One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 320: Willy Pirates Fight Round 2 (1)

Mikita, Honey and Robin broke off from the group and headed towards the Jellyfish Pirates. Nojiko, Vivi, Kaya, Marianne, Conis, Raki and Hina headed towards the Willy Pirates. Pau Ra Pa positioned herself in the middle.

“We’re getting closer,” Kaya remarked, her voice steady as she flew low in her hybrid form. From her aerial vantage point, she could see the Willy Pirates terrorizing the villagers. One of them was slapping a woman who had tears streaming down her face, her expression a mask of pure fear.

“They’re beating the villagers,” Vivi exclaimed, her voice trembling with fury. Her usually composed demeanor cracked under the weight of her anger.

“We need to move, now,” Marianne urged.

“Hina will protect the villagers,” Hina declared firmly. Her sense of duty and justice shone through.

“We all will help,” Conis interjected. She gripped the Flame Lance Dial tighter, ready to spring into action.

They went through the forest and got to the beach. “Willy,” Nojiko shouted.

Willy tipped back his bucket-sized tankard of alcohol, the liquid sloshing as he took a long, heavy swig. As he lowered the container, his eyes widened and then narrowed into slits at the sight before him. A group of women whom he recognised.

“Well, look who's back,” Willy sneered, his smile quickly transforming into a mask of fury. “You killed my crewmates, Coralfin and Jube!” he bellowed, his voice shaking with rage.

Nojiko stepped forward, her eyes blazing with righteous anger. “Coralfin sold an innocent kid and beat his mother to death right in front of him,” she spat back. “I couldn't let a monster like him live,” she added.

Hina, standing beside her, clenched her jaw. She had known the Willy Pirates were cruel, but hearing Nojiko’s words brought a fresh wave of disgust. Ben was not like that, she thought.

“Gahohoho,” Take laughed derisively. “You've got some bite in you. Where was that fire when we killed your mother or enslaved your village?” he taunted, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure.

Kaya’s eyes narrowed, her voice cold as ice. “And where’s your leader now? Dead, like he should be?” she retorted.

Take's face contorted with fury at her words, while Raki smirked, clearly enjoying Kaya's sharp reply. “Good one,” Raki muttered under her breath.

“You did kill him!” Kaneshiro said remembering the good times they had together with Arlong. He stepped forward with his weapon ready.

Raki raised a hand to calm her crewmates. “Girls, control yourself a bit. They’ll try to provoke us, to make us act rashly,” she cautioned.

Conis nodded. “She’s right. We can’t let them get to us,” she agreed.

From behind the fishmen, Niseusopp burst into laughter. “You humans are so stupid,” he mocked.

"Kuhahahahah," Kuroobi added, his laugh echoing through the clearing. “You dared to kill a fishman. Do you even understand the consequences of defying us?” he threatened.

As the tension escalated, a group of men, humans who had thrown their lot in with the Willy Pirates, emerged from the shadows. They wore smug, self-satisfied grins. “We’re with you, Captain Willy!” one of them shouted.

Marianne’s face twisted in confusion and revulsion. “Why are these humans working with them?” she asked.

Hina’s expression was one of cold disdain. “They're pirates and criminals, the lowest of the low. They prey on the weak and ally with anyone who offers them power,” she explained.

Willy’s patience snapped. “Enough of this chatter!” he roared as he picked up his Morning Star. “Capture them all alive. We will make them scream in more than one way and when they are broken we will sell them off for a pretty profit.” he shouted. His order was met with a chorus of eager assent from his men, who began to close in with malicious intent.

At that moment, Pau Ra Pa raised her arm, the cannon embedded in her forearm whirring to life with a mechanical hum. She took aim, her eyes narrowing as she locked onto the group of advancing men. A brilliant pink light began to glow from the cannon, intensifying with each passing second. The air crackled with energy, and the ground seemed to tremble beneath her feet.With a swift motion, she fired. The cannon discharged a pulsating beam of pink energy that streaked through the air like a comet. The beam struck the ground at the feet of the men, detonating with a thunderous explosion.

The shockwave ripped through the ranks of Willy's men, sending them soaring into the air like ragdolls. Bodies tumbled and twisted, caught in the blast's violent upheaval. Dirt and debris flew in all directions.

Willy looked around. “What was that?” he muttered. He gritted his large teeth. He thought they always have some surprises. However, he smiled, those were just humans and we all had a special surprise for them, he thought.

“Wow,” Marianne exclaimed.

“Lets charge,” Nojiko said. They all nodded.

“Charge,” Willy commanded.

Girarin ran through the smoke with his two blades under his arms. Suddenly he saw a frog shaped bullet coming towards him. He tried to move however he was caught in the blast and was knocked off his feet. He landed on the ground. He was panting. “You will fight me,” Vivi stated. Her eyes were flickering red.

“Gladly,” Girarin replied as he got up. “But it won't be much of a fight,” he snickered.

Marianne threw some paint at Niseusopp. “What is this going to do,” he laughed. Marianne smiled as she saw the men approach Niseuopp.

“Kuhahahahah,” Kuroobi laughed as he went through some. He was about to punch Marianne when Kaya blocked the attack with her fist.

“You will fight me,” Kaya said. Kuroobi saw her white eyes.

Conis looked at Chew. Chew with his big lips looked back at her. “Water Gun,” Chew said as he spat a shot of water from his mouth towards Conis. Conis jumped out of the way and dodged the attack. She saw the ground where there was a mark. She gripped the Fire Dial lance and looked at him.

Kaneshiro swung his swords at Kaya from the back. He was about to swing down when Hina kicked him away. “Thank you, I know you have our back,” Kaya said.

Hina nodded. She did not want the girls to get hurt, she thought. “Hina thinks you don't play fair,” Hina commented.

“In the world of Pirates, there is no fair,” Kaneshiro replied.

Take ran up and tried to punch Raki. Raki dodged and kicked him in the stomach. He went back and hit the ground. “You are strong,” Take said as he got up. He smiled. “But not for long with this,” Take added.

Nojiko and Willy looked at each other. “You killed my crew mate,” Willy said.

“And I would kill him again,” Nojiko replied.

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