Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 372: Elven Queen’s Idiocy

The trapped Drows knew, from the wiggling roots on the ground, their queen came.

But none of them dared utter a single sound.

They knew all too well their queen’s character and didn’t want to distract her.

But the strong Hexamand alien Dorado thought differently.

“Queen, leave us and kill these filthy invaders!”

“Queen, kill them! Avenge us!”

“Move and I’ll twist his neck.”

“Don’t hurt him! Let him go!”

The Elven Queen stopped.

“Throw away your staff.”


“Queen, don’t listen to him. You will die!”

“Even if we die, you must live!”

“Don’t listen to him or we’ll all die!”

“Queen, kill them all!”

The Drows pleaded.

The Elven Queen’s hand relaxed, and the staff fell.

Dorado’s arm stretched for twenty meters and grabbed the staff.

Dorado smiled, “Who knew the grand Elven Queen loved her people so much.”

“I did what you asked. Now let them go!”

“Let them go? When did I ever say that?”

Dorado shouted, “Kneel!”

The Elven Queen started.


Dorado popped another head and grabbed a Drow, all at the same time.

With how many Drows were in the cage, Dorado could take his pick.

The Elven Queen kneeled.

“Too slow, queen!”

“Please let my people go.”

“Ha-ha, alright. Stab yourself first!”

Dorado threw her a golden dagger.

“This is sacred gold dagger, made of one of the rarest metals. Getting just this amount thousand of inhabitable planets had to be destroyed.”

Sacred gold was far more powerful than soft metal. If sacred gold entered someone, even a tenth level being would become a common person. 

The Elven Queen did not hesitate and stabbed her belly. In two seconds, she lost the power to even stand upright.



The Drows cried, seeing their queen paralyzed.

“Your people are smart. Too bad your head is empty to listen.”

Dorado walked to her and stepped on her head.

“Please let my people go…” The Elven Queen groaned. Without her power, she was weaker than snow people.

“You’re so stupid. When did I ever say I’ll release them?”

“I had no intention of letting them go, or you.”

“God Huo loves pretty humanoids the most. You’re not bad either so I think giving you to him will be better.”


“True, but I haven’t told a single lie!”

“Well then, my dear idiotic queen, please enjoy watching your people’s genocide!”

Dorado’s hands flashed and stabbed the twenty frail and powerless Drows in the cage.

“Stop! I’ll do what you say!” The Elven Queen cried.

“And what if you don’t?”

“I… am truly idiotic.” The Elven Queen now realized the truth.

But with the sacred gold dagger stuck in her belly, she had no power to act on her remorse.


Dorado laughed, killing thousands of Drows in seconds.

“Stop, stop!”


“No one can make me!”

Dorado was about to continue, but found that last word came from someone else.

“Who said that?”

Dorado whipped his head back to see Li Mo chuckling at Galt. 

“What if I make you?”

Li Mo touched Galt’s arm with two fingers.


Galt’s arm now sported two holes.

Dorado cried out.

Galt was tied up in Elven Queen’s roots, but he still had his sacred armor trait.

‘How did he get hurt so easily?’

“Do forgive me. I seem to have on me a bit of sacred gold. I only wanted to stab him, but since I couldn’t, I had to feed it to him.”

“Let… let him go!” Dorado pointed at him.

“You two are so close.” Li Mo mocked.

“On your knees!”

Dorado’s knees hit the dirt. Li Mo then flashed before Elven Queen and carried her to Galt.

It was then Dorado’s hand burst into action to grab Elven Queen.

His plan was perfect. Faking obedience and grabbing the queenie to enter a hostage play stand-off with Li Mo.

But this little trick was something Li Mo saw a mile away.

Dorado was stunned.


The caged Drows laughed.

Li Mo took out the dagger, and she healed thanks to her recovered power.

The Elven Queen beckoned and the staff flew in her hand.

Dorado said, “Touch me and I’ll kill all the Drows!”

The Elven Queen stood still again.

“Kill another Drow and I’ll poke another hole in him. I’ll start with the arm, then the chest, and finally the head.”

“Ha! Human, I am not like that idiot queen!” Dorado snorted, “Surrender means death, while fighting has no such certainty.”


Li Mo poked Galt twice.

Dorado’s face fell and killed another Drow.


Li Mo poked four times into Galt’s arm, almost breaking it off.

Dorado paled, killing four Drows as well.


The Elven Queen aimed her staff at Li Mo.

Li Mo simply returned the dagger to the idiotic quenie’s belly.

The Elven Queen fell.


Li Mo poked twice and smiled at Dorado, “Do continue!”

Dorado sighed and kneeled.

“I lost…”

“Lost? Good. All you need to do now is listen to my order and both of your lives will be spared.

“I, as a strong human, am a man of my words.”

“You will let us go safely?”

Li Mo smiled, “Yes!”

Dorado was truly cunning, thinking Li Mo was planning on twisting his words later.


“My order is simple. Kill all your men!”

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