Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 15 Halloween

The day before Halloween, Aaron woke up in the morning and smelled the sweet and tempting smell of roasted pumpkin wafting through the hallway.In the afternoon Charms class, Professor Flitwick began to teach them the "Levitation Charm", which was a spell that made objects fly.After Professor Flitwick explained how to chant the spell and how to wave the wand, he divided the class into pairs and started practicing.

"Don't forget that subtle wrist movement we've been practicing," Professor Flitwick said sharply, standing on a pile of books as usual, "One swipe and one twitch. Remember, one swipe and one twitch." It's also important to recite the spell correctly. Don't forget the wizard Barufio, who said the 'f' instead of an 's' and found himself lying on the floor with a buffalo on his chest."

Grouped with Aaron was a Gryffindor student named Tom Lawrence.

"Wingardim Leviosa!" Lawrence shouted.

His two arms were waving like windmills, but the feathers that he should have sent up to the sky were lying motionless on the table.

"You're not doing that right." Aaron pointed out his mistake bluntly, "It's Yuga-Dimlviosa. The 'plus' should be longer. Also, the movements when waving the wand should be gentle. Some."

"Then why don't you show me how to do it?" Lawrence said angrily.

Aaron took out his wand and waved it while saying: "Wingardim Leviosa!"

The feather immediately rose from the table and hovered four feet above their heads.

"Oh, well done!" Professor Flitwick waved his hand and shouted, "Look, Mr. Elf has succeeded."

As soon as Professor Flitwick finished speaking, another feather rose from not far away.

"Very well," Professor Flitwick shouted again, "Miss Lovegood has succeeded too."

But it was Luna Lovegood who also succeeded in making her feathers fly.

After that, several people successfully cast the floating spell one after another.But most people couldn't get their feathers to rise successfully, including Tom Lawrence, who was in the same group as Aaron, which made his mood extremely bad.In a fit of anger, he stabbed the feather hard with his wand, and the feather immediately caught fire.

"Clear water is like a spring!"

Aaron hurriedly pointed his wand at the burning flames and chanted a spell, attracting a ball of water to extinguish the fire.

"Well done, Mr. Elf." Professor Flitwick said quickly after seeing this scene, "Nice water-making spell, five points for Gryffindor."

"Also, Mr. Lawrence," Professor Flitwick said to Tom again, "Magic is a rigorous art. Please be careful when chanting spells."

"Okay, Professor," Tom said, scratching the back of his head.

Professor Flitwick stared at Tom for a moment and then gave him another feather.

Afterwards, Tom continued to practice the levitation spell.But until the end of get out of class, he didn't let the feathers move.

After the afternoon class, Aaron went to the library as usual.Because there is a Halloween party tonight, dinner will be much later than usual.So Aaron stayed in the library for a while longer than usual. It wasn't until nearly seven o'clock that he left the library and rushed to the auditorium to attend the banquet.

When Aaron walked into the auditorium, he found that it had been decorated.

Thousands of bats were flapping their wings on the walls and ceiling, and another thousand bats were circling above the dining table like low dark clouds.Huge pumpkins, big enough for three people to sit inside, were carved into lanterns, and burning candles emitted orange light through the pumpkin skins.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the banquet officially started.Delicious meals suddenly appeared on golden plates.

The food at the banquet was very rich, just like the banquet at the beginning of school.Everyone was eating, drinking, laughing and chatting at the dining table, all enjoying the food in a happy mood.Dumbledore also invited a skeleton dance troupe to entertain everyone.

The party lasted until nine o'clock in the evening.After everyone had had enough tea and food, they returned to their respective common rooms together.Hundreds of people walked up the stairs together, filling the aisles with loud chatter and laughter.Aaron mingled among the crowd, chatting happily with Colin, Ginny and others.

Suddenly, the marching team stopped, and the noise in front also stopped abruptly.

"What happened?" Aaron asked doubtfully.

But apparently no one could answer his question.

Aaron squeezed his way to the front of the crowd and saw Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley standing alone in the middle of the corridor in the front aisle.On the wall between the two windows in front of them, Lady Norris was hung by her tail from a torch stand.Its body was as stiff as a board, and its eyes were wide open, staring straight at a large puddle of water on the ground.

Above the torch, there was a line of one-foot-high text that shimmered in the light of the fire.It says:

The secret room was opened.Be wary of those who are enemies of the heir.

Seeing this terrible scene, the students couldn't help but become quiet.

"Those who are enemies with the heir, be vigilant!"

In the silence, Malfoy jumped out of the crowd and read loudly the writing on the wall.

He looked at Hermione Granger with cold eyes and said with a flushed face: "You are next, Mudblood!"

He looked at the cat hanging there stiffly, with a sinister smile on his face.

"What happened here?"

At this moment, the administrator, Mr. Filch, ran over from the end of the corridor.

He shouldered his way through the crowd.Then he saw Mrs. Norris.He stumbled back a few steps, grabbing his face with his hands in horror.

He screamed: "My cat! My cat! What happened to Mrs. Norris?"

At this moment, his protruding eyes saw Harry Potter.

"You!" he screamed, pointing at Harry, "You! You killed my cat! You killed it! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to..."


Dumbledore arrived at the scene at this time and stopped Filch's next words.Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick and other teachers also followed Dumbledore and rushed over.

Dumbledore walked past Harry, Hermione and Ron and unhooked Mrs. Norris from the torch holder.

"Come with me, Filch!" said Dumbledore, "and you, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Miss Granger."

Gilderoy Lockhart hurriedly stepped forward; "Headmaster, my office is closest to here, upstairs. You can..."

"Thank you, Gilderoy," said Dumbledore.

The silent crowd parted to let them pass.Lockhart was very excited, and he hurriedly followed Dumbledore with a high-spirited look.Professor McGonagall and Snape followed.

After Dumbledore and others left, Professor Flitwick said sharply: "Okay, everyone go back to the common room now. Prefects, lead the students in your college."

"Okay, everyone, follow me and don't get separated." Percy immediately stood up to organize the Gryffindor students.He's always been good at it.

Aaron and other Gryffindor students followed Percy back to the Gryffindor common room.

Along the way, everyone was talking about what they had seen and heard before.

"Is Filch's cat dead?" Colin asked Aaron.

Aaron shook his head and said: "I don't know. But there is a high probability that it will be bad or bad."

Thinking of Mrs. Norris' stiff look, Aaron didn't think it was still alive.But this is a magical world after all, and maybe Dumbledore can still find a way to bring it back to life.

"Who do you think attacked it?" Colin asked again.

"Isn't there something written on the wall? That heir did it." Aaron gave an obvious answer.

"I know, but who is the heir?" Colin continued to ask, "There is also a message on the wall that the secret room has been opened. Where is the secret room?"

"I don't know about that." Aaron shrugged, "Maybe you can ask Glen and Ginny. People who grew up in wizarding families will know better."

After Halloween, it’s November.The weather is starting to get colder.Every morning there was frost on the ground outside the castle.The mountains around the school were gray and covered with ice and snow, and the lake was frozen cold and hard.

After Halloween, for several days, the students talked about nothing else but the attack on Mrs. Norris.Filch's performance made everyone forget this incident.He often walked around the place where Mrs. Norris was killed, as if he thought the attacker would come again.Aaron saw him scrubbing the writing on the wall with "Skoll's All-Purpose Miracle Stain Remover."But it was all in vain, the words still flickered brightly on the wall.

Filch doesn't patrol crime scenes all the time, either.Sometimes he would hide in the corridor secretly with his two bright red eyes, and then suddenly pounce on unsuspecting students, trying every possible means to find excuses to confine them, such as saying that they "breathed too loudly" or had a "playful smile" .

Ginny Weasley seemed very disturbed by what happened to Mrs. Norris, and was often distracted during class.

It's also worth mentioning that Lady Norris didn't die, she was just petrified.What's more fortunate is that Professor Sprout happens to have a batch of mandrake seedlings in his hands.Once the mandrake matures, Professor Snape can use it to prepare a potion that will revive Lady Norris.

Because of the writings at the crime scene, many people have begun to pursue the legend of the secret room in recent times.Several copies of "Hogwarts: A School History" in the library have been borrowed, and people who have registered to borrow them are even waiting two weeks later.

Aaron also did some research on the heir and the secret room, but couldn't find any relevant information anywhere.Just when Aaron was about to give up, he learned about the secret room through an unexpected channel.

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