Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 34 Entrance to the Chamber of Secrets

Aaron followed the trio through the corridors and finally came to the girls' bathroom on the second floor.

[What are they doing here? 】

Aaron couldn't help but feel very strange. He followed Harry and the three of them into the door of the girls' bathroom and came to the innermost cubicle.There, the ghost of a pudgy girl sat on the toilet tank.

The ghost's face was the most melancholy and gloomy that Aaron had ever seen, half obscured by long straight hair and thick, pearl-colored glasses.

"Oh, it's you." She seemed to know Harry and greeted him when she saw him, "What do you want this time?"

"Want to ask how you died," said Harry.

The ghost's whole demeanor suddenly changed.It seemed that no one had ever asked her such a question, which she felt honored to do.

"Oh, it's terrible," she said with relish. "It happened here. I died in this toilet. I remember it very clearly. At that time, Olive Humbe laughed at me for wearing glasses and looking like a four-eyed dog. , I hid here. I locked the door and was crying inside, and suddenly I heard someone coming in. What they said was funny. I thought it must be in another language. But what annoyed me the most was, I heard a boy's voice talking about life. So I opened the door, yelled at him to go away, go to his boys' bathroom, and then--" She puffed up her chest, thinking she was very impressive, and her face was radiant, "I just died."

"How did you die?" Harry asked.

"I don't know." The ghost lowered his voice mysteriously. "I just remember seeing a pair of scary big yellow eyes. My whole body seemed to be grabbed, and then I floated away..." She looked dazed. Looking at Harry, "I came back later. You know, I wanted to settle the score with Olive Humbey. Oh, she regretted making fun of me for wearing glasses."

"Where on earth did you see those eyes?" Harry asked.

"It's almost there." The ghost pointed vaguely at the pool in front of her.

[This female|ghost was killed by a basilisk! 】

Hearing this, Aaron immediately came to a conclusion in his mind.

But this year, although many people were attacked by monsters in the secret room, no one actually died.Then this female | ghost should not have died in this year's attack.Aaron recalled the memories he had seen in Riddle's diary, and immediately understood that she should be the girl who died when the secret room was first opened 50 years ago.

At this time, Harry, Hermione and Ron had arrived at the pool pointed by the ghost.Aaron was afraid of being discovered, so he did not walk over, but watched them from the side.

The pool looked ordinary.Harry, Hermione and Ron checked it inside and out, up and down, even the water pipes below.

Suddenly, Harry pointed to a copper faucet and said to Hermione and Ron: "Come and see here."

Hermione and Ron hurried to Harry's side and saw a small snake carved on the side of the copper faucet.

"This faucet never produces water." The ghost said happily when he saw Harry trying to unscrew the faucet.

"This is probably the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets." Hermione said excitedly.

"What do we do?" Ron asked, his eyes sparkling. "Shall we go straight to Professor McGonagall?"

"Let's go to the staff room," Harry said, jumping up. "She'll be there in ten minutes. get out of class will be over soon."

Aaron now fully understood the purpose of Harry, Hermione and Ron's trip. They were looking for the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.

Aaron took a deep look at the dragon head engraved with a snake, and followed Harry and the three of them out of the girls' bathroom.

Not long after Aaron, Harry and others left, another girl quietly walked into the girls' bathroom.The girl's hair was disheveled and her face could not be seen clearly. Only her red hair was particularly eye-catching...




Aaron followed Harry and the others and ran downstairs to the empty staff lounge.It was a large, wood-paneled room filled with dark wood chairs.When Harry, Hermione and Ron pushed the door open and entered the house, Aaron followed Ron carefully and walked in.It is worth mentioning that when Aaron entered the door, Ron was about to close the door, and he was almost caught by the door panel.Fortunately, Aaron reacted quickly and hurriedly took a big step to the side to escape the disaster and avoid being exposed.

In order to prevent being discovered, after entering the house, Aaron quietly moved to the corner and hid there motionless.Harry, Hermione and Ron were pacing around the room, too excited to sit down.They were waiting for get out of class to end so they could tell Professor McGonagall about their "big discovery".

However, the bell for the end of get out of class never rang.

Suddenly, Professor McGonagall's voice, amplified many times by magic, echoed in the corridor: "All students should return to their dormitories in their respective colleges immediately. All teachers should return to the staff lounge. Please act immediately."

Harry turned sharply and glared at Hermione and Ron.

"Did something happen again? At this time?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"What do we do?" Ron asked in horror. "Go back to the dormitory?"

"No," Harry said, looking around.

He opened an ugly closet on the left, filled with robes worn by teachers in class, and said, "Hide in here. We'll hear what's going on, and then we'll tell them what we find."

Harry, Hermione and Ron had just hid in the wardrobe when the sound of students walking upstairs could be heard outside the door.Then, the door to the staff lounge was pushed open heavily, and the teachers walked into the room one after another.Some of them didn't know what was happening and looked confused, while others were scared out of their wits.

Then, Professor McGonagall arrived.

"Something happened again." She said to the silent teachers in the room. "A student was kidnapped by a monster. He was taken directly into the secret room."

Professor Flitwick let out a scream.Professor Sprout suddenly covered his mouth with his hands.Snape gripped the back of a chair tightly and asked, "How can you be sure?"

"The heir of Slytherin left another line of words." Professor McGonagall, who looked very pale, said, "Just below the last words, it said: Her bones will remain in the secret room forever."

Professor Flitwick couldn't help crying.

"Who is it?" Mrs. Huo Qi's knees weakened and she slumped down in a chair. "Which student is it?"

"Ginny Weasley," said Professor McGonagall.

Aaron was shocked. He didn't expect Ginny to be caught in the secret room.Now he was sure that what Ginny was going to say in the morning must be related to the secret room, and she must have discovered something to be taken away by the murderer.

"We must send all the students home tomorrow. Hogwarts is over." Professor McGonagall said, "Dumbledore used to say..."

At this moment, the door to the staff lounge was slammed open again.Lockhart walked in with a smile.

He saw that the staff room was packed with people and asked, "Sorry - I took a nap - what did I miss?" He didn't seem to notice that the other teachers were looking at each other in a manner that could be said to be hateful. Eyes fixed on him.

Snape took a step forward and said: "The person who solves the problem is here, and it is this person. Lockhart, a girl was kidnapped by a monster and taken into the Chamber of Secrets. The time has finally come for you to show your glory."

Lockhart's face turned pale.

"Yes, Gilderoy." Professor Sprout interrupted, "Didn't you say last night that you knew exactly where the entrance to the secret room was?"

"I...this, this, I..." Rohatchi stammered.

"Didn't you tell me that you were confident in dealing with the monster inside?" Professor Flitwick also interjected.

"I...did I say that? I don't remember..."

"Of course I remember what you said. You said it was a pity you didn't get to take on the monster before Hagrid was captured," Snape said. "Didn't you also say that the whole thing was messed up? Should I have let you handle it from the beginning?"

Lockhart stared at his stern-faced colleagues in stunned silence: "I...I really have never...you may have misunderstood..."

"Then, Gilderoy, we'll let you deal with it. Tonight is a perfect opportunity for you to show off your skills." Professor McGonagall said, "We promise not to let anyone hinder you. You can deal with it alone." That monster. Now I can finally let you go."

Lockhart looked around desperately, but no one came to his rescue.He doesn't look handsome at all now.His lips were trembling, and his face no longer had the usual smile showing bright teeth, and his chin looked shriveled, looking skinny and haggard.

"Okay then," he said, "I-I'll go to my office and get ready." Then he left the room.

"Okay." Professor McGonagall said with a flicker of her nose. "Finally we are out of his way. Now, the heads of each house will inform the students what happened. Tell them that the Hogwarts Express will arrive early tomorrow morning." They go home. The other teachers make sure not to leave a single student outside the dormitory."

The professors stood up and left the room one by one.

After all the professors left, Harry and Hermione helped Ron out of the closet.Ron leaned weakly against Harry, his face full of sadness.Obviously, the news of Ginny's accident had devastated him.Harry and Hermione whispered comfort to him while helping him out of the common room.

After everyone left, Aaron walked out of the corner, quietly left the staff room, and closed the door.Then he removed the enchantment and returned to the Gryffindor common room.

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