One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 113: BM Arrival

They exit the lab through the lift. “Back up we go,” Ben said.

“Yes, it was interesting and exciting to know that HQ can get even stronger,” Nojiko said.

“I wonder what devil fruit we should get her?” Honey wondered.

“I don't know yet but we will choose something good for her,” Ben said.

“I trust you Master,” HQ replied.

Ben smiled. He hugged HQ. Honey cleared her throat and looked at him with puppy eyes. Ben extended his arm and hugged Honey as well. He thought he was hugging two sisters when they were side by side. He thought about his sister. Honey smiled.

He let them go and hugged Nojiko and kissed her forehead. “Hey,” Nojiko said.

Ben chuckled. “I was making sure you didn't feel left out,”Ben said.

Nojiko touched her forehead and smiled. “Okay,” Nojiko replied.

He pressed the Button “G” and the lift moved up. In a few minutes the lift got to the ground floor. They exited the lift. The rock behind them covered up the lift again and the panel had also disappeared.

“Let's put a mark so we remember where we found the entrance,” Ben said.

HQ got a rock which was lying on the ground and bashed it against the wall next to the panel. The surface of the rocky wall clearly dented. If they came later they would easily spot the damage.

“That works,” Nojiko said.

“Okay, let's head out,” Ben said. They all headed the same way they entered the cave, As they were walking through the cave they saw the same eerie skeletons still laying there on their back.

Nojiko and Honey clutched onto Ben. “This is still spooky,” Honey said.

“It is,” Nojiko added.

Ben thought they deserve a proper burial. “When we come back we will give them a proper burial,” Ben said.

“Yes Master,” HQ replied.

“That is thoughtful for you Captain,” Nojiko said. She smiled.

“I wonder what happened here?” Ben added.

“We will find out soon,” Honey replied.

They all nodded and left the cave. They saw Lexie parked on the side of the river. They walked to it. HQ got into the driver seat. Ben and Honey sat together this time while Nojiko sat on the back.

“You can sit next to Captain on the way back,” Nojiko said.

“Thank you,” Honey replied.

“Ready to go Master,” HQ asked.

“Let's go, we need to inform the other what we found,” Ben said. HQ closed doors. She started the engine and pressed the accelerator with her foot and they went into the river again back down the stream.

Lexie now was going with the flow of the stream so she was able to pick up speed.

“We should get back to the Miss Love Duck pretty fast Master,” HQ reported.

“The current is in our favour,” Nojiko commented.

Honey held onto Ben`s arm. “The ride is not that bumpy,” Ben commented.

“I know, I just want to hold your arm,” Honey replied. Honey held tighter. Ben smiled and patted her head. They continued down the stream. The journey was uneventful and the got to the end of the stream.

“The Miss Love Duck is straight ahead Master,” HQ said.

Ben looked into his screen and saw the Miss Love Duck. They sailed towards the ship and got to the bow. HQ pressed another button on her panel and the ramp lowered.

“Very handy,” Nojiko said.

“It is and when we get more vehicles, it will be even more,” Ben said.

“More tanks like Lexie?” Honey asked.

“Maybe or there could be something else,” Ben remarked.

“Well, they are useful so the more the merrier,” Nojiko said.

The ramp had lowered and HQ drove Lexie onto the Miss Love Duck. She pressed another button and the ramp started to raise back. She then opened the doors. As the doors opened, Ben saw Alvida and Kaya waiting for them.

Ben, Honey, Nojiko first exited Lexie. HQ turned off the engine and also exited after them.

“Hi Both,” Ben greeted.

“Welcome back my love,” Alvida greeted. She hugged Ben and kissed him on the lips.

“Pervert,” Kaya said.

Ben let go of Alvida and hugged Kaya. “Hey,” she yelled. Ben kissed her forehead.

“I did not want that,” Kaya said.

“That was for helping Mikita out,” Ben said.

“Oh, well it's my job. She is doing fine. She is up on the deck with Marianne and Vivi,” Kaya added.

“I will go and tell her to rest,” Ben said.

“My love, we had an unexpected visitor,” Alvida said.

“Unexpected?” Ben said. He thought who could this be. Alvida and Kaya seem relaxed with this arrival. Ben knew Alvida was pretty particular who she allows on the ship.

“Who is it?” Ben asked.

“BM, she looks a bit like HQ with the wings and horns,” Kaya replied.

“Oh,” Ben smiled and added, “Nojiko, there is a small surprise for you but just bear in mind she is not what you think she is.”

Nojiko was confused by this statement. “I,” she muttered.

“You will see,” Ben said. They all headed to the deck through the front stairs which connects to the Bridge. They exited before getting to the Bridge and were on the deck of the ship. There they saw Mikita, Marianne and Vivi resting on the deck and the visitor.

She wore black heels and black jeans. Her legs were long and slender. She had a thin black tail with a heart at the end. The tight black jeans made her butt look big. Near to her hips were two small black wings on each side. She was wearing an unbuttoned shirt showing her black bra. Her breasts were large and the bra exposed a bit of cleavage. She had large eyes and long red hair tied in a ponytail, however the side of hair was shaved and she had two small twin horns on her head.

Nojiko was in tears. “Mom,” she cried as she ran and hugged her.

“Mom?” Kaya said.

“This is A.S.S BM, like HQ. Her face resembles Bell-mère, the deceased woman who died by Arlong protecting Nojiko and Nami,” Ben explained. The girls were quiet.

“She was pretty much their adoptive mother,” Ben added.

“She came back from the dead,” Marianne said. Ben smiled and thought that was cute.

“No, like HQ she is an android but her face just resembles Bell-mère,” Mikita said.

Marianne nodded. “Ben, did you know about this?” Vivi asked.

“Sort of, from our previous quest, we had another A.S.S Model and the girls on Clockwork Island informed me about her; however she left before I got to talk to her,” Ben replied.

BM looked up. She wrapped her arm around the crying Nojiko. BM pushed Nojiko back slightly. “I am not your mother. She is dead, however I will give you all the support,” BM said.

“Brutally honest,” Mikita said.

“Yes but it's better that she knows now,” Alvida said.

Nojiko slowed down her sobering. Ben walked up and gently hugged her. Nojiko grabbed and hugged Ben and cried for a bit on Ben`s chest. The girls stayed silent. Nojiko stopped crying.

“I came to terms with her being dead but seeing the face, just made me a bit emotional,” Nojiko said. She wiped her tears.

“I can understand,” Vivi said.

“I know the pain,” Kaya added. They both smiled.

“Besides I think she wanted to be with Ben more,” Honey said.
“No, yes, I mean,” Nojiko muttered. The girls laughed. She walked out of Ben`s arms and walked towards Kaya and Vivi.

BM, Isla, Zara and Amelia said you were in a hurry to leave,” Ben said.

“Yes my Lord. I wanted to be with you so I came,” BM said.

“Lord?” Honey said. The other girls looked at Ben.

“Pervert,” Kaya said.

“Our Captain is amazing,” Marianne said.

“You don't need to call me that BM, you are free to say my name,” Ben responded.

“Yes my Lord,” BM responded. Ben sighed.

He looked at HQ and asked, “So will all the A.S.S call me something similar?”

“Yes Master. It's based on your personality,” HQ replied.

“Sometimes I think Kaya may be onto something,” Nojiko said.

“I think so as well,” Vivi added.

“She has you there,” Mikita said.

“They are right,” Honey said.

Ben sighed again. “They're just pulling your leg my love,” Alvida said. The girls laughed.

“Alright, welcome to the crew BM,” Ben said.

“Thank you my Lord,” BM replied.

“Time for our talk,” Alvida said. The girls all moved to the dining hall at the back of the ship.

“Honey, Nojiko fill them in on the Parita lab,” Ben said.

“Sure,” Honey said. Most of them left, including Vivi, however Karoo and HQ were still here.

“You don't want to go HQ?” Ben asked.

“No Master, I will prepare the ship to sail,” HQ responded.
“Okay set a course to Alabasta, lets get there as soon as possible,” Ben ordered.

“Yes Master,” HQ replied as she headed towards the Bridge.

Ben stood on the deck and saw the sails drop and anchor being raised. The ship then started moving.

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