Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 16 The Legend of the Chamber of Secrets

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class that day, Lockhart was still reading his writings on it.Aaron was still sitting in the back of the classroom reading a book he had borrowed from the library.

And after all this time, the others were almost despairing that Lockhart could teach him anything useful.Now, except for the die-hard Lockhart fans, everyone else is doing their own thing in class.

For example, a Hufflepuff student sitting to the left of Aaron said to his companions at this time: "I think Harry Potter is the heir of Slytherin, and it was he who opened the Chamber of Secrets and released the monster inside. "

Aaron was investigating the secret room and the heir. Hearing this, he immediately came over and said, "I'm sorry, I heard your conversation. Do you know about the secret room and the heir?"

"Yes." said the Hufflepuff student, "that is a very famous legend."

"Can you tell me about it?" Aaron asked.

"Of course." said the Hufflepuff student, "You should know that Hogwarts was founded 1000 years ago by the four greatest wizards of the time. They were Godric Gryffindor. , Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. The school's four houses are named after them. They built the castle to keep Muggles away Their prying eyes. At that time, Muggles were afraid of magic, and many wizards and witches were persecuted."

"In the first few years, the founders worked harmoniously together. They looked for children who showed magical talents and brought them to the castle to train them well. However, slowly, there was a relationship between Slytherin and the other three people. Differences. Slytherin wanted Hogwarts to be more selective when recruiting students. He believed that magic education should be limited to wizarding families. He was unwilling to accept children from Muggle families because he thought they were unreliable. Soon after, Slytherin and G. There was a heated argument between Llanffindor and Slytherin who left the school."

At this point, the Hufflepuff student paused, took a deep breath, and continued: "There is a legend that Slytherin built a secret room in the castle before leaving Hogwarts. The founder knew nothing about it. According to the legend, Slytherin sealed the Chamber of Secrets so that no one could open it until one day his true heir came to the school and was able to open the Chamber of Secrets and put the horrific things inside. Come out and let it cleanse the school of all those unworthy of learning magic."

[It turned out to be so. 】

Aaron thought for a while and then asked: "What do you mean by the scary things in the secret room?"

The Hufflepuff student lowered his voice and said: "People think it is some kind of monster, and only the heir of Slytherin can control it."

Aaron nodded thoughtfully.

"I think Harry Potter is the heir of Slytherin." The Hufflepuff student continued to say to Aaron.

Aaron was a little surprised and said, "Why do you think so?"

"You saw what happened that day. Before all of us arrived at the place where Filch's cat was killed, he was already there. Who else could it be?" said the Hufflepuff student, "and He didn’t attend the previous Halloween party. Maybe he went to open the secret room at that time.”

"But Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are also with him." Aaron frowned.

The Hufflepuff student tilted his head and thought for a moment: "Maybe they are his accomplices or something."

"Granger is a Muggle. Do you think she will help someone who may kill her in the future?" Aaron found an obvious loophole in his logic.

"Uh... maybe... she hopes... um... that Harry Potter will... um... let her go when he purifies the school in the future... uh... that's why she will help him." That Hector Chipachi's students were obviously a little incoherent.

Aaron could already tell that this Hufflepuff student was simply making assumptions.The so-called "Harry Potter is the heir of Slytherin" was just his conjecture from beginning to end.

In the following days, legends about the secret room began to spread widely in the school.The rumor that Harry Potter was the heir of Slytherin also spread in a small area.

Although Aaron already knew the legend of the Chamber of Secrets, he had always been skeptical about the authenticity of this legend.

Because according to that legend, the purpose of Slytherin leaving the Chamber of Secrets was to eliminate all those who were not worthy of learning magic, that is, students whose parents were both Muggles.But it was actually a cat that was killed.Aaron didn't think petrifying a cat had anything to do with "purifying" the school.

Aaron felt that the most likely possibility was that because a student hated Filch (because he often caused trouble for students) and happened to know the legend of the Chamber of Secrets, he petrified Filch's cat under the guise of being the heir of Slytherin.

After Mrs. Loris was killed, there were no more attacks, which seemed to confirm Aaron's guess.

Because there have been no more attacks, everyone gradually pays less and less attention to the secret room.As the Quidditch season approaches, students' attention is drawn to Quidditch.

The first game of the school year will be between Gryffindor and Slytherin.The game is on Saturday at [-]am.

On the day of the game, the weather was hot and humid, and there was a faint thunder in the sky.As eleven o'clock approached, all the teachers and students in the school began to rush to the Quidditch pitch.

This is Aaron's first time on the Quidditch pitch.It was an oval venue five hundred feet long and 180 feet wide.At both ends of the field, there are three fifty-foot-tall golden poles with iron rings on top, shaped like small plastic sticks used to blow soap bubbles.Hundreds of chairs were placed high in the surrounding stands so that the spectators could clearly see what was going on on the court.

Aaron was sitting in the stands, waiting for the game to start while listening to Colin teach him about Quidditch.

The so-called Quidditch refers to a ball game played on a broomstick.Four balls are used in the game, namely a Quaffle, two Bludgers and a Golden Snitch.Each team has seven players, including three Chasers, two Beaters, a Keeper and a Seeker.

Three chasers are responsible for passing the Quaffle to each other and throwing it into the hoops at the top of the three goalposts of the opposing team.The Quaffle is a red ball about the same size as a football. Every time it passes through a ring, the team that scores the goal gets ten points.

The goalkeeper is responsible for guarding his team's goal post. He will fly around his team's goal post to prevent the opponent's players from scoring goals.

The Bludger is a black ball slightly smaller than the Quaffle.They scurry around the court trying to knock players off their broomsticks.Two batters would hold a small wooden stick like a running baseball bat, protect their teammates from being hit by the Bludger, and hit it towards the opposing player.

The Seeker's job is to find and catch the Golden Snitch before the other team's Seeker does.The Golden Snitch is a small golden ball as big as a walnut. It has a pair of silver wings and flies as fast as lightning.Because Quidditch does not have a fixed game length, the game will only end when the Golden Snitch is caught.And the team that captures the Snitch's Seeker earns an additional 150 points.So the Seeker is arguably the most important member of the team.The Seeker of the Gryffindor team is Harry Potter (this is the emphasis of Colin's words).

Time passed bit by bit during Colin's explanation, and soon it was time to start the game.

Players from both sides entered the court amid cheers from the audience.Those wearing red uniforms are Gryffindor players, and those wearing green uniforms are Slytherin players.The referee of the competition is Mrs. Huo Qi, who teaches flying lessons.

After entering the stadium, the captains of the two teams shook hands with each other.Then at Mrs. Huo Qi's whistle, the fourteen team members jumped into the leaden sky together.

The game started.

A black girl wearing a Gryffindor uniform grabbed the Quaffle and flew it towards the Slytherin half.

"The Quaffle was snatched by Angelina Johnson of the Gryffindor team." The voice of the game commentator immediately sounded from the commentary desk, "What an excellent chaser that girl is, and she is also very charming... …”


"I'm sorry, Professor."

The narrators were Professor McGonagall and a fourth-year Gryffindor named Lee Jordan.There are rumors that Professor McGonagall is an avid fan of Quidditch.Thinking of Professor McGonagall's serious look in class, it was hard for Aaron to imagine what she would look like when she was passionate about something.

Just listen to Jordan continue to explain: "Johnson flew all the way up there and made a beautiful pass to Aaliyah Spinnett. Spinnett passed the ball back to Johnson. And then - oh, no! The Slytherin team took the Quaffle away, and Marcus Flint, the captain of the Slytherin team, got the Quaffle. Flint flew too fast, and he passed the Gryffindor goalkeeper. Wood, Slytherin has scored!"

The stadium immediately erupted with cheers from Slytherins and roars and groans from Gryffindors.

The game continued, and Jordan's commentary sounded again: "Now it's Gryffindor's team with the ball. Gryffindor's chaser Katie Bell flew around Flint with the ball nimbly. Oops, a Bludger hit Katie Bell in the back of the head, that must have hurt. The Slytherin team took the opportunity to steal the Quaffle. It was Desai Ampsey, and he flew towards the goal post. Go. The members of the Gryffindor team hurried back to defend, but Desains was so fast that the Gryffindor team members couldn’t catch up with him, and the Slytherin team scored again!”

Cheers and annoyance resounded on the court again.

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