Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 373: Another Future

“Sir Dorado, what are you doing? I am your soldier!”

“No, Sir Dorado! I’ve done nothing wrong, why are you killing me?”


“Help, Sir Dorado has lost it!”


Screams of agony came from the soldiers as Dorado slaughtered them without an ounce of remorse.

“Deputy General Dorado, what are you doing? Where’s General Galt?”

Five Golden Armored aliens flew over to see Dorado bathed in blood.

“They are spies and I am killing them by orders of General Galt.” Dorado wiped his claw of blood.

“Spies? Impossible, these soldiers have been with General Galt for years. Many of them have grown up alongside us as well!”

A Golden Armored alien shouted his objection.

Dorado pointed at Leiman, “Kill him, he is a spy!”


Dorado said, “I’ll say it again. Under General Galt’s orders, kill Leiman or you will be charged with treason!”

The four Golden Armored aliens hesitated. Leiman used this chance to shine golden and run.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

A Golden Armored alien chased.

“I’m not running. I’m going to General Galt to clarify this!”

“He’s fleeing. Kill him!”


Dorado roared, and the aides’ fight began. 

The five aides were four seventh level beings and Leiman in the eighth. Dorado singled Leiman out because he was the strongest.

“Dorado is the real traitor!”

“Dorado can’t be a traitor, Leiman. If you really aren’t a traitor like you say, why aren’t you surrendering?”

“Yeah, why are you resisting?”

“Ahh~!” Leiman ran faster.

“Kill Leiman and General Galt will reward us!”

Dorado added oil to the fire, stirring the four aides’ fighting spirit and clouding their minds.

Regarding stages, or levels, Leiman was above the other aides. But throw the Golden Armored race’s trait into the mix and their power would be pretty much the same.

It would only come out as trading blows, wasting their energy.


As Leiman was busy resisting the attacks, here came Dorado’s strike. His claw aimed for Leiman’s gap in the pauldron. Golden Armored race’s trait was tough for sure, but not without weakness. 

Leiman raved from the wound and put more power in his strikes.

As the sacred armors traded blows, all they were doing was wasting energy. It wasn’t long before the golden light on the five aides faded.


Dorado was swift in piercing all of their organs through their mouths.

“Sorry, but I am the traitor.”

Dorado said in a flat tone.

The five aides died with wide eyes, still unclear how…

Dorado’s slaughter resumed. Killing the millions of aliens took him two hours, leaving no survivors.

As far as the eye could see, there were corpses upon corpses, stemming out rivers of blood…

Dorado was as calm as ever, despite the genocide. 

“Great powerful human, I have done what you asked and killed all my men.”

Li Mo threw Galt to him. Dorado checked him and perked up.

“Great powerful human is a true man. Dorado thanks you.”


Dorado shot for the skies, leaving Endless Night with Galt.

With his departure the cages faded.

The Drows were free.

Only now did Li Mo took Elven Queen’s dagger out.

The Elven Queen was somewhat idiotic, but not dumb. She knew what he did and was now looking at him lost.

“Brave human, on behalf of my people, thank you.”

Elven Queen lowered her head.

“Not bat, at least you’re not a lost cause.” Li Mo laughed.

“Your Grace, do you know what would’ve happened if I hadn’t stepped in?”

The Elven Queen looked up.

Li Mo walked to her and touched her forehead.

The Elven Queen’s face fell.

Li Mo revealed to her his previous life’s situation.

In his past life, when Life Lake broke out of the queen’s seal three hundred years later, the queen returned to Endless Night city to find it filled with bones. The shock broke her mind so she rampaged across the universe.

Her slaughter went for five years, until God Huo, God Tu and God Mu joined together in capturing her. (T/N: huo=fire, tu=earth, mu=wood)

God Huo used a special art to restore her mind, then shackle her into being his pleasure slave…

As in tending to God Huo’s every perversion.

God Huo had the Devil Queen plant a Soul Controlling Curse on theElven Queen, to prevent her from even committing suicide. 

The suffering of the Elven Queen lasted for a decade. It was then Li Mo hunted God Huo down and rescuing her from the shackles of the Soul Manipulation Art. And the first thing she did was to kill herself.

“What was that? Did that… really happen?” Elven Queen stammered. 

“It’s the future. A future I have now changed.

“I just saved you earlier, along with your people.”

The Elven Queen shuddered. Those memories Li Mo gave her were just too horrible.

The Elven Queen suddenly asked, “Where’s the Life Lake?”


Life Lake gestured. There lay a small lake, more like a pond, but it was Life Lake without doubt.

The Elven Queen said, “It’s Life Lake’s signature, but why is she so small?”

“She can change her shape at will, one of her skills. Seriously, Your Grace, you’ve been sealing her for thousands of years yet you know nothing about her? Tell me, what good are you to me?”

The Elven Queen blinked her doe eyes and shook her head.

“We thank human benefactor for his grace!”

The Drows kneeled.

They all knew the strength of those millions of invaders. Without Li Mo, not even their dear queen would’ve survived, least of all them.

The Elven Queen cared so much for her people, and they in turned cared for her.

They were all idiots, but very much willing to give their lives for her.

“Life Lake is not evil, quite pure in fact. The way she is now, it’s akin to a baby. She’d be evil only in an evil man’s hands while good beside a caring person.”

The Elven Queen looked on stunned.

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