Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 125 Goblet of Fire

After returning to the common room, Aaron reflected on his previous thoughts and found that there were no loopholes.

First of all, the Goblet of Fire is just a magic item. He will only select warriors according to procedures without any subjective ideas.Secondly, the Goblet of Fire should not have the function of identifying the age of the candidates, otherwise Dumbledore would not need to add an additional age boundary.Therefore, as long as you can pass Dumbledore's age limit and put your name into the Goblet of Fire, you may be selected as a warrior.However, even so, there are still two problems that need to be solved.

The first is that even if you are selected by the Goblet of Fire, Dumbledore and other referees may ban you from participating due to insufficient age.

Regarding this, Dumbledore said that once a name is thrown into the Goblet of Fire, it is equivalent to signing a sacred contract that must be observed.Once you are selected as a warrior, you cannot quit midway and must persist in the game to the end.Since this was a magical contract, even Dumbledore would probably have to abide by it.In other words, once chosen as a warrior, Dumbledore would probably have to let himself participate even if he didn't want to.

After solving this problem, the second question remains, which is how to pass the age limit.

Aaron thought for a long time and could only think of two ways to pass the age limit.

One is to take age-increasing drugs to increase one's age by a few years in a short period of time, and then take advantage of this opportunity to throw one's name into the Goblet of Fire; the other is to use a powerful confusion spell to make the age limit mistaken for one's own is old enough.

But both methods also have their own difficulties.First of all, the age-increasing potion is not a complicated potion. Many students under the age of 17 can prepare it. It is hard to imagine that Dumbledore would not consider this. Therefore, the age limit may have some effect on the age-increasing potion. Countermeasures.And if a confusion spell is used, not to mention that the age limit was drawn by Dumbledore, it must be a very powerful confusion spell to be effective. Aaron doesn't know this spell yet.

However, even if there are many difficulties, Aaron still has to try.Although you may not become a warrior if you try, you definitely cannot become a warrior if you do nothing.

Thinking of this, Aaron left the common room and came to the Room of Requirement on the same floor.He first made a wish for a room where potions were made, and then walked in.Not only are there tools such as crucibles for brewing potions and knives for cutting medicinal materials, but there are also various medicinal materials for making potions in the cabinets on the wall.

Aaron planned to configure the age-increasing agent first to see if he could pass the age limit using the first method.If that doesn't work, try to learn the Confusion Charm before tomorrow's dinner party and use the second method to pass the age limit.

After two hours of hard work, Aaron finally succeeded in brewing the age-enhancing agent.However, it was already curfew time, so Aaron had no way to go to the foyer to sign up.So, he turned the Room of Requirement into a magic practice room and began to practice the Confusion Spell.Although Aaron has not learned this spell yet, there are many magic books in the magic practice room transformed by the Room of Requirement, and one book records the method of casting the confusion spell.

Aaron practiced until three or four in the morning, until he initially mastered the confusion spell, and then returned to the dormitory to sleep.

The next morning, Aaron got up early, prepared to have breakfast, and tested whether the age-increasing agent worked.

As soon as he left the dormitory and came to the common room, he met Harry, Ron and Hermione.

When they went downstairs and entered the foyer, they saw more than 20 people gathered around, some of them still eating bread, and they were all looking at the Goblet of Fire carefully.The cup was placed in the center of the foyer, on the stool where the Sorting Hat usually rested.A thin golden line was drawn on the floor, a circle with a radius of ten feet, surrounding the cup in the center.

"Has anyone put a name in?" Ron asked a third-grade girl eagerly.

"Yes, all representatives from Durmstrang," the girl replied, "But I haven't seen anyone sign up for Hogwarts yet."

"Someone must have put the name in while we were sleeping last night." Harry said, "If it were me, I would do this... I don't want everyone to see it. If the cup crumbles your name into a ball and throws it out, How embarrassing that is!”

Aaron did not participate in Ron and Harry's discussion.He touched the crystal bottle containing the age-enhancing agent in his pocket and planned to take the age-enhancing agent now to see if he could sign up in this way.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a burst of laughter behind him.He looked back and saw Fred, George and Lee Jordan hurrying down the stairs, all three of them looking extremely excited.

Fred whispered to Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione in a triumphant tone: "It's done. Just drink it."

"What?" Ron asked.

"Age-enhancing drugs, you idiot," Fred said.

George rubbed his hands together happily and said, "We each drank a drop. We just have to grow up a few more months."

"If any one of us wins, the one thousand galleons will be divided equally among the three of us." Li said with a very happy smile on his face.

"I don't think this will necessarily work," Hermione reminded. "I'm sure Dumbledore will take this into consideration."

Fred, George and Lee ignored her.

Someone is willing to take the lead, and Aaron is naturally happy to see it happen.So he stepped back and watched the situation unfold.

Fred was shaking with excitement and said to the other two people: "Are you ready? Then, come on! I'll go in first."

Aaron is very concerned about Fred's actions.Because if Fred can succeed, then he can succeed; if Fred fails, then he doesn't have to try again.

He watched as Fred pulled a piece of parchment from his pocket, with the words "Fred Weasley - Hogwarts" written on it.Fred walked right to the edge of the age line and stood there, swaying on his tiptoes like a diver preparing to jump from a fifty-foot platform.Then, with every eye in the foyer watching, he took a deep breath and crossed the line.

For a moment, Aaron thought Fred had succeeded, and George must have thought so too. He shouted triumphantly and jumped forward after Fred.But then there was a hissing sound, and the twins were thrown outside the golden circle, as if an invisible shot putter had thrown them out.They fell painfully to the cold stone ground ten feet away, and they suffered humiliation beyond the physical pain.With a loud popping sound, identical long white beards sprouted from the chins of the two men.

The people in the hall burst into laughter.Even Fred and George couldn't help laughing when they got up and saw each other's white beards.

"I warned you," said a low, amused voice.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Professor Dumbledore walking out of the auditorium.He looked at Fred and George with a twinkle in his eye: "I suggest you both go to Madam Pomfrey. She is already taking care of Miss Fawcett of Ravenclaw and Sasha of Hufflepuff. Mr. Meuse, they are also determined to make themselves a little older. But I must say, their beards are far less beautiful than yours."

Fred and George set off for the hospital, accompanied by Lee Jordan, who was still giggling, and Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione were giggling too.But after laughing, Aaron began to worry. It was obvious that the age-enhancing agent would not work.So, there is only one way before Aaron, and that is to use the confusion spell to pass the age limit.However, he has only initially mastered the Confusion Curse and is not yet proficient in it.It was simply impossible to pass the age limit set by Dumbledore with this level of confusion spell.He still needs more practice.

But Aaron did not immediately return to the Room of Requirement to practice spells. Instead, he followed Harry, Ron and Hermione into the Great Hall to have breakfast.As the saying goes, sharpening a knife makes it easier to chop wood, but you can't practice magic spells when you're hungry.

This morning, the decoration of the auditorium changed again.Because it was Halloween, a swarm of live bats flew around the enchanted ceiling, while hundreds of pumpkins with carved features grinned in every corner.

The students in the Great Hall were all talking about which Hogwarts students over the age of seventeen might participate in the Tournament.

"Someone saw Wallins getting up early in the morning and put his name in." Dean Thomas said, "It's the big guy from Slytherin who looks like a sloth."

"We can't let a Slytherin be a warrior!" Seamus Finnigan shook his head and said, "The Hufflepuff classmates are talking about Digory. But in my opinion, he probably won't be willing to Risking your handsome face."

At this moment, a burst of loud cheers suddenly came from the foyer outside.Everyone turned around in their seats and saw Angelina Johnson walking into the auditorium, grinning a little sheepishly.

Angelina walked over to them, sat down and said, "I made it! I put my name in!"

"Are you kidding!" Ron looked very surprised.

"So, are you over 17?" Harry asked.

"My birthday was last week," Angelina said.

"Ah, I'm so glad someone from Gryffindor is finally taking part," said Hermione. "I really hope you can make it, Angelina!"

"Thank you, Hermione," Angelina said, smiling at Hermione.

"Yeah, I'd rather it be you than that butter boy Diggory." Seamus said contemptuously.His words drew glares from several Hufflepuff students who passed their table.

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