Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 32 The House of Requirement

The next day, Aaron was on his way to the Great Hall for breakfast when he saw Harry, Ron and Hermione talking quietly in the corridor.Aaron vaguely heard them mentioning words such as "...Aragog...the girls' bathroom...Myrtle...", but when Aaron came closer to hear more clearly, they immediately stopped talking in alarm.

After breakfast, while there was still some time before class, Aaron came to the corridor in front of the Gryffindor common room, intending to explore the secrets of the secret room that appeared last night.That room seemed very secret. If Aaron could master how to open that room, he felt that he could use it to do many things that were not suitable for public places, such as practicing magic.

After Aaron learned the "Fire Curse" from Riddle's notes, he had been looking for opportunities to practice it.But this magic obviously cannot be tested in public, so even though he has mastered the universal cracking spell, he has never found a chance to practice it.However, if there is a hidden place that is not easily discovered, he can practice there with confidence.

Aaron soon came to where yesterday's room had appeared, which was now a smooth wall.On the opposite wall hangs a large tapestry depicting Barnabas the Fool trying to teach the troll how to dance ballet.A moth-eaten troll stopped beating the ballet teacher and turned to stare at Aaron.

Aaron recalled the scene when the room appeared last night and kept running back and forth in the corridor.But no matter how he ran, the room just didn't appear.

Aaron stopped running and began to think about the reason.Why did the same room appear last night but not today if we perform the same behavior? What is the difference between today and last night?

If there is any difference, the only difference between today and last night is that when I was running in the corridor last night, I had a strong desire in my heart to find a place to hide, but today I didn't.

Could it be the reason?

Aaron started running in the corridor again with satisfaction and doubt.While running, I concentrated on thinking: I need a hidden place to practice magic... I need a hidden place to practice magic...

This time, not long after he ran away, something wonderful happened.On the originally blank wall, a very smooth door appeared.

Aaron reached out and grasped the brass handle, swinging the door open.

He originally thought that what appeared behind the door would be the small room that appeared last night.But when he walked in the door, he found that it was a large room that was completely different from the room he saw yesterday.This room is very spacious, with flickering torches lit inside, a row of wooden bookshelves along the wall, and there are no chairs on the floor, but there are large satin cushions.On the shelves at the other end of the room were various instruments such as spyglasses and detectors.

Aaron walked to the bookshelf and saw that it was filled with a series of magic books such as "Common Spells and Solutions", "Outsmarting Dark Magic", and "Self-Defense Spells".

【How is this going?Why is the room that appears different from yesterday? 】

Aaron stroked the spines of the rows of thick sheepskin-covered books, filled with questions.

Aaron thought about it again and again, and felt that it was probably because what he was thinking just now was different from last night.What I was thinking just now was "I need a hidden place to practice magic", but last night to avoid Snape and Filch, what I was thinking was "I need a place to hide".

[Could this room change according to the person's wishes? 】

Although Aaron thought this was a bit unbelievable, the facts before him forced him to think so.

In order to verify the conjecture in his heart, and also to find the specific way to open this mysterious room, Aaron returned to the outside of the room and began to walk in the corridor with other intentions.

After a period of experimentation, Aaron soon discovered the correct way to open the room.As long as you have a certain intention in your heart, walk along the corridor to the window at one end of the white wall and turn back, go to the vase as tall as one person at the other end and turn back, then walk to the white wall and turn around, the door to the room will appear. Before your eyes.

At the same time, Aaron also verified that this room can indeed change according to people's wishes.During the verification process, Aaron saw rooms where things could be hidden, rooms where people could sleep on beds, rooms with all kinds of exquisite and luxurious chamber pots...and all kinds of weird things. Room.

Aaron was full of curiosity about all these rooms, but unfortunately class time was coming and there was no time for him to explore them.He had no choice but to leave the corridor and go to class, leaving his curiosity to be satisfied later.

The first class in the morning is a transfiguration class.Professor McGonagall just walked into the classroom 10 minutes ago and told everyone that the exam will be held on June [-]st, which is only a short week away from today.

"Exams?" Tom Lawrence screamed, "Are we still going to have exams?"


There was a loud bang from behind Aaron.Peter Henry, who was sitting behind Aaron, accidentally slipped his wand from his hand, causing one leg of the desk to suddenly disappear.

Professor McGonagall reinstalled the table legs with a wave of her own wand, then turned and frowned at Tom.

"Under the current extraordinary situation, schools are still not closed, and the purpose is to allow you to receive education." She said sternly, "Therefore, the exams will still be conducted as usual, and I believe you will all review carefully."

Obviously, most people did not expect that the situation in the castle was already like this, and there was still an exam.The students in the class immediately started talking, and there was a burst of chatter in the classroom, which made Professor McGonagall frown even more tightly and her face became more gloomy.

Aaron is not worried about the exam.Although he has not taken the exam since he entered school, according to his own observation, his level should be at the forefront of the class.He has mastered the professor's magic and knowledge. Although he can't say how high he can get in the exam, there is absolutely no problem in passing.

However, not everyone is Aaron.Aaron saw Locke's expression next to him, as if someone owed him a big bag of gold galleons.

Because of the news announced by Professor McGonagall in the morning, most students became nervous.No matter where he went, Aaron could hear people discussing exams.

After the day's class ended, Aaron did not immediately go to the corridor on the eighth floor to explore the strange room, but came to the library first.Last night's experience made Aaron realize that he should learn some magic to hide himself.If he had a way to hide himself last night, he wouldn't have been chased around by Snape and Filch.Of course, if he hadn't been chased into despair by Snape and Filch, he wouldn't have discovered that magical room.

Although the final outcome last night was good, if we encounter the same situation as last night next time, we may not be as lucky.The academic cycle of Hogwarts is seven years, and Aaron has only been in school for one year now. He still has six years to spend in school. In the future, he will inevitably encounter situations where he needs to go out during curfew.It would be much more convenient if you could master a kind of magic to hide yourself.

It didn't take long for Aaron to find the magic he needed.It was a spell called the "Illusion Body Curse".This spell is a spell used to camouflage the target. It can make the camouflaged person or object become like a chameleon, with the color and texture consistent with the environment behind and around it, thereby achieving the effect of invisibility in disguise.

After dinner, Aaron went to the corridor on the eighth floor and began to continue exploring the strange room.

After a period of exploration, Aaron learned more about this strange room.At the same time, there are more speculations about the principle of this room.In Aaron's opinion, this room is not so much that it changes according to the person's wishes, but more like there are many different types of rooms connected behind the same door, and then different rooms are displayed according to the wishes of the person who opens the door.

Aaron made such an inference because he saw many things in some rooms that were obviously left by other students.If the principle of this room changes according to people's wishes, and everyone enters the same room.Then Aaron should be able to see things placed by everyone else in all kinds of rooms, or not see things placed by others at all.But now Aaron saw items placed by different people in different types of rooms, and the items placed were neither regular nor repetitive.This shows that the various types of rooms here are not interconnected.People with the same needs enter the same room.People with different needs will enter different rooms.This also means it's possible for Aaron to meet someone else here, as long as they have similar needs to Aaron's.

After exploring for a while, Aaron adjusted the room for magic practice and prepared to practice the "Fire Curse" and "Illusion Body Curse".

Although this room is not absolutely hidden, I guess no one in the school knows about its existence, and no one usually comes here.It should be considered safe to practice magic here.

The first thing Aaron practiced was the "Hard Fire Curse".He stood in the center of the room, following the instructions in Riddle's diary, trying hard to have an urge to destroy the things in front of him, and began to recite the "Fire Curse".A ball of orange flame suddenly appeared in the room.

As soon as the flame appeared, it expanded uncontrollably and began to spread wantonly.

Aaron tried hard to suppress the expansion of the flames, trying to control the flames.But the flames were not controlled at all and were still expanding.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Aaron hurriedly pointed the wand to the ground and read loudly: "All curses are over!"

The flame immediately seemed to be struck by something. The fire undulated and suddenly weakened, but it still burned tenaciously.

Aaron quickly shouted again: "All curses are over!"

With the second sound of the spell, the flame finally extinguished, leaving only a streak of green smoke dissipating in the air.

After an experiment, Aaron has completely realized how difficult and dangerous the "Fire Curse" is to control.Although it didn't take long from Aaron's release of the "Fire Spell" to the time when the fire was extinguished, a mat used to practice the "Stun Curse" in the room had already been completely burned.

However, these difficulties did not deter Aaron.After taking a short rest, Aaron tried the second time...

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