Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 38 Tom Riddle

"I dare say Dumbledore has seen through you." Harry said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, since Hagrid was expelled, he has been monitoring me closely, which is very annoying." Riddle said casually, "I know it will be unsafe if I open the secret room when I am in school. But I don't want to So many years of searching for the secret room were in vain. I decided to leave a diary and preserve the 16-year-old me in those pages. So that one day, with luck, I can guide another person to follow my footsteps and complete the journey. Salazar Slytherin's noble cause."

"But you're not done yet." Harry said proudly, "No one died this time, not even the cat. Within a few hours, the Mandrake Herbal Water was prepared, and those who were People who are petrified can come back to life."

"Didn't I just tell you?" Riddle said softly, "It doesn't matter to me to kill Mudbloods anymore. For many months, my new target has been—you."

Harry stared at him in astonishment.

"So I asked Ginny to write a suicide note on the wall and come down here and wait. She was struggling and crying and it was really annoying. But there wasn't much life left in her body - she put Most of my life was poured into the diary, into me, so that I could finally leave the diary. I've been waiting for you since Ginny and I got here. I knew you would come. I have so many questions and so on. I’m asking you, Harry Potter.”

"What's the problem?" Harry clenched his fists and asked sharply.

Riddle said with a pleased smile on his face: "For example, how did a baby, without any particularly magical spells, defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How could you escape unharmed, leaving only a scar, and Voldemort His power has been destroyed?" There was a strange red light shining in his hungry wolf-like eyes.

"Why do you care how I escaped?" Harry asked in a long voice, "Voldemort's business comes after you."

"Voldemort," Riddle said softly, "is my past, present and future, Harry Potter..."

He raised Harry's wand, drew a few strokes in the air, and wrote a sparkling name: Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Then he waved his wand, and the letters automatically switched places and became: I am Lord Voldemort.

"See?" he whispered, "I used this name when I was studying at Hogwarts. Of course, I only used it with my closest friends. Do you think I have to use it for the rest of my life? The name of my filthy Muggle father? You know, in my veins, the blood of Salazar Slytherin himself flows, from my mother's side! Will I still keep that order? A disgusting common Muggle name? He abandoned me before I was born because he found out his wife was a witch! No, Harry. I came up with a new name for myself, knowing that one day , when I became the greatest magician in the world, wizards everywhere would not dare to say this name easily!"

Tom Riddle is Voldemort.

Both Aaron and Harry were shocked by this fact.On the first day he entered the magical world, Aaron heard stories about him. After a year of living in the magical world, Aaron had a deep understanding of the meaning of this name.

At this time, Aaron heard Harry say: "You are not." His calm voice was filled with hatred.

"Not what?" Riddle asked sharply.

"You're not the greatest wizard in the world," Harry said breathlessly. "I'm sorry to disappoint you. But the greatest wizard in the world is Albus Dumbledore. Everyone says so. Even when you were powerful, you didn't dare try to control Hogwarts. Dumbledore saw through you when you were in school, and he still strikes fear in you, no matter where you hide these days."

The smile on Riddle's face disappeared, and he put on a very ugly expression and said through gritted teeth: "I just used my memory to drive Dumbledore out of this castle!"

"It's a good idea, he's not gone!" Harry retorted.

Before Riddle could react, Aaron was startled by Harry's words.Could it be that Dumbledore's departure was fake?Is he still in the castle?Did he create a trap?Did he plan all this?

But when he saw the twinkle and lack of confidence in Harry's eyes, he instantly understood that those words were just a lie that Harry told casually to scare Riddle.

Riddle opened his mouth and was about to speak, but suddenly froze there.

The sound of music came from somewhere.Riddle turned around suddenly and looked at the empty secret room.The music got louder and louder.This sound is ethereal, ethereal and mysterious, and it makes people excited.It made the hair on Aaron's scalp stand up and made his atria swell to twice their original size.The music got louder and louder, until Aaron felt like it was vibrating inside his chest.

At this moment, flames suddenly burst out from the top of the nearest stone pillar.Suddenly a crimson bird, as big as a swan, fell from the sky and played its strange music on the vaulted ceiling.It had a golden tail, as long as a peacock's tail, and a pair of golden claws, holding a tattered package in its claws.

A second later, the big bird flew straight towards Harry.It dropped the tattered thing on its paw at Harry's feet, then perched heavily on Harry's shoulder.When it folded its two huge wings, Aaron saw its appearance clearly.It has a long, sharp golden beak and two shining black eyes.The big bird stopped singing.It sat quietly on Harry's shoulder, pressing warmly against Harry's cheek, looking at Riddle firmly.

"It's a phoenix..." Riddle said, glaring at it fiercely.

"Fawkes?" Harry exclaimed in surprise.He seemed to know this phoenix.

"That thing -" Riddle turned his attention to the tattered thing that Fox just threw down, "it's the school's broken sorting hat."

Indeed it is.Dirty, wrinkled, and patched, it lay motionless at Harry's feet.

Riddle laughed wildly again.He laughed so hard that it made the dark chamber tremble slightly, as if ten Riddles were laughing loudly at the same time: "That's what Dumbledore gave to his protector! A singing bird And a broken hat! Harry Potter, do you feel brave? Do you feel safe?"

Harry didn't answer.

At the same time, Aaron suddenly discovered that Riddle's originally blurry outline was gradually becoming clearer and more stable.He felt that if he and Harry had to fight Riddle, it would be best to do it now.Riddle is still sucking the life out of Ginny. The longer he stands there, the stronger he becomes, while the life in Ginny becomes less and less.But before taking action, Aaron thought he should find out where the basilisk was...

Aaron was thinking quickly, weighing his chances of winning.Riddle possesses a basilisk hidden somewhere.And he and Harry owned a phoenix named Fox and the Sorting Hat. To be honest, he couldn't see the use of these two things in a duel.

"Back to the topic, Harry," Riddle still had a proud smile on his face, "In your past and my future, we encountered each other twice. I failed to kill you both times. How did you die? Escape? Tell me everything. Your life will last as long as your words last."

"No one knows why you suddenly lost your strength when you attacked me," Harry said stiffly, "I don't know myself either. But I know why you failed to kill me. Because my mother was trying to save me. The one who died. It was the ordinary Muggle-born mother," he continued, shaking all over as he struggled to suppress his anger. "She stopped you from killing me. I saw the real you, and I saw you again last year. I killed you. All you are left with is a pile of rags, and you can only be considered half-dead. You used to have great magical powers, but you ended up like this. You are hiding here and there, you are ugly and disgusting!"

Riddle's face twisted, and then he forced a ferocious smile: "So that's it - your mother died to save you. Yes, that is a very effective spell-breaking spell. I understand now. After all, there's nothing special about you. You know what? I never figured it out. There are some strange similarities between the two of us, Harry Potter. I'm sure you've noticed it yourself. .We are both half-bloods, both orphans, both raised by Muggles. Perhaps the only two Parseltongues to enter Hogwarts since the great Slytherin himself. We even look like There are some similarities... But in the final analysis, it turns out you just escaped from me by luck. That's what I want to know."

The ferocious smile on Riddle's face became more obvious: "Okay, Harry, I'm going to teach you a little lesson. Let's test our strength. On one side is Voldemort, the heir of Salazar Slytherin; on the other side is Voldemort, the heir of Salazar Slytherin; Harry Potter and company, armed with the best weapons Dumbledore could give him."

He glanced at Fawkes and the Sorting Hat, then walked between the towering stone pillars, looked up at the face of the Slytherin statue hidden high in the darkness, opened his mouth, and let out a weird hissing sound.

"What is he talking about?" Aaron asked Harry.

"Speak to me, Slytherin - the greatest of the Hogwarts Four." Harry replied.

They turned and looked up at the statue.Slytherin's huge stone face moved.They saw its mouth open, opening wider and wider until it formed a huge black hole.Something moved in the statue's mouth, sliding upwards from the depths of the statue.

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