One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 114: Training (5)

Ben stood on the deck and thought he could do some more training and learn new moves while the girls had their chat. He first did 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 sit-ups followed by 10 laps around the Miss Love Duck. He thought the 10 laps were a bit more difficult now the ship was bigger. Ben managed to complete it. It was not as difficult when he did it the first time. However he felt like he was no closer to using haki. Ben thought this training was good however he was missing something.

“Oh well,” he said to himself. He thought about focusing on his devil fruit. Ben thought about the new moves he had recently learnt. He needed more in his arsenal. He transformed into his hybrid form.

He thought about Honey`s net and how that can be used to immobilise his opponents. He knows about his energy and how he can make certain shapes with his attack like the lance. He thought about chains and throwing them. He raised his hand. He focused his energy on this hand. He started building it up. He pictured a chain. He pictured multiple chains and he said, “Abyssal Chains,” as nothing came from his hand.

“This will take a while,” Be muttered to himself. Ben kept trying for another hour until he finally was able to create a single bolt of energy that came out however it did resemble a chain at all.

After that, the girls appeared from the dining hall. He saw them all approach. “So your talk is finished?” Ben asked.

“Yes, we girls talked about alot,” Mikita said.

“BM, is up to speed with our past adventures and our future plans, my love,” Alvida said.

“Thank you my Lord for giving this opportunity to me. I hope to get closer to you,” BM said.

“I do,” Ben replied. Nojiko cleared her throat.

“Pervert,” Kaya said.

“Hey,” Ben responded.

“Are you doing some training?” Marianne asked.

“Yes I am, and given that it is still daylight hours. I expect you all to as well,” Ben said.

Some of the girls groaned.

“None of that,” Ben asserted and added, “We are fighting one of the 7 Warlords of the Sea. A formidable pirate who is trying to take down our crewmate country for a weapon,” Ben explained.

“And we will stop him and for that we need to be on our best,” Ben said.

“So let's get some training done,” Ben shouted.

“He does have his way with words,” Kaya commented.

“Yes my love certainly does,” Alvida added.

“I will check on how you are getting along,” Ben said. The girls nodded and dispersed into smaller groups to train. Kaya, Nojiko and Vivi went together. Honey and Marianne went together. Alvida and Mikita went off by themself for solo training.

“BM, like HQ you probably don't need to train and it's the upgrades which will make you stronger,” Ben said.

“Yes my Lord. A.S.S have lots of data however most of it is locked and is slowly revealed when triggers occur,” BM replied.

“Triggers?” Ben asked.

“Yes my Lord, they usually happen at certain places, times and words. It usually is a combination that triggers it,” BM explained.

“Okay, you have the new wings upgrade?” Ben asked.

“Yes my lord, Amelia, Isla and Zara had installed the new wings on me. The other upgrades including the lasers are missing some information,” BM said.

“Yes we will find it soon. You could help HQ. Also, you need a room?” Ben said.

“I will check with HQ my lord, and Alvida has assigned me room 1R6 however as an A.S.S I dont require much sleep,” BM said.

“Okay, sounds good. Each girl to me is special and they will get a room each for privacy. If we need more rooms, we can work that out,” Ben said.

“Thank you my Lord,” BM responded and headed to the Bridge.

Ben started working on his Abyssal Chains technique. He focused on his energy again in his hand. He started to picture the chains coming out from his hand. He focused on the energy and controlling his energy and he threw the power out. A few energy beams came out however they were nothing compared to what he wanted to achieve,

Ben spent the next few hours working on his technique. He was making lots of progress. He was able to form a chain from his hand which wrapped around the railing. Ben smiled. He thought that he had made sufficient progress today. He will work on this tomorrow. Ben now wanted to check how the girls were doing. He made the conscious decision to let them train on their own so they can develop on their own for a bit. He spent the last few days with them closely, it's only fair they get some time to develop themself.

Ben first walked to Nojiko who had clouds around her, Kaya who was in her beast form and Vivi who was panting. They were training on the centre of the deck. Ben could see the sweat on her face. “Working hard Vivi?” Ben said.

“Yes, I just finished the entire training course with only two shots from Honey,” Vivi said and added, “I have never done so much work and exercise before. You are a true demon.”

“Welcome to the crew,” Ben teased.

“I have not joined yet,” Vivi replied.

Ben chuckled.

“Ben you could give her some slack, she worked hard today,” Kaya said.

Ben went and held Vivi and pulled her towards him. He wrapped his arms around her. Vivi was tired from the workout so she did not have the strength to resist however deep in her heart she did not want to resist. i “I know you have pushed yourself for your country. You are a princess, and you are giving alot for your country. You have joined a rogue dangerous organisation just for a chance,” Ben said.

Vivi looked at Ben. She felt her heart move slightly. He was one of the few people who understood her. She liked being with the girls. She formed a special bond with Kaya and Nojiko. She wanted to join however she needed to stop Crocodile.

“Remember our deal, if you beat Crocodile and save my country from him, I will join you,” she sternly said.

Nojiko smiled. She thought this was cute.

“Sure,” Ben replied and he let her go. He turned to Nojiko and Kaya. “So how is your training going Kaya?” Ben asked.

“Pretty good. I am being more comfortable in this form and I have been working on a new move,” Kaya said.

“Let's see it,” Ben responded.

“Okay, but it is not fully complete as I am still working on it,” Kaya replied.

Kaya took flight. She extended her wings. They started to glow. “Angel Barrage,” she said. A rapid volley of small energy projectiles resembling angelic feathers, started to fire from her wings and onto the ocean. The impacts on the water caused the water to shift quickly.

Kaya then flew back and transformed into her human. She was panting. “Awesome,” Ben commented. He walked up and hugged Kaya. Kaya felt the embrace. This felt nice, she thought.

“Get off me you pervert,” she said, however offered no resistance. Ben chucked, he kissed her forehead and let go.

“That was more than before,” Nojiko said.

“Yes and it looked like it did more damage,” Vivi added.

“It will be useful against many opponents and even as a big finisher,” Ben said.

“Yes, it will be, however there is something else. I can feel it but I can't use it,” Kaya replied.

“We will figure it out in time,” Ben said.

“And last but not least, Nojiko, how is your training going?” Ben asked.

“It's going well, I can control and produce more clouds now,” Nojiko responded.

“But I feel tired now so I don't think I can show it,” Nojiko added.

“Yes, she has been working very hard on the clouds, to create more and control them,” Kaya said.

“There was one which looked like a giant,” Vivi added. Ben was focused on his training so he did not pay attention to his surroundings.

“That is amazing,” Ben said. He walked up to Nojiko and hugged her. He also gave her a kiss on the forehead. Nojiko smiled.

“Pervert,” Kaya remarked.

Ben let her go. Nojiko was still smiling from the embrace. “Okay good job girls, it's getting late now, so let's head for dinner now and get some rest. I will gather the rest and get them for dinner,” Ben said. Nojiko, Vivi and Kaya nodded and headed to the dining hall at the back of the ship.

Ben then went to the front of the ship. He saw Honey and Marianne together. Marianne was lying on the floor in a star shape. She was panting loudly. Honey crouched in front of her.

“Good job completing the training regime,” Honey said.

“It was tough but I did it,” Marianne replied. She was breathing heavily.

Ben overheard the conversation. “The training regime is used for training to learn haki however it also strengthens your body which can come handy,” Ben said.

The girls looked up and smiled at Ben. “Hi Ben,” Honey greeted.

Marianne in between her breaths said, “Hi Ben.” Marianne got up. Her feet wobbled. Ben caught her in his arms. He then princess carried her.

“You are working very hard. We should have a tea date soon,” Ben said to Marianne. She blushed and smiled and put her head in his chest.

“I like tea,” Marianne said. Ben smiled.

“So Honey, how was your training?” Ben asked.

“It was good Ben. I learnt a new move,” Honey replied.

Ben looked at Honey with curiosity. “Let's see it,” Ben said.

Honey nodded. “I think I have mastered it,” Honey said. She raised her hands. “Liquid Whirlpool,” she said. Purple liquid started to shape into swirling vortexes from her hands as it went towards the sea and impacted.

“Wow,” Ben said.

“Yes, she has been working on this while helping me out,” Marianne said.

“I am impressed,” Ben said. He walked to Honey and kissed her forehead with Marianne still in his arms.

“Thank you,” she said smiling at Ben.

Marianne pouted. Ben looked down and smiled. He brought her closer and kissed her forehead. Marianne smiled as well. Her heart was beating faster. She leaned towards Ben`s chest and could hear the sound of his strong heart. It was thumbing loudly.

“Okay, let's go and get dinner. It's getting late and we should also rest for our upcoming battles,” Ben said.

The girls nodded and they headed towards the back of the ship where the dining hall was. As they walked past the Bridge, Mikita came out of the door. She was wearing a black sports bra and black sports shorts. The black bra has shown plenty of cleavage. Her butt was nice and round. She also has a white towel around her neck. She looked like she had done an intense workout.

“Hi Mikita,” Ben greeted.

Mikita looked to see Marianne in Ben`s arms and Honey next to him. She smiled.

“Looks like someone is getting the princess treatment,” Mikita teased. Marianne blushed and hid her face in Ben`s chest.

“Cute,” Honey said. Mikita nodded.

“Nice clothes, I did not you had them,” Ben said.

“I don't have many actually, this was something spare. My regular dress would have hindered my training,” Mikita said.

Ben thought she was right. The girls dont have many clothes at all. They usually wear the same thing. He thought they needed to do some shopping. He smiled and thought about some clothes, Alvida in a red dress, Nojiko in a cat girl outfit, Kaya in a doctor's outfit, Honey in a sheer dress, Vivi in a belly dancer. He smiled.

“We should do some shopping so you have outfits for all situations,” Ben said.

“A gentleman,” Honey said.

“Yes, very thoughtful. Although I sense an ulterior motive,” Mikita added.

Ben smirked. “No, I am just looking after my girls,” Ben said.

Mikita was not convinced by his answer. “Let's go to dinner,” Ben said. They all agreed and headed to the dining hall.

Alvida and Mikita went off by themself for solo training.

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