Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 126 "Plan 1" failed

Because today is Saturday, there are no classes all day.So after breakfast, Harry suggested going to see Hagrid, and both Ron and Hermione agreed.They also invited Aaron to go with them, but Aaron was anxious to practice the confusion spell and refused their invitation.

When Aaron walked out of the auditorium, he met the Beauxbatons students coming in through the front door from the field, including the girl who looked like a Veela.Madame Maxime followed her students into the hall and ordered them to line up.Those gathered around the Goblet of Fire stood back to let them pass, and watched eagerly.

One by one, Bushbottom's students crossed the age line and threw their parchments into the blue-white flames.As each name was thrown into the flames, the flames quickly turned red and sparked.When all the Busheparton students signed up, Mrs. Maxim led them out of the hall and back to the outside field.

Aaron said goodbye to Harry and others, went to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor alone, and began to practice the Confusion Spell.In fact, last night, Aaron had already initially mastered this spell. Now he only needs to continue to increase his proficiency to make the spell more powerful.

In order to practice the spell, Aaron didn't even eat lunch.As it approached four o'clock in the afternoon, he finally mastered the spell.Aaron immediately came to the foyer, ready to implement his second plan.

At this time, after most of the day, the students who wanted to run for the Warriors and were able to sign up had basically finished signing up. There was no need for students to gather around the Goblet of Fire to see who would sign up.So the foyer was now deserted.

Aaron stood in front of the golden age limit, raised his wand and pointed it at it, and began to recite the confusion spell.Then, he took a deep breath and stepped out into the circle.

When his feet hit the ground, Aaron's nervous heart pounded.But - nothing happened.

I made it!

This was the only thought in Aaron's mind at the moment.Yes, he successfully passed the age limit drawn by Dumbledore.

Aaron suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, took out a piece of paper with "Aaron Elf - Hogwarts" written on it from his pocket, and threw it into the Goblet of Fire.When the note entered the Goblet of Fire, the blue-white flames instantly turned red, and then returned to blue-white.

Aaron looked at the Goblet of Fire that had returned to its original state and knew that he had successfully signed up, so he exited the golden coil.

Although Aaron has now successfully participated in the campaign, he is still not sure whether he can become a warrior.After all, there are many people running for election, and there will only be one warrior in a school.However, Aaron has done everything he can do, and he can only leave it to fate.

At this time, there was still an hour and a half before the Halloween dinner started.Until then, Aaron was idle.He remembered that Harry had said in the morning that he would watch Hagrid with Ron and Hermione, and see how the Blast-Ended Skrewt looked.Aaron was also very interested in the growth of the Blast-Ended Skrewt (which was related to his study of the Care of Magical Creatures class this semester). Since he had nothing to do now, he decided to go to Hagrid's place to have a look.

Aaron walked out of the castle and found that it was raining lightly in the sky.When he approached Hagrid's hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, he found that the huge pink-blue carriage that the Beauxbatons students came in was parked two hundred yards away from the main entrance of Hagrid's hut. The carriage's huge elephant-like Pegasus horses were grazing in a makeshift paddock next to the carriage.

Aaron ignored the carriages. He knocked on Hagrid's door, and a deep barking of Fang immediately came from the room.

The door was opened quickly, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all in the room, and of course Hagrid was indispensable.

When he saw Hagrid, Aaron couldn't help but be stunned.Because Hagrid's outfit was completely different from usual.He wore a furry brown suit with a yellow and orange plaid tie.His hair was neatly combed into two bunches, and it seemed like a lot of machine lubricant had been used on it.

Hmm...how to put it?His current attire is extremely ugly.Hagrid himself seemed to be feeling fine.He was sitting by the fire, darning his socks with a thick bone needle, and debating house elves with Hermione.

It seems that Hermione asked Hagrid to buy a SPEW badge, but Hagrid flatly refused.He said to Hermione seriously: "This is not a good thing for them, Hermione. Their nature is to take care of humans, and they like it, understand? If they are not allowed to work, they will feel sad and give them It’s an insult to them to be paid.”

"But Dobby couldn't be happier that Harry had freed Dobby!" said Hermione, "and we hear he's now asking for his wages!"

"Yeah, yeah, there are some freaks in every creature. I'm not denying that there are some weird little elves who would like to be free, but you'll never convince most elves to want freedom. Really, it's not Maybe, Hermione."

Hermione looked very annoyed and stuffed the box containing the badge into her cloak pocket.

At about 05:30, it was getting dark.Aaron, Ron, Harry and Hermione all felt that it was time to return to the castle to attend the Halloween party and the announcement ceremony of the school warriors, so they said goodbye to Hagrid.

"I'll go with you, just wait for me," Hagrid said, putting his darning stuff aside.

Hagrid stood up, walked to the chest of drawers next to the bed, and started looking for something in it.They didn't pay much attention at first, until a particularly unpleasant smell hit their nostrils.

Ron coughed and asked, "Hagrid, what is that?"

"Huh?" Hagrid turned around, holding a big bottle in his hand, "Don't you like it?"

"Is it the emollient perfume you put on after shaving?" Hermione asked in a strangled voice.

"Hmm...it's cologne," Hagrid muttered, his face flushed, "I probably spilled it too much, I'll wash it off, wait..."

He trudged out of the hut, and they saw him washing his face furiously in a bucket outside the window.

"Cologne?" Hermione asked in surprise, "Hagrid?"

"And what's with the hair and suit?" Harry asked in a low voice.

"Hagrid was really weird today," Aaron said. "He acted as if he was about to go on a date with the lady he loved."

"Look!" Ron said suddenly pointing out the window.

Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione stood up carefully without Hagrid seeing them, and secretly looked out the window.I saw Madame Maxime and Beauxbatons students just getting out of the carriage, apparently preparing to attend the banquet.Hagrid had straightened up and was talking to Madame Maxime.If he was blushing just now, it was nothing compared to his face now.They couldn't hear what Hagrid was saying, but his expression was entranced and his eyes were misty as he talked to Madame Maxime.

"He's going to the castle with her!" Hermione said angrily. "I thought he was waiting for us!"

Hagrid didn't even look back at his cabin before he walked across the grounds with Madame Maxime with heavy steps.The Beauxbatons students followed, jogging to keep up with their long strides.

"He's in love with her!" Ron said in disbelief. "Ah, if they have children in the future, they will definitely set a world record! I dare say each of their children weighs a ton."

Hagrid had already left with the Beauxbatons delegation, and Aaron and the others had no choice but to leave the hut by themselves, close the door, and walk up the slope of the lawn.

Suddenly, Hermione whispered: "Oh, they're coming, look!"

Durmstrang's delegation was walking from the lake towards the castle.Viktor Krum and Karkaroff walked side by side in front, followed sparsely by other Durmstrang students.Ron looked at Krum excitedly, but Krum walked past Aaron, Hermione, Ron and Harry without looking back.

Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione followed the Durmstrang delegation into the castle.When they entered the candlelit auditorium, it was almost full.The Goblet of Fire had also been moved and now stood on the staff table, in front of Dumbledore's empty chair.Fred and George's chins were bare again, and they seemed to have embraced their defeat.

"I wish it was Angelina," Fred said as Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione sat down.

"Me too!" Hermione said breathlessly. "Ah, we'll find out soon enough!"

Halloween dinner seems to be taking much longer than usual.People in the auditorium kept looking up, with anxious expressions on every face.Everyone was restless, standing up from time to time to see if Dumbledore had finished eating.Aaron was just like them, he couldn't wait to finish what was on his plate quickly and know who was chosen as the warrior.

Finally, the golden plate returned to its original spotless state, and the voices in the auditorium suddenly became much louder.Immediately, Dumbledore stood up, and the auditorium suddenly became silent again.Karkaroff and Madame Maxime on either side of Dumbledore looked as nervous and expectant as everyone else.Ludo Bagman was smiling and winking at the students, while Mr. Crouch looked uninterested, even a little bored.

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