One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 104: Mysterious Prisoner

Ben transformed back into his human form. HQ, Kaya and Honey gathered around. “Good job all,” Ben said.

“You beat him, Captain,” Kaya said.

“Was there any doubt?” Ben asked.

“No,” Honey replied.

Ben walked up to Kaya and hugged her and kissed her forehead. “Get off me you pervert,” she said while making no attempt to resist. Ben chuckled.

Ben let her go and kissed Honey on the forehead.

“Who has the vivire card?” Ben asked.

“I do Master,” HQ answered as she reached into her black jean shorts and handed him the piece of paper.

“Thank you HQ,” Ben replied and kissed forehead.

“HQ can you look for the actual log pose to Partia. It might be in the helm or the Captain's room,” Ben asked.

“Yes Master,” HQ responded and she went off.

“Honey, Kaya with me, we are going to find this mysterious prisoner,” Ben said.

“Yes Captain,” the girls replied.

“Wait, you stole my kill. He took everything for me,” Shuraiya said as he got up. He looked beaten. His clothes were ripped and there was blood on his body and face.

“He didn't take everyone. Your sister is alive. She was forcibly working under Gasparde who made her go out and kill pirates. She got captured and was about to be killed or sold and me and my crew saved her,” Ben explained.

Shuraiya remembered the old man talking about someone. That was his sister. “Where is she now?” Shuraiya asked as he coughed blood. Kaya saw this and went to help him.

“She is safe,” Ben said.

“Kaya go and bring some medical supplies from the ship and Adelle,” Ben said.

“Okay stay still and I will be right back,” Kaya replied. She transformed back into her full beast form and flew to the ship.

“She is our doctor,” Ben said.

“Honey, give him some of the gold liquid for now,” Ben added.

Honey put her hand forward and said, “Re-energy blast,” as a torrent of gold liquid hit Shuraiya.

Shuraiya sat down. He felt his energy come back to him however he was still in pain. He smiled. “Thank you all,” he said.

Ben then headed inside the ship with Honey. “Keep your guard up,” Ben said. Honey nodded. Ben held the piece of paper. They followed it through the ship. There was a narrow corridor in the center which connected both ends of the ship. Ben got to a room where the vivire card pointed to.

“Here it is,” Ben said.

“Let's go in,” Honey said. Ben opened the door and walked in. He saw a slim, young woman, with long light pink hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a white low-cut tank top ,orange-and-black striped buckled shorts with long, thin suspenders. She also wears black high-heeled boots and a hat.

“Let me out, I will kill you all,” the woman said.

Ben looked and he saw Jewelry Bonney with her hands tied up chained to the wall.

“Jewelry Bonney, what are you doing here?” Ben asked.

“How did Gasparde capture you?” Ben added. He thought there was no way Gasparde would beat someone like Jewelry Bonney.

“Who`s Gasparde?” Bonney shouted.

“The man with short blonde hair, acts like an idiot and wears a jacket with Marine crossed out,” Ben replied.

“Oh him, he just got lucky when I escaped,” Bonney said.

“Enough of the chit chat, let me out or I will make you pay,” Bonney said. Her stomach rumbled.

“She is not a dignified woman,” Honey whispered. Ben chuckled. Bonney was sit with her legs open.
“Calm down, we can save you,” Ben said.

“But who captured you if it was not Gasparde?” Ben asked.

“He called himself Blackbeard,” Bonney said. Ben's eyes widened. He thought Blackbeard did capture her however that was after MarineFort. The story must have changed for Bonney to be here.

“Blackbeard you say. What happened?” Ben asked.

“You seem surprised to hear that name.” Bonney said.

“Me and my crew were heading to Partia the next island on our log pose. When a raft with four people attacked our ship. That man was strong, he took us all down. He felt dangerous and evil,” Bonney explained.

“Then?” Ben asked.

“I tried to escape but they gave me these sea prism handcuffs when I fell on the lifeboat. I sailed for a few hours until they captured him and I have been here for the past four days,” Bonney finished.

Sea Prism has the effect of the sea so it cancels devil fruits out. Ben thought this would be useful. “Okay, Honey, could you check the Captain's room for the keys?” Ben asked.

“Yes Captain,” Honey said as she left the room.

“You didn't tell me about yourself and how you got here,” Bonney pointed out.

“I am Ben Captain of the Love Pirates and the man who will be Pirate King,” Ben said with confidence.

Bonney smiled. “Interesting, so are you going to love me,” she teased.

Ben was considering this proposal. Bonney laughed. “You idiot do you think I will be with you?” Bonney said.

“Why was it wrong with me?” Ben asked.

“Well your face is not right and your eyes, and body are off,” Bonney muttered.

“That does not matter, why are you here?” she said, snapping out of her previous thoughts.

“We were in a race and this guy rigged the log pose to a marine base. I came to give him a piece of mind. He right now is probably at the bottom of the ocean now,” Ben answered.

Bonney laughed. “Good one. I could feel the scum energy from me,” Bonney said.

“Do I have that energy?” Ben asked.

“Yes and no,” Bonney replied.

“What does that mean?” Ben asked.

At the moment HQ and Honey came. “Master I have the eternal log pose for Partria. As you said they were in the Captain`s room. There was a lot of treasure there,” HQ reported.

“Ben I have the keys,” Honey reported and handed the keys.

“Twins?” Bonney asked. Ben nodded. He did not want to tell her the truth right now, maybe in the future.

“Take half the treasure but leave the rest,” Ben said to HQ and added, “We will give this ship and half the treasure to Adelle and her brother.”

“Yes Master,” HQ said as she left the room.

“Generous,” Bonney commented. Ben got close to Bonney and inserted the key into the keyhole for her handcuffs.

“Captain has a big heart,” Honey said.

Bonney looked serious. “That can get you killed in these waters,” Bonney said. Ben turned the key and unlocked her cuffs. The cuffs landed on the floor and the chain also came off.

Bonney kicked Ben in the groin. Ben felt the sudden pain. Honey put her hand and said,” Air liquid blast.” A torrent of purple liquid came from her hand however Honey missed as Bonney shrank. She turned back to normal and ran out.

Honey was about to chase her for hurting her Captain. “Wait, let her go,” Ben said as she stumbled to get up.

“I am fine,” Ben said. While the kick hurted, the pain was going away. Ben thought she was a feisty girl however knowing her past and her father Bartholomew Kuma, she had her reasons. However, that was no reason for that kick. I will make you apologies to me and it specifically. Ben smiled.

“Kaya is right you are thinking of something pervert,” Honey commented.

“Hey,” Ben replied. They both looked at each other and laughed.

Ben saw a box lying on the floor and he grabbed it. He put the sea prism handcuffs and keys inside it.

“Let's go,” Ben said. Ben carried the box and walked with Honey upstairs to the deck.

HQ was on the deck with a large bag. Kaya was treating Shuraiya. He had bandages around his head and body.

Adelle was standing near Kaya holding her dress. Beira the old man was standing near Adelle.

“Master, the girl came running up and jumped onto a life boat and sailed off,” HQ reported.

“She kicked Ben`s in that area,” Honey said. Kaya and Adelle looked over.

“I understand Master, I will personally go and kill her,” HQ said.

“Wait, don't, it's okay. We will deal with her when the time comes. I want to tell you something about her later,” Ben said.

“Okay Master,” HQ said.

“Take the treasure and Honey back on the Miss Love Duck, we are almost done here,” Ben said.

“Yes Master,” HQ replied. HQ grabbed Honey and the big bag and flew over to the Miss Love Duck which was parked to the side. He could see the ship from here.

“Shuraiya you must have met your sister Adelle,” Ben said.

“He is my brother?” Adelle questioned. Kaya looked at Ben as well. Ben forgot he did not tell his girls about this.

“Yes he is. When Gasparde attacked your village all those years ago, you separated. That old man Beira saved you when you drowned. You have been a slave on his ship ever since Shuraiya has gone trying to find your killer and worked hard to get to him,” Ben explained.

Adelle looked at Shuraiya. She was still holding onto Kaya clothes.

“Shuraiya, I am giving you this ship and half the treasure. That should be enough for you to settle down somewhere and look after your sister,” Ben said.
“Why the generosity?” Shuraiya asked.

“I feel like it besides Adelle has bonded with some of my crew over this short time,” Ben said.

“I will take care of her and the old man,” Shuraiya declared.

Adelle was unsure. This stranger was her brother. She vaguely remembered him from those years but he has changed. She was nervous.

“Adelle, you can be assured. My Captain has looked and this is the best option for you,” Kaya assured.

Adelle heard this and agreed. “Will you come to visit me?” she asked Kaya.

“I will,” Kaya replied.

“Thank you,” Adelle responded and she kissed Kaya on the cheek.

She ran up to Ben. She motioned for Ben to come down. “Thank you for everything. For saving me and giving me my grandpa and brother,” Adelle said. She then kissed Ben quickly on the lips and ran away.

“Why you?” Shuraiya said as he tried to get up but could not because of his pain.

“Pervert,” Kaya remarked.

“Well it's time to go,” Ben said as he transformed. Kaya got up and gave him some medicines.

She leaned into Ben and took flight. “We will be heading to Warship Island,” Shuraiya said.

“Bye,” Adelle waved.

“Bye we will meet soon,” Kaya waved back. Ben and Kaya headed back to the Miss Love Duck.

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