Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 37 The person who opened the secret room

"Tom - Tom Riddle?" Harry asked uncertainly.

Riddle nodded, looking intently at Harry's face.

"What do you mean? She won't wake up?" Harry asked angrily, "She didn't...she didn't..."

"She's still alive," Riddle said, "but not much longer."

Aaron has been watching Riddle since he appeared.Tom Riddle was a student at Hogwarts fifty years ago, but now he stood here with a strange, misty glow about him that could not have been more than sixteen years old.

Harry also noticed something was wrong with Riddle and asked uncertainly: "Are you a ghost?"

"It's a memory." Riddle said calmly, "Kept in a diary for 50 years." He pointed to the big toe of the statue.There lay a black diary, which was Riddle's diary that Aaron had obtained from Harry and was stolen by someone unknown.

Harry also recognized the diary, but he didn't want to worry about the diary right now. He had more pressing things to deal with.

"You have to help me, Tom," Harry said, lifting Ginny's head again. "We have to get her out of here. There's a basilisk... I don't know where, but it could come at any moment. . Please, help me..."

Riddle didn't move.

"Aaron, help me hold Ginny up." Harry asked Aaron for help again.

But Aaron also took no action.

The situation at this time was very strange. Harry was struggling to pick up Ginny from the ground. Riddle was staring at Harry with a half-smile, and Aaron was staring at Riddle intently.

Just then, Aaron saw Riddle leaning down to pick something up from the ground.That's Harry's wand.Harry's wand unexpectedly rolled to Riddle's feet.Aaron immediately stared at Riddle as if he were facing an enemy, and held the wand in his hand tightly.

Harry was sweating profusely and finally lifted Ginny halfway up from the ground. He leaned over to pick up his wand, only to find that it was missing.

"Have you seen..." When he looked up, he saw Riddle playing with his wand between his slender fingers.

"Thanks," said Harry, reaching for his wand.

A strange smile appeared on Riddle's lips.He continued to stare at Harry, playing with his wand absently.

"Listen to me." Harry said anxiously, his knees weak under the weight of Ginny, "We have to go! If the basilisk comes..."

"It won't come until it's called," said Riddle nonchalantly.

Harry lowered Ginny back to the floor, unable to hold her any longer.

"What do you mean?" he said. "Come on, give me the wand. I may need it."

Riddle's smile widened and he said, "You won't need it."

Harry looked at him in surprise: "What are you talking about? I don't know..."

"Harry." Aaron put his hand on Harry's shoulder and interrupted, "Don't you understand yet?"

"Understand what?" Harry asked confused.

"Tom Riddle is the heir of Slytherin." Aaron said with certainty.

As early as Aaron discovered that Hagrid was wrongly accused 50 years ago, he began to doubt Tom Riddle.Originally, he thought who reopened the Chamber of Secrets under the guidance of Riddle's diary and caused a series of attacks this year, so he suspected Harry, the previous owner of Riddle's diary.After all, Tom Riddle is not in the school now. There is only a memory of him in the school that is preserved in the diary.What can a piece of memory do?But Aaron obviously underestimated Riddle's ability.When he saw Riddle leaving the diary and showing up, Aaron realized that he was the one who opened the secret room 50 years ago and 50 years later.

Harry looked at Aaron dumbfounded, then turned to Riddle and asked, "Is this true?"

"Aaron Elf." Riddle turned his attention to Aaron for the first time. "Smart, handsome, with a pursuit and desire for power. This reminds me of my former self. But unfortunately he is a mudblood." As he spoke, Riddle's eyes became contemptuous.

"Riddle, answer me." Harry stared at Riddle closely, "Isn't what Aaron said true?"

"Harry Potter." Riddle turned his gaze to Harry again, still with an obvious smile on his face, "I have been waiting for a long time, hoping to have the opportunity to see you and talk to you."

"What do you want to talk about?" Harry asked slowly.Although Riddle never answered his question, sometimes, no answer is also an answer.

"A lot of things," Riddle said. "Harry, I have a lot to talk to you about."

"Then can you first tell me how Ginny became like this?" Harry asked.

"Oh, that's an interesting question," Riddle said happily. "It's a long story. As far as I can see, the real reason why Ginny Weasley became like this is that she turned to an invisible person. Strangers opened up and told all their secrets.”

"What did you say?" Harry asked.

"Diary, my diary," Riddle said. "For months, little Ginny has been writing her innermost thoughts in it, telling me her heart-wrenching troubles and sorrows - how she was teased by her brothers, how... Having to come to school in old robes and carrying old books, and she thought—" Riddle's eyes twinkled slyly, "—that the famous, good, great Harry Potter would never like her……"

Riddle never took his eyes off Harry's face as he spoke.There was something almost greedy in his eyes.

"It was so boring, listening to an 11-year-old girl talk about her childish worries," he continued, "but I had the patience to write something back to her, and I was kind and understanding. Ginny Just in love with me. Oh, Tom, no one understands me like you do... I'm so glad I got this diary to confide in you... It's like having a friend you can carry around in your pocket... ..." Riddle let out a cold, piercing laugh, "I don't boast, Harry, I have always been able to confuse people at will. So, Ginny opened her whole soul to me, and her The soul happened to be exactly what I needed. I devoured her most secret fears, her deepest secrets, with an ever-increasing appetite. I gradually became stronger, much stronger than little Miss Weasley. Strong enough Revealing a few of my secrets to Miss Weasley, starting to open up a small part of my soul to her..."

"What did you do?" Harry felt his throat was so dry that it was on fire, "Opened the Chamber of Secrets?"

"Can't you guess, Harry Potter?" Riddle said softly, "It was Ginny Weasley who opened the Chamber of Secrets. It was she who strangled the school rooster and hung it on the wall. Scratch those scary words. She was the one who unleashed Slytherin's basilisk and attacked four mudbloods, as well as that skinny cat who was a squib."

"Impossible," Harry murmured.

"Yeah," Riddle said still calmly, "Of course, she didn't know what she was doing at first. It's very interesting. I really hope you can read some of her new diary entries... It's getting more and more interesting. ..." He looked into Harry's frightened eyes and recited the contents of the diary, "Dear Tom, I feel as if I am losing my memory. There are chicken feathers all over my robes, and I don't know how they got there. . Dear Tom, I don’t remember what I did on Halloween, but a cat was killed and my chest was covered in paint. Dear Tom, Percy always told me I looked bad, He looks a little weird too. I think he might be suspicious of me... There was another attack today and I can't remember where I was. Tom, what should I do? I feel like I'm going crazy... I think I That's the one who attacked all these people, Tom!"

"It took a long, long time before silly little Ginny stopped trusting her diary," Riddle continued. "She finally got suspicious and tried to throw it away. That's when you stepped in. , Harry. I couldn't be happier that you found it. I didn't expect that among so many people, you were the one who picked up this diary. You are the person I most desperately want to see..."

"Why do you want to see me?" Harry asked.He was seething with anger and it took a lot of effort to keep his tone steady.

"Oh, that's it, Harry, Ginny told me all about you, your thrilling and fascinating past." Riddle's eyes passed over the lightning-shaped scar on Harry's forehead, and the expression on his face Getting even hornier, "I knew I had to get to know you better, talk to you, and if possible meet you in person. So I decided to let you see me capture that big boner Hagrid." Famous feat to gain your trust in me."

"Hagrid is my friend," Harry said with a trembling voice, "You framed him, didn't you? I thought you were mistaken, but I didn't expect..."

Riddle let out his high-pitched laughter again: "I was the one who exposed Hagrid, Harry. You can imagine what the situation was like before Mr. Armando Dippet. On one side was me, Tom Lee. Del, who was born poor but very smart, both his parents are dead but wise and brave, is the prefect in the school and a model student; on the other hand, there is Hagrid, a big stupid man who is clumsy and trouble-making. He has to go to school every other week. Once in trouble, he raised werewolf cubs under the bed and sneaked into the Forbidden Forest to fight the trolls. But I have to admit, even I didn't expect that the plan was executed so smoothly. I thought someone would realize that Hai Hagrid can't be the heir of Slytherin. It took me five years to figure out the situation in the Chamber of Secrets and discover the secret entrance...Does Hagrid have such a mind and ability? It seems like Only Dumbledore, the transfiguration teacher, believed that Hagrid was innocent. He persuaded Dippet to keep Hagrid and train him to be a gamekeeper. Yes, I think Dumbledore was probably aware of it. Dumbledore It seems that he never likes me like other teachers..."

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