One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 103: Ben vs Gasparde

Ben came flying in and saw Shuraiya was about to be killed and he fired his demon beam at Gasparde. There was an explosion and black smoke from that area. He landed on the deck.

Needles looked at Ben. Kaya and Honey followed him. Kaya transformed into her beast form and held Honey as the flew to the Salamander and landed on the deck.

Kaya and Honey landed in between Ben and Needles. Needles looked injured. He was breathing heavily. He saw his Captain take a hit. He was angry. He ran towards the girls to take them out first and then kill the demon.

Honey and Kaya saw Needles charging them. “I will take care of this,” Honey said. She pointed her hands towards Needles. Her fingers formed the shape of a gun. “Bullet Barrage,” she said. Out of the tip of her fingers, purple liquid bullets fired from her hand. Multiple bullets were fired and they impacted Needles. They hit his face, stomach, legs. He looked in pain as each bullet hit him.

The bullets stopped. Needles was still standing. He was breathing loudly. “Liquid Air Blast,” Honey said, as a torrent of purple liquid hit Needles who went flying back and overboard.

“Needles,” a pirate shouted.

“Good job Honey,” Kaya said.

“Thank you,” Honey replied.

The smoke had cleared and Gasparde's face could be seen. He looked angry. “You dare hit me,” Gasparde said.

“I am going to beat your ass,” Ben said.

“How did you find me?” Gasparde said.

“A paper trail,” Ben replied.

“Paper trail?” Gasparde questioned.

“That does not matter now what does is me taking you down and winning the race,” Ben said and added, “I know you gave everyone the wrong log pose. You have the correct one and I will take it.”

Gasparde laughed. “You weakling think can beat me, Gasparde, a 95,000,000 Beli man,” he said.

“Of course,” Ben replied.
Gasparde smiled. “Green Syrup Slinger,” he said. Gasparde put his hand forward and generated the green syrup into pellets and threw them at Ben. Ben saw this and dodged out of the way.

“Demon Beam,” Ben said as he fired a beam from his hand. It hit Gasparde and green substance could be seen leaking from his body however the attack did not damage. Gasparde smiled. He shrugged off the dust.

“Sticky Green Quicksand,” Gasparde said as he put his hands on the ground and covered it with the green syrup. It caught Ben`s feet and it immediately solidified. Ben was trapped. He could not move.

Gasparde smiled. “Candy Syrup Sword,” Gasparde said as he made a sharp sword with the candy syrup. He ran towards Ben. Ben tried to move but he could not.

Ben then looked down and he channeled his energy to his feet like he did with his hand. He felt his feet and legs glow. “Demon Kick,” he said as he kicked the green candy, breaking it. Ben then moved to the right slightly however Gasparde was on top of him and his sword hit him slightly on his body. Ben felt the hit.

Ben jumped back. “That was close,” he muttered.

“Indeed next time you won't be so lucky,” Gasparde said. “Sticky Green Quicksand,” Gasparde said again as he put his hands on the ground and covered it with the green syrup again. However this time Ben immediately flew up and escaped the trap this time.

Gasparde grumbled. He let go of the sword. Ben divided down towards Gasparde. He prepared his fist. He connected the blow with Gasparde`s face. The attack hit however his face turned into candy syrup and his fist got stuck inside.

Gasparde laughed. “That almost hurt,” he said. Gasparde turned his hand into a large green candy hand and punched Ben. Ben went flying across the deck of the ship. He landed on his back.

“Logia are annoying,” he said to himself and got up. At the moment HQ had arrived with two large brown bags.

“Master here,” HQ said as she threw both the bags at Ben. Ben caught them.

“Thank you HQ,” Ben replied as he saw HQ land on the Salamander. She kicked a pirate overboard and punched another in the gut. He went down in pain.

She gave a devilish smile to Ben as she punched another pirate in the face. Ben smiled back. He then looked at Gasparde. He dropped one of the bags and carried one in his arm.
He ran towards Gasparde. Ben ripped the top of the bag and threw the flour on to Gasparde. Gasparde was covered from head to toe with flour.

“What is this?” Gasparde said.

“Flour?” Gasparde questioned.

Ben punched him in the face and the punch connected. Gasparde slid back. Ben followed up by launching a kick to his gut. Gasparde bent forward. Ben then uppercut him, launching him in the air. He landed back down.

“Not so tough now,” Ben commented.

Gasaparde got up covered in flour. He was angry. He ran towards Ben. He formed his Candy Syrup Sword on his hand and tried to cut Ben. Ben dodged the attack. He then channeled his energy and punched him. “Demon Fist,” he said. Gasparde got hit in the face and he went flying back into the wall of the ship.

Gasparde was breathing heavily. He got up again. He ran towards Ben, he tried to punch. Ben dodged the attack. Gasparde tried to kick him, however Ben jumped and kicked him in his face. He stumbled backwards. Gasparde glared at Ben.

“You won't beat me,” he shouted. Gasparde turned his fist into a giant green hand fist. “Candy Syrup Fist,” he said as he punched Ben with his giant hand.

“Demon fist,” Ben said as he punched the massive green hand. Ben shattered Gasparde`s attack.

He then ran and got the second flour bag. He ran up and ripped it again and threw it at Gasparde. He was covered in flour again. “Demon Abyssal Lance,” he said as formed a spear projection of energy and hurled towards Gasparde. The attack pierced his body. The force knocked him back. Gasparde threw blood from his mouth as he went overboard.

Upon seeing their boss go overboard, the remaining pirates surrendered.

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