Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 17 Quidditch Competition

"I have to say that the Slytherin team's new broom has helped them a lot." Jordan's voice was full of annoyance, "It is said that it is the father of Draco Malfoy, the new seeker of the Slytherin team. It was given to them in order to let their son enter the academy team."

"Jordan! You should focus on the game!"

"Okay, Professor. Now it's Johnson who has the ball. There's no obstacle in front of her. She's running as fast as she can. Come on, Angelina! The goal post is right in front! Slytherin's goalkeeper Blake dives towards her. She dodges Well done, Angelina! Gryffindor is about to score! - Oh no! A Bludger hits her arm, preventing her from scoring. The Quaffle is taken by Slytherin again Robbed!"

At this time, it started to rain.Big drops of rain fell from the sky, hitting the faces of the audience and soaking their clothes.

But the heavy rain did not dampen everyone's enthusiasm for Quidditch.Everyone crowded to the edge of the stands to cheer for the team they supported.

Although Aaron didn't know much about Quidditch, he could tell that the Gryffindor team had been completely suppressed by their opponents.This is mainly because there is an obvious speed gap between the Gryffindor team and the Slytherin team. The Slytherin team members are obviously much faster than the Gryffindor team members.This makes it difficult for Gryffindor to intercept and defend when the Slytherin team attacks, because it is impossible to catch up.But when the Gryffindor team attacked, the Slytherin team could defend in time and block and steal.

The Slytherin players fly faster not because they have better skills.It's because the broomsticks used by both sides are very different.Just like Jordan said, the Slytherin team all uses this year's new broomstick "Nimbus 2001", which is the best flying broomstick on the market today.The members of the Gryffindor team generally use the old-fashioned "sweeping seven stars".This kind of equipment gap is difficult to make up for with technology.

Soon, the score of the game reached [-]-[-], with Slytherin taking the lead.

Faced with this score, the Slytherins naturally cheered, while the Gryffindors felt a little anxious and annoyed.

At this moment, Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team, applied for a timeout.At Mrs. Huo Qi's whistle, the team members fell to the ground one after another.

The Slytherin players seemed very relaxed and even pointed at the Gryffindor players and laughed.The Gryffindor players gathered together with solemn faces, discussing something.

After about a minute or two, Mrs. Huo Qi blew the whistle and the game started again.The players from both sides returned to the sky and began the next round of competition.

Even after a timeout, the Gryffindor team was still suppressed by the Slytherin team and could not score a point.It's just that if the Slytherin team wants to score, it's not as easy as before.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted: "Look at Harry Potter."

Everyone quickly looked up at Harry.I saw Harry flying around above the court, turning, spinning, turning sharply downwards, and circling upwards, as if he was performing a ballet in the rain.One time he was flying headfirst on a broom, looking extremely stupid.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh loudly at his silly look, and Colin even raised his camera and kept taking pictures of him.

Maybe he was tired from flying, but Harry finally stopped not far from Draco Malfoy, the Seeker of the Slytherin team.But as soon as he stopped, a Bludger hit his elbow hard.Harry immediately slid off the side of the broom.Amid everyone's exclamations, he hooked one leg around the broom and hung on it.His right arm was seen hanging beside his body. It seemed that he had been seriously injured in the collision and could no longer be used.

At this moment, the Bludger launched a second attack on Harry, this time aiming at his face.

Harry used one hand to control the broom and flew forward, dodging the Bludger's attack.Then, he made a sharp turn and rushed towards Malfoy!It looked like he was going to knock Malfoy down and die with him.

Malfoy's eyes widened in horror, he hurriedly avoided Harry, and asked angrily: "What are you doing?"

But Harry ignored him.Harry loosened his left hand on the broom and grabbed it forward.

That...that's the Golden Snitch!

Harry Potter caught the Golden Snitch!

The Snitch had been just inches above Malfoy's head, but he didn't see it.

On the commentary stand, Jordan shouted excitedly: "Harry Potter caught the Golden Snitch! One hundred and fifty to ninety, Gryffindor won the game!"

At the same time, Harry Potter held the broom between his legs and fell hard to the ground.Amid the exclamations of the crowd below, he rolled off the broom and fell into the mud with a bang, splashing water.

After Mrs. Hooch blew the whistle to end the game, the Gryffindor students ran down the stands and gathered around their hero, Harry Potter.

Harry was seen lying unconscious in the mud.His right hand was spread out at a very strange angle, and his left hand was still holding the Golden Snitch firmly.

"Make way, everyone, make way. Let me take a look." Gilderoy Lockhart squeezed through the crowd and came to Harry's side.

Lockhart leaned over, took a look, and then shouted to the crowd around him: "His arm is broken. Everyone, get out of the way, I need to treat him."

At this time, Harry woke up. He opened his eyes and saw Lockhart in front of him. He groaned and said, "Oh, no, I don't want you."

But Lockhart said loudly to the anxious Gryffindors gathered around him, "I don't know what he's talking about."

Then he said to Harry: "Don't worry, Harry. I'm just going to fix your arm."

"No!" Harry said, "Just leave it like this, thank you..."

At this time, Colin also squeezed to the front. He raised his camera and started taking pictures of Harry.

Harry Potter heard the sound of the shutter being clicked and immediately shouted: "I don't want a picture like this, Colin!"

"Lie back, Harry." Lockhart comforted Harry. "This is a simple spell that I have used countless times."

Harry's arm seemed to be in pain. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Why don't you just let me go to the hospital directly?"

"He really should go to the hospital." Wood, covered in mud, also squeezed over.Even though his Seeker was injured, he still couldn't suppress the smile on his face, "Harry, that catch you made was amazing. It was wonderful. I've never seen you do such a good job."

"Stand back." Lockhart let the crowd around him make room and rolled up his emerald green sleeves.

Lockhart twirled his wand before pointing it at Harry's arm.

I saw Harry's right arm deflated in an instant.His right hand stretched out from his sleeve turned into something like a flesh-colored thick rubber glove.

Seeing this horrifying scene, the people around them couldn't help but gasp.Colin even held up his camera and took pictures crazily.

Lockhart didn't heal Harry's arm, he ripped out all the bones in Harry's right arm.

"Ah!" said Lockhart, "yes, yes, that happens sometimes. But the point is, the bones don't break anymore. That's something you have to remember. Now, Harry, Let's stroll to the hospital. Ah, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, can you go with him? Madam Pomfrey can... oh... tidy him up again."

All afternoon everyone was talking about this morning's Quidditch match.The most talked-about thing about this is neither the Slytherin team's new broom nor Harry Potter's wonderful performance when catching the Golden Snitch, but the fact that Harry Potter was killed by Gilderoy Low after the game. Hart had the bone removed from his right arm.Everyone was full of excitement when talking about this matter, because this kind of thing is so rare.

This incident also caused Lockhart's reputation among Gryffindor students to plummet. Combined with his usual performance in class, many people began to doubt his true abilities.But many people still believe in him. After all, everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

During dinner, Colin asked Aaron: "I plan to visit Harry later. Do you want to go with me?"

"No," Aaron said, "I haven't finished my Potions homework yet. I plan to finish it tonight."

After dinner, Colin took a bunch of grapes and went to the school hospital to see Harry.Aaron returned to the Gryffindor common room to do his Potions homework.

After finishing his homework, Aaron sat in the common room and read for a while, and did not return to his dormitory until bedtime.

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Aaron discovered one thing, that is, Colin had not come back yet.

He immediately asked the others: "Where is Colin?"

"I don't know," Green replied. "I haven't seen him tonight."

"He told me at dinner that he was going to see Harry. Hasn't he come back yet? If he hasn't been caught by Filch, he must still be in the school hospital. He may be blocked by Filch somewhere. Now, we should go and help him." Aaron said and was about to run out.

"Don't be stupid. If you go now, you won't be able to help Colin, but you will get yourself into trouble." Green stopped Aaron and said, "If he was smart enough, he would hide in the hospital and not come out. I think he must be very I am willing to stay with Harry for a while. You know, from the time he entered school until now, Colin has seen Harry almost six or seven times a day, and he even memorized Harry's class schedule."

Thinking of Colin's admiration for Harry, Aaron couldn't help but feel that what Green said made sense.He went to find Colin now, but it didn't help him much.If Colin had already been caught by Filch and the other professors, it wouldn't be helpful for him to go.If Colin hasn't been caught yet, it would be safer for him to hide alone in the hospital.

Thinking of this, Aaron lay down on the bed and stopped caring about Colin.After all, for Colin, the worst outcome is to be caught and imprisoned by Filch without encountering any danger.People say Hogwarts is the safest place in the world, right?

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