The gang does sort of treat me like a child or a rock that they don’t expect to change. Humph, I can change! I think. Auntie seemed really mad, so I’ll go ask Nuwa if I should apologize. That can be my first step towards not being a Putoff!’

Toph goes up to the room where Nuwa and Azula are staying. The all-girls sleepover seems to be put on hiatus with the younger Ty trio still in tears from earlier. When Toph enters, she gets a good look at both Nuwa and Azula, mostly undressed, with ahegao faces and melted chocolate all over their faces and cleavage. They let out prolonged obscene moans as they lick chocolate off of each other and their fingers. Toph opens her eyes wide and wonders, ‘.. Maybe I’ll ask later?’

~ ~ ~

Nuwa and Azula are deep in the throes of food pornography. The only thing Nuwa could relate it to is Shokugeki no Soma but with junk food instead. They didn’t cum, but the taste and consistency of the chocolate left their genitals on edge. Neither did their clothes burst off, because that anime effect doesn’t exist in this record, but they felt the need to strip each other bare for some raw and hard fucking.

The Pea mansion’s cookies suit many occasions. They helped cheer up Nuwa back when she was consoled over Zuko’s scarring a year ago, and they’re going to be making this catch-up sex she’s about to have with Azula extremely satisfying. Without soundproofing and high on cookies, Nuwa’s moans are heard throughout the mansion all night and into the early morning.

Thankfully, most of the servants are so tired from the stress of the day’s invasion that they drop to sleep the moment they hit their beds. Unfortunately, Lady Pea is still mad at life and everything, so she’s going to be waking up with some big eyebags. Lord Pea, who is subject to his wife’s fury, attempts with futility to calm and appease her. Eventually, he’s tied up and spanked by Lady Pea who has gotten horny from hearing her daughter’s loud moans for hours.

The younger Ty trio of sisters also listen to Nuwa’s orgasmic exhilaration and feel jealous of all the action their sister is getting. Lady Pea is on their case every time they try to get boyfriends! She’s nowhere near as lenient with them as she is with her three older daughters. All of their friends have lost their virginity one way or another.

The only thing they can do is play with each other while dreamily imagining getting pounded by Aang’s big cock. Somehow they’ve imagined that the airbender tattoos extend all the way down to the base of his penis with their makeshift dildo prop, which is definitely not the case. That would be bordering on genital mutilation. Don’t try it at home. So one of them dresses up as Aang and the other two go down on the fake Aang to lick and suck the blue-tattooed dildo prop. It’s all tame and they’re all virgins. The most they do is rub themselves on the dildo prop and put one finger inside.

E-Nuwa finds it cute when she sees what they’re doing with her sex sense. She would have thought of a way to get Aang to fuck them as a gift, but Katara wouldn’t like that. Nuwa also does not think that Ty Li would be ok with sharing Dan with her sisters, despite the fact that Ty Li has fully gotten over the identity crisis she had when she was younger when all six sisters looked the exact same.

Now, the older sisters are all markedly different from each other in personality and from their younger sisters. The younger half of the sisters don’t care that they’re similar to each other in personality and looks. E-Nuwa considers setting them all up with Kuei while watching them innocently lick each other through her sex sense. ‘The four of them share an equally cheerful disposition, and they’re terribly gullible despite their noble training. As concubines of the current Earth King, they wouldn’t have Mother bearing over them with unrealistic expectations all the time and they’d be kept safe. Kuei is also a nice guy. A bit too strangely affectionate with his bear, but a nice guy all the same.‘

E-Nuwa could have stifled her moans, but she makes the executive and utterly shameless decision that doing so would require her to spend more energy than letting them out would. With her whole body needing to be fucked to the moon, she doesn’t want Nuwa’s muscles to be so sore that she’s bedridden when it’s over in the morning. As for keeping up the whole house and alerting her neighbors to each of her orgasms? A necessary sacrifice.

+100k LEE, Total: 2818k LEE

Toph and Ty Li look at each other in the same bed while listening to Nuwa’s screams of passion. Their arousal compounds until Ty Li is the first to crack. She pulls her nightie down to start playing with her boobs and twisting her nipples while Hummy dives at the spot under the blankets where Toph’s vagina is hidden. Toph pulls Ty Li in for a deep kiss while feeling complicated inside. ‘I’m going to have sex with the lover of my babydaddy and I can tell it’ll feel really good already.’

~ ~ ~

Zuko, Aang, and Dan sneak out of the Royal Palace to get wasted. It’s a bit reckless of them, but Dan’s blood sense should alert them to any danger. It is also harder for Dan to get drunk due to his control over water and blood. He can easily filter weak alcohols like those in the Avatar record. They hit the all-night pubs in the slum district, which are full of down and out battle-hardened veterans who probably have friends among the military they defeated earlier today. These are the only places that serve booze this late into the night.

As they enter one of the pubs, the grizzled and raucous atmosphere goes quiet. Everyone’s attention is on the airbender tattoos that represent the Fire Nation’s loss to the rebels. None of the commoners recognize Zuko since he isn’t well known or wearing his Fire Lord’s headpiece. Dan pushes Aang towards the bar. In Dan’s opinion, the best way to deal with these situations is to mind your own business.

Aang walks up to the bar after the push and is face-to-face with a slightly hunched old man sporting huge muscles, scars all over his face, ears, and arms, and an eyepatch. The menacing old man simply stares at Aang with a scowl that seems to be his default face. Moderately intimidated for no reason despite just defeating the Fire Lord earlier today, Aang looks at him and the other quiet veterans in the bar. Then he shouts, “DRINKS ON ME ALL NIGHT!”

With reaction times that belay their age, the audience immediately cheers and raises whatever glasses they have in front of them in celebration! Free booze beats war any day!

Two hours into the drinking, Aang and Zuko are already shit-faced. Dan decides to sit the drinking out with how crowded it is. There’s a big crowd of men around the three. Two barmaids catch onto Zuko’s handsome mug and wrap themselves on each side of his body, especially making sure to squeeze their boobs and crotch against him. Dan’s also handsome but he keeps the ladies away with a few stoic looks.

Aang is losing about 90% of the arm wrestling contests he accepts, but he still cheers because everyone else is cheering. A few of the wasted guys come up with a game. They’ll punch Aang on the chest for every friend they lost to the rebels, then give him a big hug. Aang accepts blindly. “Anything for the departed!”

The drunk guys line up. Aang stands up straight and puffs his chest out so that they can start punching his unmoving frame. Most of their punches miss due to how drunk they are. There’s a bit of waterworks after they finish counting off the friends they lost and hug Aang. None of these guys are trying to cause harm, but since they’re all drunk, some of the punches are accidentally hard enough to injure Aang badly, so Dan weakens their blows with bloodbending.

After another two hours, when the barmaids look like they’re about to pull Zuko’s dick out in public, Dan calls a hard stop on the festivities. The whole crowd calls him a party pooper, but no one messes with him. These guys know a killer when they see one. Dan drags back Zuko and Aang to the Royal Palace. The former is blue-balled and the latter is the happiest he’s ever been since losing his virginity.

~ ~ ~

In the morning, Toph gets her answer from Nuwa. She shouldn’t apologize because that would remind Lady Pea of her nightmare again and potentially lead to another explosion. The best way to go is for everyone to ignore what happened and carry on with life. Nevertheless, Nuwa is quite impressed that Toph is willing to apologize for something she did for once. ‘Maybe it’s time I reward Toph with a good time by inviting her to sleep with us? It has been several months since I last had my way with her.’


(A/N: Daft Punk - One More Time)


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