One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 102: Shuraiya vs Needles

Meanwhile on the Salamander, Shuraiya was walking down the stairs on the ship. There was a large furnace at the end of the room. The room has metal pimples running through the ceiling. Shuraiya saw an old man shoveling some coal into the furnace.

He walked to the old man. The short old man had pale skin, a bald head, a white mustache, and large white eyebrows. He had a pink nose and wore a brown shirt, black suspenders and brown boots. The old man was coughing. He was struggling to shovel the coal into the furnace. He coughed loudly and was about to fall down when Shuraiya caught him.

“Careful,” Shuraiya said.

“I don't know who you are but I will not let you hurt this ship,” the old man said.

Shuraiya smiled. “I was not planning to. I just wanted to create a bit of ruckus to take him down,” Shuraiya replied.

The old man looked. “So you can't take him head on,” the old man said.

“You are after Gasparde. If my old body would listen to me I would help you. There was that prisoner Gasparde captured, maybe she can help,” the old man said.

“Prisoner?” Shuraiya asked.

“A couple of days ago we were sailing when we came across a boat. There was a pink haired girl with handcuffs. She looked beaten. They said she has a bounty so we will turn her to the marines or sell her,” the old man commented.

“She might help,” Shuraiya remarked.

“So what grudge do you have against Gasparde?” Shuraiya asked.

“My assistant was forced to go and kill other pirates for Gasparde. I need to go and help her,” the old man said.

“You are weak, what can you do?” Shuraiya said.

He added, “Gasparde came to my town where me and my sister were and he burned it down. My sister fell into the river. Fewer than 100 people survived.”

The old man was shocked. Shuraiya grabbed a shovel of the ground and walked away. “I dont want to get you involved,” Shuraiya said.

“What's your name?” the old man asked.

“Shuraiya Bascùd,” Shuraiya replied.

“Biera my name is,” Biera said.

Shuraiya was heading towards the prisoner when he met Needles.

“Where are you going?” Needles asked.

“Just walking around,” Shuraiya replied.

“The boss wants to see you,” Needles said.

“Later,” Shuraiya said.

Needles pulled his pair of sharp, extendable hooked claw weapons and wore them.

“Okay I will go now,” Shuraiya said. Needles then striked Shuraiya however Shuraiya was quick and used the shaft of the shovel to block. “Hey,” he said as he jumped back.

Needles then jumped forward to strike again. Shuraiya took a step back and dodged. The hallway was narrow as he ran. Needles was in hot pursuit. Shuraiya made it to the door and onto the deck of the ship. There he saw Gasparde sitting down. He had an evil grin on his face.

Needles jumped over him and landed in between Shuraiya and Gasparde with a fighting stance.

“So Mr bounty hunter we know all about you and your ulterior motives,” Gasparde said.

“We heard about your story of how I killed your sister but frankly I don't care. I have killed so many children I cant keep track of them all,” he laughed.

“Well I wanted to kill you but Needless insisted he should,” Gasparde added.

Needles raced towards Shuraiya. He swung his right hand at Shuraiya but he blocked it with the shaft of the shovel. Needles followed it with his left hand. Shuraiya dodged the attack and followed it with a kick towards Needle's stomach. Needles pulled back and blocked it with his claws.

Shuraiya jumped upwards on the balcony of the ship. Needles jumped up and tried to stab him again but Shuraiya dodged it again. Shuraiya did a backflip and landed on the deck. Needles followed and attempted to stab him with the claws however Shuraiya used his shovel to block.

Shuraiya then used the shovel and hit it on Needle's head. Needles moved his head to the right. Shuraiya tried to hit him on the right side of the face. Needles moved his head to the left. Shuraiya attempted to hit again however Needles blocked with his claws and Shuraiya lost grip and lost his shovel. Needles took advantage and went for the attack, punching him with the claws in the stomach .Shuraiya went down in pain. Needles then kicked him in the stomach. Shuraiya went backwards but got up.

He smiled. “I will take you both down,” Shuraiya said. Needles ran towards Shuraiya to strike him. Shuraiya got slashed by the claws. Blood splattered from his body. Shuraiya punched Needles in the face. He followed up with a kick to the stomach. Needles went back. Shuraiya ran towards and jumped in the air and kicked him in the face. He then landed and grabbed his leg and tossed him towards the middle sail. The sail was slightly damaged.

Needles then ran up and tried to strike Shuraiya however he missed. Needles jumped over Shuraiya and kicked him towards the pole of the sail. The same middle pole of the sail took another hit. It fell down into the ocean.

“Careful of the ship,” Gasparde said.

Shuraiya coughed blood. He got up and smiled. Needles had some injuries but he charged towards Shuraiya at full speed. He rugby charged Shuraiya where they crashed into the wall of the ship. They were inside a room of the ship. Shuraiya got up and kicked Needles in the face. He went flying in the air and hit the ceiling. As he came down Shuraiya kicked him and he went flying out. Needles landed near Gasparde.

Shuraiya grabbed a sword on the floor and came charging towards Needles. Needles just got back up however Gasparde got in the way. Shuraiya hit Gasparde with the sword. The sword sliced his face. However he was smiling. He could see green liquid pouring from his face.

Gasparde then put his face together. “The Candy Candy fruit is useful,” he said and he punched Shuraiya in the stomach.

Needles jumped into the air and sliced Shuraiya on the chest. Shuraiya spat blood from his chest. Shuraiya fell to the ground.

“I was getting bored and you are strong. I can't let you both destroy my ship,” Gasparde said. Shuraiya was on the ground. He was bleeding out. He had lost. “Die,” Gasparde said as he was about to stamp on his Shuraiya`s face.

“Demon Beam,” a voice was heard and suddenly Gasparde was hit by an explosion.

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