Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 33 Ginny’s Secret

After that, Aaron practiced the "Fire Fire Curse" twice more, but the effect was still not satisfactory.Although the magic was successfully released, the summoned fire was still out of control.

After practicing the "Fire Fire Curse" for a while, Aaron began to practice the "Illusion Body Curse" again.

Although the "Illusion Body Curse" is also a very difficult spell, it is much easier than the "Fire Curse" and is not dangerous.Aaron only practiced it two or three times before he had initially mastered this spell.

At this time, the time was approaching midnight, and Aaron felt a little sleepy, so he returned to the common room.

Because the exam was coming soon, everyone did not play wildly in the common room as usual, but gathered together in twos and threes and began to review seriously.

Aaron saw Hermione chattering non-stop to Harry and Ron on the sofa nearby.Sometimes she says she hasn't read it here yet, and sometimes she says she hasn't reviewed it there yet.Harry and Ron looked at each other helplessly.

For the next three days, nothing special happened.Because the exams are approaching, the professors no longer teach new knowledge. They just review what they have learned in the previous year during class every day.Every day after class, Aaron would go to the Room of Requirement to practice magic.

The Room of Requirement refers to the magical room in the corridor on the eighth floor. The name "Room of Requirement" was not named by Aaron himself, but he found it in a book.Ever since Aaron discovered that magical house, he began to search for information, hoping to find an introduction to that house.Finally, he found relevant records in "Hogwarts: A School History".

The book says this: ...There is a magical room in Hogwarts that comes and goes and can only be entered when a person really needs it.When it appears, it is always arranged to suit the needs of the seeker.Therefore it is called the "Come and Go Room" or "The Room of Requirements".Many people have claimed to have entered this house, but they have never been able to find it again...

Judging from the records in the book, the "Room of Requirement" is obviously regarded as a school legend like "Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets", and most people do not believe in its existence.But it's obvious that both the "Room of Requirement" and the "Chamber of Secrets" are real.

The information recorded in the book, apart from letting Aaron know the name of the "Room of Requirement", did not help him.But Aaron didn't need any other help, because Aaron had already figured out how to use the "Room of Requirement" on his own.And to be honest, there is not much record of the Room of Requirement in the book, which is also a good thing for Aaron.Because there is little information recorded in the book, it means that people know very little about the "Room of Requirement", which means that it is hidden and safe, and Aaron can practice magic in it with peace of mind.

After three days of practice, Aaron has completely mastered the "Illusion Body Curse", but the practice of "Fire Fire Curse" is not ideal.Although he was able to successfully release the magic, the fierce fire he summoned was always out of control.Aaron tried his best, but the most he could do was suppress the spread of the flames and extinguish it.

With only three days left for the first exam, Professor McGonagall made another announcement.

At breakfast, she walked into the auditorium and said, "I have good news for you."

Instead of becoming quiet, the auditorium became noisy.

"Dumbledore is coming back!" several people shouted happily.

"You've got the Heir of Slytherin!" a girl at the Ravenclaw table screamed.

"Quidditch is back!" Wood shouted excitedly.

After the noise subsided, Professor McGonagall said: "Professor Sprout told me that the mandrake is finally ready to be harvested. Tonight, we can bring those petrified people back to life. I don't have to ask You pointed out that one of them might have told us who directed that terrible monster to attack them. I sincerely hope that this terrible year will end with us catching the killer."

Everyone burst into cheers.

Just then, Aaron saw Ginny Weasley walking over and sitting next to Ron across the table.She seemed very nervous and frightened.Aaron noticed that her hands were twisted tightly together on her knees.

"What's the matter?" Ron asked, adding more porridge to himself.

Ginny said nothing, her eyes darting back and forth across the Gryffindor table.

"Say something quickly." Ron looked at her and said.

"I have something to tell you." Ginny whispered to Ron and Harry next to her.Her voice was so low that if Aaron hadn't been paying attention to their conversation and listening attentively, he wouldn't have been able to hear what she was saying.

"What's going on?" Harry asked, sitting on the other side of Ron.

Ginny seemed unable to find the right words and remained silent for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Ron asked again.

Ginny opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

Aaron saw Harry move forward and whisper something to Ginny.Because Harry's voice was too soft, Aaron didn't hear what he said clearly, and could only barely hear the words "secret room" and "abnormality".After hearing "Chamber of Secrets", Aaron immediately focused his attention and tried hard to hear what Ginny said.

Ginny took a deep breath and was about to speak.Percy Weasley suddenly appeared behind her, looking tired and haggard and said: "Ginny, if you have finished eating, please give up your seat to me. I'm starving and I just came back from duty."

Ginny jumped up as if her chair had suddenly become electrified.She gave Percy a quick, panicked look and ran away as if running away.

Percy sat down and grabbed a large mug from the center of the table.

"Percy!" said Ron angrily, "She's just about to tell us something very important!"

Percy was drinking tea while Ron spoke.I don't know if Ron scared him by being too loud, or for some other reason, but he choked on the half-swallowed tea.I saw him coughing and asking: "What's the matter?"

"I just asked her if she saw anything unusual, and she was about to say-"

"Oh - that - that has nothing to do with the Chamber of Secrets," Percy said immediately.

"How do you know?" Ron asked, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

Percy looked very embarrassed and said: "That's right, well, if you must know, Ginny, well, she suddenly ran into me that day. I was - well, let's not say it - actually, she happened to see me Doing something. I, uh, I told her not to tell anyone. I said, I thought she would keep her word. It doesn't matter, I'd rather—"

"What were you doing, Percy?" Ron asked with a sly smile, "Don't hide it, tell us quickly, we won't laugh at you."

Percy quickly changed the subject and said, "Hand me those buns, Harry. I'm so hungry."

Although Percy said that what Ginny was about to say was only personal to him, Aaron didn't think so.The panic on Ginny's face could not be faked before.If Ginny had just discovered some of Percy's little secrets, she would never look so scared.

During class in the morning, Aaron wanted to observe Ginny again and see if he could ask her what happened.But until the bell rang for class, Ginny didn't show up in class - she didn't even come to class!

This convinced Aaron that Ginny had indeed discovered something.Otherwise, there is no way she would not come to class for no reason.

After two classes in the morning, Aaron and his classmates were escorted through the corridor by Professor Flitwick.When Aaron was debating whether to skip class and look for Ginny, he suddenly saw Harry, Hermione and Ron secretly leaving the second-year team opposite and jumping into a nearby aisle.

Aaron's heart suddenly moved. He asked the other Gryffindor students to come to the front, and then quietly left the team, jumped into the aisle, and hurriedly chased the three Harrys.Professor Flitwick, because of his short stature, did not notice Aaron's departure.

As soon as Aaron walked into the aisle, he saw the three Harrys turning the corner in front.He hurriedly followed and was about to follow the turn when he suddenly heard Professor McGonagall's voice coming from behind the corner: "Potter! Weasley! Granger! What are you doing?"

Aaron hurriedly retreated behind the wall.He took out his wand and cast the "Disguise Charm" he had just learned on himself, and then carefully looked around the corner.

In the corridor ahead, Professor McGonagall was standing in front of the three Harrys, pursed lips, looking at them sternly.

Ron stammered: "We - we want -"

"It's me," Hermione said.

Harry, Ron and Professor McGonagall all looked at her.

Hermione said in one breath: "I want to go to the bathroom. Harry and Ron were worried about me encountering danger on the way, so they came to accompany me."

Professor McGonagall was still staring at Hermione, and just when everyone thought she was about to lose her temper, she spoke.

"Of course." She said, "What is more precious than friendship? Worrying about your friends being in danger, especially at this moment... I understand it very well. But you should tell the professor before taking any unauthorized action. So, let's not do this next time. Come on." With that, she asked Harry, Hermione and Ron to leave, while she walked towards the corner.

Upon seeing this, Aaron quickly stood close to the wall.Professor McGonagall walked right past him, but didn't notice him.

After Professor McGonagall walked away, Aaron quickly chased the three Harrys again.In order to prevent the three Harrys from discovering him, Aaron did not remove the magic from his body.

Aaron soon caught up with the three Harrys again.He quietly followed the trio, following them carefully.

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